27 research outputs found

    Distribution of the Object Oriented Databases. A Viewpoint of the MVDB Model's Methodology and Architecture

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    In databases, much work has been done towards extending models with advanced tools such as view technology, schema evolution support, multiple classification, role modeling and viewpoints. Over the past years, most of the research dealing with the object multiple representation and evolution has proposed to enrich the monolithic vision of the classical object approach in which an object belongs to one hierarchy class. In particular, the integration of the viewpoint mechanism to the conventional object-oriented data model gives it flexibility and allows one to improve the modeling power of objects. The viewpoint paradigm refers to the multiple descriptions, the distribution, and the evolution of object. Also, it can be an undeniable contribution for a distributed design of complex databases. The motivation of this paper is to define an object data model integrating viewpoints in databases and to present a federated database architecture integrating multiple viewpoint sources following a local-as-extended-view data integration approach.object-oriented data model, OQL language, LAEV data integration approach, MVDB model, federated databases, Local-As-View Strategy.

    Content Repository in Object Oriented data model

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    The need for creating content repository stores for e-learning systems grows as the number of available materials increases. Moreover, along with the number of courses, the problem of describing them in a unified form appears. While there are standards used for strict classification of elearning content, the store model still seems to be based on preservative relational databases approach.In this paper we introduce an idea to represent the e-learning content management information in the well organized object-oriented form based on a prospective object-oriented database

    A database model for object dynamics.

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    Object-oriented database systems, Dynamic object re-classification, Object role model, Dynamic class hierarchy, Object migration

    Architektura gridu bazodanowego oparta o podejście peer-to-peer

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    W artykule autorzy przedstawiają zaimplementowane i zweryfikowane poprzez w pełni funkcjonalny prototyp, podejście do realizacji obiektowego gridu bazodanowego przy wykorzystaniu wirtualnej sieci peer-to-peer omawiając szczegółowo najważniejszy element mechanizmu jakim jest proces integracji rozproszonych obiektów. W artykule przeprowadzono gruntowną analizę rozwiązań będących fundamentalnym zbiorem wiedzy na temat integracji danych. Zaprezentowano trójwarstwowy model intagracyjny oparty o aktualizowalne obiektowe perspektywy oraz prototyp gridowej warstwy pośredniej wykorzystującej sieć wirtualną peer-to-peer.In the article authors present an approach for realisation of object-oriented database grid using virtual peer-to-peer networking. The approach has been verified by implementation of fully functional prototype. The article shows in details a process for integration of distributed objects which is provided by the core mechanism of the prototype. Authors also described three-layer integration model based on obiect-oriented updateable views and middleware prototype containing mentioned peer-to-peer solution. Moreover the article contains analysis of solutions being the fundamental knowledge about integration of data

    Degas: A Database of Autonomous objects

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    In this paper we introduce DEGAS (Dynamic Entities Get Autonomous Status), an active temporal data model based on autonomous objects. The natural combination of active and temporal databases is discussed. The active dimension of DEGAS means that we define the behaviour of objects in terms of production rules. The temporal dimension means that the history of an object is included in the DEGAS data model. Further novel features of DEGAS are the encapsulation of the complete behaviour of an object, both potential and actual. Thus, DEGAS combines dynamic and structural specifications in one model. In addition, DEGAS allows easy evolution of object capabilities through a clear distinction between inherent types and capabilities that can be acquired and lost. This addon mechanism makes DEGAS very suitable as a formalism for role modelling. Finally, the rule model in DEGAS is both simple, through the use of finite automata, and general, because it allows different strategies for dealing with constraints and reacting to events in other objects

    Roles '07 – Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Roles and Relationships in Object Oriented Programming, Multiagent Systems, and Ontologies : workshop co-located with ECOOP 2007 Berlin, July 30 and 31, 2007

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    Roles are a truly ubiquitous notion: like classes, objects, and relationships, they pervade the vocabulary of all disciplines that deal with the nature of things and how these things relate to each other. In fact, it seems that roles are so fundamental a notion that they must be granted the status of an ontological primitive. The definition of roles depends on the definition of relationships. With the advent of Object Technology, however, relationships have moved out of the focus of attention, giving way to the more restricted concept of attributes or, more technically, references to other ob- jects. A reference is tied to the object holding it and as such is asymmetric – at most the target of the reference can be associated with a role. This is counter to the intuition that every role should have at least one counter-role, namely the one it interacts with. It seems that the natural role of roles in object-oriented designs can only be restored by installing relationships (collaborations, teams, etc.) as first-class programming concepts. By contrast, the relational nature of roles is already acknowl- edged in the area of Multiagent Systems, since roles are related to the interaction among agents and to communication protocols. However, in this area there is no convergence on a single definition of roles yet, and different points of view, such as agent software en- gineering, specification languages, agent communication, or agent programming languages, make different use of roles. Like its pre- decessor “Roles, an interdisciplinary perspective” (Roles’05) held at the AAAI 2005 Fall Symposium (see the website of the Symposium http://www.aaai.org/Press/Reports/Symposia/Fall/fs-05-08.php), this workshop aimed at gathering researchers from different dis- ciplines to foster interchange of knowledge and ideas concerning roles and relationships, and in particular to converge on ontolog- ically founded proposals which can be applied to programming and agent languages

    Object-oriented programming in C# with dynamic classification.

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    Object-oriented programming language has gained popularity in recent years. However, some problems exist in object-oriented programming languages. It works well with static classification, but does not support object dynamic classification. Static classification means an object always and only belongs to one class during its life spans. In real-world applications, objects may belong to different classes rendering different roles certain times during the lifetime. Dynamic classification enables the changing of object classification over time. Objects can be classified and declassified into/from acquire and release class membership during runtime. In this thesis, many approaches to dynamic classification will be discussed in different implementing languages. Based on the thorough reviews of these approaches, we give a new approach. This approach combines the concept of object and roles and extends a class hierarchy with dynamic classification. The syntax of dynamic classification shows how to implement the function of dynamic classification in the object-oriented programming language. Finally, we present a preprocessor, by which a C♯ code including the extendable dynamic classification functions can be translated to standard C♯ code.Dept. of Computer Science. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2004 .W364. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 43-03, page: 0892. Adviser: Liwu Li. Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2004

    Role Based Hedonic Games

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    In the hedonic coalition formation game model Roles Based Hedonic Games (RBHG), agents view teams as compositions of available roles. An agent\u27s utility for a partition is based upon which role she fulfills within the coalition and which additional roles are being fulfilled within the coalition. I consider optimization and stability problems for settings with variable power on the part of the central authority and on the part of the agents. I prove several of these problems to be NP-complete or coNP-complete. I introduce heuristic methods for approximating solutions for a variety of these hard problems. I validate heuristics on real-world data scraped from League of Legends games

    Heterogeneous Indexing Register for Object Database

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    Even though the object oriented persistent stores has not gained large commercial adaptation rate, it still is an interesting research field in many aspects including the data integration. Persistent data integration is a very challenging goal in modern computer systems. This paper presents a proposal for application of effective indexing integration scheme for distributed and heterogeneous data environment using an object database as the central store