9 research outputs found

    Energy Resource Scheduling in an Agriculture System Using a Decision Tree Approach

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    The present work was done and funded in the scope of project: Eco Rural IoT (TETRAMAX-VALUECHAIN-TTX-1), CEECIND/02887/2017, and UID/EEA/00760/2019 funded by FEDER Funds through COMPETE and by National Funds through FCT.Agriculture sector is backbone of each country. Nowadays the energy efficiency in this sector is at a very low level, which shows the necessity of more investments in this regard. By appearance of smart grid technologies, some new concepts were also appeared in the agriculture sector, such as smart farm, and smart agriculture. This paper provides an energy management system for an agriculture field equipped with renewable energy resources and a river turbine. A decision tree is developed in this paper to schedule and optimize the use of energy resources for reducing the electricity costs. Decision tree method enables the system to obtain optimal scheduling of energy resources in offline mode, without using any external server/machine or internet access. A case study validates the performance of developed decision tree, and the errors and accuracy of all gained results are discussed.The present work was done and funded in the scope of project: Eco Rural IoT (TETRAMAX-VALUECHAIN-TTX-1), CEECIND/02887/2017, and UID/EEA/00760/2019 funded by FEDER Funds through COMPETE and by National Funds through FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Energy Efficient Approach for Multi-level Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The wireless sensor network is the decentralized kind of network which allows sensor nodes to join or leave the network according to their wish. The implementation of sensor network is done at far places, and they are small sized. Thus, energy consumption becomes the main issue of WSN. The data, whose collection is done from the aimed environment, is transmitted directly to the main station due to the restricted energy of sensor nodes. The sink node receives the data transmitted from various sensor nodes. The decision-making process is deployed by recognizing and eliminating the similarity among the data of diverse sensor nodes. In addition, the sink makes the deployment of obtained data locally as well as transmits these data to the networks which are executed far away. The existing research work employs CTNR, an energy efficient protocol that is capable of enhancing the duration of WSN.  The CTNR protocol is consisted of two-level hierarchies for mitigating the energy consumption of wireless sensor network. The CTNR protocol selects the CHs (cluster heads) in the network based on the distance and energy. This research work will focus on enhancing the CTNR routing algorithm so as the life span of network can be prolonged

    Trust-based decentralized blockchain system with machine learning using Internet of agriculture things

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    [EN] The growth of Internet of Agriculture Things (IoAT) with wireless technologies has resulted in significant advances for smart farming systems. However, various techniques have been presented to predict the soil and crop conditions. Nonetheless providing a quality-enabled autonomous system is one of the important research challenges. Furthermore, in the event of network over-loading, most existing work needs help to handle trustworthy communication. As a result, this paper proposes a smart optimization model to develop reliable and quality-aware sustainable agriculture using machine learning. Firstly, the proposed model utilizes intelligent devices to automate the data collection and transmission. It analyzes the independent performance variables to support the consistent decision-making process for the forwarding scheme. Secondly, the proposed model investigated blockchain-based security principles for integrating the trusted system to reduce communication interference. The proposed model has been validated through simulations, and numerous experiments have demonstrated its efficacy regarding network parameters.This work has been funded by the "Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion "through the Project PID2020-114467RR-C33, by the "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad" through the Project TED2021-131040B-C31, and by "Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentacion" through the "proyectos de innovacion de interes general por grupos operativos de la Asociacion Europea para la Innovacion en materia de productividad y sostenibilidad agrocolas (AEI -Agri) ", project GO TECNOGAR.Saba, T.; Rehman, A.; Haseeb, K.; Bahaj, SA.; Lloret, J. (2023). Trust-based decentralized blockchain system with machine learning using Internet of agriculture things. Computers & Electrical Engineering. 108. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeleceng.2023.10867410

    Fuzzy based Irrigation Control System for Indian Subcontinent

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    Water resource usage should be optimized as there is always a scarcity. This paper aims to provide an efficient way of water using sense and weather data and implementing a fuzzy decision model. An automated intelligent watering system is proposed in this paper using the internet of things and fuzzy logic. The weather data, coupled with Temperature, Relative Humidity, and soil moisture sensor data, is used to decide whether to switch on/off the motor. In-house-created prototypes of ground-moving robots have soil moisture, digital humidity, and temperature sensors implanted in them. The soil moisture sensor is attached to the Rack and pinion mechanism. The soil moisture sensor is pushed into the soil when the pinion rotates. It minimizes the use of sensors by using a distributed sensing method. Based on data obtained from sensors and meteorological information, the system will use this information to decide whether to Switch on/off the sprinkler motor. A fuzzy logic-based system decision is implemented on the input sensor and weather data, and the model will decide to switch on/off the actuator. An accuracy of 97% is achieved. The Android app is used to visualize sensor data, based on which the farmer can manually control the motor

