14 research outputs found

    A study of big field multivariate cryptography.

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    As the world grapples with the possibility of widespread quantum computing, the cryptosystems of the day need to be up to date. Multivariate Public Key Cryptography is a leading option for security in a post quantum society. One goal of this work is to classify the security of multivariate schemes, especially C*variants. We begin by introducing Multivariate Public Key Cryptography and will then discuss different multivariate schemes and the main types of attacks that have been proven effective against multivariate schemes. Once we have developed an appropriate background, we analyze security of different schemes against particular attacks. Specifically, we will analyze differential security of HFEv- and PFLASH schemes. We then introduce a variant of C* that may be used as an encryption scheme, not just as a signature scheme. Finally, we will analyze the security and efficiency of a (n,d,s,a,p,t) scheme in general. This allows for individuals to generally discuss security and performance of any C* variant

    EFLASH: A New Multivariate Encryption Scheme

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    Multivariate Public Key Cryptography is a leading option for security in a post quantum society. In this paper we propose a new encryption scheme, EFLASH, and analyze its efficiency and security

    On the Effect of Projection on Rank Attacks in Multivariate Cryptography

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    The multivariate scheme HFEv- used to be considered a promising candidate for a post-quantum signature system. First suggested in the early 2000s, a version of the scheme made it to the third round of the ongoing NIST post-quantum standardization process. In late 2020, the system suffered from an efficient rank attack due to Tao, Petzoldt, and Ding. In this paper, we inspect how this recent rank attack is affected by the projection modification. This modification was introduced to secure the signature scheme PFLASH against its predecessor\u27s attacks. We prove upper bounds for the rank of projected HFEv- (pHFEv-) and PFLASH under the new attack, which are tight for the experiments we have performed. We conclude that projection could be a useful tool in protecting against this recent cryptanalysis

    Extracting Linearization Equations from Noisy Sources

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    This note was originally written under the name ``On the Security of HMFEv\u27\u27 and was submitted to PQCrypto 2018. The author was informed by the referees of his oversight of an eprint work of the same name by Hashimoto, see eprint article /2017/689/, that completely breaks HMFEv, rendering the result on HMFEv obsolete. Still, the author feels that the technique used here is interesting and that, at least in principal, this method could contribute to future cryptanalysis. Thus, with a change of title indicating the direction in which this work is leading, we present the original work with all of its oversights intact and with minimal correction (only references fixed). At PQCRYPTO 2017, a new multivariate digital signature based on Multi-HFE and utilizing the vinegar modifier was proposed. The vinegar modifier increases the Q-rank of the central map, preventing a direct application of the MinRank attack that defeated Multi-HFE. The authors were, therefore, confident enough to choose aggressive parameters for the Multi-HFE component of the central map (with vinegar variables fixed). Their analysis indicated that the security of the scheme depends on the sum of the number of variables kk over the extension field and the number vv of vinegar variables with the individual values being unimportant as long as they are not ``too small.\u27\u27 We analyze the consequences of this choice of parameters and derive some new attacks showing that the parameter vv must be chosen with care

    Design and development of an embedded flash memory integrated simulator for the automotive microcontroller firmware validation

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    Applicazioni automotive possono compromettere la sicurezza delle persone pertanto i componenti devono essere affidabili in qualsiasi condizione operativa. L'affidabilità può essere raggiunta testando i dispositivi dopo la produzione, progettare il test è un compito delicato in quanto non sono presenti fisicamente i primi prototipi del dispositivo. Realizziamo un simulatore di memorie flash integrate di un microcontrollore automotive per facilitare la progettazione dei tes

    A Machine Learning-based Test Program Quality Tool for Automotive Microcontrollers

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    In Infineon, production testing is an important aspect, during which thousands of data are stored, the purpose of this thesis is to make use of these data to build a quality gate tool based on machine learning techniques in order to improve testing quality. In fact, tests in the production flow involves two important sequential phases, the front-end and the back end-testing. In this thesis, we study the possibility of predicting the final BE label of the chips based on the FE tests

    Redes definidas por software e funções de redes virtualizadas em ambientes com recursos restritos

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    With technologies such as SDN and NFV pushing the the development of the next generation networks, new paradigms, such as Fog Computing, appeared in the network scene. However, these technologies have been associated with the network infrastructure, such as the datacenter. In order for these technologies to be used, for instance, in a Fog Computing scenario it is necessary to, therefore, study and develop these technologies to form new control and operation mechanisms. So, a Fog Computing scenario composed by resource-constrained devices, typical in these types of situations, was developed, and, a solution proposal is presented. The solution consists in customizing an existent VIM, OpenVIM, to this kind of devices, after the implementation of the solution, where a Raspberry Pi is used to exemplify this type of devices. Tests are done to measure and compare this devices to more powerful ones. The tests are comprised by benchmarks runs, focusing on instantiation times, and power consumption. The results show some drawbacks inherent to this kind of devices when compared to more powerful ones. However, it is possible to see the potential that this kind of devices might have in the near future.Com tecnologias como SDN e NFV a impulsionar o desenvolvimento das redes da próxima geração, novos paradigmas como por exemplo, Fog Computing, apareceram na área de redes. Contudo, estas tecnologias têm estado associadas à infraestrutura das redes, como o datacenter. Para que estas tecnologias possam ser utilizadas, como por exemplo, num cenário de Fog Computing é necessário, então, estudar e desenvolver estas tecnologias para formar novos mecanismos de controlo e operação. Desta forma, um cenário de Fog Computing composto por dispositivos com recursos limitados, típicos neste tipo de situação, é desenvolvido, e, uma proposta de solução é apresentada. A solução consiste em adaptar uma VIM existente, OpenVIM, para este tipo de dispositivos, após a implementação da solução, onde um Raspberry Pi é utilizado para exemplificar este tipo de dispositvos. Testes são realizados para medir e comparar como estes dispositivos se comportam em comparação com dispositivos mais poderosos. Estes testes são compostos por testes de desempenho, focando o tempo de instanciação e consumo energético. Os resultados apresentam algumas limitações inerentes a este tipo de dispositivos resultantes dos seus recursos limitados, quando comparados com hardware com maior capacidade. Contudo, é possível verificar o potencial que este tipo de dispositivos podem apresentar no futuro próximo.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Combinatorial Rank Attacks Against the Rectangular Simple Matrix Encryption Scheme

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    In 2013, Tao et al. introduced the ABC Simple Matrix Encryption Scheme, a multivariate public key encryption scheme. The scheme boasts great efficiency in encryption and decryption, though it suffers from very large public keys. It was quickly noted that the original proposal, utilizing square matrices, suffered from a very bad decryption failure rate. As a consequence, the designers later published updated parameters, replacing the square matrices with rectangular matrices and altering other parameters to avoid the cryptanalysis of the original scheme presented in 2014 by Moody et al. In this work, we show that making the matrices rectangular, while decreasing the decryption failure rate, actually, and ironically, diminishes security. We show that the combinatorial rank methods employed in the original attack of Moody et al. can be enhanced by the same added degrees of freedom that reduce the decryption failure rate. Moreover, and quite interestingly, if the decryption failure rate is still reasonably high, as exhibited by the proposed parameters, we are able to mount a reaction attack to further enhance the combinatorial rank methods. To our knowledge this is the first instance of a reaction attack creating a significant advantage in this context

    Guía para la redacción de un BEP para el desarrollo de un proyecto en BIM. Aplicación para un proyecto de instalaciones en un edificio inteligente

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    La presente Memoria corresponde al estudio realizado sobre la metodología Building Information Model con un punto de vista referente al área de la electrónica. El estudio revisa los estándares que regulan la metodología, la situación actual de la misma y analiza las guías existentes a nivel global. En el mismo documento se incluye una parte de la elaboración de la Guía para la redacción de un Plan de Ejecución BIM, compuesto por la propuesta global de la misma y el desarrollo de la terminología, los objetivos que deben cumplir éste tipo de documentos, los roles y responsabilidades en éstos proyectos, las dimensiones y el nivel de desarrollo de los elementos, los entregables y las familias. Dentro del desarrollo de la Guía, se hace especial hincapié en el nivel de desarrollo de un objeto, el cual se encuentra también presente en las familias de estos. Se expone la necesidad de invertir en una estandarización de los mismos e incrementar sus niveles de desarrollo para poder obtener los beneficios que nos brinda la metodología BIM. Los objetos electrónicos tan solo conforman el 5% de los elementos existentes en el mercado. Finalmente se plantea un caso práctico, el cual consiste en la carga de familias de elementos dentro de un entorno Autodesk Revit. Se elige como objeto una cámara de seguridad proporcionada por su fabricante. El mismo es válido para el usuario de la Guía elaborada previamente, a modo manual. Además a través del mismo se realiza un análisis más crítico y real de la situación actual de las limitaciones de los objetos electrónicos en este entorno.This Report relates to the study carried out on the methodology Building Information Model from an electronic area point of view. The study reviews the standards that set out the methodology and its current situation, and analyses the global existing guidelines. The same document also includes one section which outlines the elaboration of the Guía para la redacción de un Plan de Ejecución BIM (Guide for the drafting of an BIM Execution Plan), comprised of the global proposal, terminology development, the goals that should be included in these type of documents, projects‟ roles and responsibilities, the dimensions and the grade of the elements‟ development, deliverables and families. On the development Guide, it is paid attention to the level of development of an object, which is also present in the families of them. It is outlined the need for investing on standardization and increasing the development level of the objects in order to achieve the BIM methodology benefits. The electronic objects only represent 5% of the existing market elements. Finally, it is put forward a practical case which consists of the families‟ weight within Autodesk Revit context. It is chosen as an object a security camera provided by the producer. This is also appropriate for the previous carried out Guideline user, as a handbook. In addition, the above carries out a more critical and real analysis of the current situation of the electronic objects limitations in this context.Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial y Automátic

    Release and Verification of an Operating System for Testing e-Flash on Microcontrollers for Automotive Applications based on Multicore Architecture

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    The cars produced contain an increasing number of electronic devices for active assistance to driving, safety controls, energy efficiency, passenger comfort and entertainment. Safety is the keyword and means to have electronic components high reliability. Infineon microcontroller division works to improve reliability and guarantee the quality of microcontroller flash memories. The thesis goal is to verify the operating system used to test the microcontrollers flash memorie