22,526 research outputs found

    Bayesian off-line detection of multiple change-points corrupted by multiplicative noise : application to SAR image edge detection

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    This paper addresses the problem of Bayesian off-line change-point detection in synthetic aperture radar images. The minimum mean square error and maximum a posteriori estimators of the changepoint positions are studied. Both estimators cannot be implemented because of optimization or integration problems. A practical implementation using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods is proposed. This implementation requires a priori knowledge of the so-called hyperparameters. A hyperparameter estimation procedure is proposed that alleviates the requirement of knowing the values of the hyperparameters. Simulation results on synthetic signals and synthetic aperture radar images are presented

    Bayesian detection of embryonic gene expression onset in C. elegans

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    To study how a zygote develops into an embryo with different tissues, large-scale 4D confocal movies of C. elegans embryos have been produced recently by experimental biologists. However, the lack of principled statistical methods for the highly noisy data has hindered the comprehensive analysis of these data sets. We introduced a probabilistic change point model on the cell lineage tree to estimate the embryonic gene expression onset time. A Bayesian approach is used to fit the 4D confocal movies data to the model. Subsequent classification methods are used to decide a model selection threshold and further refine the expression onset time from the branch level to the specific cell time level. Extensive simulations have shown the high accuracy of our method. Its application on real data yields both previously known results and new findings.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/15-AOAS820 in the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Locating and quantifying gas emission sources using remotely obtained concentration data

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    We describe a method for detecting, locating and quantifying sources of gas emissions to the atmosphere using remotely obtained gas concentration data; the method is applicable to gases of environmental concern. We demonstrate its performance using methane data collected from aircraft. Atmospheric point concentration measurements are modelled as the sum of a spatially and temporally smooth atmospheric background concentration, augmented by concentrations due to local sources. We model source emission rates with a Gaussian mixture model and use a Markov random field to represent the atmospheric background concentration component of the measurements. A Gaussian plume atmospheric eddy dispersion model represents gas dispersion between sources and measurement locations. Initial point estimates of background concentrations and source emission rates are obtained using mixed L2-L1 optimisation over a discretised grid of potential source locations. Subsequent reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo inference provides estimated values and uncertainties for the number, emission rates and locations of sources unconstrained by a grid. Source area, atmospheric background concentrations and other model parameters are also estimated. We investigate the performance of the approach first using a synthetic problem, then apply the method to real data collected from an aircraft flying over: a 1600 km^2 area containing two landfills, then a 225 km^2 area containing a gas flare stack

    Parameter estimation by implicit sampling

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    Implicit sampling is a weighted sampling method that is used in data assimilation, where one sequentially updates estimates of the state of a stochastic model based on a stream of noisy or incomplete data. Here we describe how to use implicit sampling in parameter estimation problems, where the goal is to find parameters of a numerical model, e.g.~a partial differential equation (PDE), such that the output of the numerical model is compatible with (noisy) data. We use the Bayesian approach to parameter estimation, in which a posterior probability density describes the probability of the parameter conditioned on data and compute an empirical estimate of this posterior with implicit sampling. Our approach generates independent samples, so that some of the practical difficulties one encounters with Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods, e.g.~burn-in time or correlations among dependent samples, are avoided. We describe a new implementation of implicit sampling for parameter estimation problems that makes use of multiple grids (coarse to fine) and BFGS optimization coupled to adjoint equations for the required gradient calculations. The implementation is "dimension independent", in the sense that a well-defined finite dimensional subspace is sampled as the mesh used for discretization of the PDE is refined. We illustrate the algorithm with an example where we estimate a diffusion coefficient in an elliptic equation from sparse and noisy pressure measurements. In the example, dimension\slash mesh-independence is achieved via Karhunen-Lo\`{e}ve expansions

    Bayesian detection of piecewise linear trends in replicated time-series with application to growth data modelling

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    We consider the situation where a temporal process is composed of contiguous segments with differing slopes and replicated noise-corrupted time series measurements are observed. The unknown mean of the data generating process is modelled as a piecewise linear function of time with an unknown number of change-points. We develop a Bayesian approach to infer the joint posterior distribution of the number and position of change-points as well as the unknown mean parameters. A-priori, the proposed model uses an overfitting number of mean parameters but, conditionally on a set of change-points, only a subset of them influences the likelihood. An exponentially decreasing prior distribution on the number of change-points gives rise to a posterior distribution concentrating on sparse representations of the underlying sequence. A Metropolis-Hastings Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler is constructed for approximating the posterior distribution. Our method is benchmarked using simulated data and is applied to uncover differences in the dynamics of fungal growth from imaging time course data collected from different strains. The source code is available on CRAN.Comment: Accepted to International Journal of Biostatistic

    Joint segmentation of multivariate astronomical time series : bayesian sampling with a hierarchical model

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    Astronomy and other sciences often face the problem of detecting and characterizing structure in two or more related time series. This paper approaches such problems using Bayesian priors to represent relationships between signals with various degrees of certainty, and not just rigid constraints. The segmentation is conducted by using a hierarchical Bayesian approach to a piecewise constant Poisson rate model. A Gibbs sampling strategy allows joint estimation of the unknown parameters and hyperparameters. Results obtained with synthetic and real photon counting data illustrate the performance of the proposed algorithm
