410 research outputs found

    Technical pre-study for the ExMS project

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    This report aims to give an overview of software and hardware platforms available now or in the near future for building a prototype of an ExMS application (for an overview of the ExMS project, see Appendix). The report also gives an overview of the different technologies for building third-party mobile client software applications that are in use today. The report is composed of three sections. The first section is a general discussion on mobile client software and the different technologies that can be used to develop third-party mobile client software. The next section continues with a specific discussion on ExMS and answers the following questions: What is the general architecture of the ExMS application? What alternatives exist for implementing the ExMS prototype? The final section of the report is a recommendation of hardware and software platform for building the ExMS prototype

    Wireless Networks Detection in Mobile Phone Using J2ME Language

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    Using J2ME language in NOKIA mobile cellular phones, we detects internet access points names by  IAPInfo. IAPInfo (Internet Access Point Information) is a simple API Java Micro Edition, which is a Nokia proprietary package, which is used by applications to access related information about fundamentals of Internet access points and destination networks. This information is retrieved  from the native OS, where all the communication related  settings are stored. This project concerned with detection an Internet access points names and listed in a menu, by using the J2ME language which is the suitable programming languages that deal with mobile phone applications, and it provides convenient environment for these devices. Finally, the project  yields satisfied results when it is tested practically using  mobile  NOKIA (N78)

    UTP Mobile Summon System

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    As I go through some observation, I found that most of the system now days is using wireless mobile application that most likely to improve the efficiency of handling information via network. Wireless data continues to grow at a rapid rate and, at long last, technologies such as GPRS and SMS are finally taking hold in most of the country. The security department of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS is responsible in enforcing the rules and regulations such as issuing a summons towards a student who commits any misbehavior offence or actions which are against the rules and regulations stated. The current summon system in Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS posses several problems such as tasks duplication, difficulty in determining the specific compound and difficulty in obtaining the records of the particular person. The focus of this project paper is the study of a java based system which consists of wireless application as well as a portal web in order to solve identified problems as mentioned. One of the main objectives is to provide with an alternative system to the current system. Thus, I would like to suggest to the Security Department of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS to implement the mobile application system. As I find out, there are several ways of doing this project. J2ME or Java2 Platform Micro Edition would be one of the suitable approaches for this project. J2ME is a version of Java used for developing applications that run on a wireless device platform for instance PDA or cell phone. During the system development process, the System Development Life Cycle (SLDC) methodology is deployed in modeling the business environment of the summons system. The report consists of five chapters named Chapter 1 to 5 accordingly. For the abstract part is under Chapter 1. While in the Chapter 2 describes the background of study, problem statement, objective and literature review. In Chapter 3, describe on the methodology part which explained about the procedures used and the tools/ software used in developing this project. During the system development process, the System Development Life Cycle (SLDC) methodology is deployed in modeling the business environment of the summons system. The result and discussion and conclusion are describes in the Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 respectively. Hopefully this project would be the milestone towards developing the real summons application by the security department of UTP

    Harnessing mobile technology for classroom learning

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    Educational institutions are reluctant adopt mobile computing and Wireless technologies. This is because this technology remains relatively expensive compared to traditional computing technologies, mobile devices are inherently personal and can be difficult to use as a teaching tool to groups of learners, and Short Message Services and Multimedia Message Services (SMS/MMS) are expensive and limited in functional scope despite their popularity amongst young people. In this paper, we describe a component of a prototype learning environment named Quest where we propose anew way of harnessing mobile technology for learning that negates these drawbacks. In Quest we have demonstrated that the information gathering capabilities of mobile phones can be harnessed to aid learners research

    Research and Implementation Of Mobile Phone Dictionary System Based on J2ME

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    The objective was to research a new application for mobile users; that application should be helpful and convenient for human beings’ usual life. The application was designed to be run on the mobile phones supported with Java. The research methods were programming mostly. J2ME is the main programming language in this thesis research. This thesis was an individual work. The research was written on the basis of the information which was available and this is the author’s view in how the sensible things should be implemented there. The result of my thesis work is an application called EFDictionary, which attempts to help people to translate languages between English and Finnish. With the help from Mr. Thai Bui, the research progresses to the final results and the mobile application could run well on the emulator

