361 research outputs found

    Formal Analysis of CRT-RSA Vigilant's Countermeasure Against the BellCoRe Attack: A Pledge for Formal Methods in the Field of Implementation Security

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    In our paper at PROOFS 2013, we formally studied a few known countermeasures to protect CRT-RSA against the BellCoRe fault injection attack. However, we left Vigilant's countermeasure and its alleged repaired version by Coron et al. as future work, because the arithmetical framework of our tool was not sufficiently powerful. In this paper we bridge this gap and then use the same methodology to formally study both versions of the countermeasure. We obtain surprising results, which we believe demonstrate the importance of formal analysis in the field of implementation security. Indeed, the original version of Vigilant's countermeasure is actually broken, but not as much as Coron et al. thought it was. As a consequence, the repaired version they proposed can be simplified. It can actually be simplified even further as two of the nine modular verifications happen to be unnecessary. Fortunately, we could formally prove the simplified repaired version to be resistant to the BellCoRe attack, which was considered a "challenging issue" by the authors of the countermeasure themselves.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1401.817

    A New Exponentiation Algorithm Resistant to Combined Side Channel Attack

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    Abstract Since two different types of side channel attacks based on passive information leakage and active fault injection are independently considered as implementation threats on cryptographic modules, most countermeasures have been separately developed according to each attack type. But then, Amiel et al. proposed a combined side channel attack in which an attacker combines these two methods to recover the secret key in an RSA implementation. In this paper, we show that the BNP (Boscher, Naciri, and Prouff) algorithm for RSA, which is an SPA/FA-resistant exponentiation method, is also vulnerable to the combined attack. In addition, we propose a new exponentiation algorithm resistant to power analysis and fault attack as well as the combined attack. The proposed secure exponentiation algorithm can be employed to strengthen the security of CRT-RSA

    Attacking post-quantum cryptography

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    Attacking post-quantum cryptography

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    Differential Power Analysis Resistant Hardware Implementation Of The Rsa Cryptosystem

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2007Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2007Bu çalışmada, RSA kripto sistemi donanımsal olarak gerçeklenmiş ve daha sonra bir Yan-Kanal Analizi çeşidi olan Diferansiyel Güç Analizi (DGA) ile yapılacak saldırılara karşı dayanıklı hale getirilmiştir. RSA kripto sisteminde şifreleme ve şifre çözmede modüler üs alma işlemi yapılır: M^E(mod N). Bu çalışmadaki RSA kripto sisteminde, Xilinx Sahada Programlanabilir Kapı Dizisi (FPGA) donanım olarak kullanılmıştır. Modüler üs alma işlemi, art arda çarpmalar ile yapılır. Bu gerçeklemede kullanılan Montgomery modüler çarpıcı, Elde Saklamalı Toplayıcılar ile gerçeklenmiştir. Saldırgan, Güç Analizi yaparak kripto sistemin gizli anahtarını ele geçirebilir. Bu tezde ilk gerçekleştirilen RSA devresi DGA’ya karşı korumasızdır. XCV1000E üzerinde gerçeklendiğinde, 81,06 MHz maksimum saat frekansı, 104,85 Kb/s işlem hacmi ve 4,88 ms toplam üs alma süresine sahip olduğu ve 9037 dilimlik alan kapladığı görülmüştür. Itoh ve diğ. tarafından önerilen Rastgele Tablolu Pencere Yöntemi (RT-WM) algoritması ile RSA şifreleme algoritmasına getirilen değişiklik, algoritmik karşı durma yöntemlerinden biridir ve donanım üzerinde gerçeklenmemiştir. Yapılan ikinci gerçeklemede, ilk gerçeklemenin üzerine bu algoritmanın getirdiği değişiklikler uygulanmıştır. RT-WM’nin donanım gerçeklemesi, 512-bit anahtar uzunluğu, 2-bit pencere genişliği ve 3-bitlik bir rastgele sayı kullanarak, XCV1000E üzerinde yapıldığında, 66,66 MHz maksimum saat frekansı, 84,42 Kb/s işlem hacmi ve 6,06 ms toplam üs alma süresine sahip olduğu ve XCV1000E içinde hazır bulunan blok SelectRAM yapısının kullanılmasıyla birlikte 10986 dilimlik alan kapladığı görülmüştür. Korumalı gerçekleme, korumasız ile karşılaştırıldığında, toplam sürenin %24,2 arttığı, işlem hacminin de %19,5 azaldığı görülmektedir.In this study, RSA cryptosystem was implemented on hardware and afterwards it was modified to be resistant against Differential Power Analysis (DPA) attacks, which are a type of Side-Channel Analysis Attacks. The encryption and decryption in an RSA cryptosystem is modular exponentiation. In this study, Xilinx Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) devices have been used as hardware. Modular exponentiation is realized with sequential multiplications. The Montgomery modular multiplier in this implementation has been realized with Carry-Save Adders. By doing a Power Analysis, the attacker can extract the secret key of the cryptosystem. In this thesis, the primarily implemented RSA circuit is unprotected against DPA attacks. Implemented on XCV1000E, it has 81,06 MHz maximum clock frequency, 104,85 Kb/s of throughput, and 4,88 ms of total exponentiation time, occupying an area of 9037 slices. The modification to the RSA encryption algorithm that comes with the Randomized Table Window Method (RT-WM), proposed by Itoh et al., is one of the algorithmic countermeasures against DPA and has not been implemented on hardware. Realized using 512-bit key length, 2-bit window length, and, a 3-bit random number, on XCV1000E, the RT-WM hardware implementation resulted in 66,66 MHz maximum clock frequency, 84,42 Kb/s of throughput, and 6,06 ms of total exponentiation time and occupied an area of 10986 slices with the use of the built-in block SelectRAM structure inside XCV1000E. When comparing the protected implementation with the unprotected, it can be seen that the total time has increased by 24,2% while the throughput has decreased 19,5%.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Highly secure cryptographic computations against side-channel attacks

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    Side channel attacks (SCAs) have been considered as great threats to modern cryptosystems, including RSA and elliptic curve public key cryptosystems. This is because the main computations involved in these systems, as the Modular Exponentiation (ME) in RSA and scalar multiplication (SM) in elliptic curve system, are potentially vulnerable to SCAs. Montgomery Powering Ladder (MPL) has been shown to be a good choice for ME and SM with counter-measures against certain side-channel attacks. However, recent research shows that MPL is still vulnerable to some advanced attacks [21, 30 and 34]. In this thesis, an improved sequence masking technique is proposed to enhance the MPL\u27s resistance towards Differential Power Analysis (DPA). Based on the new technique, a modified MPL with countermeasure in both data and computation sequence is developed and presented. Two efficient hardware architectures for original MPL algorithm are also presented by using binary and radix-4 representations, respectively

    Algorithmic Countermeasures Against Fault Attacks and Power Analysis for RSA-CRT

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    In this work, we analyze all existing RSA-CRT countermeasures against the Bellcore attack that use binary self-secure exponentiation algorithms. We test their security against a powerful adversary by simulating fault injections in a fault model that includes random, zeroing, and skipping faults at all possible fault locations. We find that most of the countermeasures are vulnerable and do not provide sufficient security against all attacks in this fault model. After investigating how additional measures can be included to counter all possible fault injections, we present three countermeasures which prevent both power analysis and many kinds of fault attacks

    Fault attacks on RSA and elliptic curve cryptosystems

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    This thesis answered how a fault attack targeting software used to program EEPROM can threaten hardware devices, for instance IoT devices. The successful fault attacks proposed in this thesis will certainly warn designers of hardware devices of the security risks their devices may face on the programming leve