38 research outputs found

    Self versus Environment Motion in Postural Control

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    To stabilize our position in space we use visual information as well as non-visual physical motion cues. However, visual cues can be ambiguous: visually perceived motion may be caused by self-movement, movement of the environment, or both. The nervous system must combine the ambiguous visual cues with noisy physical motion cues to resolve this ambiguity and control our body posture. Here we have developed a Bayesian model that formalizes how the nervous system could solve this problem. In this model, the nervous system combines the sensory cues to estimate the movement of the body. We analytically demonstrate that, as long as visual stimulation is fast in comparison to the uncertainty in our perception of body movement, the optimal strategy is to weight visually perceived movement velocities proportional to a power law. We find that this model accounts for the nonlinear influence of experimentally induced visual motion on human postural behavior both in our data and in previously published results

    Bayesian Integration and Non-Linear Feedback Control in a Full-Body Motor Task

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    A large number of experiments have asked to what degree human reaching movements can be understood as being close to optimal in a statistical sense. However, little is known about whether these principles are relevant for other classes of movements. Here we analyzed movement in a task that is similar to surfing or snowboarding. Human subjects stand on a force plate that measures their center of pressure. This center of pressure affects the acceleration of a cursor that is displayed in a noisy fashion (as a cloud of dots) on a projection screen while the subject is incentivized to keep the cursor close to a fixed position. We find that salient aspects of observed behavior are well-described by optimal control models where a Bayesian estimation model (Kalman filter) is combined with an optimal controller (either a Linear-Quadratic-Regulator or Bang-bang controller). We find evidence that subjects integrate information over time taking into account uncertainty. However, behavior in this continuous steering task appears to be a highly non-linear function of the visual feedback. While the nervous system appears to implement Bayes-like mechanisms for a full-body, dynamic task, it may additionally take into account the specific costs and constraints of the task

    Personalized neuromusculoskeletal modeling to improve treatment of mobility impairments: a perspective from European research sites

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    Mobility impairments due to injury or disease have a significant impact on quality of life. Consequently, development of effective treatments to restore or replace lost function is an important societal challenge. In current clinical practice, a treatment plan is often selected from a standard menu of options rather than customized to the unique characteristics of the patient. Furthermore, the treatment selection process is normally based on subjective clinical experience rather than objective prediction of post-treatment function. The net result is treatment methods that are less effective than desired at restoring lost function. This paper discusses the possible use of personalized neuromusculoskeletal computer models to improve customization, objectivity, and ultimately effectiveness of treatments for mobility impairments. The discussion is based on information gathered from academic and industrial research sites throughout Europe, and both clinical and technical aspects of personalized neuromusculoskeletal modeling are explored. On the clinical front, we discuss the purpose and process of personalized neuromusculoskeletal modeling, the application of personalized models to clinical problems, and gaps in clinical application. On the technical front, we discuss current capabilities of personalized neuromusculoskeletal models along with technical gaps that limit future clinical application. We conclude by summarizing recommendations for future research efforts that would allow personalized neuromusculoskeletal models to make the greatest impact possible on treatment design for mobility impairments

    The Role of Optic Flow and Gaze Direction on Postural Control

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    Objective: The observers use the optic flow to control self-motion. However, the current state of knowledge indicates that it is difficult to understand how optic flow is used by the visual system without a direct measurement of the changes in the flow patterns caused by eye movements during natural behaviour. The purpose of this literature review is to highlight the importance of the integration between optic flow and eye movements for postural control. Methods: A literature review of the electronic papers through July 2022 was independently performed by three investigators. The selection of the studies was made by a search on PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar with two groups of selected keywords. We excluded papers performed on subjects with pathologies, children, and the elderly. Results: The results of this literature analysis highlight that eye movements are required to drive visual motion processing and heading perception in both static and dynamic contexts. Conclusion: Although we now know many neural mechanisms that process heading direction from the optic flow field, a consideration of optic flow patterns relative to gaze direction provides more detailed information on how the retinal flow field is used to control body balance. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-06-020 Full Text: PD

    Bayesian inference of physiologically meaningful parameters from body sway measurements

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    The control of the human body sway by the central nervous system, muscles, and conscious brain is of interest since body sway carries information about the physiological status of a person. Several models have been proposed to describe body sway in an upright standing position, however, due to the statistical intractability of the more realistic models, no formal parameter inference has previously been conducted and the expressive power of such models for real human subjects remains unknown. Using the latest advances in Bayesian statistical inference for intractable models, we fitted a nonlinear control model to posturographic measurements, and we showed that it can accurately predict the sway characteristics of both simulated and real subjects. Our method provides a full statistical characterization of the uncertainty related to all model parameters as quantified by posterior probability density functions, which is useful for comparisons across subjects and test settings. The ability to infer intractable control models from sensor data opens new possibilities for monitoring and predicting body status in health applications.Peer reviewe

