4,145 research outputs found

    Computers in design education: a case study

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    Automatic Structural Scene Digitalization

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    In this paper, we present an automatic system for the analysis and labeling of structural scenes, floor plan drawings in Computer-aided Design (CAD) format. The proposed system applies a fusion strategy to detect and recognize various components of CAD floor plans, such as walls, doors, windows and other ambiguous assets. Technically, a general rule-based filter parsing method is fist adopted to extract effective information from the original floor plan. Then, an image-processing based recovery method is employed to correct information extracted in the first step. Our proposed method is fully automatic and real-time. Such analysis system provides high accuracy and is also evaluated on a public website that, on average, archives more than ten thousands effective uses per day and reaches a relatively high satisfaction rate.Comment: paper submitted to PloS On

    Beyond the third dimension of BIM:A systematic review of literature and assessment of professional views

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    Across the world, the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and the three-dimensional (3D) model in projects are increasingly frequent for supporting design tasks. The digital data embodied in the BIM model is shared between the project stakeholders from the various disciplines. After giving an overview of the BIM 3D Model data used for planning (4D) and costing (5D), the study assesses the level of clarity or confusion on what the numbers of dimension refer to after the 5th dimension. A systematic review of the different BIM dimensions was conducted associated with an online questionnaire sent to various Architecture, Engineering and Construction stakeholders across Europe. The online questionnaire survey was limited to the 28 European Union (EU) countries. Each of the 28 EU countries was represented by at least one respondent. The research identified 52 papers considering BIM 4D Model, 15 considering 5D modelling, 6 considering the 6D Model and 2 considering the 7D. It was also identified a confusion between academics and practitioners for the 6D and 7D BIM dimensions. In fact, 86% of the professionals, actually using 6D, allocate Sustainability to 6D. Whereas 85% of the professionals using 7D allocate it to Facility Management.</p

    Computer-aided sketching: incorporating the locus to improve the three-dimensional geometric design

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    This article presents evidence of the convenience of implementing the geometric places of the plane into commercial computer-aided design (CAD) software as auxiliary tools in the computer-aided sketching process. Additionally, the research considers the possibility of adding several intuitive spatial geometric places to improve the efficiency of the three-dimensional geometric design. For demonstrative purposes, four examples are presented. A two-dimensional figure positioned on the flat face of an object shows the significant improvement over tools currently available in commercial CAD software, both vector and parametric: it is more intuitive and does not require the designer to execute as many operations. Two more complex three-dimensional examples are presented to show how the use of spatial geometric places, implemented as CAD software functions, would be an effective and highly intuitive tool. Using these functions produces auxiliary curved surfaces with points whose notable features are a significant innovation. A final example provided solves a geometric place problem using own software designed for this purpose. The proposal to incorporate geometric places into CAD software would lead to a significant improvement in the field of computational geometry. Consequently, the incorporation of geometric places into CAD software could increase technical-design productivity by eliminating some intermediate operations, such as symmetry, among others, and improving the geometry training of less skilled usersPostprint (published version

    Applying action research in CAD teaching to improve the learning experience and academic level

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    A project involving innovation in university education is described in this paper. It was implemented in a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) course on the Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering. Several studies have been published about CAD curricula, yet to the best of our knowledge nothing on applying Action Research (AR) to CAD teaching. The project was carried out over a two-year period, after detecting that academic results were not very good even when the course was not very demanding. In the first year, an experiment based on the AR methodology was planned and put into practice. We took the figure of the teacher-researcher as our own, owing to our conviction that teachers themselves must study their own work and reflect on it critically. Encouraged by the good results, throughout the following year, more changes were made in order to further improve the learning experience. The main actions were to develop self-learning material and to use rubrics for assessment, together with an increase in the level of difficulty in some parts of the evaluation. A detailed chronological description of the actions that were carried out, the implied motivations and both the expected results and those actually obtained are presented.The authors are grateful for support from the Unitat de Suport Educatiu of Jaume I University through project Ref: 2793/13 and for the comments made by the reviewers, which were very helpful

    Strategies for a digital model to facilitate the knowledge and management of the Archaeological Site of Itálica: log book

