104 research outputs found

    Knowledge Management Application in the Service Industry

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    Knowledge management is now considered as one of the pressing challenges in economic development related to the world of industry, studies in services and information. The adoption and implementation of knowledge management may be considered as a breakthrough factor for companies willing to integrate it in the knowledge-based economy. In service industry, knowledge management enables organizations to make in more intelligent decisions as they render services to the public. Nowadays, the foundation of new economics has shifted from natural resources to intellectual assets and top manager in service industry might be forced to focus on knowledge management which have been acknowledged as the most important resources and capability of modern firms’ achievement. Companies within this industry perform tasks that are useful to their customers. The purpose of this paper is to examine the application of information and knowledge management in the service industry. The paper discusses the concept of knowledge management as regards to service industry as well as service industry, which involves the provision of services to businesses as well as final consumers. There are three (3) main areas of knowledge management which are discussed in this paper, and they are – accumulating knowledge, storing knowledge and sharing knowledge. Importance, advantages and disadvantages of knowledge management in service industry is equally discussed, including knowledge management best practices in service industry. The paper concludes that in applying knowledge management in service industry, the key is making sure that people, particularly in top management, understand the advantages of knowledge management and what makes it usefu

    Investigation on Willingness of Employees to Share Information Security Advice

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    As modern organizations rely more on their information systems, mitigating information security risks becomes essential. Weaknesses in the information security management chain have continued to be challenged by employees. Therefore, enhancing employee security awareness becomes critical. Considering the effectiveness of informal methods, this research examines security advice sharing as one of the operative ways. Accordingly, in this paper, by adapting the theory of planned behavior as our theoretical lens, we propose a conceptual model of factors that are anticipated to impact the willingness of employees to share security advice. Finally, conclusion and avenues for future research are discussed

    Designing Wise Communities that Engage in Creative Problem Solving: An Analysis of an Online Design Model

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    Addressing the conference theme of “design thinking,” this paper discusses an instructional design model, WisCom (Wisdom Communities) that we developed to build a wise learning community online, to solve open-ended, ill-structured problems such as solving a health crisis or an environmental disaster, which requires the exchange of multiple perspectives, inter-disciplinary thinking, creative problem solving, and social construction of knowledge. Based on socio-constructivist, sociocultural theories of learning and mediated cognition (Vygotsky, 1978), distributed cognition (Hutchins, 1995; Pea, 1993), group cognition (Stahl, 2006), research on how people learn (Bransford, Vye, Bateman, Brophy, & Roselli, 2004), and distance education design principles (Moore & Kearsley, 2011), WisCom specifies three components that must be designed to create a wise community online that engages in creative problem solving and transformational learning: (1) a cohesive learning community involved in negotiation of meaning and collaborative learning; (2) knowledge innovation – moving the learning community from data, information, and knowledge to wisdom, providing opportunities for reflection, sharing of perspectives, knowledge construction and preservation within the community, and (3) learner support and e-mentoring to achieve the communities’ learning goals

    Direct and Moderating Effects of Organizational Factors on System USAge in Colleges: a Resource-based Perspective

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    Colleges as a non-profit organization engaged in the educational sector have a crucial role, especially in emerging countries. Significant improvement can be achieved by continuously strengthening the information system infrastructure. Prior studies mentioned the system implementation is tricky because it involves not only hardware and software but also users and operational procedures. The investment of information system poses challenges for management. The system failure can be the grave of an organization. Therefore, the end-users participation becomes acute that puts organizational factors have to be considered. This study aims to examine and analyze the information system success model by adding the existence of facilitating condition, institutional pressure, and incentives as organizational factors. Data were obtained through questionnaires filled by the users of colleges\u27 system. The results found that two constructs of organizational factors including facilitating condition and institutional pressure were able to increase the role of system USAge to organization performance. Managers have to be proactive to motivate the end-users by designing better organizational factors and the future study may improve the construction of these factors

    Direct and Moderating Effects of Organizational Factors on System USAge in Colleges: a Resource-based Perspective

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    Colleges as a non-profit organization engaged in the educational sector have a crucial role, especially in emerging countries. Significant improvement can be achieved by continuously strengthening the information system infrastructure. Prior studies mentioned the system implementation is tricky because it involves not only hardware and software but also users and operational procedures. The investment of information system poses challenges for management. The system failure can be the grave of an organization. Therefore, the end-users participation becomes acute that puts organizational factors have to be considered. This study aims to examine and analyze the information system success model by adding the existence of facilitating condition, institutional pressure, and incentives as organizational factors. Data were obtained through questionnaires filled by the users of colleges\u27 system. The results found that two constructs of organizational factors including facilitating condition and institutional pressure were able to increase the role of system USAge to organization performance. Managers have to be proactive to motivate the end-users by designing better organizational factors and the future study may improve the construction of these factors

