3,022 research outputs found

    Performance evaluation of an RDB and an ORDB: A comparative study using the BUCKY benchmark

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    This paper highlights the functionality of object-based database systems by comparing the performance of relational database (RDB) and object-relational database (ORDB) systems. The study focuses on assessing the efficiency of database systems based on query processing and object complexity. We conducted an experiment that includes running the queries on the RDB and ORDB that were used in the BUCKY benchmark and implemented on Oracle 11g. The findings of this research show that the performance of both database systems depends on various factors, such as the size and type of databases, the schema and query structures, the number of tuples scanned in tables, indexes as well as the environment, in which the experiment was carried out

    Logic Programming Applications: What Are the Abstractions and Implementations?

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    This article presents an overview of applications of logic programming, classifying them based on the abstractions and implementations of logic languages that support the applications. The three key abstractions are join, recursion, and constraint. Their essential implementations are for-loops, fixed points, and backtracking, respectively. The corresponding kinds of applications are database queries, inductive analysis, and combinatorial search, respectively. We also discuss language extensions and programming paradigms, summarize example application problems by application areas, and touch on example systems that support variants of the abstractions with different implementations

    Similarity search and data mining techniques for advanced database systems.

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    Modern automated methods for measurement, collection, and analysis of data in industry and science are providing more and more data with drastically increasing structure complexity. On the one hand, this growing complexity is justified by the need for a richer and more precise description of real-world objects, on the other hand it is justified by the rapid progress in measurement and analysis techniques that allow the user a versatile exploration of objects. In order to manage the huge volume of such complex data, advanced database systems are employed. In contrast to conventional database systems that support exact match queries, the user of these advanced database systems focuses on applying similarity search and data mining techniques. Based on an analysis of typical advanced database systems — such as biometrical, biological, multimedia, moving, and CAD-object database systems — the following three challenging characteristics of complexity are detected: uncertainty (probabilistic feature vectors), multiple instances (a set of homogeneous feature vectors), and multiple representations (a set of heterogeneous feature vectors). Therefore, the goal of this thesis is to develop similarity search and data mining techniques that are capable of handling uncertain, multi-instance, and multi-represented objects. The first part of this thesis deals with similarity search techniques. Object identification is a similarity search technique that is typically used for the recognition of objects from image, video, or audio data. Thus, we develop a novel probabilistic model for object identification. Based on it, two novel types of identification queries are defined. In order to process the novel query types efficiently, we introduce an index structure called Gauss-tree. In addition, we specify further probabilistic models and query types for uncertain multi-instance objects and uncertain spatial objects. Based on the index structure, we develop algorithms for an efficient processing of these query types. Practical benefits of using probabilistic feature vectors are demonstrated on a real-world application for video similarity search. Furthermore, a similarity search technique is presented that is based on aggregated multi-instance objects, and that is suitable for video similarity search. This technique takes multiple representations into account in order to achieve better effectiveness. The second part of this thesis deals with two major data mining techniques: clustering and classification. Since privacy preservation is a very important demand of distributed advanced applications, we propose using uncertainty for data obfuscation in order to provide privacy preservation during clustering. Furthermore, a model-based and a density-based clustering method for multi-instance objects are developed. Afterwards, original extensions and enhancements of the density-based clustering algorithms DBSCAN and OPTICS for handling multi-represented objects are introduced. Since several advanced database systems like biological or multimedia database systems handle predefined, very large class systems, two novel classification techniques for large class sets that benefit from using multiple representations are defined. The first classification method is based on the idea of a k-nearest-neighbor classifier. It employs a novel density-based technique to reduce training instances and exploits the entropy impurity of the local neighborhood in order to weight a given representation. The second technique addresses hierarchically-organized class systems. It uses a novel hierarchical, supervised method for the reduction of large multi-instance objects, e.g. audio or video, and applies support vector machines for efficient hierarchical classification of multi-represented objects. User benefits of this technique are demonstrated by a prototype that performs a classification of large music collections. The effectiveness and efficiency of all proposed techniques are discussed and verified by comparison with conventional approaches in versatile experimental evaluations on real-world datasets

    A Database Approach for Modeling and Querying Video Data

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    Indexing video data is essential for providing content based access. In this paper, we consider how database technology can offer an integrated framework for modeling and querying video data. As many concerns in video (e.g., modeling and querying) are also found in databases, databases provide an interesting angle to attack many of the problems. From a video applications perspective, database systems provide a nice basis for future video systems. More generally, database research will provide solutions to many video issues even if these are partial or fragmented. From a database perspective, video applications provide beautiful challenges. Next generation database systems will need to provide support for multimedia data (e.g., image, video, audio). These data types require new techniques for their management (i.e., storing, modeling, querying, etc.). Hence new solutions are significant. This paper develops a data model and a rule-based query language for video content based indexing and retrieval. The data model is designed around the object and constraint paradigms. A video sequence is split into a set of fragments. Each fragment can be analyzed to extract the information (symbolic descriptions) of interest that can be put into a database. This database can then be searched to find information of interest. Two types of information are considered: (1) the entities (objects) of interest in the domain of a video sequence, (2) video frames which contain these entities. To represent these information, our data model allows facts as well as objects and constraints. We present a declarative, rule-based, constraint query language that can be used to infer relationships about information represented in the model. The language has a clear declarative and operational semantics. This work is a major revision and a consolidation of [12, 13].This is an extended version of the article in: 15th International Conference on Data Engineering, Sydney, Australia, 1999

