79,590 research outputs found

    Four dimensional presentations as a new representation method: a proposal for the use of interactive multimedia presentation in landscape architecture

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    Few studies on presentation methods in the profession of landscape architecture have been done in the past, because evaluating presentations raises primarily subjective issues. Today, interactive multimedia presentations offer an excellent opportunity to investigate the presentation methods employed by landscape architects, gCan new communication technologies help to enhance the communication between the presenter and his audience?h This is the fundamental question addressed in this thesis. It explores interactive multimedia presentations to see their potentials, and considers ways to integrate various multimedia as presentation methods for future landscape architectural presentations. The main terms, interactivity and multimedia, are explained to understand the features of interactive multimedia presentations. Conventions of traditional presentations and historical aspects are overviewed to deepen the meanings of presentation methods. An interactive multimedia presentation is actually produced to explore how multimedia can be effective tools and to document how the interactive multimedia presentations are produced. It used to be very difficult to represent the transitions between spaces in traditional paper board presentations; however, interactive multimedia presentations make it possible to visualize the transitions and relationship between the designed spaces three-dimensionally. Landscape architects today should make the most use of various media and utilize the new computer communication technologies to enhance their presentations. 3D modeling process greatly helps designers check and reevaluate their proposed designs as well. In fact, interactive multimedia presentations are useful not only for the presentations but also for total professional communication and educational purposes

    Primary school teachers' use of digital resources with interactive whiteboards: The Australian context

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    As interactive whiteboards appear in increasing numbers in primary classrooms, questions will continue to be asked about the effectiveness of these devices in supporting teaching and learning. It is not the board itself, however, which is likely to make a difference to student learning outcomes, but the resources which teachers choose to use in conjunction with their board. This study investigated what digital resources Australian primary school teachers are using when teaching with interactive whiteboards and the factors affecting their choice of such resources. Data were collected from 116 teachers from 13 primary schools in regional and metropolitan areas via an online survey and follow-up focus groups. While flipchart software plays an important role in delivery of lessons, a broad range of resources, particularly online, interactive and multimedia resources are utilised. National, pedagogical and curriculum relevance are critical influences on Australian teachers' resource choice and word-of-mouth plays a dominant role in influencing patterns of use. There are important implications from the study for teachers, school leaders, teacher educators and producers of digital resources

    Pengembangan Multimedia Pembelajaran Akhlak Terpuji Untuk Perolehan Belajar Siswa Mas Ushuluddin Singkawang

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    : This study aims to : (1) Describe the design of multimedia in learning the finer on the subjects of moral theology in class XI MAS Ushuluddin singkawang. (2) Describe the Application of multimedia in learning the finer on the subjects of moral theology in class XI MAS Ushuluddin singkawang. (3) Knowing the acquisition of learning with multimedia finer developed on the subjects of moral theology in class XI MAS Ushuluddin singkawan. The method of data collection is done by interview and observation . The data were analyzed using an interactive analysis model . The subjects were students of class XI MAS Ushuluddin Singkawang . The results showed that : (1) The design of multimedia compiled from requirements analysis, design, story board, then made cd learning enough to attract students and eligible to be used as a medium of learning. (2) Multimedia learning finer already applied to students of class XI MAS Ushuluddin singkawang well. (3) Acquisition of student learning about the finer material increases after using multimedia developed MAS teachers in class XI Ushulddin Singkawang


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    Penggunaan media dalam proses pembelajaran selama ini masih berupa media sederhana seperti papan tulis dan powerpoint sehingga proses pembelajaran menjadi kurang menarik. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, diperlukan inovasi yaitu mengembangkan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif berbasis game petualangan dengan menggunakan metode discovery learning. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah 1) Mendapatkan rancang bangun multimedia interaktif berbasis game petualangan untuk mata pelajaran perakitan komputer, 2) Mendapatkan hasil peningkatan pemahaman kognitif siswa terhadap multimedia interaktif dengan metode discovery learning berbasis game petualangan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode pengembangan multimedia model Siklus Hidup Menyeluruh (SHM). Pada tahap pengembangan multimedia diuji cobakan sebanyak dua kali sebelum selanjutnya diimplementasikan. Tahap implementasi diambil sampel penelitian siswa kelas X TKJ 1 SMK Negeri 4 Bandung. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa tes, angket penilaian ahli, angket penilaian siswa terhadap multimedia dan lembar observasi. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil: 1) tahap-tahap dalam pengembangan multimedia memiliki tahap yang sama seperti pada umumnya namun diterapkan metode discovery learning kedalam multimedia dan hasil penilaian ahli media sebesar 85,71%, penilaian ahli materi sebesar 76%, serta penilaian siswa terhadap multimedia pada ujicoba tahap satu diperoleh penilaian sebesar 75,8% dan penilaian multimedia pada ujicoba tahap dua diperoleh penilaian sebesar 93,5%, 2) multimedia pembelajaran interaktif berbasis game petualangan dengan menggunakan metode discovery learning dapat meningkatkan pemahaman kognitif siswa dilihat dari penilaian hasil angket pemahaman siswa dan diperoleh hasil penilaian sebesar 100%, peningkatan pemahaman juga dilihat dari adanya peningkatan rata-rata nilai gain yaitu sebesar 0,663 yang diperoleh dari perbandingan antara nilai pretest dan nilai posttest.;---Nowadays, the media used in the learning process is relatively a sort of plain media such as board and powerpoint which potentially leads to an unattractive learning process. Therefore, there is a need to create an innovation by developing interactive learning multimedia with adventure game-based using discovery learning method. This research aimed 1) to design adventure game-based interactive multimedia for computer assembly subject.2) to get the improvement in terms of students’ cognitive competence toward interactive multimedia using discovery learning. The method used in this research was whole-life cycle model. In the development stage, the developed multimedia was firstly tested twice before its implementation. While in the implementation stage, the sample was taken from tenth graders of Computer and Network Engineering students in SMKN 4 Bandung. The research instruments used were test, expert assessment questionnaire, students’ assessment questionnaire and observation sheet. The results showed that: 1) the stages of multimedia development in this study are similar like other common stages. However by collaborating discovery learning method with the multimedia, the media expert assessment is 85, 71%, material expert assessment is 76%, while students assessment toward the multimedia in the first trial stage is 93,5% 2) adventure game-based interactive multimedia using discovery learning method is able to improve students’ cognitive competence proven by the students assessment questionnaire reaching 100%, it also can be seen from the improvement of average gain score about 0,663 resulted from the ratio of pre-test and post test score