    Desarrollo de sensores inteligentes para un sistema de comunicación en apoyo a la producción agrícola, en el distrito de Pisco, Ica Perú

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    En un sistema de comunicación existente en apoyo a la producción agrícola se detecta diversos problemas como; la falta de información en tiempo real, la poca confiabilidad del sistema de comunicación con la información que se transfiere a la unidad de procesamiento, falta de registros de acciones constante, perdida de información, intermitencia en la comunicación, la poca autonomía de elementos o dispositivos que recopilan datos en el campo. Dicho sistema de comunicación puede aplicarse a diversos entornos, la investigación está centrada en el empleo de los sensores inteligentes en el desarrollo de un sistema de comunicación en apoyo a la producción agrícola. El trabajo de investigación tiene un enfoque cuantitativo, el cual, se base en el análisis de esquemas y soluciones validadas, sustentando el empleo de los sensores inteligentes en el desarrollo de un sistema de comunicación en apoyo a la producción agrícola, el alcance de la investigación es de tipo correlacional, por el empleo de variables, sensor inteligente y sus dimensiones asociadas; velocidad de proceso, sensibilidad de sensado y autonomía de energía, también la variable sistema de comunicación presenta sus dimensiones asociadas; escalabilidad, disponibilidad y velocidad de transferencia. Igualmente, la investigación tiene un diseño No experimental longitudinal, porque se basa en el análisis de resultados de esquemas, empíricos y teóricos. Por lo tanto la investigación realizada permite generar la toma de decisiones sobre el empleo de los sensores inteligentes en el desarrollo de un sistema de comunicación en apoyo a la producción agrícola, considerando factores como; autonomía del sensor tanto en su aplicación de en un sistema inalámbrico o cableado, protocolos asociados a su ejecución e interacción con otros sensores, también el nivel de sensibilidad alcanza por sensores, sin duda esto asociado al procesamiento de la información por sensores inteligentes, también se considera el nivel de escalabilidad que debe contar un sistema de comunicación, con alta disponibilidad de recursos y dispositivos asociados.Trabajo de investigaciónCampus Lima Centr

    Energy Scheduling Using Decision Trees and Emulation: Agriculture Irrigation with Run-of-the-River Hydroelectricity and a PV Case Study

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    Agriculture is the very backbone of every country. Unfortunately, agricultural sustainability is threatened by the lack of energy-efficient solutions. The threat becomes more evident with the constantly growing world population. The research community must, therefore, focus on resolving the problem of high energy consumption. This paper proposes a model of energy scheduling in agricultural contexts. Greater energy efficiency is achieved by means of PV (photovoltaics) and hydropower, as demonstrated in the conducted case study. The developed model is intended for contexts where the farm is located near a river, so the farmer can use the flowing water to produce energy. Moreover, the model has been emulated using a variety of state-of-the-art laboratory devices. Optimal energy scheduling is performed via a decision tree approach, optimizing the use of energy resources and reducing electricity costs. Finally, a realistic scenario is presented to show the technical features and the practical behaviors of each emulator when adapting the results of the decision tree. The research outcomes demonstrate the importance of the technical validation of each model. In addition, the results of the emulation reveal practical issues that had not been discovered during the theoretical study or during the simulationhe present research work was conducted and funded within the scope of the following project: Eco Rural IoT project, funded by TETRAMAX-VALUECHAIN-TTX-1, and UID/EEA/00760/2019, funded by FEDER Funds through the COMPETE program and by National Funds through FCT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Aplicación de criptografía de curva elíptica para redes de sensores en sistemas de alerta temprana

