58 research outputs found

    Ultra Low Power Digital Circuit Design for Wireless Sensor Network Applications

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    Ny forskning innenfor feltet trĂ„dlĂžse sensornettverk Ă„pner for nye og innovative produkter og lĂžsninger. Biomedisinske anvendelser er blant omrĂ„dene med stĂžrst potensial og det investeres i dag betydelige belĂžp for Ă„ bruke denne teknologien for Ă„ gjĂžre medisinsk diagnostikk mer effektiv samtidig som man Ă„pner for fjerndiagnostikk basert pĂ„ trĂ„dlĂžse sensornoder integrert i et ”helsenett”. MĂ„let er Ă„ forbedre tjenestekvalitet og redusere kostnader samtidig som brukerne skal oppleve forbedret livskvalitet som fĂžlge av Ăžkt trygghet og mulighet for Ă„ tilbringe mest mulig tid i eget hjem og unngĂ„ unĂždvendige sykehusbesĂžk og innleggelser. For Ă„ gjĂžre dette til en realitet er man avhengige av sensorelektronikk som bruker minst mulig energi slik at man oppnĂ„r tilstrekkelig batterilevetid selv med veldig smĂ„ batterier. I sin avhandling ” Ultra Low power Digital Circuit Design for Wireless Sensor Network Applications” har PhD-kandidat Farshad Moradi fokusert pĂ„ nye lĂžsninger innenfor konstruksjon av energigjerrig digital kretselektronikk. Avhandlingen presenterer nye lĂžsninger bĂ„de innenfor aritmetiske og kombinatoriske kretser, samtidig som den studerer nye statiske minneelementer (SRAM) og alternative minnearkitekturer. Den ser ogsĂ„ pĂ„ utfordringene som oppstĂ„r nĂ„r silisiumteknologien nedskaleres i takt med mikroprosessorutviklingen og foreslĂ„r lĂžsninger som bidrar til Ă„ gjĂžre kretslĂžsninger mer robuste og skalerbare i forhold til denne utviklingen. De viktigste konklusjonene av arbeidet er at man ved Ă„ introdusere nye konstruksjonsteknikker bĂ„de er i stand til Ă„ redusere energiforbruket samtidig som robusthet og teknologiskalerbarhet Ăžker. Forskningen har vĂŠrt utfĂžrt i samarbeid med Purdue University og vĂŠrt finansiert av Norges ForskningsrĂ„d gjennom FRINATprosjektet ”Micropower Sensor Interface in Nanometer CMOS Technology”

    Novel IC designs with 32 nm Independent-Gate FinFET

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    Electrical EngineeringThe semiconductor industry is confronted with serious challenges as the push continues toward scaling transistors into the 22-nm technology node and beyond. The most important among these challenges is the diminishing gate control over the channel, which manifests itself in the form of the increased short-channel effects (SCE) and leakage currents. One approach to countering these effects is introducing new materials for improved performance, either into the gate stack, the channel, or the source/drain extension regions. However, even with the introduction of these new materials, leakage will continue to be a serious problem. Hence, alter device architecture are being explored which processes inherently better robustness to SCE. Among this alternatives, multiple-gate FETs, also known as FinFET or gate wrap-around FETs, are emerging as promising candidates. In a FinFET, the gate wraps around a thin slice of silicon, also known as a ???fin???, and current flows along the top and side surface of the fin. This wrap-around nature of the gate enhances the gate control over the channel, thus reducing the SCE and leakage currents. Furthermore, fabrication of FinFET is compatible with that of conventional CMOS, thus making possible very rapid deployment to manufacturing. From a circuit-design perspective, FinFET provides IC designer with more options to innovate. For instance, FinFET device can directly substitute the CMOS in the existing applications by using the shorted-gate FinFET in which two FinFET gates are tied together. Additionally, the low-power mode of FinFET device in which the back-gate bias is tied to a reverse-bias voltage is often employed in the low-power design in that it can reduce subthreshold leakage. Last but not least, the independent-gate FinFET emerges as an interesting device so that IC designers have a variety of choices to flexibly use the two gates of FinFET for difference tasks. In this thesis, independent-gate FinFET are our concern with two designs being included. The first work presents a novel methodology for IC speed-up in 32nm FinFET. By taking advantage of independently controlling two gates of IG-FinFET, a boosting structures is developed to improve the signal propagation on interconnect significantly. In the second work, a digital voltage sensor design is illustrated. Based on the operation of a p-type FinFET in low-power mode and independent-gate mode, a new technique for designing a controllable delay element (CDE) with high linearity is presented. Then, we develop a 9-bit digital voltage sensor with a voltage range of 0.7 ??? 1.1 V and 50 mV resolution. The proposed voltage sensor can operate with ultra-low power, a wide voltage range, and fairly high frequency.ope


