24 research outputs found


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    Inclusion of project modelling tools into higher education is based on expectations of industry about young professionals with applicable, rich skillset. Business or project model canvas is one of the most widely used frameworks in contrary to traditional planning tools. Pedagogically - project model canvas is a teaching goal and method simultaneously. Those aspects widen possibilities to integrate the tool in various study courses and levels. The aim of the research is to explore and evaluate functional and cognitive impacts of Hex-canvas use in project-based learning in higher education. This tool is represented in a form of template of 11 fundamental elements which describe a specific aspect of a project. The research is based on experiences gathered in Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Latvia. Data used in this research has been comprised of structured interviews of doctoral level students (n=8) who used Hex-canvas in summer school and from bachelor and master level students (n=16) of “I Living Labs” study course (year 2022). Results reveal high applicability in structuring of the projects, defining aims and activities for implementation, it gives overall perspective of project, however there must be clear instructions by teachers, as well the consistency of usage is recommended.

    Public Governance in Accountability of Village Enterprise (BUMDes) Management: a Stakeholders Perspective

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    This paper discusses the imbalance of the role of stakeholders in the accountability of village enterprise management. One of the stakeholders dominates, this has hampered corporate actions based on public governance on the accountability of BUMDes management. Accountability is only carried out as a form of procedural accountability to the village government and district government. Even though there is a horizontal accountability mechanism to the public, it does not work effectively.One of the reasons for the accountability failure of BUMDes management is the unclear role and responsibility of stakeholders in managing BUMDes. Rural Communities, Representative Institutions (Badan Permusyawaratan Desa), Private Sector, and the ohter Village Institutions do not have proportional roles and responsibilities in the accountability mechanism for BUMDes management. It means the capacity of stakeholders in the accountability process of BUMDes management is relatively low. Even though the capacity of stakeholders is important to strengthen the accountability of BUMDes management, because all stakeholders can monitor and evaluate the management of BUMDes, so that the dominance of the Headman and BUMDes’s manager can be controlled. Therefore, in overcoming the vacancy in the role of stakeholders, this research proposes the need to create an accountability mechanism based on public governance, where all stakeholders will interact with each other with the aim of influencing the results of public policy. They interact with each other in the management of public organizations to fulfill various interests of the community. To integrate the role of stakeholders in the accountability of BUMDes management it is advisable to use an information system that can bring together all stakeholders in managing a BUMDes. The information system can be used to strengthen the accountability model based on public governance on the management of BUMDes

    Disintermediating Government: The role of Open Data and Smart Infrastructure

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    Governments are increasingly negotiating the adoption of civic technologies to improve government functioning and to better connect with citizens. Despite the benefits of civic technology to make government more efficient, effective, and transparent, there are many challenges and even unintended outcomes to civic technology adoption. This exploratory paper presents a conceptual argument using two types of civic technology; open data and smart city infrastructure, as examples where their procurement by government can disintermediate government from citizen. This disintermediation can have both positive and negative outcomes for different parties. Four mechanisms that drive this disintermediation are discussed, including the use of legal frameworks, jumping of scales, conversion of public to private goods, and the creation of standards. These mechanisms can serve to shift the role of government from a service provider to a more background role as a data custodian or regulator, opening many opportunities for other actors, including private sector to assume critical roles in service provision

    Adopting the digital platform model for citizen services - proposed waves towards a government platform organization

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    Following the rise of digital platform models, governments also start deploying this model for certain citizen services such as employment, education, care, health, or social services. This paper presents an exploratory case study of VDAB, Flanders’ (BE) regional government agency for labour services and its journey in adopting a platform model for employment services to citizens. Research suggests a new wave of e-government evolution focusing on digital platform technology adoption and ecosystems to deliver citizen services. We observed the need for VDAB to adapt its IT governance approach as a critical driver for success. We come up with a suggested roadmap to describe VDAB\u27s transition to a platform organization, linked to the waves of e-government evolution. We reflect on this using extant IT governance literature. Further research will focus on how governance of government platform models can be organized and what governance mechanisms can be employed for success

    Public-Private Collaboration in the Emergence of a National Electronic Identification Policy: The Case of NemID in Denmark

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    Governments envisioning large-scale national e-government policies increasingly draw on collaboration with private actors, yet the relationship between dynamics and outcomes of public-private partnership (PPP) is still unclear. The involvement of the banking sector in the emergence of a national electronic identification (e-ID) in Denmark is a case in point. Drawing on an analysis of primary and secondary data, we adopt the theoretical lens of collective action to investigate how transformations over time in the convergence of interests, the interdependence of resources, and the alignment of governance models between government and the banking sector shaped the emergence of the Danish national e-ID. We propose a process model to conceptualize paths towards the emergence of public-private collaboration for digital information infrastructure – a common good.

    Networking Digital Platforms and Healthcare Project Finance Bankability

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    Framework: Healthcare project finance (PF) involves long-term structural investments in hospitals, typically within a public\u2013private partnership (PPP). Banks represent the third major stakeholder, supporting the private player. Within this well-known framework, digital platforms represent a new virtual stakeholder, operating as a bridging node that incorporates information, and eases transactions. The relationships among the stakeholders are re-engineered around the platform and may be expressed with network theory patterns, even considering its multilayer extensions. Justification: As these investments are highly leveraged, especially during the construction phase, bankability represents a major sustainability concern. Objective: The research question is focused on the savings deriving from the introduction of networked digital platforms, and on their impact on bankability, shaping a new PPP model. Methodology: The study is conducted through (a) an economic\u2013financial sensitivity analysis where digital savings impact on key PF parameters, including bankability; (b) a mathematical interpretation, based on network theory, where the stakeholders of two ecosystems\u2014respectively, without and with a digital platform\u2014are compared. Results: The creation of a value-adding \u201cpie\u201d anticipates its partitioning among the value co-creating stakeholders. This study represents an advance in the field, showing how technological innovation may improve the overall bankability and the value creation of leveraged infrastructural investments, even beyond the healthcare industry

    Can the Power of Platforms be Harnessed for Governance?

