12 research outputs found

    Bulanık AHP'ye dayalı staj değerlendirme ve işe alım: mobilya sektöründe bir uygulama

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    The choice of a newly personnel to hire is a decision making problem that requires evaluation of many factors being not totally known in terms of enterprises. That the success of this process is as significant as may not be left for coincidences. Therefore, staff selection problems should be resolved with scientific methods. This study aims to carry out trainee recruitment by means of the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) method being from one of the multi criteria decision making methods in a furniture factory. For this purpose, it was guaranteed by the enterprise that a student shall be hired as a CNC operator before the internship and this was notified to trainees in advance. Three students having satisfied the preconditions of enterprise were started the internship. The students were subjected to the evaluation at the end of training course and the most successful trainee among them was accepted for the job. In evaluation process the intern’s linguistic variables were used and the defuzzification of fuzzy weights was carried out based on the ?-cutting and optimism index.İşe alınacak yeni bir personelin seçimi, işletmeler açısından tamamen bilinmeyen birçok faktörün değerlendirilmesini gerektiren bir karar verme problemidir. Bu sürecin başarısı tesadüflere bırakılmayacak kadar önemlidir. Bu nedenle, personel seçim problemleri bilimsel yöntemlerle çözülmelidir. Bu çalışma bir mobilya fabrikasında, çok kriterli karar verme yöntemlerinden biri olan Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi (FAHP) yöntemi ile stajyer seçiminin yapılması amaçlamıştır. Bu amaçla staj öncesinde CNC operatörü olarak bir öğrencinin işe alınacağı işletme tarafından garanti edilmiş ve stajyerlere önceden bildirilmiştir. İşletmenin ön koşullarını sağlayan üç öğrenci staja başlamıştır. Bu öğrenciler staj sonunda değerlendirilmeye tabi tutuldu ve aralarındaki en başarılı stajyer işe kabul edilmiştir. Stajyerlerin değerlendirilmesinde dilsel değişkenler kullanılmış ve bulanık ağırlıkların durulaştırılması ?-kesme ve iyimserlik indeksine dayalı yapılmıştır


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    Choosing a middle manager with management competency and capabilities will have a decisive influence on the organization\u27s development for international shipping service providers. There is ambiguity and uncertainty in the decision-making environment during the selection of a middle manager and many evaluation criteria must be considered. The main purpose of this article is to construct a fuzzy multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) model for international shipping service providers to use when selecting a middle manager. First, some methods and concepts of the fuzzy theory are introduced in this article. Five steps of evaluation model of fuzzy MCDM algorithms are then proposed to choose a best middle manager. Finally, an international shipping case is presented and the proposed fuzzy MCDM model is illustrated step by step. It can be seen from the demonstration that this evaluation model can be used to effectively select the best middle manager

    Rough Neutrosophic TOPSIS for Multi-Attribute Group Decision Making

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    This paper is devoted to present Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method for multi-attribute group decision making under rough neutrosophic environment. The concept of rough neutrosophic set is a powerful mathematical tool to deal with uncertainty, indeterminacy and inconsistency. In this paper, a new approach for multi-attribute group decision making problems is proposed by extending the TOPSIS method under rough neutrosophic environment. Rough neutrosophic set is characterized by the upper and lower approximation operators and the pair of neutrosophic sets that are characterized by truth-membership degree, indeterminacy membership degree, and falsity membership degree. In the decision situation, ratings of alternatives with respect to each attribute are characterized by rough neutrosophic sets that reflect the decision makers’ opinion. Rough neutrosophic weighted averaging operator has been used to aggregate the individual decision maker’s opinion into group opinion for rating the importance of attributes and alternatives. Finally, a numerical example has been provided to demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Internal and external auditors' evaluation and selection models