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    Integrated Circuits are used in most people\u2019s lives in the modern societies. An important branch of research and technology is focused on Integrated Circuit (IC) design, fabrication, and their efficient applications; moreover most of these activities are about commercial productions with applications in ambient environment. However the ICs play very important role in very advance research fields, as Astronomy or High Energy Physics experiments, with absolutely extreme environments which require very interdisciplinary research orientations and innovative solutions. For example, the Fast TracKer (FTK) electronic system, which is an important part of triggering system in ATLAS experiment at European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), in every second of experiment selects 200 interesting events among 40 millions of total events due to collision of accelerated protons. The FTK function is based on ICs which work as Content Addressable Memory (CAM). A CAM compares the income data with stored data and gives the addresses of matching data as an output. The amount of calculation in FTK system is out of capacity of commercial ICs even in very advanced technologies, therefore the development of innovative ICs is required. The high power consumption due to huge amount of calculation was an important limitation which is overcome by an innovative architecture of CAM in this dissertation. The environment of ICs application in astrophysics and High Energy Physics experiments is different from commercial ICs environment because of high amount of radiation. This fact started to get seriously attention after the first \u201cTelstar I\u201d satellite failure because of electronic damages due to radiation effects in space, and opened a new field of research mostly about radiation hard electronics. The multidisciplinary research in radiation hard electronic field is about radiation effects on semiconductors and ICs, deep understanding about the radiation in the extreme environments, finding alternative solutions to increase the radiation tolerance of electronic components, and development of new simulation method and test techniques. Chapter 2 of this dissertation is about the radiation effects on Silicon and ICs. Moreover, In this chapter, the terminologies of radiation effects on ICs are explained. In chapter 3, the space and high energy physics experiments environments, which are two main branches of radiation hard electronics research, are studied. The radiation tolerance in on-chip circuits is achieving by two kinds of methodology: Radiation Hardening By Process (RHBP) and Radiation Hardening By Design (RHBD). RHBP is achieved by changing the conventional fabrication process of commercial ICs. RHBP is very expensive so it is out of budget for academic research, and in most cases it is exclusive for military application, with very restricted rules which make the access of non-military organizations impossible. RHBD with conventional process is the approach of radiation hard IC design in this dissertation. RHBD at hardware level can be achieved in different ways: \u2022 System level RHBD: radiation hardening at system level is achieved by algorithms which are able to extract correct data using redundant information. \u2022Architecture level RHBD: some hardware architectures are able to prevent of lost data or mitigate the radiation effects on stored data without interfacing of software. Error Correction Code (ECC) circuits and Dual Interlocked storage CEll (DICE) architecture are two examples of RHBD at architecture level. \u2022 Circuit level RHBD: at circuit level, some structures are avoided or significantly reduced. For example, feedback loops with high gain are very sensitive to radiation effects. \u2022 Layout level RHBD: there are also different solutions in layout design level to increase the radiation tolerance of circuits. Specific shapes of transistor design, optimization of the physical distance between redundant data and efficient polarization of substrate are some techniques commonly used to increase significantly the radiation tolerance of ICs. An innovative radiation hard Static Random Access Memory (SRAM), designed in three versions, is presented in chapter 4. The radiation hardening is achieved by RHBD approach simultaneously at architecture, circuit and layout levels. Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) 65 nm is the technology of design and the prototype chip is fabricated at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC). Chapter 5 is about the development of simulation models that can help to predict the radiation effect in the behavior of SRAM block. The setup system developed to characterize the radiation hard SRAM prototype chip is presented in Chapter 5. The setup system gives the possibility of testing the prototype exposed under radiation in a vacuum chamberand regular laboratory environment. Chapter 6 is about the contribution of this dissertation on FTK project and the conclusion of all research activities is shown in the final part of this dissertation. The research activities of this dissertation in supported by Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) as part of CHIPIX65 project and RD53 collaboration at CERN