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    The platform concept examines how strategic leadership and institutional and technological resources enable multiple distributed activities to innovate, adapt, and change. The central question addressed in this paper is: Can this potentially powerful organizing logic be harnessed for public purposes? Since governance platforms are still largely experimental, we cannot fully settle this question at present. However, we can begin to address the issue to help scholars and practitioners explore the potential of platforms. We start with a general statement about what governance platforms might offer to the public sector, before probing the concept more deeply. We then investigate the institutional mechanisms that purportedly make platforms powerful and propose a typology of governance platforms. Finally, we investigate the challenges and successes they have encountered

    Structuring Climate Service Co-Creation Using a Business Model Approach

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    [EN] Climate services are tools or products that aim to support climate-informed decision making for the adaptation to climate change. The market for climate services is dominated by public institutions, despite the efforts made by the European Commission to increase private enterprise in the market. The business model perspective has been proposed as a framework for enabling market growth through the development of appropriate business models for the provision of climate services. However, there is a lack of structured knowledge on how to approach climate service design and development from a business model standpoint. In this contribution, we first analyze the role of stakeholders in the design and development of climate services and identify opportunities for engaging users in the creation process. Afterwards, we explain our approach to climate service design and development using a business model perspective. To illustrate the proposed approach, we describe the co-creation of a climate service to support the adaptation to climate change of the urban water supply system in Valencia, Spain, and discuss the main findings and lessons learned from applying this approach.We acknowledge the European Research Area for Climate Services consortium (ER4CS) and the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion for their financial support to this research under the INNOVA project (Grant Agreement: 690462; PCIN-2017-066). This study has also been partially funded by the ADAPTAMED project (RTI2018-101483-B-I00) from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (MICIU) of Spain.Rubio-Martín, A.; Máñez-Costa, M.; Pulido-Velazquez, M.; Garcia-Prats, A.; Celliers, L.; Llario, F.; Macián Cervera, VJ. (2021). Structuring Climate Service Co-Creation Using a Business Model Approach. Earth's Future. 9(10):1-18. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021EF002181S11891

    Do collaborative platforms create public value in public services? An explorative analysis of privately-owned public service platforms in Italy

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    This paper explores the public value outcomes generated by collaborative platforms in public services through a comparative case study of 25 privately-owned digital platforms across various public service areas in Italy. The study confirms that collaborative digitally-enabled endeavors can have both positive and negative effects on public value, highlighting the challenges associated with multi-actor dynamics and the delicate balance between public interest and private gain in public services. The findings reveal implications related to user-centric platforms, including concerns about inclusivity, autonomy, decision-making abilities, and privacy infringement. Additionally, the study suggests that collaborative platforms alone do not enhance collaboration in public services unless accompanied by strong public governance that promotes interoperability through standardized frameworks, common templates, and data reuse

    Badan Usaha Milik Desa (Bumdes) Di Kabupaten Banyumas: Model Pergeseran Paradigma Pengelolaan Potensi Desa

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    AbstrackThe formation of BUMDes has been in accordance with the direction of the development of the paradigm of public administration, because there has been a paradigm shift from Old Public Administration to New Public Management which is implemented in the village government. Therefore, the establishment of Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) is one model of utilizing village financial capacity to utilize village potential and assets. The purpose of this study is to compare the traditional management of village potential through the village government and management based on public enterprises (public enterprise). The results of the study indicate that there are fundamental differences in the management of village potential. Therefore, the shift in the village potential management model from the government to a public enterprise for managing village potential has been on the right path. BUMDes as a form of public enterprise at the village level is moving from a bureaucratic paradigm to the business sector, but not just pure business but social business.  Keywords: Local Competitiveness, New Public Management, Public Enterprise, Social Businesses Model. AbstrakPembentukan BUMDes telah sesuai dengan arah perkembangan paradigma administrasi publik, karena terjadi pergeseran paradigma dari Old Public Administration ke New Publik Management yang diterapkan di pemerintah desa. Oleh karena itu, pembentukan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) merupakan salah satu model pemanfaatan kapasitas finansial desa untuk pemanfaatan potensi dan aset desa. Tujuan penelitian ini membandingkan pengelolaan potensi desa secara tradisional melalui pemerintah desa dan pengelolaan berbasis badan usaha publik (public enterprice). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan mendasar dalam pengelolaan potensi desa. Oleh karena itu, pergeseran model pengelolaan potensi desa dari pemerintah ke arah public enterprise untuk pengelolaan potensi desa telah berada di jalan yang benar. BUMDes sebagai bentuk public enterprise di level desa bergerak dari paradigma birokratik ke sektor bisnis, namun bukan sekadar bisnis murni melainkan bisnis sosial.  Kata Kunci: Local Competitiveness, New Public Management, Public Enterprice, Social Businesses Model.