    Designing shift calendar for mobile phone

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    At Nokia production site employee’s work is divided into three shifts, each of 8 hours, and each employee works just one of those shifts. There is a need for a shift calendar for, since scheduling the staff for specific shifts sets an expectation for both the company and employee. Scheduling also allows the employee to plan his/her free time and budget. This thesis shows how to design a Java application by using NetBens IDE targeting cell phones, creating a shift calendar application leads to use J2ME. Java Platform, Micro Edition, is a Java platform designed for embedded systems which offers two methods,the file connection API JSR75, and the chosen option the RMS which is an a Record aggregation formed into columns and rows. The development environments (IDE) used is the NetBeans version 6.9 used by many developer as it provides a built-in support for developing in Java, C, C++, XML, and HTML ,Two different platforms are available for Nokia devices ; series 40 which occupies the biggest number of phones on the market and the series 60 or the “symbians” used as platform for smart devices, S60 is currently amongst the most-used Smartphone platforms in the world. It was created by Nokia, who made the platform an open API. After determining the shift calendar application most important requirements and creating the architecture, this includes: making the main classes of this project, designing the flow of the application by using the visual mobile designer and append the RecordStore procedure to the project main and finally compiling and running the project. This study explains how to design a MIDlet capable to read in RecordStore note available in phone’s memory by using the development kit NetBeans IDE 6.9. The user can define his/her own shift by name, ok command and the definitions will be persistent in the phone and can be modified or deleted. The application then browses the current week shift schedule for the all shifts. The results are further discussed and developed at the production

    Mobile Travel Guide for Budget Travelers

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    The rapid advancement of information and commnnication technologies has being shaping up a new value chain for tourism. Some travel organizers are getting less profit from the standard package tours because of the shift in the structure of tourism. This is because, nowadays travelers or tourists especially backpackers are no longer depending on the travel organizers. People nowadays have no more time to plan their trip and go for a package for a few days time. Thus, whenever these busy people have a little leisure time for a vacation, they will just pack their things into the backpacker, and go for an unplanned vacation. Before going to a trip, they will first find some information via tourism-related website so that they will have an idea on where to go. Once they have the idea, they just go for that trip without knowing they might be facing some kind of problem such as lack of money, getting lost, having no idea on what are the tourists attraction at a new place which can cause them to have a difficult time during the trip occurred. This is because tourism websites are not very informative to meet the travelers' expectations and needs. This research is aims to design and develop a Mobile Travel Guide for Budget Travelers to assist the travelers especially for the backpackers in information seeking and searching through mobile phone. The system will help travelers by giving a suggestion list of possible places of interest where the tourists can go within a limited budget. Basically, the system will provide information needed by tourist such as accommodation, places of interest, transportation, travel and destination organizations. The system will be developed by using a System Development Life Cycle Model which a throwaway prototyping will be used in designing the system. The system will use Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) platform where it has been used in most of mobile phone available in the market. This paper reports on the researches that have been made for the development stages and the as well as the system architecture of the system. The report also included the final results of the findings as well as the recommendations that have been made for the future enhancement

    Mass sms sending system

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    This project proposed how the mobile application can be implemented through the Wireless Application Protocol (W AP) for Wireless Maintenance Reporting System (WMRS) in UTP. WMRS enables user to send report to maintenance department by using their mobile phone. The report from the user can be transferred through the telephone service provider and then links it to the Internet and finally reaching the maintenance department server. This project was developed using J2ME technology as the main development platform. The outcome will focus on the implementation of WMRS in the UTP Maintenance Department. This project applied the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) which consists of planning phase, analysis phase, design, coding phase and implementing the testing through emulator

    Personalised Mobile Picture Puzzle

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    Pictures taken using camera phone are usually available for printing, sending to others via e-mails or MMS and if the pictures are copied to computer, the pictures can be modified using special software for image development. Therefore, a game that called Picture Puzzle will take the advantage of the pictures taken using camera phones in order to multiuse those pictures. The main objective of project is about developing a mobile game application in order to multiuse the picture taken using camera phone. The project had involved research and study on Mobile API, RMS and TiledLayer class from Game API with the purpose of developing the mobile game application. The project had consisted five main phases which are Planning, Analysis, Design, Development and Implementation. The Picture Puzzle will be displayed the picture taken as a scrambled grid and then the user will have to unscramble the picture puzzle. When the user manages to unscramble the puzzle, the game is completed. As conclusion, the project had able to achieve its objectives and the game application will be able to run as expected when it is implemented on the handphone
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