    Similarity search and data mining techniques for advanced database systems.

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    Modern automated methods for measurement, collection, and analysis of data in industry and science are providing more and more data with drastically increasing structure complexity. On the one hand, this growing complexity is justified by the need for a richer and more precise description of real-world objects, on the other hand it is justified by the rapid progress in measurement and analysis techniques that allow the user a versatile exploration of objects. In order to manage the huge volume of such complex data, advanced database systems are employed. In contrast to conventional database systems that support exact match queries, the user of these advanced database systems focuses on applying similarity search and data mining techniques. Based on an analysis of typical advanced database systems — such as biometrical, biological, multimedia, moving, and CAD-object database systems — the following three challenging characteristics of complexity are detected: uncertainty (probabilistic feature vectors), multiple instances (a set of homogeneous feature vectors), and multiple representations (a set of heterogeneous feature vectors). Therefore, the goal of this thesis is to develop similarity search and data mining techniques that are capable of handling uncertain, multi-instance, and multi-represented objects. The first part of this thesis deals with similarity search techniques. Object identification is a similarity search technique that is typically used for the recognition of objects from image, video, or audio data. Thus, we develop a novel probabilistic model for object identification. Based on it, two novel types of identification queries are defined. In order to process the novel query types efficiently, we introduce an index structure called Gauss-tree. In addition, we specify further probabilistic models and query types for uncertain multi-instance objects and uncertain spatial objects. Based on the index structure, we develop algorithms for an efficient processing of these query types. Practical benefits of using probabilistic feature vectors are demonstrated on a real-world application for video similarity search. Furthermore, a similarity search technique is presented that is based on aggregated multi-instance objects, and that is suitable for video similarity search. This technique takes multiple representations into account in order to achieve better effectiveness. The second part of this thesis deals with two major data mining techniques: clustering and classification. Since privacy preservation is a very important demand of distributed advanced applications, we propose using uncertainty for data obfuscation in order to provide privacy preservation during clustering. Furthermore, a model-based and a density-based clustering method for multi-instance objects are developed. Afterwards, original extensions and enhancements of the density-based clustering algorithms DBSCAN and OPTICS for handling multi-represented objects are introduced. Since several advanced database systems like biological or multimedia database systems handle predefined, very large class systems, two novel classification techniques for large class sets that benefit from using multiple representations are defined. The first classification method is based on the idea of a k-nearest-neighbor classifier. It employs a novel density-based technique to reduce training instances and exploits the entropy impurity of the local neighborhood in order to weight a given representation. The second technique addresses hierarchically-organized class systems. It uses a novel hierarchical, supervised method for the reduction of large multi-instance objects, e.g. audio or video, and applies support vector machines for efficient hierarchical classification of multi-represented objects. User benefits of this technique are demonstrated by a prototype that performs a classification of large music collections. The effectiveness and efficiency of all proposed techniques are discussed and verified by comparison with conventional approaches in versatile experimental evaluations on real-world datasets

    Extending functional databases for use in text-intensive applications

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    This thesis continues research exploring the benefits of using functional databases based around the functional data model for advanced database applications-particularly those supporting investigative systems. This is a growing generic application domain covering areas such as criminal and military intelligence, which are characterised by significant data complexity, large data sets and the need for high performance, interactive use. An experimental functional database language was developed to provide the requisite semantic richness. However, heavy use in a practical context has shown that language extensions and implementation improvements are required-especially in the crucial areas of string matching and graph traversal. In addition, an implementation on multiprocessor, parallel architectures is essential to meet the performance needs arising from existing and projected database sizes in the chosen application area. [Continues.

    Providing in RDBMSs the Flexibility to Work with Various Non-Relational Data Models

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    The inability of pure relational DBMSs to meet the new requirements of the applications which have emerged on the web has led to the advent of NoSQL DBMSs In recent years significant progress has been made in integrating into relational DBMSs the features essentials for taking into consideration these new requirements which mainly concern flexibility performances horizontal scaling and very high availability This paper focuses on the features which can enable the relational DBMSs to provide applications with the flexibility to work with various non-relational data models while providing the guarantees of independence integrity and performance of query evaluatio