1,037 research outputs found

    Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

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    Amongst the robotic systems, robot manipulators have proven themselves to be of increasing importance and are widely adopted to substitute for human in repetitive and/or hazardous tasks. Modern manipulators are designed complicatedly and need to do more precise, crucial and critical tasks. So, the simple traditional control methods cannot be efficient, and advanced control strategies with considering special constraints are needed to establish. In spite of the fact that groundbreaking researches have been carried out in this realm until now, there are still many novel aspects which have to be explored

    Design, Control and Motion Planning for a Novel Modular Extendable Robotic Manipulator

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    This dissertation discusses an implementation of a design, control and motion planning for a novel extendable modular redundant robotic manipulator in space constraints, which robots may encounter for completing required tasks in small and constrained environment. The design intent is to facilitate the movement of the proposed robotic manipulator in constrained environments, such as rubble piles. The proposed robotic manipulator with multi Degree of Freedom (m-DOF) links is capable of elongating by 25% of its nominal length. In this context, a design optimization problem with multiple objectives is also considered. In order to identify the benefits of the proposed design strategy, the reachable workspace of the proposed manipulator is compared with that of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) serpentine robot. The simulation results show that the proposed manipulator has a relatively efficient reachable workspace, needed in constrained environments. The singularity and manipulability of the designed manipulator are investigated. In this study, we investigate the number of links that produces the optimal design architecture of the proposed robotic manipulator. The total number of links decided by a design optimization can be useful distinction in practice. Also, we have considered a novel robust bio-inspired Sliding Mode Control (SMC) to achieve favorable tracking performance for a class of robotic manipulators with uncertainties. To eliminate the chattering problem of the conventional sliding mode control, we apply the Brain Emotional Learning Based Intelligent Control (BELBIC) to adaptively adjust the control input law in sliding mode control. The on-line computed parameters achieve favorable system robustness in process of parameter uncertainties and external disturbances. The simulation results demonstrate that our control strategy is effective in tracking high speed trajectories with less chattering, as compared to the conventional sliding mode control. The learning process of BLS is shown to enhance the performance of a new robust controller. Lastly, we consider the potential field methodology to generate a desired trajectory in small and constrained environments. Also, Obstacle Collision Avoidance (OCA) is applied to obtain an inverse kinematic solution of a redundant robotic manipulator

    A Comparative Study of LQR and Integral Sliding Mode Control Strategies for Position Tracking Control of Robotic Manipulators

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    This paper provides a systematic comparative study of position tracking control of nonlinear robotic manipulators. The main contribution of this study is a comprehensive numerical simulation assessing position tracking performances and energy consumption of integral sliding mode control (ISMC), a linear-quadratic regulator with integral action (LQRT), and optimal integral sliding mode control (OISMC) under three conditions; namely, Case I) without the coupling effect, Case II) with the coupling effect on Link 1 only, and Case III) with the coupling effect on Link 2 only. The viability of the concept is evaluated based on three performance criteria, i.e., the step-response characteristics, position tracking error, and energy consumption of the aforementioned controllers. Based upon the simulation study, it has been found that OISMC offers performances almost similar to ISMC with more than 90% improvement of tracking performance under several cases compared to LQRT; however, energy consumption is successfully reduced by 3.6% in comparison to ISMC. Energy consumption of OISMC can be further reduced by applying optimization algorithms in tuning the weighting matrices. This paper can be considered significant as a robotic system with high tracking accuracy and low energy consumption is highly demanded to be implemented in smart factories, especially for autonomous systems

    Nonlinear control for Two-Link flexible manipulator

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    Recently the use of robot manipulators has been increasing in many applications such as medical applications, automobile, construction, manufacturing, military, space, etc. However, current rigid manipulators have high inertia and use actuators with large energy consumption. Moreover, rigid manipulators are slow and have low payload-to arm-mass ratios because link deformation is not allowed. The main advantages of flexible manipulators over rigid manipulators are light in weight, higher speed of operation, larger workspace, smaller actuator, lower energy consumption and lower cost. However, there is no adequate closed-form solutions exist for flexible manipulators. This is mainly because flexible dynamics are modeled with partial differential equations, which give rise to infinite dimensional dynamical systems that are, in general, not possible to represent exactly or efficiently on a computer which makes modeling a challenging task. In addition, if flexibility nature wasn\u27t considered, there will be calculation errors in the calculated torque requirement for the motors and in the calculated position of the end-effecter. As for the control task, it is considered as a complex task since flexible manipulators are non-minimum phase system, under-actuated system and Multi-Input/Multi-Output (MIMO) nonlinear system. This thesis focuses on the development of dynamic formulation model and three control techniques aiming to achieve accurate position control and improving dynamic stability for Two-Link Flexible Manipulators (TLFMs). LQR controller is designed based on the linearized model of the TLFM; however, it is applied on both linearized and nonlinear models. In addition to LQR, Backstepping and Sliding mode controllers are designed as nonlinear control approaches and applied on both the nonlinear model of the TLFM and the physical system. The three developed control techniques are tested through simulation based on the developed dynamic formulation model using MATLAB/SIMULINK. Stability and performance analysis were conducted and tuned to obtain the best results. Then, the performance and stability results obtained through simulation are compared. Finally, the developed control techniques were implemented and analyzed on the 2-DOF Serial Flexible Link Robot experimental system from Quanser and the results are illustrated and compared with that obtained through simulation