    Komunitas SLiMS Semarang sebagai ruang inovasi pustakawan

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    Senayan Library Management System (SLiMS) software formed by SLiMS developers in 2008. Members of the SLiMS Community are librarians who play an important role in making innovations from interactions in an exchange of knowledge and produce various works. This study aimed to identify the Semarang SLiMS Community as a space for librarians' innovation in developing their competence. The method used is qualitative with a case study approach. Collecting data techniques was carried out using semi-structured interviews with four informants. The collected data was then analyzed using thematic analysis. Analysis results showed that the SLiMS Community was a space for librarians to improve their competence, especially in the field of SLiMS development. The patterns identified included motivation, knowledge sharing, collaboration, and innovation. Motivational factors included the desire to share knowledge, increase competence, and raise professional degrees to job demands. The second stage is knowledge sharing, conducted using ‘Sinau Bareng’, ‘Library Clinic’, workshops, and others. The third stage of collaboration is the interaction of community members with other communities to produce innovations. The last stage is innovation, describing outputs or achievements such as products, ideas, and new activities. Innovation is the beginning of the formation of new knowledge. This study concludes that the Semarang SLiMS Community can generate knowledge cycles that lead to innovation

    Assessing the impact of Physicians’ Virtual Communities on their medical Decision Making quality

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    Medical decision making is daunting to physicians of its unclear benefits for improving patient care while such decisions are evidence based and also are from the social capital of resources of the advises shared between their peers. Past scholars have reported great deal of medical errors and misdiagnoses caused by physicians: a situation that is degrading healthcare quality. It is not surprising why past research also stressed on the importance to empirically explore the effect of physicians’ virtual community on their medical decision making quality. Virtual communities are a promising initiative in the healthcare sector. This paper describes how the participation of VC members is possible through the application of the Social Capital Theory’s three dimensions in order to assess the effectiveness of physicians’ virtual community so they can make better quality of medical decisions. Such is depicted in this paper’s conceptual model. The model was empirically tested for its validity and reliability using an adapted survey for which data was collected from 204 SurveyMonkey virtual community physician members. The empirical evidence supports the hypothesis of the conceptual model through physicians’ identification and shared vision, i.e. two pre-requisites for medical DM

    InnovaciĂłn, aprendizaje organizativo y gestiĂłn del conocimiento en las instituciones educativas

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    Las organizaciones educativas requieren de estrategias que les permitan responder lascontinuas y cambiantes exigencias y necesidades de su entorno. No se trata de que las organizaciones se adapten a los cambios sociales, sino de que también sean capaces de anticiparse a ellos y de buscar alternativas. El desarrollo de estrategias de aprendizaje organizativo y gestión del conocimiento permite, precisamente, afrontar estos desafíos, dotando a las organizaciones de herramientas y procesos que les permitan generar nuevo conocimiento y rentabilizar el conocimiento existente, mejorando así el rendimiento de los trabajadores y, por tanto, de la propia organización. En este artículo revisamos el desarrollo de los procesos de aprendizaje organizativo en lasinstituciones educativas, y defendemos la gestión del conocimiento como la mejorestrategia para promover el aprendizaje organizativo y la innovaciónEducational organisations call for strategies that allow them to meet the constant and changing demands of their environment. It is not a question of organisations adapting to social change, but of them also being able to anticipate change and to seek out alternatives. It is precisely the development of organisational learning and knowledge management strategies that allows these challenges to be met, providing organisations with tools and processes that allow them to generate new knowledge and capitalise on existing knowledge, thereby improving staff performance and, therefore, the performance of the organisation itself. In this paper, do we examine the development of organisational learning processes in educational institutions, and we also advocate knowledge management as the best strategy for promoting organisational learning and innovationOrganizaçÔes educativas exigem estratégias para atender às demandas e necessidades de seu ambiente de contínuo e em constante mudança. Não é que as organizaçÔes se adaptarem às mudanças sociais, mas também ser capaz de antecipå-los e encontrar alternativas. Desenvolver estratégias para a aprendizagem organizacional e gestão do conhecimento permite justamente atender a esses desafios, as organizaçÔes que oferecem ferramentas e processos que lhes permitam gerar novos conhecimentos e capitalizar o conhecimento jå existente, melhorando assim o desempenho dos trabalhadores e, assim, da organização. Neste artigo, revisamos o desenvolvimento de processos de aprendizagem organizacional em instituiçÔes de ensino, e defender a gestão do conhecimento como a melhor estratégia para promover a aprendizagem organizacional e inovação

    Predicting Knowledge Sharing Behaviour among Non-Academic Staff in University of Ibadan, Nigeria

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    Knowledge sharing in higher institution of learning such as Universities is important to improved productivity. The purpose of this study is to analyse psychological motivations underlying non-academic staff’ knowledge sharing behaviour (KSB) in University of Ibadan using the theory of planned behaviour (TPB). A questionnaire survey was conducted among non-academic staff from 13 faculties in the University of Ibadan. A total of 276 usable questionnaires were collected. Multiple regression analysis is applied to test the research model and hypotheses. Findings from the study revealed that non-academic staff’ knowledge sharing intention is significantly influenced by attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioural control. Also, perceived behavioural control was identified as the factor having the strongest influence on knowledge sharing intention. Furthermore, it was found that non-academic staff’ KSB in university of Ibadan is significantly predicted by their perceived behavioural control and knowledge sharing intention, signifying that KSB is under both non-academic staff’ volitional and perceived behavioural control, which is different from other groups of professionals in previous studies. Several managerial implications are suggested for the administrators to manage non-academic staff’ KSB in the university. It is one of the first studies to exploit social psychological theory to examine non-academic staff’ KSB in the university setting. However, the research model only shows predictive power and lacks explanatory power. Nevertheless, it provides a starting point for future researchers to further explore the salient beliefs underlying attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioural control so as to explain KSB among non-academic staff’ in the university context
