21 research outputs found

    Electronic processing for optical communication systems

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    I sistemi di comunicazione in fibra ottica risentono di diversi tipi di disturbi, quali ad esempio la dispersione cromatica e la dispersione dei modi di polarizzazione. La compensazione ottica di tali disturbi 猫 possibile ma complessa e costosa, mentre le tecniche di elaborazione elettronica del segnale presentano diversi vantaggi, semplicit脿, costo, adattabilit脿. L'equalizzazione elettronica e la strategia di rivelazione di sequenza a massima verosimiglianza rappresentano soluzioni efficaci e realizzabili con semplici modulazioni di ampiezza e anche con pi霉 avanzate modulazioni di fase e fase-ampiezza.Optical communication systems are suffering from several typical impairments, chromatic dispersion and polarization mode dispersion. Optical compensation of such impairments is possible but it is technological demanding and expensive, whereas electronic signal processing presents many advantages, implementation ease, cost-efficiency, adaptability. Electronic equalization and maximum likelihood sequence detection represent effective and feasible solutions for simple amplitude modulation formats as well as for more advanced phase and phase-amplitude modulation formats

    Distributed space鈥搕ime cooperative schemes for underwater acoustic communications

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    Author Posting. 漏 IEEE, 2008. This article is posted here by permission of IEEE for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 33 (2008): 489-50, doi:10.1109/JOE.2008.2005338.In resource limited, large scale underwater sensor networks, cooperative communication over multiple hops offers opportunities to save power. Intermediate nodes between source and destination act as cooperative relays. Herein, protocols coupled with space-time block code (STBC) strategies are proposed and analyzed for distributed cooperative communication. Amplify-and-forward-type protocols are considered, in which intermediate relays do not attempt to decode the information. The Alamouti-based cooperative scheme proposed by Hua (2003) for flat-fading channels is generalized to work in the presence of multipath, thus addressing a main characteristic of underwater acoustic channels. A time-reversal distributed space-time block code (TR-DSTBC) is proposed, which extends the dual-antenna TR-STBC (time-reversal space-time block code) approach from Lindskog and Paulraj (2000) to a cooperative communication scenario for signaling in multipath. It is first shown that, just as in the dual-antenna STBC case, TR along with the orthogonality of the DSTBC essentially allows for decoupling of the vector intersymbol interference (ISI) detection problem into separate scalar problems, and thus yields strong performance (compared with single-hop communication) and with substantially reduced complexity over nonorthogonal schemes. Furthermore, a performance analysis of the proposed scheme is carried out to provide insight on the performance gains, which are further confirmed via numerical results based on computer simulations and field data experiments

    Doppler-Resilient Schemes for Underwater Acoustic Communication Channels.

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    In this thesis we consider Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technique by taking into account in the receiver design the fundamental and unique characteristics of Underwater Acoustic (UWA) channels in the context of Relay-Assisted (RA) systems. In particular, OFDM technique is used to combat the problem of Intersymbol Interference (ISI), while to handle the Intercarrier Interference (ICI), a pre-processing unit is used prior to the Minimum Mean Squared Error (MMSE) frequency-domain equalization called Multiple Resampling (MR), which minimizes the effect of time variation. This pre-processor consists of multiple branches, each corresponds to a Doppler scaling factor of a path/user/cluster, and performs of frequency shifting, resampling, and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) operation. As a suboptimal alternative to MR pre-processing, Single Resampling (SR) pre-processing is also used to reduce the effect of ICI in the system, and it consists of only one branch that performs frequency shifting, resampling, and FFT operation, which corresponds to one approximated resampling factor, that is a function of one or more of the actual Doppler scaling factors. The problem of bandwidth scarcity is considered in the context of Two Way Relaying (TWR) systems in an attempt to increase the bandwidth efficiency of the system, while the problem of fading is considered in the context of Distributed Space-Time Block Coding (D-STBC) to boost the system reliability. Also, joint TWR-D-STBC system is proposed to extract the advantages of both schemes simultaneously. Second, motivated by the fact that OFDM is extremely sensitive to time variation, which destroys the orthogonality between the subcarriers, we consider another candidate to UWA channels and competitor to OFDM scheme, namely, block-based Single Carrier (SC) modulation with Frequency Domain Equalization (FDE). We start by the Point-to-Point (P2P) systems with path-specific Doppler model and Multiple Access Channel (MAC) system with user-specific Doppler model. The Maximum Likelihood (ML) receiver in each case is derived, and it is shown that a MR pre-processing stage is necessary to handle the effect of time variation, as it is the case in OFDM. Different from OFDM, however, the structure of this pre-processing stage. Specifically, it consists of multiple branches and each branch corresponds to a Doppler scaling factor per path or per user, and performs frequency shifting, resampling, and followed by and integration. FFT operation is not a part of the pre-processor. The goal of this pre-processing stage is to minimize the level of time variation in the time domain. So, the output of the pre-processor will still be time-varying contaminated by ISI, and hence an equalization stage is required. To avoid the complexity of the optimum Maximum Likelihood Sequence Detector (MLSD), we propose the use of MMSE FDE, where the samples are transformed to the frequency domain by means of FFT operation, and after the FDE transformed back to the time domain, where symbol-by-symbol detection becomes feasible. Also, the channels are approximated such that all paths or all users have the same Doppler scaling factor, and the pre-processing stage in this case consists of only one branch and it is called SR. Having the basic structure of SC-FDE scheme, we then consider the corresponding schemes that are considered for OFDM systems, namely: TWR, D-STBC, and TWR-D-STBC schemes. A complete complexity analysis, bandwidth efficiency, and extensive Average Bit Error Rate (ABER) simulation results are given. It is shown that MR schemes outperforms its SR counterparts within a given signaling scheme (i.e., OFDM or SC-FDE). However, this superiority in performance comes at the expense of more hardware complexity. Also, for uncoded systems, MR-SC-FDE outperforms its OFDM counterpart with less hardware complexity, because in SC-FDE systems, FFT operation is not part of the MR pre-processor, but rather a part of the equalizer. Finally, under total power constraint, it is shown that TWR-D-STBC scheme serves as a good compromise between bandwidth efficiency and reliability, where it has better bandwidth efficiency with some performance loss compared to D-STBC, while it has better performance and the same bandwidth efficiency compared to TWR

