10 research outputs found

    {SAT} Solvers for Queries over Tree Automata with Constraints

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    International audienceTree automata turned out to be a very convenient framework for modeling and proving properties on infinite systems like communication protocols, Java programs and also in the context of XML programming. Unfortunately, these works are not always supported by efficient verification and validation tools. This paper investigates the use of two SAT solvers --- minisat and picosat--- to evaluate queries over tree automata with global equality and disequality constraints (TAGED s for short). Unlike general tree automata, TAGED s allow to express constraints useful for e.g., evaluating queries over XML documents, like "in the document, two nodes do not have the same key". These queries being based on the membership problem which is NP-complete for TAGEDs, we propose an efficient SAT encoding of the membership problem for TAGEDs and we show its correctness and soundness. The paper reports on the experimental results, and implementation details are given

    Performance Evaluations of Cryptographic Protocols Verification Tools Dealing with Algebraic Properties

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    International audienceThere exist several automatic verification tools of cryptographic protocols, but only few of them are able to check protocols in presence of algebraic properties. Most of these tools are dealing either with Exclusive-Or (XOR) and exponentiation properties, so-called Diffie-Hellman (DH). In the last few years, the number of these tools increased and some existing tools have been updated. Our aim is to compare their performances by analysing a selection of cryptographic protocols using XOR and DH. We compare execution time and memory consumption for different versions of the following tools OFMC, CL-Atse, Scyther, Tamarin, TA4SP, and extensions of ProVerif (XOR-ProVerif and DH-ProVerif). Our evaluation shows that in most of the cases the new versions of the tools are faster but consume more memory. We also show how the new tools: Tamarin, Scyther and TA4SP, can be compared to previous ones. We also discover and understand for the protocol IKEv2-DS a difference of modelling by the authors of different tools, which leads to different security results. Finally, for Exclusive-Or and Diffie-Hellman properties, we construct two families of protocols P xori and P dhi that allow us to clearly see for the first time the impact of the number of operators and variables in the tools' performances

    Approximation based tree regular model checking

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    International audienceThis paper addresses the following general problem of tree regular model-checking: decide whether R∗(L)∩Lp=∅\R^*(L)\cap L_p =\emptyset where R∗\R^* is the reflexive and transitive closure of a successor relation induced by a term rewriting system R\R, and LL and LpL_p are both regular tree languages. We develop an automatic approximation-based technique to handle this -- undecidable in general -- problem in most practical cases, extending a recent work by Feuillade, Genet and Viet Triem Tong. We also make this approach fully automatic for practical validation of security protocols

    SMT-Solvers in Action: Encoding and Solving Selected Problems in NP and EXPTIME

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    We compare the efficiency of seven modern SMT-solvers for several decision and combinatorial problems: the bounded Post correspondence problem (BPCP), the extended string correction problem (ESCP), and the Towers of Hanoi (ToH) of exponential solutions. For this purpose, we define new original reductions to SMT for all the above problems, and show their complexity. Our extensive experimental results allow for drawing quite interesting conclusions on efficiency and applicability of SMT-solvers depending on the theory used in the encoding

    An Optimized Intruder Model for SAT-based Model-Checking of Security Protocols

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    AbstractIn previous work we showed that automatic SAT-based model-checking techniques based on a reduction of protocol (in)security problems to a sequence of propositional satisfiability problems can be used to effectively find attacks on protocols. In this paper we present an optimized intruder model that may lead in many cases to shorter attacks which can be detected in our framework by generating smaller propositional formulae. The key idea is to assume that some of the abilities of the intruder have instantaneous effect, whereas in the previously adopted approach all the abilities of the intruder were modeled as state transitions. This required non trivial extensions to the SAT-reduction techniques which are formally described in the paper. Experimental results indicate the advantages of the proposed optimization

    An Optimized Intruder Model for SAT-based Model-Checking of Security Protocols Abstract

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    In previous work we showed that automatic SAT-based model-checking techniques based on a reduction of protocol (in)security problems to a sequence of propositional satisfiability problems can be used to effectively find attacks on protocols. In this paper we present an optimized intruder model that may lead in many cases to shorter attacks which can be detected in our framework by generating smaller propositional formulae. The key idea is to assume that some of the abilities of the intruder have instantaneous effect, whereas in the previously adopted approach all the abilities of the intruder were modeled as state transitions. This required non trivial extensions to the SAT-reduction techniques which are formally described in the paper. Experimental results indicate the advantages of the proposed optimization.

    A Verifiable Language for Cryptographic Protocols

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    Model checking security protocols : a multiagent system approach

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    Security protocols specify the communication required to achieve security objectives, e.g., data-privacy. Such protocols are used in electronic media: e-commerce, e-banking, e-voting, etc. Formal verification is used to discover protocol-design flaws. In this thesis, we use a multiagent systems approach built on temporal-epistemic logic to model and analyse a bounded number of concurrent sessions of authentication and key-establishment protocols executing in a Dolev-Yao environment. We increase the expressiveness of classical, trace-based frameworks by mapping each protocol requirement into a hierarchy of temporal-epistemic formulae. To automate our methodology, we design and implement a tool called PD2IS. From a high-level protocol description, PD2IS produces our protocol model and the temporal-epistemic specifications of the protocol’s goals. This output is verified with the model checker MCMAS. We benchmark our methodology on various protocols drawn from standard repositories. We extend our approach to formalise protocols described by equations of cryptographic primitives. The core of this extension is an indistinguishability relation to accommodate the underlying protocol equations. Based on this relation, we introduce a knowledge modality and an algorithm to model check multiagent systems against it. These techniques are applied to verify e-voting protocols. Furthermore, we develop our methodology towards intrusion-detection techniques. We introduce the concept of detectability, i.e., the ability of protocol participants to detect jointly that the protocol is being attacked. We extend our formalisms and PD2IS to support detectability analysis. We model check several attack-prone protocols against their detectability specifications

    Model Checking Security Protocols: A Multiagent System Approach

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    Security protocols specify the communication required to achieve security objectives, e.g., data-privacy. Such protocols are used in electronic media: e-commerce, e-banking, e-voting, etc. Formal verification is used to discover protocol-design flaws. In this thesis, we use a multiagent systems approach built on temporal-epistemic logic to model and analyse a bounded number of concurrent sessions of authentication and key-establishment protocols executing in a Dolev-Yao environment. We increase the expressiveness of classical, trace-based frameworks by mapping each protocol requirement into a hierarchy of temporal-epistemic formulae. To automate our methodology, we design and implement a tool called PD2IS. From a high-level protocol description, PD2IS produces our protocol model and the temporal-epistemic specifications of the protocol’s goals. This output is verified with the model checker MCMAS. We benchmark our methodology on various protocols drawn from standard repositories. We extend our approach to formalise protocols described by equations of cryptographic primitives. The core of this extension is an indistinguishability relation to accommodate the underlying protocol equations. Based on this relation, we introduce a knowledge modality and an algorithm to model check multiagent systems against it. These techniques are applied to verify e-voting protocols. Furthermore, we develop our methodology towards intrusion-detection techniques. We introduce the concept of detectability, i.e., the ability of protocol participants to detect jointly that the protocol is being attacked. We extend our formalisms and PD2IS to support detectability analysis. We model check several attack-prone protocols against their detectability specifications