    Robotic Manipulator Control in the Presence of Uncertainty

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    openThis research focuses on the problem of manipulator control in the presence of uncertainty and aims to compare different approaches for handling uncertainty while developing robust and adaptive methods that can control the robot without explicit knowledge of uncertainty bounds. Uncertainty is a pervasive challenge in robotics, arising from various sources such as sensor noise, modeling errors, and external disturbances. Effectively addressing uncertainty is crucial for achieving accurate and reliable manipulator control. The research will explore and compare existing methods for uncertainty handling such as robust feedback linearization , sliding mode control and robust adaptive control. These methods provide mechanisms to model and compensate for uncertainty in the control system. Additionally, modified robust and adaptive control methods will be developed that can dynamically adjust control laws based on the observed states, without requiring explicit knowledge of uncertainty bounds. To evaluate the performance of the different approaches, comprehensive experiments will be conducted on a manipulator platform. Various manipulation tasks will be performed under different levels of uncertainty, and the performance of each control approach will be assessed in terms of accuracy, stability, and adaptability. Comparative analysis will be conducted to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each method and identify the most effective approach for handling uncertainty in manipulator control. The outcomes of this research will contribute to the advancement of manipulator control by providing insights into the effectiveness of different approaches for uncertainty handling. The development of new robust and adaptive control methods will enable manipulators to operate in uncertain environments without requiring explicit knowledge of uncertainty bounds. Ultimately, this research will facilitate the deployment of more reliable and adaptive robotic systems capable of handling uncertainty and improving their performance in various real-world applications.This research focuses on the problem of manipulator control in the presence of uncertainty and aims to compare different approaches for handling uncertainty while developing robust and adaptive methods that can control the robot without explicit knowledge of uncertainty bounds. Uncertainty is a pervasive challenge in robotics, arising from various sources such as sensor noise, modeling errors, and external disturbances. Effectively addressing uncertainty is crucial for achieving accurate and reliable manipulator control. The research will explore and compare existing methods for uncertainty handling such as robust feedback linearization , sliding mode control and robust adaptive control. These methods provide mechanisms to model and compensate for uncertainty in the control system. Additionally, modified robust and adaptive control methods will be developed that can dynamically adjust control laws based on the observed states, without requiring explicit knowledge of uncertainty bounds. To evaluate the performance of the different approaches, comprehensive experiments will be conducted on a manipulator platform. Various manipulation tasks will be performed under different levels of uncertainty, and the performance of each control approach will be assessed in terms of accuracy, stability, and adaptability. Comparative analysis will be conducted to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each method and identify the most effective approach for handling uncertainty in manipulator control. The outcomes of this research will contribute to the advancement of manipulator control by providing insights into the effectiveness of different approaches for uncertainty handling. The development of new robust and adaptive control methods will enable manipulators to operate in uncertain environments without requiring explicit knowledge of uncertainty bounds. Ultimately, this research will facilitate the deployment of more reliable and adaptive robotic systems capable of handling uncertainty and improving their performance in various real-world applications

    Development of Novel Compound Controllers to Reduce Chattering of Sliding Mode Control

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    The robotics and dynamic systems constantly encountered with disturbances such as micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS) gyroscope under disturbances result in mechanical coupling terms between two axes, friction forces in exoskeleton robot joints, and unmodelled dynamics of robot manipulator. Sliding mode control (SMC) is a robust controller. The main drawback of the sliding mode controller is that it produces high-frequency control signals, which leads to chattering. The research objective is to reduce chattering, improve robustness, and increase trajectory tracking of SMC. In this research, we developed controllers for three different dynamic systems: (i) MEMS, (ii) an Exoskeleton type robot, and (iii) a 2 DOF robot manipulator. We proposed three sliding mode control methods such as robust sliding mode control (RSMC), new sliding mode control (NSMC), and fractional sliding mode control (FSMC). These controllers were applied on MEMS gyroscope, Exoskeleton robot, and robot manipulator. The performance of the three proposed sliding mode controllers was compared with conventional sliding mode control (CSMC). The simulation results verified that FSMC exhibits better performance in chattering reduction, faster convergence, finite-time convergence, robustness, and trajectory tracking compared to RSMC, CSMC, and NSFC. Also, the tracking performance of NSMC was compared with CSMC experimentally, which demonstrated better performance of the NSMC controller