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    Διπλωματική εργασία--Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας, Θεσσαλονίκη, 2019.Ένα από τα δυσκολότερα και πιο απαιτητικά προβλήματα κατά την επιλογή προσωπικού είναι η αξιολόγηση των πολλαπλών χαρακτηριστικών που έχουν οι υποψήφιοι. Το πρόβλημα αυτό μεγεθύνεται στις διαδικασίες επιλογής και αξιολόγησης εκλεπτυσμένου προσωπικού, όπως οι εσωτερικοί ελεγκτές. Εξ ορισμού, ένας εσωτερικός ελεγκτής πρέπει να συνδυάζει μια σειρά αναλυτικών και μη αναλυτικών δεξιοτήτων, που αντιστοιχούν σε συγκεκριμένα γνωστικά και συμπεριφορικά χαρακτηριστικά. Στην παρούσα εργασία προτείνεται ένα πλαίσιο για την επιλογή των εσωτερικών ελεγκτών χρησιμοποιώντας την τεχνική TOPSIS, ενσωματώνοντας τις συμπεριφορικές και γνωστικές δεξιότητες, αλλά και την εκτιμώμενη απόδοση του υποψηφίου. Η τεχνική AHP έχει χρησιμοποιηθεί για τον προσδιορισμό των βαρών για κάθε κριτήριο. Αποδίδοντας διαφορετική σημασία στις δεξιότητες, το προτεινόμενο πλαίσιο μπορεί να κατατάξει τους υποψήφιους και να εντοπίσει τους κατάλληλους για πρόσληψη. Για να εξεταστεί ποιό είναι το ιδανικό βάρος (σημασία) ανάμεσα στις γνωστικές και τις συμπεριφορικές δεξιότητες που μεγιστοποιούν τις επιδόσεις των υποψηφίων, εφαρμόζεται μια μη γραμμική μέθοδος προγραμματισμού. Το προτεινόμενο μοντέλο εφαρμόζεται σε μια περίπτωση επιλογής εσωτερικών ελεγκτών σε μια πολυεθνική εταιρεί

    Developing Talent from a Supply-Demand Perspective: An Optimization Model for Managers

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    While executives emphasize that human resources (HR) are a firm's biggest asset, the level of research attention devoted to planning talent pipelines for complex global organizational environments does not reflect this emphasis. Numerous challenges exist in establishing human resource management strategies aligned with strategic operations planning and growth strategies. We generalize the problem of managing talent from a supply-demand standpoint through a resource acquisition lens, to an industrial business case where an organization recruits for multiple roles given a limited pool of potential candidates acquired through a limited number of recruiting channels. In this context, we develop an innovative analytical model in a stochastic environment to assist managers with talent planning in their organizations. We apply supply chain concepts to the problem, whereby individuals with specific competencies are treated as unique products. We first develop a multi-period mixed integer nonlinear programming model and then exploit chance-constrained programming to a linearized instance of the model to handle stochastic parameters, which follow any arbitrary distribution functions. Next, we use an empirical study to validate the model with a large global manufacturing company, and demonstrate how the proposed model can effectively manage talents in a practical context. A stochastic analysis on the implemented case study reveals that a reasonable improvement is derived from incorporating randomness into the problem

    A data-driven MADM model for personnel selection and improvement

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    Personnel selection and human resource improvement are characteristically multiple-attribute decision-making (MADM) problems. Previously developed MADM models have principally depended on experts’ judgements as input for the derivation of solutions. However, the subjectivity of the experts’ experience can have a negative influence on this type of decision-making process. With the arrival of today’s data-based decision-making environment, we develop a data-driven MADM model, which integrates machine learning and MADM methods, to help managers select personnel more objectively and to support their competency improvement. First, RST, a machining learning tool, is applied to obtain the initial influential significance-relation matrix from real assessment data. Subsequently, the DANP method is used to derive an influential significance-network relation map and influential weights from the initial matrix. Finally, the PROMETHEE-AS method is applied to assess the gap between the aspiration and current levels for every candidate. An example was carried out using performance data with evaluation attributes obtained from the human resource department of a Chinese food company. The results revealed that the data-driven MADM model could enable human resource managers to resolve the issues of personnel selection and improvement simultaneously, and can actually be applied in the era of big data analytics in the future. First published online 15 May 202

    Factores asociados con la toma de decisiones en el proceso de selección de personal por los administradores de los puntos de venta de la empresa Incolmotos Yamaha S.A.