    Cognitive satellite communications and representation learning for streaming and complex graphs.

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    This dissertation includes two topics. The first topic studies a promising dynamic spectrum access algorithm (DSA) that improves the throughput of satellite communication (SATCOM) under the uncertainty. The other topic investigates distributed representation learning for streaming and complex networks. DSA allows a secondary user to access the spectrum that are not occupied by primary users. However, uncertainty in SATCOM causes more spectrum sensing errors. In this dissertation, the uncertainty has been addressed by formulating a DSA decision-making process as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) model to optimally determine which channels to sense and access. Large-scale networks have attracted many attentions to discover the hidden information from big data. Particularly, representation learning embeds the network into a lower vector space while maximally preserving the similarity among nodes. I propose a real-time distributed graph embedding algorithm (RTDGE) which is capable of distributively embedding the streaming graph by combining a novel edge partition approach and an incremental negative sample approach. Furthermore, a platform is prototyped based on Kafka and Storm. Real-time Twitter network data can be retrieved, partitioned and processed for state-of-art tasks. For knowledge graphs, existing works cannot capture the complex connection patterns and never consider the impacts from complicated relations, due to the unquantifiable relationships. A novel embedding algorithm is proposed to hierarchically measure the structural similarity and the impacts from relations by constructing a multi-layer graph. Then, an advanced representation learning model is designed based on an entity\u27s context generated by random walks on the multi-layer content graph

    Novel multiuser detection and multi-rate schemes for multi-carrier CDMA

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    A large variety of services is [sic] expected for wireless systems, in particular, high data rate services, such as wireless Internet access. Users with different data rates and quality of service (QoS) requirements must be accommodated. A suitable multiple access scheme is key to enabling wireless systems to support both the high data rate and the integrated multiple data rate transmissions with satisfactory performance and flexibility. A multi-carrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) scheme is a promising candidate for emerging broadband wireless systems. MC-CDMA is a hybrid of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and code division multiple access (CDMA). The most salient feature of MC-CDMA is that the rate of transmission is not limited by the wireless channel\u27s frequency-selective fading effects caused by multipath propagation. In MC-CDMA, each chip of the desired user\u27s spreading code, multiplied by the current data bit, is modulated onto a separate subcarrier. Therefore, each subcarrier has a narrow bandwidth and undergoes frequency-flat fading. Two important issues for an MC-CDMA wireless system, multiuser detection and multi-rate access, are discussed in this dissertation. Several advanced receiver structures capable of suppressing multiuser interference in an uplink MC-CDMA system, operating in a frequency-selective fading channel, are studied in this dissertation. One receiver is based on a so-called multishot structure, in which the interference introduced by the asynchronous reception of different users is successfully suppressed by a receiver based on the minimum mean-square error (MMSE) criterion with a built-in de-biasing feature. Like many other multiuser schemes, this receiver is very sensitive to a delay estimation error. A blind adaptive two-stage decorrelating receiver based on the bootstrap algorithm is developed to combat severe performance degradation due to a delay estimation error. It is observed that in the presence of a delay estimation error the blind adaptive bootstrap receiver is more near-far resistant than the MMSE receiver. Furthermore, a differential bootstrap receiver is proposed to extend the limited operating range of the two-stage bootstrap receiver which suffers from a phase ambiguity problem. Another receiver is based on a partial sampling (PS) demodulation structure, which further reduces the sensitivity to unknown user delays in an uplink scenario. Using this partial sampling structure, it is no longer necessary to synchronize the receiver with the desired user. Following the partial sampling demodulator, a minimum mean-square error combining (MMSEC) detector is applied. The partial sampling MMSEC (PS-MMSEC) receiver is shown to have strong interference suppression and timing acquisition capabilities. The complexity of this receiver can be reduced significantly, with negligible performance loss, by choosing a suitable partial sampling rate and using a structure called reduced complexity PS-MMSEC (RPS-MMSEC). The adaptive implementation of these receivers yields a superior rate of convergence and symbol error rate performance in comparison to a conventional MMSEC receiver with known timing. All the above receiver structures are for a single-rate MC-CDMA. Three novel multi-rate access schemes for multi-rate MC-CDMA, fixed spreading length (FSL), coded FSL (CFSL) and variable spreading length (VSL), have been developed. These multi-rate access schemes enable users to transmit information at different data rates in one MC-CDMA system. Hence, voice, data, image and video can be transmitted seamlessly through a wireless infrastructure. The bit error rate performance of these schemes is investigated for both low-rate and high-rate users

