24 research outputs found

    A proposal from the point of view of information visualization and human computer interaction for the visualization of distributed system load

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    In this article we show how the design of interfaces for the visualization of distributed system load can benefit from the combination of concepts and techniques from Information Visualization and Human Computer Interaction (HCI). Every distributed systems administrator must handle a high volume of information and the exploration and analysis of this data set has become increasingly difficult. We propose how to visualize the parameters involved in the load of a distributed system to obtain an effective visualization tool in order to reduce the user cognitive workload and help the user make the right decisions in a productive way.Facultad de Informátic

    The Role of Business Information Visualization in Knowledge Creation

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    Past research suggests that one of the reasons causing Business Intelligence (BI) systems to fall short of expectations could be that certain BI capabilities may not be appropriate for individuals’ or organizational challenges. Our research proposes the need to enhance our understanding of information and knowledge processes to address the issue. We evaluate the appropriateness of adopting the implications of information and knowledge processes to Business Information Visualization (BIV) as one of BI capabilities by exploring how data interaction and data representation reduce information-based challenges of uncertainty and complexity, thus enabling the creation of new insights. Formal model and resulting propositions are offered. Research implications suggest that effective and efficient insight generation can be achieved by deploying BI visualization capabilities only if those capabilities result in knowledge workers’ perception of lower information uncertainty and complexity. Larger implications of this study for BI, BIV and knowledge creation process are discussed

    The Use of Embedded Interaction Mechanisms for Low-Level Analysis Tasks

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    The use of information visualization is a strategy to reduce information overload and cognitive efforts. Interaction mechanisms aid the exploration of data when it is not practical to display all data points in one visual display. This study reports the results of a pilot study. The purpose of the study is to determine what interactive mechanisms are used and how they support a task or set of tasks

    Business Information Visualization: A Visual Intelligence-Based Framework

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    Business Intelligence aims to improve decision quality. Research on BI achieving this goal is inconclusive, yet BI is still one of the top priorities among CIOs and is an active IS research area. A better understanding of the relationship between human intelligence and BI capabilities may lead to more fruitful BI endeavors. This paper proposes a conceptual framework that links capabilities of Business Information Visualization, a key modern BI enabler, to non-verbal (visual) intelligence abilities, and suggests propositional guidelines of how BI could improve decision making by impacting these intelligence abilities. The paper demonstrates that there is strong research support to suggest such linkages. Better understanding of what human abilities are important for better decisions, and what specific BI capabilities are needed to support these abilities will help improve the design, deployment, and utilization of BI tools, and, hopefully ultimately, achieve more efficient and effective business decisions

    Visualización de publicaciones científicas empleando D3

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    Las bases de datos bibliográficas poseen una enorme cantidad de registros en forma de publicaciones científico-académicas, al realizar una búsqueda por autor, por ejemplo, ofrecen un conjunto de resultados, el cálculo de indicadores y métricas, y en algunos casos opciones de visualización de resultados. Este último aspecto, la visualización, ha sido un poco descuidado. Estas herramientas se limitan a presentar simples estadísticas o datos tabulados, o los conocidos grafos de co-autor o co-citas, dejando de lado algún otro tipo de visualización más compleja como la evolución temporal involucrando varias dimensiones más que la cantidad de citas recibidas por año. Una adecuada visualización de datos permitirá entender la realidad desde distintas ópticas aportando un mayor entendimiento y conocimiento a veces oculto en representaciones básicas y estáticas. El desarrollo de este proyecto plantea encontrar la mejor forma, la más adecuada o proponer una nueva visualización para representar las relaciones existentes entre autores, publicaciones, citas recibidas, y cualquier otro tipo de información o relación que se considere relevante durante el estudio.Eje: Computación Gráfica, Imágenes y Visualización.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Visualización de publicaciones científicas empleando D3