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar los factores que toman en consideración los administradores de los puntos de venta para la toma de decisiones en los procesos de selección de personal de la empresa Incolmotos Yamaha S. A. -- El proyecto se ejecutó en tres fases; la primera de ellas fue la de diagnóstico y la conceptualización de las categorías teóricas, seguida por la de trabajo de campo, observación y diseño técnico de los protocolos del cuestionario y, por, ultimo la de análisis e interpretación de los datos -- La investigación llevó al final a concluir que la empresa Incolmotos Yamaha, si bien se ha ocupado de estructurar sus procesos de selección de personal para llegar a una adecuada toma de decisiones en los mismos, requiere reforzar la manera en que se están ejecutando al involucrar personal más capacitado o capacitar aquel con el que ya cuenta, mediante el establecimiento de protocolos más elaborados que sirvan de guía para los implicados en el proceso de selección de personal y el mejoramiento de la calidad de la comunicación que se da en el proceso de selección, toda vez que se encontraron diversas falencias en dicha área, lo que afecta de manera directa la certidumbre respecto al candidato que se elija, producto de una toma de decisiones poco riguros

    Modeli za evaluaciju i izbor zaposlenih zasnovani na metodama višekriterijumskog odlučivanja

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    У данашње време савремене организације се налазе пред великим изазовом, а све због динамичнијих и захтевнијих услова пословања. Запослени представљају кључни фактор на основу којег организације постижу и задржавају конкурентску предност. Из тог разлога, менаџмент људских ресурса представља важну пословну активност од које зависи успех организације. Из тог разлога, процесу регрутације и селекције кадрова се посвећује посебна пажња. Избор компетентних запослених се најчешће одвија у кратком временском интервалу, док са друге стране организација тежи да запослени остану што дуже у организацији. Током времена предложено је више приступа, алата и техника за избор запослених. Традиционалне методе најчешће за евалуацију кандидата укључују статистичке анализе, тестове личности и сл. У циљу смањења субјективности и интуитивности у процесу селекције кадрова, на располагању су и технике које се заснивају на примени метода вишекритеријумског одлучивања. Сходно томе, докторска дисертација има за циљ да предложи вишекритеријумске оквире тј. моделе за избор кадрова. Модели се заснивају на примени Step‐Wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis - SWARA , Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution - TOPSIS и Combined Compromise Solution – CoCoSo метода. SWARA метода је у докторској дисертацији примењена за дефинисање тежина евалуационих критеријума. За коначно рангирање алтернатива односно кандидата примењене су TOPSIS и CoCoSo методе.U današnje vreme savremene organizacije se nalaze pred velikim izazovom, a sve zbog dinamičnijih i zahtevnijih uslova poslovanja. Zaposleni predstavljaju ključni faktor na osnovu kojeg organizacije postižu i zadržavaju konkurentsku prednost. Iz tog razloga, menadžment ljudskih resursa predstavlja važnu poslovnu aktivnost od koje zavisi uspeh organizacije. Iz tog razloga, procesu regrutacije i selekcije kadrova se posvećuje posebna pažnja. Izbor kompetentnih zaposlenih se najčešće odvija u kratkom vremenskom intervalu, dok sa druge strane organizacija teži da zaposleni ostanu što duže u organizaciji. Tokom vremena predloženo je više pristupa, alata i tehnika za izbor zaposlenih. Tradicionalne metode najčešće za evaluaciju kandidata uključuju statističke analize, testove ličnosti i sl. U cilju smanjenja subjektivnosti i intuitivnosti u procesu selekcije kadrova, na raspolaganju su i tehnike koje se zasnivaju na primeni metoda višekriterijumskog odlučivanja. Shodno tome, doktorska disertacija ima za cilj da predloži višekriterijumske okvire tj. modele za izbor kadrova. Modeli se zasnivaju na primeni Step‐Wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis - SWARA , Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution - TOPSIS i Combined Compromise Solution – CoCoSo metoda. SWARA metoda je u doktorskoj disertaciji primenjena za definisanje težina evaluacionih kriterijuma. Za konačno rangiranje alternativa odnosno kandidata primenjene su TOPSIS i CoCoSo metode