    Channel estimation and synchronization for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with known symbol padding

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    Cooperative Techniques for Next Generation HF Communication Systems

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    The high frequency (HF) band lies within 2-30 MHz of the electromagnetic spectrum. For decades, the HF band has been recognized as the primary means of long-range wireless communications. When satellite communication first emerged in 1960s, HF technology was considered to be obsolete. However, with its enduring qualities, HF communication survived through this competition and positioned itself as a powerful complementary and/or alternative technology to satellite communications. HF systems have been traditionally associated with low-rate data transmission. With the shift from analog to digital in voice communication, and increasing demands for high-rate data transmission (e.g., e-mail, Internet, FTP), HF communication has been going through a renaissance. Innovative techniques are required to push the capacity limits of the HF band. In this dissertation, we consider cooperative communication as an enabling technology to meet the challenging expectations of future generation HF communication systems. Cooperative communication exploits the broadcast nature of wireless transmission and relies on the cooperation of users relaying the information to one another. We address the design, analysis, and optimization of cooperative HF communication systems considering both multi-carrier and single-carrier architectures. As the multi-carrier HF system, we consider the combination of the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) with the bit interleaved coded modulation (BICM) as the underlying physical layer platform. It is assumed that cooperating nodes may use different HF propagation mechanisms, such as near-vertical-incidence sky wave (NVIS) and surface wave, to relay their received signals to the destination in different environmental scenarios. Diversity gain analysis, optimum relay selection strategy and power allocation between the source and relays are investigated for the proposed cooperative HF system. For single-carrier HF systems, we first derive a matched-filer-bound (MFB) on the error rate performance of the non-regenerative cooperative systems. The results from the MFB analysis are also used for relay selection and power allocation in the multi-relay cooperative systems. To overcome the intersymbol interference impairment induced by frequency-selectivity of the HF channel, equalization is inevitable at the destination in a single-carrier system. In this work, we investigate the minimum-mean-square-error (MMSE) based linear/decision-feedback frequency domain equalizers (FDEs). Both symbol-spaced and fractionally-spaced implementations of the proposed FDEs are considered and their performance is compared under different channel conditions and sampling phase errors at the relay and destination nodes.1 yea

    Codificaci贸n para correcci贸n de errores con aplicaci贸n en sistemas de transmisi贸n y almacenamiento de informaci贸n

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    Tesis (DCI)--FCEFN-UNC, 2013Trata de una t茅cnica de dise帽o de c贸digos de chequeo de paridad de baja densidad ( m谩s conocidas por sigla en ingles como LDPC) y un nuevo algoritmo de post- procesamiento para la reducci贸n del piso de erro

    A review of gallium nitride LEDs for multi-gigabit-per-second visible light data communications

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    The field of visible light communications (VLC) has gained significant interest over the last decade, in both fibre and free-space embodiments. In fibre systems, the availability of low cost plastic optical fibre (POF) that is compatible with visible data communications has been a key enabler. In free-space applications, the availability of hundreds of THz of the unregulated spectrum makes VLC attractive for wireless communications. This paper provides an overview of the recent developments in VLC systems based on gallium nitride (GaN) light-emitting diodes (LEDs), covering aspects from sources to systems. The state-of-the-art technology enabling bandwidth of GaN LEDs in the range of >400 MHz is explored. Furthermore, advances in key technologies, including advanced modulation, equalisation, and multiplexing that have enabled free-space VLC data rates beyond 10 Gb/s are also outlined