152,522 research outputs found

    Intermediate Mirrors to Reach Theoretical Efficiency Limits of Multi-Bandgap Solar Cells

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    Creating a single bandgap solar cell that approaches the Shockley-Queisser limit requires a highly reflective rear mirror. This mirror enhances the voltage of the solar cell by providing photons with multiple opportunities for escaping out the front surface. Efficient external luminescence is a pre-requisite for high voltage. Intermediate mirrors in a multijunction solar cell can enhance the voltage for each cell in the stack. These intermediate mirrors need to have the added function of transmitting the below bandgap photons to the next cell in the stack. In this work, we quantitatively establish the efficiency increase possible with the use of intermediate selective reflectors between cells in a tandem stack. The absolute efficiency increase can be up to ~6% in dual bandgap cells with optimal intermediate and rear mirrors. A practical implementation of an intermediate selective mirror is an air gap sandwiched by antireflection coatings. The air gap provides perfect reflection for angles outside the escape cone, and the antireflection coating transmits angles inside the escape cone. As the incoming sunlight is within the escape cone, it is transmitted on to the next cell, while most of the internally trapped luminescence is reflected

    Heat transparent high intensity high efficiency solar cell

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    An improved solar cell design is described. A surface of each solar cell has a plurality of grooves. Each groove has a vertical face and a slanted face that is covered by a reflecting metal. Light rays are reflected from the slanted face through the vertical face where they traverse a photovoltaic junction. As the light rays travel to the slanted face of an adjacent groove, they again traverse the junction. The underside of the reflecting coating directs the light rays toward the opposite surface of solar cell as they traverse the junction again. When the light rays travel through the solar cell and reach the saw toothed grooves on the under side, the process of reflection and repeatedly traversing the junction again takes place. The light rays ultimately emerge from the solar cell. These solar cells are particularly useful at very high levels of insolation because the infrared or heat radiation passes through the cells without being appreciably absorbed to heat the cell

    Design of a 2.4 GHz High-Performance Up-Conversion Mixer with Current Mirror Topology

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    In this paper, a low voltage low power up-conversion mixer, designed in a Chartered 0.18 ÎĽm RFCMOS technology, is proposed to realize the transmitter front-end in the frequency band of 2.4 GHz. The up-conversion mixer uses the current mirror topology and current-bleeding technique in both the driver and switching stages with a simple degeneration resistor. The proposed mixer converts an input of 100 MHz intermediate frequency (IF) signal to an output of 2.4 GHz radio frequency (RF) signal, with a local oscillator (LO) power of 2 dBm at 2.3 GHz. A comparison with conventional CMOS up-conversion mixer shows that this mixer has advantages of low voltage, low power consumption and high-performance. The post-layout simulation results demonstrate that at 2.4 GHz, the circuit has a conversion gain of 7.1 dB, an input-referred third-order intercept point (IIP3) of 7.3 dBm and a noise figure of 11.9 dB, while drawing only 3.8 mA for the mixer core under a supply voltage of 1.2 V. The chip area including testing pads is only 0.62Ă—0.65 mm2

    Lightweight Carbon Fiber Mirrors for Solar Concentrator Applications

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    Lightweight parabolic mirrors for solar concentrators have been fabricated using carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) and a nanometer scale optical surface smoothing technique. The smoothing technique improved the surface roughness of the CFRP surface from ~3 {\mu}m root mean square (RMS) for as-cast to ~5 nm RMS after smoothing. The surfaces were then coated with metal, which retained the sub-wavelength surface roughness, to produce a high-quality specular reflector. The mirrors were tested in an 11x geometrical concentrator configuration and achieved an optical efficiency of 78% under an AM0 solar simulator. With further development, lightweight CFRP mirrors will enable dramatic improvements in the specific power, power per unit mass, achievable for concentrated photovoltaics in space.Comment: IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), DC, USA, 201

    Towards a direct transition energy measurement of the lowest nuclear excitation in 229Th

