18 research outputs found

    Ontological approach to derive product configurations from a Software Product Line Reference Architecture

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    Abstract Software Product Lines (SPL) based on reuse, claim to improve evolution, time to market and decrease software development costs. Concrete software products or systems, members of the SPL family, are derived by instantiating a generic Reference Architecture (RA), holding common and variant components. The construction of RA is a complex and costly task, as well as its usage for product derivation, due to the huge number of variants, essentially caused by non functional requirements variability. In consequence, the selection of an RA instance or Feasible Solution (FS), meeting RA constraints and customer requirements, is not straightforward. In this work RA is built by a bottom-up process from existing products; RA and its instances are represented by a non-directed connected graph. The HIS-RA Ontology also represents RA and captures Healthcare Integrated Information Systems (HIS) domain knowledge. Moreover, FS must be connected (the induced graph by FS in RA has no isolated components), consistent (it verifies consistency rules among FS components), and working (it meets domain functional (FR) and non functional (NFR) requirements). The main goal of this paper is to define a semiautomatic process (FFSP), to derive consistency rules using the HIS-RA Ontology built-in reasoning capabilities, to construct consistent, connected and working FS. Software quality is considered by FFSP in the traceability between FR and NFR, and it is specified by ISO/IEC 25010, to guarantee RA evolution and the overall concrete product configuration quality. FFSP is validated on a HIS domain a case study

    Ontological approach to derive product configurations from a Software Product Line Reference Architecture

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    Software Product Lines (SPL) based on reuse, claim to improve evolution, time to market and decrease software development costs. Concrete software products or systems, members of the SPL family, are derived by instantiating a generic Reference Architecture (RA), holding common and variant components. The construction of RA is a complex and costly task, as well as its usage for product derivation, due to the huge number of variants, essentially caused by non functional requirements variability. In consequence, the selection of an RA instance or Feasible Solution (FS), meeting RA constraints and customer requirements, is not straightforward. In this work RA is built by a bottom-up process from existing products; RA and its instances are represented by a non-directed connected graph. The HIS-RA Ontology also represents RA and captures Healthcare Integrated Information Systems (HIS) domain knowledge. Moreover, FS must be connected (the induced graph by FS in RA has no isolated components), consistent (it verifies consistency rules among FS components), and working (it meets domain functional (FR) and non functional (NFR) requirements). The main goal of this paper is to define a semiautomatic process (FFSP), to derive consistency rules using the HIS-RA Ontology built-in reasoning capabilities, to construct consistent, connected and working FS. Software quality is considered by FFSP  in the traceability between FR and NFR, and it is specified by ISO/IEC 25010, to guarantee RA evolution and the overall concrete product configuration quality. FFSP is validated on a HIS domain a case study

    Fuzzy Systems-as-a-Service in Cloud Computing

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    Fuzzy systems have become widely accepted and applied in a host of domains such as control, electronics or mechanics. The software for construction of these systems has traditionally been exploited from tools, platforms and languages run on-premise computing infrastructure. On the other hand, rise and ubiquity of the cloud computing model has brought a revolutionary way for computing services deployment. The boost of cloud services is leading towards increasingly specific service offering just as data mining and machine learning service. Unfortunately, so far, no definition for fuzzy system as service is available. This paper identifies this opportunity and focus on developing a proposal for fuzzy system-as-a-service definition. To achieve this, the proposal pursues three objectives: the complete description of cloud services for fuzzy systems using semantic technology, the composition of services and the exploitation of the model in cloud platforms for integration with other services. As an illustrative case, a real-world problem is addressed with the proposed specification.This work was supported by the Research Projects P12-TIC-2958 and TIN2016-81113-R (Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness - Government of Spain)

    Internetinių paslaugų paieškos technologijų vertinimas jų tinkamumo internetinei prekybai požiūriu