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    Implementar un algoritmo de encriptación de curva elíptica para mejorar la seguridad de la información en redes de sensores en sistemas de alerta temprana.Las Redes de Sensores Inalámbricas (WSN) ya forman parte de la vida cotidiana del ser humano, convirtiéndose así en una herramienta bastante útil en diversas actividades, entre las más utilizadas se encuentran los Sistemas de Alerta Temprana (SAT), los cuales usan las redes de sensores con la finalidad de optimizar la forma en que las personas podrían prevenir desastres o al menos disminuir su impacto en el medio ambiente o en el ambiente urbano – residencial. Las WSN, como todas las redes que generan, trasmiten y procesan datos, están expuestas a diversas amenazas en cuanto a seguridad, pues si bien en este tipo de redes las capacidades de software y hardware es mínima, también es importante proteger la integridad y privacidad de lo que se trasmite. Uno de los métodos de encriptación a tomar en cuenta es la criptografía de curvas elípticas (ECC), ya que para realizar el cálculo de generación de claves y cifrado no requiere tantos recursos en comparación con otros esquemas como RSA. En esta investigación se presenta la aplicación de ECC en una red WSN con la finalidad de mostrar los efectos que genera la aplicación de este tipo de seguridad en la red haciendo uso de simuladores de red como OMNet++ y MatLab. Es importante para una WSN que los procesos adicionales como en este caso la seguridad de los datos, no generen mayor costo en cuanto a recursos, por esta razón se demuestra que al incorporar un algoritmo criptográfico de curvas elípticas el delay de la red no se ve afectado, además la carga computacional no indica altos valores de consumo para los dispositivos. En este campo de investigación es importante tomar en cuenta el constante desarrollo de nuevas técnicas de criptografía, lo que da lugar a la necesidad de realizar pruebas para encontrar el método de seguridad más eficiente para una WSN, dentro de la ECC actualmente se desarrollan algunas variantes del esquema que pueden adaptarse a cualquier tipo de red incluyendo principalmente las WSN.Ingenierí

    Agronomic and physiological basis for automating regulated deficit irrigation in sweet cherry trees

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    Mención Europeo / Mención Internacional: Concedido[SPA] Esta tesis doctoral se presenta bajo la modalidad de compendio de publicaciones. La tesis estudia el funcionamiento hídrico del cerezo a partir del empleo de diferentes estrategias de riego y técnicas de cultivo. Para ello, se evaluaron las respuestas agronómica y fisiológica del cultivo y se estudiaron y compararon diferentes indicadores del estado hídrico del continuo suelo, planta, atmósfera con el fin último de aumentar la productividad del uso de agua.[ENG] This doctoral dissertation has been presented in the form of thesis by publication. The global sweet cherry production has sharply increased in the last decades. As consumer interest in this seasonal fruit keeps growing, growers from areas where cherries have not been traditionally cultivated exhibit interest and consider its cultivation due to a demand exceeding the offer. These new areas are interested in extending sweet cherry season and providing high quality fruit when there is a low supply on the market. To achieve these goals, it has been necessary to adopt new orchard systems, new cultivar/rootstock combinations adapted to different edaphoclimatic conditions, and drip irrigation systems.Los artículos que componen la tesis son los siguientes:: Artículo I. Blanco, V., Domingo, R., Pérez-Pastor, A., Blaya-Ros, P.J., Torres-Sánchez, R., 2018. Soil and plant water indicators for deficit irrigation management of field-grown sweet cherry trees. Agricultural Water Management, 208:83-94. DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2018.05.021. Artículo II. Blanco, V., Martínez-Hernández, G.B., Artés-Hernández, F., Blaya-Ros, P.J., Torres-Sánchez, R., Domingo R., 2019. Water relations and quality changes throughout fruit development and shelf life of sweet cherry grown under regulated deficit irrigation. Agricultural Water Management, 217:243-254. DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2019.02.028. Artículo III. Blanco, V., Torres-Sánchez, R., Blaya-Ros, P.J., Pérez-Pastor, A., Domingo, R., 2019. Vegetative and reproductive response of ‘Prime Giant’ sweet cherry trees to regulated deficit irrigation. Scientia Horticulturae, 249:478-489. DOI: 10.1016/j.scienta.2019.02.016. Artículo IV. Blanco, V., Zoffoli, J.P., Ayala, M., 2019. High tunnel cultivation of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.): physiological and production variables. Scientia Horticulturae, 251:108-117. DOI: 10.1016/j.scienta.2019.02.023.Escuela Internacional de Doctorado de la Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaUniversidad Politécnica de CartagenaPrograma de Doctorado en Técnicas Avanzadas en Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario y Alimentario por la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagen