455 research outputs found

    Efficient resources assignment schemes for clustered multithreaded processors

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    New feature sizes provide larger number of transistors per chip that architects could use in order to further exploit instruction level parallelism. However, these technologies bring also new challenges that complicate conventional monolithic processor designs. On the one hand, exploiting instruction level parallelism is leading us to diminishing returns and therefore exploiting other sources of parallelism like thread level parallelism is needed in order to keep raising performance with a reasonable hardware complexity. On the other hand, clustering architectures have been widely studied in order to reduce the inherent complexity of current monolithic processors. This paper studies the synergies and trade-offs between two concepts, clustering and simultaneous multithreading (SMT), in order to understand the reasons why conventional SMT resource assignment schemes are not so effective in clustered processors. These trade-offs are used to propose a novel resource assignment scheme that gets and average speed up of 17.6% versus Icount improving fairness in 24%.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Performance Enhancement of Multicore Architecture

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    Multicore processors integrate several cores on a single chip. The fixed architecture of multicore platforms often fails to accommodate the inherent diverse requirements of different applications. The permanent need to enhance the performance of multicore architecture motivates the development of a dynamic architecture. To address this issue, this paper presents new algorithms for thread selection in fetch stage. Moreover, this paper presents three new fetch stage policies, EACH_LOOP_FETCH, INC-FETCH, and WZ-FETCH, based on Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression statistic method. These new fetch policies differ on thread selection time which is represented by instructions’ count and window size. Furthermore, the simulation multicore tool, , is adapted to cope with multicore processor dynamic design by adding a dynamic feature in the policy of thread selection in fetch stage. SPLASH2, parallel scientific workloads, has been used to validate the proposed adaptation for multi2sim. Intensive simulated experiments have been conducted and the obtained results show that remarkable performance enhancements have been achieved in terms of execution time and number of instructions per second produces less broadcast operations compared to the typical algorithm

    A comparison of cache hierarchies for SMT processors

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    In the multithread and multicore era, programs are forced to share part of the processor structures. On one hand, the state of the art in multithreading describes how efficiently manage and distribute inner resources such as reorder buffer or issue windows. On the other hand, there is a substantial body of works focused on outer resources, mainly on how to effectively share last level caches in multicores. Between these ends, first and second level caches have remained apart even if they are shared in most commercial multithreaded processors. This work analyzes multiprogrammed workloads as the worst-case scenario for cache sharing among threads. In order to obtain representative results, we present a sampling-based methodology that for multiple metrics such as STP, ANTT, IPC throughput, or fairness, reduces simulation time up to 4 orders of magnitude when running 8-thread workloads with an error lower than 3% and a confidence level of 97%. With the above mentioned methodology, we compare several state-of-the-art cache hierarchies, and observe that Light NUCA provides performance benefits in SMT processors regardless the organization of the last level cache. Most importantly, Light NUCA gains are consistent across the entire number of simulated threads, from one to eight.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Improving IBM POWER8 Performance Through Symbiotic Job Scheduling

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    [EN] Symbiotic job scheduling, i.e., scheduling applications that co-run well together on a core, can have a considerable impact on the performance of processors with simultaneous multithreading (SMT) cores. SMT cores share most of their microarchitectural components among the co-running applications, which causes performance interference between them. Therefore, scheduling applications with complementary resource requirements on the same core can greatly improve the throughput of the system. This paper enhances symbiotic job scheduling for the IBM POWER8 processor. We leverage the existing cycle accounting mechanism to build an interference model that predicts symbiosis between applications. The proposed models achieve higher accuracy than previous models by predicting job symbiosis from throttled CPI stacks, i.e., CPI stacks of the applications when running in the same SMT mode to consider the statically partitioned resources, but without interference from other applications. The symbiotic scheduler uses these interference models to decide, at run-time, which applications should run on the same core or on separate cores. We prototype the symbiotic scheduler as a user-level scheduler in the Linux operating system and evaluate it on an IBM POWER8 server running multiprogram workloads. The symbiotic job scheduler significantly improves performance compared to both an agnostic random scheduler and the default Linux scheduler. Across all evaluated workloads in SMT4 mode, throughput improves by 12.4 and 5.1 percent on average over the random and Linux schedulers, respectively.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Econom ıa y Competitividad (MINECO) and Plan E funds, under grants TIN2015-66972- C5-1-R and TIN2014-62246-EXP, as well as by the European Research Council under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)/ERC grant agreement No. 259295.Feliu-Pérez, J.; Eyerman, S.; Sahuquillo Borrás, J.; Petit Martí, SV.; Eeckhout, L. (2017). Improving IBM POWER8 Performance Through Symbiotic Job Scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 28(10):2838-2851. https://doi.org/10.1109/TPDS.2017.269170828382851281

    Task Activity Vectors: A Novel Metric for Temperature-Aware and Energy-Efficient Scheduling

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    This thesis introduces the abstraction of the task activity vector to characterize applications by the processor resources they utilize. Based on activity vectors, the thesis introduces scheduling policies for improving the temperature distribution on the processor chip and for increasing energy efficiency by reducing the contention for shared resources of multicore and multithreaded processors