    Improving the Reliability of Microprocessors under BTI and TDDB Degradations

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    Reliability is a fundamental challenge for current and future microprocessors with advanced nanoscale technologies. With smaller gates, thinner dielectric and higher temperature microprocessors are vulnerable under aging mechanisms such as Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) and Temperature Dependent Dielectric Breakdown (TDDB). Under continuous stress both parametric and functional errors occur, resulting compromised microprocessor lifetime. In this thesis, based on the thorough study on BTI and TDDB mechanisms, solutions are proposed to mitigating the aging processes on memory based and random logic structures in modern out-of-order microprocessors. A large area of processor core is occupied by memory based structure that is vulnerable to BTI induced errors. The problem is exacerbated when PBTI degradation in NMOS is as severe as NBTI in PMOS in high-k metal gate technology. Hence a novel design is proposed to recover 4 internal gates within a SRAM cell simultaneously to mitigate both NBTI and PBTI effects. This technique is applied to both the L2 cache banks and the busy function units with storage cells in out-of-order pipeline in two different ways. For the L2 cache banks, redundant cache bank is added exclusively for proactive recovery rotation. For the critical and busy function units in out-of-order pipelines, idle cycles are exploited at per-buffer-entry level. Different from memory based structures, combinational logic structures such as function units in execution stage can not use low overhead redundancy to tolerate errors due to their irregular structure. A design framework that aims to improve the reliability of the vulnerable functional units of a processor core is designed and implemented. The approach is designing a generic function unit (GFU) that can be reconfigured to replace a particular functional unit (FU) while it is being recovered for improved lifetime. Although flexible, the GFU is slower than the original target FUs. So GFU is carefully designed so as to minimize the performance loss when it is in-use. More schemes are also designed to avoid using the GFU on performance critical paths of a program execution

    FiliĂšre technologique hybride InGaAs/SiGe pour applications CMOS

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    High-mobility channel materials such as indium-galium-arsenide (InGaAs) and silicon-germanium(SiGe) alloys are considered to be the leading candidates for replacing silicon (Si) in future lowpower complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) circuits. Numerous challenges haveto be tackled in order to turn the high-mobility CMOS concept into an industrial solution. Thisthesis addresses the majors challenges which are the integration of InGaAs on Si, the formationof high-quality gate stacks and self-aligned source and drain (S/D) regions, the optimizationof self-aligned transistors and the co-integration of InGaAs and SiGe into CMOS circuits. Allinvestigated possible solutions are proposed in the framework of very-large-scale integration requirements.Chapter 2 describes two different methods to integrate InGaAs on Si. Chapter 3 detailsthe developments of key process modules for the fabrication of self-aligned InGaAs metal-oxidesemiconductorfield-effect transistors (MOSFETs). Chapter 4 covers the realization of varioustypes of self-aligned MOSFETs towards the improvement of their performance. Finally, chapter5 demonstrates three different methods to make hybrid InGaAs/SiGe CMOS circuits.Les materiaux Ă  forte mobilitĂ© comme l’InGaAs et le SiGe sont considĂ©rĂ©s comme des candidats potentiels pour remplacer le Si dans les circuits CMOS futurs. De nombreux dĂ©fis doivent ĂȘtre surmontĂ©s pour transformer ce concept en rĂ©alitĂ© industrielle. Cette thĂšse couvre les principaux challenges que sont l’intĂ©gration de l’InGaAs sur Si, la formation d’oxydes de grille de qualitĂ©, la rĂ©alisation de rĂ©gions source/drain auto-alignĂ©es de faible rĂ©sistance, l’architecture des transistors ou encore la co-intĂ©gration de ces matĂ©riaux dans un procĂ©dĂ© de fabrication CMOS.Les solutions envisagĂ©es sont proposĂ©es en gardant comme ligne directrice l’applicabilitĂ© des mĂ©thodes pour une production de grande envergure.Le chapitre 2 aborde l’intĂ©gration d’InGaAs sur Si par deux mĂ©thodes diffĂ©rentes. Le chapitre3 dĂ©taille le dĂ©veloppement de modules spĂ©cifiques Ă  la fabrication de transistors auto-alignĂ©s sur InGaAs. Le chapitre 4 couvre la rĂ©alisation de diffĂ©rents types de transistors auto-alignĂ©s sur InGaAs dans le but d’amĂ©liorer leurs performances. Enfin, le chapitre 5 prĂ©sente trois mĂ©thodes diffĂ©rentes pour rĂ©aliser des circuits hybrides CMOS Ă  base d’InGaAs et de SiGe

    Double-gate single electron transistor : modeling, design & evaluation of logic architectures