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    [EN] This paper adopts the form of a log book of experiences, observations, interpretations, ideas and resources obtained as a result of using digital information models to address the needs of the institutions and managers of the Archaeological Site of Itálica (CAI, after the Spanish initials) between 2006 and 2021. The problems related to the knowledge and management of the site vary enormously both in scale and complexity. We discuss them here in chronological order to provide a vision of how digital geometric registration and information models have played an increasingly important role at this type of heritage site. The significance of the case study resides both in the importance of the remains, recognised since the 18th century, and in the difficulty of applying systematic processes to manage the site today.[ES] Esta aportación se plantea como cuaderno de bitácora de las experiencias, observaciones, lecturas, ideas y recursos resultado de aplicar modelos digitales de información a los requerimientos de las instituciones y gestores responsables del Conjunto Arqueológico de Itálica (CAI) entre los años 2006 y 2021. Reúne problemas de muy diversa escala y complejidad relacionados con el conocimiento y la gestión del yacimiento. Su lectura en orden cronológico ofrece una visión de la forma en que los modelos digitales de registro geométrico y de información han ido asumiendo un papel cada vez más relevante en este tipo de conjunto patrimonial. La trascendencia del caso de estudio se debe tanto a la importancia de los restos reconocidos desde el siglo XVIII, como por la complejidad en la aplicación en el presente de procesos sistemáticos de tutela.Pinto Puerto, F.; Guerrero Vega, JM.; Angulo Fornos, R.; Castellano Román, M. (2021). Estrategias para un modelo digital dirigido al conocimiento y gestión del Conjunto Arqueológico de Itálica Cuaderno de bitácora. EGE Revista de Expresión Gráfica en la Edificación. 0(15):61-83. https://doi.org/10.4995/ege.2021.16796OJS6183015Angulo Fornos, R. 2012. "Construcción de la base gráfica para un sistema de información y gestión del patrimonio arquitectónico: Casa de Hylas". Arqueología de la Arquitectura, no. 9, pp. 11-25. ISSN 1695-2731. https://doi.org/10.3989/arqarqt.2012.10005Becerra, J.M., Ladrón de Guevara, C. 2005. "MOSAICO, un Sistema de Información para la gestión de los Bienes Culturales". PH Boletín del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico, no. 52, pp. 24-25. ISSN 1136-1867. https://doi.org/10.33349/2005.52.1894Ceballos, Fernando de. 1886. La Itálica. Sevilla: Sociedad de Bibliófilos Andaluces.García Gutiérrez, A. (dir.) 1998. Tesauro de Patrimonio Histórico Andaluz. Sevilla: Consejería de Cultura. ISBN 84-8266-030-6.González-Pérez, C. 2018. Information Modelling for Archaeology and Anthropology: Software Engineering Principles for Cultural Heritage. Cham: Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-72651-9.Grande León, A. 2010. "La Génesis de un Museo del Guadalquivir del siglo XXI. Anastylosis virtual del valle del Guadalquivir en el siglo II d. C: La Baetica de Adriano". Virtual Archaeology Review, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 27-37. ISSN 1989-9947. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2010.4753.IAPH Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico. 2021. Diagnóstico general de mosaicos y revestimientos pictóricos del CAI.Kagan, Richard L. 1986. Ciudades del Siglo de Oro: las vistas españolas de Anton Van den Wyngaerde. Madrid: El Viso. ISBN 978-84-86022-24-2.Martín Pradas, A. 2007. "El Tesauro de Patrimonio Histórico Andaluz como lenguaje integrador" In El Sistema de Información del Patrimonio Histórico de Andalucía (SIPHA). Sevilla: Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía. pp. 50-61. ISBN 84-8266-637-1.Mesa Gisbert, A., Regot, J. Núñez, M.A., Buil, F. 2009. "Métodos y procesos para el Levantamiento de reconstrucción tridimensional gráfica de elementos del patrimonio cultural. La iglesia de Sant Sever de Barcelona". Revista EGA, no. 14, pp. 82-89. ISSN 1133-6137. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2009.10240Morales, Ambrosio de. 1577. Las Antigüedades de las ciudades de España que se nombran en esta Coronica... Alcalá de Henares: Imprenta de Juan Íñiguez de Lequerica.Navarro, P., Cabanes, J.L. 2009. "Edición avanzada de fotomodelos de edificios". Revista EGA, no. 14, pp. 68-73. ISSN 1133-6137. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2009.10238Pinto Puerto, F., Angulo Fornos, R., Castellano Román, M., Guerrero Vega, J.M., Pastor Gil, F. 2010. "Aplicación de los sistemas BIM a la gestión de conjuntos arqueológicos: Itálica". Libro de Actas I Congreso Nacional de Investigación Aplicada a la Gestión de Edificación. Alicante: Universidad de Alicante, p. 116-133. ISBN 978-84-693-3404-1. https://doi.org/10.33349/2011.77.3115Pinto Puerto, F., Angulo Fornos, R., Castellano Román, M., Guerrero Vega, J. M., Pastor Gil, F. 2011a. "Construcción de una base cartográfica activa para el Conjunto Arqueológico de Itálica". Revista PH, no. 77, pp. 116-119. https://doi.org/10.33349/2011.77.3115Pinto Puerto, F., Angulo Fornos, R., Guerrero Vega, J. 2011b. "Metodología y recursos empleados en la propuesta de anastilosis de la scaenae frons del teatro romano de Itálica". Itálica Revista de Arqueología Clásica de Andalucía, no.1, p. 77-83. ISSN: 2174-8667.Pinto Puerto, F., Guerrero Vega, J.M. 2012. "The Scaenae Frons of the Roman Theatre of Itálica: Notes on the Construction Process". In Nuts and Bolts of Culture, Technology and Society. Construction History. Paris: Picard. vol. 3, p. 21-29. ISBN 978-2-7084-0929.Rodríguez de Guzmán Sánchez, S. (dir.) 2011. Plan Director del Conjunto Arqueológico de Itálica: documento de avance. Sevilla: Junta de Andalucía. ISBN 978-84-9959-074-5.Rodríguez Gutiérrez, O., Rodríguez Medina, J., Pinto Puerto, F., Angulo Fornos, R. 2016. "Refuerzo de fustes de columna en la arquitectura monumental de Itálica (prov. Baetica). Aplicación de nuevas tecnologías para la reconstrucción de una práctica singular". Arqueología de la Arquitectura, no. 13, e048. ISSN 1695-2731. https://doi.org/10.3989/arq.arqt.2016.166Tejedor Cabrera, A., Linares Gómez del Pulgar, M., López Sánchez M. y Merino del Rio, R. (coord.) 2020. Innovación para la gestión integral del patrimonio. El Paisaje y el turismo. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla y Universidad Valladolid. ISBN 978-84-472-2970-3.Torres Luque, E., Morón Orta, M. E. Domínguez Ruiz, V., Martín Pastor, A., González Jiménez, J. M., Aguilar de los Santos, R. 2004. "Aplicación de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) al estudio de los edificios patrimoniales..., Sevilla". Primeras jornadas sobre investigación en arquitectura y urbanismo. Sevilla: IUCC. p. 150-151. ISBN: 84-88988-21-4