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    Las bases de datos bibliográficas poseen una enorme cantidad de registros en forma de publicaciones científico-académicas, al realizar una búsqueda por autor, por ejemplo, ofrecen un conjunto de resultados, el cálculo de indicadores y métricas, y en algunos casos opciones de visualización de resultados. Este último aspecto, la visualización, ha sido un poco descuidado. Estas herramientas se limitan a presentar simples estadísticas o datos tabulados, o los conocidos grafos de co-autor o co-citas, dejando de lado algún otro tipo de visualización más compleja como la evolución temporal involucrando varias dimensiones más que la cantidad de citas recibidas por año. Una adecuada visualización de datos permitirá entender la realidad desde distintas ópticas aportando un mayor entendimiento y conocimiento a veces oculto en representaciones básicas y estáticas. El desarrollo de este proyecto plantea encontrar la mejor forma, la más adecuada o proponer una nueva visualización para representar las relaciones existentes entre autores, publicaciones, citas recibidas, y cualquier otro tipo de información o relación que se considere relevante durante el estudio.Eje: Computación Gráfica, Imágenes y Visualización.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    On the History and Prospects of Three-Dimensional Human-Computer Interfaces for the provision of Air Traffic Control Services

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    This paper is an essay on the history and prospects of three-dimensional (3D) human- computer interfaces for the provision of air traffic control services. Over the past twenty-five years, many empirical studies have addressed this topic. However, the results have been deemed incoherent and self-contradictory and no common conclusion has been reached. To escape from the deadlock of the experimental approach, this study takes a step back into the conceptual development of 3D interfaces, addressing the fundamental benefits and drawbacks of 3D rendering. Under this light, many results in the literature start to make sense and some conclusions can be drawn. Also, with an emphasis on the future of air traffic control, this research identifies a set of tasks wherein the intrinsic weaknesses of 3D rendering can be minimized and its advantages can be exploited. These are the ones that do not require accurate estimates of distances or angles. For future developments in the field of 3D interfaces for air traffic control operators, we suggest focusing on those tasks only

    What is Interaction for Data Visualization?

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    International audienceInteraction is fundamental to data visualization, but what "interaction" means in the context of visualization is ambiguous and confusing. We argue that this confusion is due to a lack of consensual definition. To tackle this problem, we start by synthesizing an inclusive view of interaction in the visualization community-including insights from information visualization, visual analytics and scientific visualization, as well as the input of both senior and junior visualization researchers. Once this view takes shape, we look at how interaction is defined in the field of human-computer interaction (HCI). By extracting commonalities and differences between the views of interaction in visualization and in HCI, we synthesize a definition of interaction for visualization. Our definition is meant to be a thinking tool and inspire novel and bolder interaction design practices. We hope that by better understanding what interaction in visualization is and what it can be, we will enrich the quality of interaction in visualization systems and empower those who use them

    A proposal from the point of view of information visualization and human computer interaction for the visualization of distributed system load

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    In this article we show how the design of interfaces for the visualization of distributed system load can benefit from the combination of concepts and techniques from Information Visualization and Human Computer Interaction (HCI). Every distributed systems administrator must handle a high volume of information and the exploration and analysis of this data set has become increasingly difficult. We propose how to visualize the parameters involved in the load of a distributed system to obtain an effective visualization tool in order to reduce the user cognitive workload and help the user make the right decisions in a productive way.Facultad de Informátic

    Using data analysis and Information visualization techniques to support the effective analysis of large financial data sets

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    There have been a number of technological advances in the last ten years, which has resulted in the amount of data generated in organisations increasing by more than 200% during this period. This rapid increase in data means that if financial institutions are to derive significant value from this data, they need to identify new ways to analyse this data effectively. Due to the considerable size of the data, financial institutions also need to consider how to effectively visualise the data. Traditional tools such as relational database management systems have problems processing large amounts of data due to memory constraints, latency issues and the presence of both structured and unstructured data The aim of this research was to use data analysis and information visualisation techniques (IV) to support the effective analysis of large financial data sets. In order to visually analyse the data effectively, the underlying data model must produce results that are reliable. A large financial data set was identified, and used to demonstrate that IV techniques can be used to support the effective analysis of large financial data sets. A review of the literature on large financial data sets, visual analytics, existing data management and data visualisation tools identified the shortcomings of existing tools. This resulted in the determination of the requirements for the data management tool, and the IV tool. The data management tool identified was a data warehouse and the IV toolkit identified was Tableau. The IV techniques identified included the Overview, Dashboards and Colour Blending. The IV tool was implemented and published online and can be accessed through a web browser interface. The data warehouse and the IV tool were evaluated to determine their accuracy and effectiveness in supporting the effective analysis of the large financial data set. The experiment used to evaluate the data warehouse yielded positive results, showing that only about 4% of the records had incorrect data. The results of the user study were positive and no major usability issues were identified. The participants found the IV techniques effective for analysing the large financial data set