    Multimedia in pre-school education

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    The authors of the article undertake an academic reflection on using the multimedia in pre-school education. On the bases of the example of the 26th Prima-ry School with Pre-school Units in Dąbrowa Górnicza, the advantages of using the interactive board during classes have been presented. The results of the Authors’ own research carried out among pre-school teachers, have been presented. The inevitabi-lity of using the multimedia in the pedagogic-didactic process has been pointed out.Autorzy artykułu podejmują refleksję naukową nad wykorzysta-niem multimediów w edukacji przedszkolnej. Na podstawie przykładu Szkoły Podstawowej z Jednostkami Przedszkolnymi nr 26 w Dąbrowie Górniczej przed-stawiają zalety korzystania z tablicy interaktywnej podczas zajęć. Relacjonują wyniki badań własnych, przeprowadzonych wśród nauczycieli przedszkolnych. Wskazują także na nieuchronność korzystania z multimediów w procesie peda-gogiczno-dydaktycznym

    Pengembangan Multimedia untuk Perolehan Belajar Konsep Haji pada Mata Pelajaran Fiqih Madrasah Tsanawiyah

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    This study aims to : ( 1 ) Describe the design of multimedia in learning subjects Hajj on jurisprudence in class VIII MTs Ushuluddin Singkawang , ( 2 ) Describe the application of multimedia in teaching subjects Hajj in jurisprudence , in class VIII MTs Ushuluddin Singkawang , ( 3 ) Knowing peolehan pilgrimage with multimedia learning concepts developed on the subjects of jurisprudence in class VIII MTs Ushuluddin Singkawang. The method used is the research and development (Research and Development ) . The method of data collection is done by interview and observation . The data were analyzed using an interactive analysis model The results showed that : ( 1 ) The design of the researchers collated from instructional design , story board which collated and then made ​​a compact disk with the learning power point format to attract enough students and enough to be used as a medium of learning . ( 2 ) After the observations made by some teachers and researchers to conclude that the compact disc can be applied in school learning well . ( 3 ) Compact discs learning made ​​by researchers simply , the value obtained eighth grade students who studied a satisfactory result and declared complet