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    Dans les annĂ©es Ă  venir, l'industrie de la microĂ©lectronique doit dĂ©velopper de nouvelles filiĂšres technologiques qui pourront devenir des successeurs ou des complĂ©ments de la technologie CMOS ultime. Parmi ces technologies Ă©mergentes relevant du domaine « Beyond CMOS », ce travail de recherche porte sur les transistors mono-Ă©lectroniques (SET) dont le fonctionnement est basĂ© sur la quantification de la charge Ă©lectrique, le transport quantique et la rĂ©pulsion Coulombienne. Les SETs doivent ĂȘtre Ă©tudiĂ©s Ă  trois niveaux : composants, circuits et systĂšme. Ces nouveaux composants, utilisent Ă  leur profit le phĂ©nomĂšne dit de blocage de Coulomb permettant le transit des Ă©lectrons de maniĂšre sĂ©quentielle, afin de contrĂŽler trĂšs prĂ©cisĂ©ment le courant vĂ©hiculĂ©. En effet, l'Ă©mergence du caractĂšre granulaire de la charge Ă©lectrique dans le transport des Ă©lectrons par effet tunnel, permet d'envisager la rĂ©alisation de remplaçants potentiels des transistors ou de cellules mĂ©moire Ă  haute densitĂ© d'intĂ©gration, basse consommation. L'objectif principal de ce travail de thĂšse est d'explorer et d'Ă©valuer le potentiel des transistors mono-Ă©lectroniques double-grille mĂ©talliques (DG-SETs) pour les circuits logiques numĂ©riques. De ce fait, les travaux de recherches proposĂ©s sont divisĂ©s en trois parties : i) le dĂ©veloppement des outils de simulation et tout particuliĂšrement un modĂšle analytique de DG-SET ; ii) la conception de circuits numĂ©riques Ă  base de DG-SETs dans une approche « cellules standards » ; et iii) l'exploration d'architectures logiques versatiles Ă  base de DG-SETs en exploitant la double-grille du dispositif. Un modĂšle analytique pour les DG-SETs mĂ©talliques fonctionnant Ă  tempĂ©rature ambiante et au-delĂ  est prĂ©sentĂ©. Ce modĂšle est basĂ© sur des paramĂštres physiques et gĂ©omĂ©triques et implĂ©mentĂ© en langage Verilog-A. Il est utilisable pour la conception de circuits analogiques ou numĂ©riques hybrides SET-CMOS. A l'aide de cet outil, nous avons conçu, simulĂ© et Ă©valuĂ© les performances de circuits logiques Ă  base de DG-SETs afin de mettre en avant leur utilisation dans les futurs circuits ULSI. Une bibliothĂšque de cellules logiques, Ă  base de DG-SETs, fonctionnant Ă  haute tempĂ©rature est prĂ©sentĂ©e. Des rĂ©sultats remarquables ont Ă©tĂ© atteints notamment en termes de consommation d'Ă©nergie. De plus, des architectures logiques telles que les blocs Ă©lĂ©mentaires pour le calcul (ALU, SRAM, etc.) ont Ă©tĂ© conçues entiĂšrement Ă  base de DG-SETs. La flexibilitĂ© offerte par la seconde grille du DG-SET a permis de concevoir une nouvelle famille de circuits logiques flexibles Ă  base de portes de transmission. Une rĂ©duction du nombre de transistors par fonction et de consommation a Ă©tĂ© atteinte. Enfin, des analyses Monte-Carlo sont abordĂ©es afin de dĂ©terminer la robustesse des circuits logiques conçus Ă  l'Ă©gard des dispersions technologiques

    A design concept for radiation hardened RADFET readout system for space applications

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    Instruments for measuring the absorbed dose and dose rate under radiation exposure, known as radiation dosimeters, are indispensable in space missions. They are composed of radiation sensors that generate current or voltage response when exposed to ionizing radiation, and processing electronics for computing the absorbed dose and dose rate. Among a wide range of existing radiation sensors, the Radiation Sensitive Field Effect Transistors (RADFETs) have unique advantages for absorbed dose measurement, and a proven record of successful exploitation in space missions. It has been shown that the RADFETs may be also used for the dose rate monitoring. In that regard, we propose a unique design concept that supports the simultaneous operation of a single RADFET as absorbed dose and dose rate monitor. This enables to reduce the cost of implementation, since the need for other types of radiation sensors can be minimized or eliminated. For processing the RADFET's response we propose a readout system composed of analog signal conditioner (ASC) and a self-adaptive multiprocessing system-on-chip (MPSoC). The soft error rate of MPSoC is monitored in real time with embedded sensors, allowing the autonomous switching between three operating modes (high-performance, de-stress and fault-tolerant), according to the application requirements and radiation conditions