    Estrategias para un modelo digital dirigido al conocimiento y gestión del Conjunto Arqueológico de Itálica Cuaderno de bitácora

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    This paper adopts the form of a log book of experiences, observations, interpretations, ideas and resources obtained as a result of using digital information models to address the needs of the institutions and managers of the Archaeological Site of Itálica (CAI, after the Spanish initials) between 2006 and 2021. The problems related to the knowledge and management of the site vary enormously both in scale and complexity. We discuss them here in chronological order to provide a vision of how digital geometric registration and information models have played an increasingly important role at this type of heritage site. The significance of the case study resides both in the importance of the remains, recognised since the 18th century, and in the difficulty of applying systematic processes to manage the site today.Esta aportación se plantea como cuaderno de bitácora de las experiencias, observaciones, lecturas, ideas y recursos resultado de aplicar modelos digitales de información a los requerimientos de las instituciones y gestores responsables del Conjunto Arqueológico de Itálica (CAI) entre los años 2006 y 2021. Reúne problemas de muy diversa escala y complejidad relacionados con el conocimiento y la gestión del yacimiento. Su lectura en orden cronológico ofrece una visión de la forma en que los modelos digitales de registro geométrico y de información han ido asumiendo un papel cada vez más relevante en este tipo de conjunto patrimonial. La trascendencia del caso de estudio se debe tanto a la importancia de los restos reconocidos desde el siglo XVIII, como por la complejidad en la aplicación en el presente de procesos sistemáticos de tutela

    Influence of the ratio on the mechanical properties of epoxy resin composite with diapers waste as fillers for partition panel application

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    Materials play significant role in the domestic economy and defense with the fast growth of science and technology field. New materials are the core of fresh technologies and the three pillars of modern science and technology are materials science, power technology and data science. The prior properties of the partition panel by using recycled diapers waste depend on the origin of waste deposits and its chemical constituents. This study presents the influence of the ratio on the mechanical properties of polymer in diapers waste reinforced with binder matrix for partition panel application. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of different ratio of diapers waste polymer reinforced epoxy-matrix with regards to mechanical properties and morphology analysis. The polymer includes polypropylene, polystyrene, polyethylene and superabsorbent polymer (SAP) were used as reinforcing material. The tensile and bending resistance for ratio of 0.4 diapers waste polymers indicated the optimum ratio for fabricating the partition panel. Samples with 0.4 ratios of diapers waste polymers have highest stiffness of elasticity reading with 76.06 MPa. A correlation between the micro structural analysis using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the mechanical properties of the material has been discussed