    SMART Board ja verkkomateriaali musiikin perusteiden opetuksessa

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    Opinnäytetyö käsittelee SMART Board -esitystaulun ja verkkomateriaalin käyttöä musiikin perusteiden opetuksessa. Interaktiivinen SMART Board -taulu edustaa viimeisintä opetusteknologiaa. Esitystaulu on yhdistetty tietokoneeseen ja dataprojektoriin. Tietokone lähettää kuvan projektoriin, joka heijastaa sen taululle. Esitystaulu toimii sekä kuvaruutuna että tietojen syöttölaitteena. SMART Boardin mukana toimitetaan Notebook-ohjelmisto, jonka avulla voidaan luoda ja tallentaa monimediallisia esityksiä. Taulun kosketusnäyttö mahdollistaa interaktiivisen oppimisympäristön. Kevään 2009 aikana tein opetuskokeilun, jossa käytin SMART Boardia ja verkkomateriaalia. Valitsin kokeiluun viisi verkkosivustoa, joiden valintakriteereinä olivat helppokäyttöisyys ja interaktiivisuus. Niiden piti sisältää myös monimediallisia ominaisuuksia ja avautua suoraan WWW-selaimeen ilman sivuston lataamista tietokoneelle. Sivustot olivat tietokoneen käyttöjärjestelmästä riippumattomia, joten ne toimivat sekä Windows-, Mac Os- että Linux-käyttöjärjestelmissä. Sivustot sisälsivät musiikin teoria- ja säveltapailuharjoituksia sekä tutoriaaleja. Verkkosivustot olivat Nuottila.info, Musictheory.net, Teoria.com, Musicawareness.com ja The Amazing Chord Keyboard. Opetuskokeilu oli verrattain lyhyt eli kaksi kuukautta. Kokeilun aikana oppilaat käyttivät sivustoja tunnilla. Lisäksi noin puolet oppilaista harjoitteli säveltapailuharjoituksia myös kotonaan omilla tietokoneillaan. Opetuskokeilun jälkeen oppilaat vastasivat kyselyyn, josta ilmeni, että verkkoharjoituksia pidettiin pääsääntöisesti innostavina, kiinnostavina ja hyödyllisinä. Noin puolet (55 %) vastaajista arveli verkkoharjoitusten lisänneen musiikin perusteiden opiskelumotivaatiota. 90 % oppilaista piti esitystaulun käyttöä innostavana, motivoivana ja hyödyllisenä musiikin perusteiden oppimisen kannalta. Internetissä on runsaasti verkkomateriaalia, varsinkin englanninkielisenä. Valittaessa sivustoja opetukseen on kiinnitettävä huomiota niiden pedagogiseen soveltuvuuteen, materiaalin rakenteeseen ja oppilaiden tietoteknisiin taitoihin. SMART Board mahdollistaa audiovisuaalisen esitystavan, mikä on olennaista musiikin opetuksessa. Verkkomateriaali ja esitystaulu yhdessä muodostavat vuorovaikutteisen, oppilaita aktivoivan oppimisympäristön. Lisäksi esitystaulun käyttö opetuksessa tukee yhteistoiminnallista oppimista, jossa ryhmän jäsenet ratkaisevat tehtävät yhdessä. Tieto- ja viestintäteknologian käyttö musiikin opetuksessa ei kuitenkaan saa olla itsetarkoitus, vaan sen tarkoitus on tehostaa ja monipuolistaa opetusta.My thesis examines the use of website materials and SMART Board in music theory and ear training classes. Interactive SMART Board represents the latest education technology. It is a large screen that works with a digital projector and a computer. Users can write by digital ink or use a finger to control computer applications by pointing, clicking and dragging, just as with a desktop mouse. The systems comes with a SMART Notebook software, which allows creating and saving multimedia presentations. The touch sensitive display helps to create an interactive learning environment. During the spring 2009 I arranged a teaching experiment, in which the SMART Board and web material were used. I chose five websites for the experiment on the basis of the following criteria: the sites were interactive and easy to use, they had multimedia features and they could be used without downloading and they were independent of computers operating systems. The following websites were selected for the project: Nuottila.info, Musictheory.net, Teoria.com, Musicawareness.com and The Amazing Chord Keyboard. All of them contained music theory and ear training drills and tutorials. The teaching experiment was quite short, only two months. Over that period, students used websites during the lessons. Over half of the students also used them at home. After the experiment, students filled in a questionnaire, which showed that students considered web exercises interesting and useful. About half of the students believed that using the web material increased their motivation to study music theory and ear training. 90 % of the students thought that using the interactive whiteboard during lessons was inspiring, motivational and useful in learning music theory and ear training. When choosing the websites, you have to pay attention to pedagogical suitability and structure of the web material. SMART Board enables the teacher to make audiovisual presentations. The web material and interactive whiteboard makes the learning environment interactive and collaborative

    Online interactivity: best practice based on two case studies

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    The purpose of this paper is to identify and explore best practice in the effective support of online interactivity. Five key issues related to best practice are delineated, based on the experience derived from two case studies. The first case study involved online, collaborative work carried out by twenty-six conversion M.Sc. students following a module on‘Interactive Multimedia Systems'. The online group work was structured around the production of essay-style critiques and the development of prototype multimedia resources. The discussions were structured using the bulletin board facility in WebCT. The second study involved sixty-four second-year undergraduate students following a module on‘Communication via Multimedia’. These students were involved in assessed online discussion groups that aimed to foster a community in enquiry and provide an opportunity for vicarious learning. The assessed discussion groups were based on Netscape Collabra. A comparison of the experience of these two case studies led to the identification of a set of five key issues relating to best practice in the effective support of online interactivity. The first four issues concern the design and implementation of the online learning experiences. The fifth issue involves reflection and improvement on the interventions mad


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    Successful Instructional Diagrams by Ric Lowe, London, Kogan Page, 1993. ISBN: 0–7494–0711–5

    Multilingual Information Framework for Handling textual data in Digital Media

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    This document presents MLIF (Multi Lingual Information Framework), a high-level model for describing multilingual data across a wide range of possible applications in the translation/localization process within several multimedia domains (e.g. broadcasting interactive programs within a multilingual community)