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    The isomeric first excited state of the isotope 229Th exhibits the lowest nuclear excitation energy in the whole landscape of known atomic nuclei. For a long time this energy was reported in the literature as 3.5(5) eV, however, a new experiment corrected this energy to 7.6(5) eV, corresponding to a UV transition wavelength of 163(11) nm. The expected isomeric lifetime is Ď„=\tau= 3-5 hours, leading to an extremely sharp relative linewidth of Delta E/E ~ 10^-20, 5-6 orders of magnitude smaller than typical atomic relative linewidths. For an adequately chosen electronic state the frequency of the nuclear ground-state transition will be independent from influences of external fields in the framework of the linear Zeeman and quadratic Stark effect, rendering 229mTh a candidate for a reference of an optical clock with very high accuracy. Moreover, in the literature speculations about a potentially enhanced sensitivity of the ground-state transition of 229m^{229m}Th for eventual time-dependent variations of fundamental constants (e.g. fine structure constant alpha) can be found. We report on our experimental activities that aim at a direct identification of the UV fluorescence of the ground-state transition energy of 229mTh. A further goal is to improve the accuracy of the ground-state transition energy as a prerequisite for a laser-based optical control of this nuclear excited state, allowing to build a bridge between atomic and nuclear physics and open new perspectives for metrological as well as fundamental studies

    Drive laser system for the DC-SRF photoinjector at Peking University

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    Photoinjectors are widely used for linear accelerators as electron sources to generate high-brightness electron beam. Drive laser, which determines the timing structure and quality of the electron beam, is a crucial device of photoinjector. A new drive laser system has been designed and constructed for the upgraded 3.5-cell DC-SRF photoinjector at Peking University. The drive laser system consists of a 1064 nm laser oscillator, a four- stage amplifier, the second and fourth harmonic generators, the optical system to transfer the UV pulses to the photocathode, and the synchronization system. The drive laser system has been successfully applied in the stable operation of DC-SRF photoinjector and its performance meets the requirements. 266 nm laser with an average power close to 1W can be delivered to illuminate the Cs2Te photocathode and the instability is less than 5% for long time operation. The design consideration for improving the UV laser quality, a detailed description of laser system, and its performance are presented in this paper.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, submit to CP

    An ART1 microchip and its use in multi-ART1 systems

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    Recently, a real-time clustering microchip neural engine based on the ART1 architecture has been reported. Such chip is able to cluster 100-b patterns into up to 18 categories at a speed of 1.8 ÎĽs per pattern. However, that chip rendered an extremely high silicon area consumption of 1 cm2, and consequently an extremely low yield of 6%. Redundant circuit techniques can be introduced to improve yield performance at the cost of further increasing chip size. In this paper we present an improved ART1 chip prototype based on a different approach to implement the most area consuming circuit elements of the first prototype: an array of several thousand current sources which have to match within a precision of around 1%. Such achievement was possible after a careful transistor mismatch characterization of the fabrication process (ES2-1.0 ÎĽm CMOS). A new prototype chip has been fabricated which can cluster 50-b input patterns into up to ten categories. The chip has 15 times less area, shows a yield performance of 98%, and presents the same precision and speed than the previous prototype. Due to its higher robustness multichip systems are easily assembled. As a demonstration we show results of a two-chip ART1 system, and of an ARTMAP system made of two ART1 chips and an extra interfacing chip

    Constance mirror program: Progress and plans

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    The current state of the mechanics of the Constance II experiment, the physics results gathered, the motivation background, and future plans for the Constance II experiment are reviewed. Several improvements have been made and several experimental investigations have been completed. These include the construction/installation/testing of: (1) liquid-nitrogen cooled, Ioffe bars installed, (2) a diverter coil (3) the 100 kW ICRF generator, (4) the data acquisition system, and (5) the optimum hot-iron operation of the machine with Titanium and pulsed-gas plasma guns. Measurements were made of the density, temperature, and radius of the plasma. Ion-cyclotron fluctuations were observed, their bandwidth measured, and data collected demonstrating resonance heating. New X-ray diagnostics were designed and purchased, and progress on the Thomson scattering was made. Finally, a new hot cathode gun was designed and constructed

    Optimization of grazing incidence mirrors and its application to surveying X-ray telescopes

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    Grazing incidence mirrors for X-ray astronomy are usually designed in the parabola-hyperbola (Wolter I) configuration. This design allows for optimal images on-axis, which however degrade rapidly with the off-axis angle. Mirror surfaces described by polynomia (with terms higher than order two), have been put forward to improve the performances over the field of view. Here we present a refined procedure aimed at optimizing wide-field grazing incidence telescopes for X-ray astronomy. We improve the angular resolution over existing (wide-field) designs by ~ 20%. We further consider the corrections for the different plate scale and focal plane curvature of the mirror shells, which sharpen by another ~ 20% the image quality. This results in a factor of ~ 2 reduction in the observing time needed to achieve the same sensitivity over existing wide-field designs and of ~ 5 over Wolter I telescopes. We demonstrate that such wide-field X-ray telescopes are highly advantageous for deep surveys of the X-ray sky.Comment: 8 pages 4 figures. Accepted for publication on A&A (macro included
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