    Controlador híbrido robusto basado en red neuronal fuzzy de intervalo tipo 2 y modo deslizante de alto orden para robots manipuladores

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    Industrial arms should be able to perform their duties in environments where unpredictable conditions and perturbations are present. In this paper, controlling a robotic manipulator is intended under significant external perturbations and parametric uncertainties. Type-2 fuzzy logic is an appropriate choice in the face of uncertain environments, for various reasons, including utilizing fuzzy membership functions. Also, using the neural network (NN) can increase robustness of the controller. Although neural network does not basically need to build its type-2 fuzzy rules, the initial rules based on sliding surface of higher order sliding mode controller (HOSMC) can improve the system's performance. In addition, self-regulation feature of the controller, which is based on the existence of the neural network in the central type-2 fuzzy controller block, increases the robustness of the method even more. Effective performance of the proposed controller (IT2FNN-HOSMC) is shown under various perturbations in numerical simulations.Los brazos industriale deben poder realizar sus tareas en entornos donde existen condiciones y perturbaciones impredecibles. En este artículo, el control de un manipulador robótico está bajo perturbaciones externas significativas e incertidumbres paramétricas. La lógica difusa de tipo 2 es una opción adecuada frente a entornos inciertos, por varias razones, incluida la utilización de funciones de membresía difusas. Además, el uso de la red neuronal (NN) puede aumentar la robustez del controlador. Aunque la red neuronal no necesita básicamente construir sus reglas difusas tipo 2, las reglas iniciales basadas en la superficie deslizante del controlador de modo deslizante de orden superior (HOSMC) pueden mejorar el rendimiento del sistema. Además, la función de autorregulación del controlador, que se basa en la existencia de la red neuronal en el bloque central del controlador difuso tipo 2, aumenta aún más la robustez del método. El rendimiento efectivo del controlador propuesto (IT2FNN-HOSMC) se muestra bajo varias perturbaciones en simulaciones numéricas

    Experimental study of a two-DOF five bar closed-loop mechanism

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    This research is to carry out an experimental study to examine and verify the effectiveness of the control algorithms and strategies developed at the Advanced Engineering Design Laboratory (AEDL). For this purpose, two objectives are set to be achieved in this research. The first objective is to develop a generic experiment environment (test bed) such that different control approaches and algorithms can be implemented on it. The second objective is to conduct an experimental study on the examined control algorithms, as applied to the above test bed. To achieve the first objective, two main test beds, namely, the real-time controllable (RTC) mechanism and the hybrid machine, have been developed based on a two degree of freedom (DOF) closed-loop five-bar linkage. The 2-DOF closed-loop mechanism is employed in this study as it is the simplest of multi-DOF closed-loop mechanisms, and control approaches and conclusions based on a 2-DOF mechanism are generic and can be applied to a closed-loop mechanism with a higher number of degrees of freedom. The RTC mechanism test bed is driven by two servomotors and the hybrid machine is driven by one servomotor and a traditional CV motor. To achieve the second objective, an experimental study on different control algorithms has been conducted. The Proportional Derivative (PD) based control laws, i.e., traditional iii PD control, Nonlinear-PD (NPD) control, Evolutionary PD (EPD) control, non-linear PD learning control (NPD-LC) and Adaptive Evolutionary Switching-PD (AES-PD) are applied to the RTC mechanism; and as applied to the Hybrid Actuation System (HAS), the traditional PD control and the SMC control techniques are examined and compared. In the case of the RTC mechanism, the experiments on the five PD-based control algorithms, i.e., PD control, NPD control, EPD, NPD-LC, and AES-PD, show that the NPD controller has better performance than the PD controller in terms of the reduction in position tracking errors. It is also illustrated by the experiments that iteration learning control (ILC) techniques can be used to improve the trajectory tracking performance. However, AES-PD showed to have a faster convergence rate than the other ILC control laws. Experimental results also show that feedback ILC is more effective than the feedforward ILC and has a faster convergence rate. In addition, the results of the comparative study of the traditional PD and the Computed Torque Control (CTC) technique at both low and high speeds show that at lower speeds, both of these controllers provide similar results. However, with an increase in speed, the position tracking errors using the CTC control approach become larger than that of the traditional PD control. In the case of the hybrid machine, PD control and SMC control are applied to the mechanism. The results show that for the control of the hybrid machine and the range of speed used in this experimental study, PD control can result in satisfactory performance. However, SMC proved to be more effective than PD control