    A framework of occupational safety and health in construction industries for safety performance in Iran

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    Health and safety issues in the construction sector have always been a major concern. This sector is discovered to pose threats concerning health and safety standards particularly among developing countries. Iran, a developing nation is not spared from this. Accident rates are high in the Iran construction industry. Therefore, this study has proposed an occupational safety and health framework to address this. This framework combines employees, organizations and environmental factors that emphasize on workers’ safety. The research objectives are aligned with the Iran’s government plan and vision toward improving the country’s economy and social wellbeing. A survey method was employed to collect the data from workers of both public and private sectors. The sample of 600 operative workers was chosen in achieving the five research objectives. The Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and Cronbach Alpha were employed to measure the validity and reliability of the instrument. Correlational analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were used to examine the hypotheses and hypothesized model. The findings show that worker factors and organizational factors have positively and significantly influenced safety orientation as the mediator. In addition, there is no significant relationship between environmental factors and safety orientation. Worker factors and organizational factors have positive and significant influence on safety orientation. There is no significant relationship between environmental factors and safety performance and safety orientation partially mediates the relationship among worker factors and organizational factors and safety performance. Moreover, there is no significant relationship between environmental factors and safety performance. Therefore, the findings have addressed the gaps in factors of safety performance and an integrated framework for safety performance in the Iran construction industry has been proposed

    Sistema para la evaluación de personal técnico utilizando lógica difusa en una empresa outsourcing de desarrollo de software

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    En el presente proyecto se muestra la creación de una aplicación que utiliza lógica difusa para la evaluación técnica de candidatos que postulan a un puesto de desarrollo de software en la especialidad Android durante el proceso de selección de personal técnico en la empresa Avantica, esto con el objetivo de reducir el juicio humano presente en las entrevistas técnicas al evaluar el nivel de conocimiento técnico de un candidato.  La principal fortaleza de la lógica difusa que representó un factor de interés para poder aplicarla en este proyecto es que emula la lógica humana cuando se necesita seguir reglas lógicas de tipo lingüística que serán las categorías requeridas y los niveles finalmente asignados. Se validó que el método Mandani es el que imita con mayor naturalidad la inferencia humana al determinar los resultados requeridos. Se utilizó el proceso que parte de la fuzzificación de los datos, toma de datos de entrada que se agruparon en conjuntos difusos según grados de pertenencia y posterior defuzzificación, los datos resultantes serán usados por el área de reclutamiento de Avantica para sustentar que el candidato puede pasar a la siguiente fase del proceso: la entrevista con el cliente, fase final dónde se determinará su contratación. Para poder comprobar el resultado del sistema, se utilizó una muestra de 50 candidatos quienes fueron evaluados tanto por el sistema como por los especialistas Mobile, quienes se basaron en las mismas variables que considera el modelo difuso de la solución para brindar los resultados, logrando obtener el 90% se coincidencias de coincidencias.This project shows the creation of an application that uses fuzzy logic for the technical evaluation of candidates who apply for a software development position in the Android specialty during the selection process of technical personnel in the company Avantica, this with the objective to reduce the human judgment present in technical interviews when evaluating the level of technical knowledge of a candidate. The main strength of fuzzy logic that represented a factor of interest to be able to apply it in this project is that it emulates human logic when it is necessary to follow logical linguistic rules that will be the required categories and the levels finally assigned. It was validated that the Mandani method is the one that most naturally imitates human inference when determining the required results. The process that starts from the fuzzification of the data was used, input data collection that was grouped into fuzzy sets according to degrees of belonging and subsequent defuzzification, the resulting data will be used by the Avantica recruitment area to support that the candidate can move on to the next phase of the process: the interview with the client, the final phase where their hiring will be determined. In order to verify the result of the system, a sample of 50 candidates was used who were evaluated both by the system and by the Mobile specialists, who were based on the same variables that the fuzzy model of the solution considers providing the results, obtaining 90% are matches of matches.Tesi