    Biomechanical and neurophysiological mechanisms related to postural control and efficiency of movement: A review

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    Understanding postural control requires considering various mechanisms underlying a person's ability to stand, to walk, and to interact with the environment safely and efficiently. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the functional relation between biomechanical and neurophysiological perspectives related to postural control in both standing and walking based on movement efficiency. Evidence related to the biomechanical and neurophysiological mechanisms is explored as well as the role of proprioceptive input on postural and movement control.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cognition in action: Imaging brain/body dynamics in mobile humans

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    We have recently developed a mobile brain imaging method (MoBI), that allows for simultaneous recording of brain and body dynamics of humans actively behaving in and interacting with their environment. A mobile imaging approach was needed to study cognitive processes that are inherently based on the use of human physical structure to obtain behavioral goals. This review gives examples of the tight coupling between human physical structure with cognitive processing and the role of supraspinal activity during control of human stance and locomotion. Existing brain imaging methods for actively behaving participants are described and new sensor technology allowing for mobile recordings of different behavioral states in humans is introduced. Finally, we review recent work demonstrating the feasibility of a MoBI system that was developed at the Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience at the University of California, San Diego, demonstrating the range of behavior that can be investigated with this method. Copyright © 2011 by Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, Boston

    The Vestibular Drive for Balance Control Is Dependent on Multiple Sensory Cues of Gravity

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    Vestibular signals, which encode head movement in space as well as orientation relative to gravity, contribute to the ongoing muscle activity required to stand. The strength of this vestibular contribution changes with the presence and quality of sensory cues of balance. Here we investigate whether the vestibular drive for standing balance also depends on different sensory cues of gravity by examining vestibular-evoked muscle responses when independently varying load and gravity conditions. Standing subjects were braced by a backboard structure that limited whole-body sway to the sagittal plane while load and vestibular cues of gravity were manipulated by: (a) loading the body downward at 1.5 and 2 times body weight (i.e., load cues), and/or (b) exposing subjects to brief periods (20 s) of micro- (<0.05 g) and hyper-gravity (∼1.8 g) during parabolic flights (i.e., vestibular cues). A stochastic electrical vestibular stimulus (0–25 Hz) delivered during these tasks evoked a vestibular-error signal and corrective muscles responses that were used to assess the vestibular drive to standing balance. With additional load, the magnitude of the vestibular-evoked muscle responses progressively increased, however, when these responses were normalized by the ongoing muscle activity, they decreased and plateaued at 1.5 times body weight. This demonstrates that the increased muscle activity necessary to stand with additional load is accompanied a proportionally smaller increase in vestibular input. This reduction in the relative vestibular contribution to balance was also observed when we varied the vestibular cues of gravity, but only during an absence (<0.05 g) and not an excess (∼1.8 g) of gravity when compared to conditions with normal 1 g gravity signals and equivalent load signals. Despite these changes, vestibular-evoked responses were observed in all conditions, indicating that vestibular cues of balance contribute to upright standing even in the near absence of a vestibular signal of gravity (i.e., micro-gravity). Overall, these experiments provide evidence that both load and vestibular cues of gravity influence the vestibular signal processing for the control of standing balance

    Postural Control and Sensorimotor Integration

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    Presents state-of-the-art manual therapy research from the last 10 years Multidisciplinary authorship presents the viewpoints of different professions crucial to the ongoing back pain management debate Highly illustrated and fully ..

    Effect of Aging on Human Postural Control and the Interaction with Attention

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    The ability to stand upright and walk is generally taken for granted, yet control of balance utilizes many processes involving the neuromuscular and sensory systems. As we age, balance function begins to decline and can become problematic for many older adults. In particular, adults 65 years of age and older exhibit a higher incidence of falls than younger adults, and falls are a leading cause of injury in older adults, contributing to significant medical costs. Without better understanding of the impact of aging on balance and means to ameliorate those effects, this problem is expected to grow as life expectancy continues to increase.In addition to sensori-motor declines with age that impact balance, another factor known to affect balance, particularly in older adults, is attention, meaning the amount of cognitive resources utilized for a particular task. When two or more tasks vie for cognitive resources, performance in one or more tasks can be compromised (a common example today is driving while talking on a cell phone). Attention has been observed to be a critical factor in many falls reported by older adults. However, it is still not fully understood how aging and attentional demand affect balance and how they interact with each other.In this dissertation, we conducted dual-task experiments and model-based analyses to study upright standing and the interaction of the effects of age and attention on postural control. The effect of age was investigated by testing two age groups (young and older adults) with no evident balance and cognitive impairment and by comparing results of the two groups. The effect of attention and its interaction with age was studied by comparing body sway in the two age groups in response to a moving platform, while either concurrently performing a cognitive task (dual-task) or not (single-task). Our findings highlight postural control differences between young and older adults, as quantified by experimental measures of body motion as well as by model parameter values, such as stiffness, damping and processing delay