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    Straipsnyje analizuojamos internetines paslaugas teikiančios sistemos, turinčios skirtingą architektūrą, akcentuojant prekių ir paslaugų reklamavimo ir radimo mechanizmus, įvertinami jų pranašumai ir trūkumai mažų ir vidutinių Lietuvos įmonių, norinčių pradėti teikti tokias paslaugas, požiūriu. Šiuo aspektu išnagrinėti paslaugų paieškos portalai ir pirkimų robotai, paslaugų paieška sistemose, veikiančiose atvirose išskirstytose aplinkose (SLP protokolas, CORBA, Jini technologija), paslaugųpaieškos internete technologijos (UDDI, DNS, X.500, Ninja, P2P internetinės failų apsikeitimo technologijos), saityno paslaugų ir lokalizuotų paslaugų paieškos technologijos, pateiktas kiekvienos ekspertinis vertinimas balais pagal adekvatumo, universalumo, paprastumo, brandos, sąnaudų ir kitus kriterijus.Evaluation of Suitability of Internet Service searchTechnologies for E-CommerceAlbertas Čaplinskas, Audronė Lupeikienė, Laima Paliulionienė SummaryThe paper analyzes Internet service systems of different architecture, paying special attention to the mechanisms of advertizing and finding services. Their pros and cons are discussed in the context of small and medium enterprises (SME) that want to use the technology for e-commerce in Lithuania. The paper overviews the technologies of online shops, shopbots, service search in open distributed processing (SLP protocol, CORBA, Jini), search in the Internet (UDDI, DNS, X.500, Ninja, peer-to-peer file sharing services), web services, and nomadic computing. A quantitative expert evaluation of each technology is performed taking into account its adequacy for the task under consideration, universality, simplicity, maturity, cost and other criteria.ne-height: 18px;">&nbsp

    Ontology evaluation approach for semantic web documents

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    Ontology is a conceptual tool used for managing and capturing information related to domain knowledge, such as the travel, education and medical domains. Publicly available ontology repositories like Falcons and SWOOGLE enhance the growth of ontology on the Web by providing a medium for ontology developers to publish their ontologies. In order to promote ontology reuse, a suitable approach for ontology evaluation is required that deals with ontology coverage for domain representation which includes an approach for validating the ontology with a corpus of information containing terms related to domain knowledge. Since contributions in ontology evaluation were introduced in different aspects, it is important to conceptualise related information to build an evaluation approach that can help users to select ontology. This work proposed OntoUji, an ontology that conceptualises information related to ontology evaluation. From OntoUji conceptualisation, these works proceed with the development of evaluation steps that are then converted into ontology evaluation algorithms to evaluate ontology documents retrieved from selected repositories according to data-driven evaluation approach. The data-driven approach focuses on evaluating the coverage of ontology using a set of keywords provided, yet similarly involves a comparison of ontological vocabulary with a pre-defined corpus, WordNet, gained from the information retrieval approach. The evaluation is then processed using Letters Pair Similarity algorithm as the selected similarity measures technique to process the ontology coverage result. The findings showed that the OntoUji ontology conceptualization helps to define ontology evaluation steps to gain similarity result for ontology selection

    IRS-III: A broker-based approach to semantic Web services

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    A factor limiting the take up of Web services is that all tasks associated with the creation of an application, for example, finding, composing, and resolving mismatches between Web services have to be carried out by a software developer. Semantic Web services is a combination of semantic Web and Web service technologies that promise to alleviate these problems. In this paper we describe IRS-III, a framework for creating and executing semantic Web services, which takes a semantic broker based approach to mediating between service requesters and service providers. We describe the overall approach and the components of IRS-III from an ontological and architectural viewpoint. We then illustrate our approach through an application in the eGovernment domain

    An IoT Platform for Epilepsy Monitoring and Supervising

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    Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder with several different types of seizures, some of them characterized by involuntary recurrent convulsions, which have a great impact on the everyday life of the patients. Several solutions have been proposed in the literature to detect this type of seizures and to monitor the patient; however, these approaches lack in ergonomic issues and in the suitable integration with the health system. This research makes an in-depth analysis of the main factors that an epileptic detection and monitoring tool should accomplish. Furthermore, we introduce the architecture for a specific epilepsy detection and monitoring platform, fulfilling these factors. Special attention has been given to the part of the system the patient should wear, providing details of this part of the platform. Finally, a partial implementation has been deployed and several tests have been proposed and carried out in order to make some design decisions