    Bandwidth-Aware On-Line Scheduling in SMT Multicores

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The memory hierarchy plays a critical role on the performance of current chip multiprocessors. Main memory is shared by all the running processes, which can cause important bandwidth contention. In addition, when the processor implements SMT cores, the L1 bandwidth becomes shared among the threads running on each core. In such a case, bandwidth-aware schedulers emerge as an interesting approach to mitigate the contention. This work investigates the performance degradation that the processes suffer due to memory bandwidth constraints. Experiments show that main memory and L1 bandwidth contention negatively impact the process performance; in both cases, performance degradation can grow up to 40 percent for some of applications. To deal with contention, we devise a scheduling algorithm that consists of two policies guided by the bandwidth consumption gathered at runtime. The process selection policy balances the number of memory requests over the execution time to address main memory bandwidth contention. The process allocation policy tackles L1 bandwidth contention by balancing the L1 accesses among the L1 caches. The proposal is evaluated on a Xeon E5645 platform using a wide set of multiprogrammed workloads, achieving performance benefits up to 6.7 percent with respect to the Linux scheduler.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) and by FEDER funds under Grant TIN2012-38341-C04-01, and by the Intel Early Career Faculty Honor Program Award.Feliu-Pérez, J.; Sahuquillo Borrás, J.; Petit Martí, SV.; Duato Marín, JF. (2016). Bandwidth-Aware On-Line Scheduling in SMT Multicores. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 65(2):422-434. https://doi.org/10.1109/TC.2015.2428694S42243465

    An Investigation of thread scheduling heuristics for a simultaneous multithreaded processor

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    Over the years, the von Neumann model of computing has undergone many enhancements. These changes include an improved memory hierarchy, multiple instruction issue and branch predic tion. Since the model\u27s introduction, the performance of processors has increased at a much greater rate than that of memory. Several modifications to hide this ever widening gap in performance are being examined in current research. A very promising one is the Simultaneous Multithreaded processor. This architecture strives to further reduce the effects of long latency instructions, such as memory accesses, by allowing multiple threads of execution to be active in the processor at the same time. With the introduction of multiple active threads in a single processor, several new aspects of processor operation can have a sizeable effect on performance. One such aspect is how to choose from which thread to fetch instructions during the next cycle. For this project, three different classes of fetch scheduling mechanisms were defined and exam ples of each were either studied or proposed. The proposed mechanisms were then tested using a set of four sample programs by adding the mechanisms to a Simultaneous Multithreading sim ulator based on the Simple Scalar tool set from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. With the proper configuration, each of the proposed mechanisms improved the performance of the simulated architecture. However, the best increase in performance was produced by the Event History Table. It achieved an IPC of 2.0995 for two threads while overriding the primary scheduling mechanism only 0.070% of the time

    Exploring coordinated software and hardware support for hardware resource allocation

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    Multithreaded processors are now common in the industry as they offer high performance at a low cost. Traditionally, in such processors, the assignation of hardware resources between the multiple threads is done implicitly, by the hardware policies. However, a new class of multithreaded hardware allows the explicit allocation of resources to be controlled or biased by the software. Currently, there is little or no coordination between the allocation of resources done by the hardware and the prioritization of tasks done by the software.This thesis targets to narrow the gap between the software and the hardware, with respect to the hardware resource allocation, by proposing a new explicit resource allocation hardware mechanism and novel schedulers that use the currently available hardware resource allocation mechanisms.It approaches the problem in two different types of computing systems: on the high performance computing domain, we characterize the first processor to present a mechanism that allows the software to bias the allocation hardware resources, the IBM POWER5. In addition, we propose the use of hardware resource allocation as a way to balance high performance computing applications. Finally, we propose two new scheduling mechanisms that are able to transparently and successfully balance applications in real systems using the hardware resource allocation. On the soft real-time domain, we propose a hardware extension to the existing explicit resource allocation hardware and, in addition, two software schedulers that use the explicit allocation hardware to improve the schedulability of tasks in a soft real-time system.In this thesis, we demonstrate that system performance improves by making the software aware of the mechanisms to control the amount of resources given to each running thread. In particular, for the high performance computing domain, we show that it is possible to decrease the execution time of MPI applications biasing the hardware resource assignation between threads. In addition, we show that it is possible to decrease the number of missed deadlines when scheduling tasks in a soft real-time SMT system.Postprint (published version

    Architectural support for real-time task scheduling in SMT processors

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    In Simultaneous Multithreaded (SMT) architectures most hardware resources are shared between threads. This provides a good cost/performance trade-off which renders these architectures suitable for use in embedded systems. However, since threads share many resources, like caches, they also interfere with each other. As a result, execution times of applications become highly unpredictable and highly dependent on the context in which an application is executed. Obviously, this poses problems if an SMT is to be used in a (soft) real time system. In this paper, we propose two novel hardware mechanisms that can be used to reduce this performance variability. In contrast to previous approaches, our proposed mechanisms do not need any information beyond the information already known by traditional job schedulers. Neither do they require extensive profiling of workloads to determine optimal schedules. Our mechanisms are based on dynamic resource partitioning. The OS level job scheduler needs to be slightly adapted in order to provide the hardware resource allocator some information on how this resource partitioning needs to be done. We show that our mechanisms provide high stability for SMT architectures to be used in real time systems: the real time benchmarks we used meet their deadlines in more than 98% of the cases considered while the other thread in the workload still achieves high throughput.Postprint (published version
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