1,206 research outputs found

    SoC estimation for lithium-ion batteries : review and future challenges

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    ABSTRACT: Energy storage emerged as a top concern for the modern cities, and the choice of the lithium-ion chemistry battery technology as an effective solution for storage applications proved to be a highly efficient option. State of charge (SoC) represents the available battery capacity and is one of the most important states that need to be monitored to optimize the performance and extend the lifetime of batteries. This review summarizes the methods for SoC estimation for lithium-ion batteries (LiBs). The SoC estimation methods are presented focusing on the description of the techniques and the elaboration of their weaknesses for the use in on-line battery management systems (BMS) applications. SoC estimation is a challenging task hindered by considerable changes in battery characteristics over its lifetime due to aging and to the distinct nonlinear behavior. This has led scholars to propose different methods that clearly raised the challenge of establishing a relationship between the accuracy and robustness of the methods, and their low complexity to be implemented. This paper publishes an exhaustive review of the works presented during the last five years, where the tendency of the estimation techniques has been oriented toward a mixture of probabilistic techniques and some artificial intelligence

    An adaptive fusion estimation algorithm for state of charge of lithium-ion batteries considering wide operating temperature and degradation

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    In this paper, an adaptive fusion algorithm is proposed to robustly estimate the state of charge of lithium-ion batteries. An improved recursive least square algorithm with a forgetting factor is employed to identify parameters of the built equivalent circuit model, and the least square support vector machine algorithm is synchronously leveraged to estimate the battery state of health. On this basis, an adaptive H-infinity filter algorithm is applied to predict the battery state of charge and to cope with uncertainty of model errors and prior noise evaluation. The proposed algorithm is comprehensively validated within a full operational temperature range of battery and with different aging status. Experimental results reveal that the maximum absolute error of the fusion estimation algorithm is less than 1.2%, manifesting its effectiveness and stability when subject to internal capacity degradation of battery and operating temperature variation

    State of charge estimation for lithium-ion batteries with model-based algorithms

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    Electric vehicles have revolutionized automotive manufacturing in recent years. However, they are faced with some challenges that are essential to overcome to have an acceptable performance. Therefore, these kinds of vehicles need a safe, fast charging, and extended life cycle battery. Lithium-ion batteries have these characteristics and are used in different state-of-the-art industries. Having reliable data for the Lithium-ion batteries Battery Management System (BMS) is critical. They are required to monitor and control all parameters such as State of Charge and State of Health. These parameters cannot be measured directly, and the system should estimate them accurately and reliably. This study consists of 5 main parts: literature review, modelling, research methodology, data collection, and data analysis and interpretation. Firstly, the recent papers related to methods of SOC (State of Charge) estimation were reviewed to find out the existing algorithms’ productivity and deeply realized in literature reviewing step. Because of their inherent safety, fast charging capacity, and extended cycle life, lithium-ion batteries are preferred over other types of batteries in electric vehicle applications. It's critical to be able to determine state factors like state of charge and state of health to generate an accurate battery model. The state of charge estimation algorithms for generic Lithium-ion batteries were enhanced using LA92 drive cycle experiment data. To begin, a mathematical model for an analogous circuit battery was created with the goal of accurately imitating the behaviour of a lithium-ion battery. The Thevenin model is created by 2 RC branches and identifies the model parameters with the Coulomb Counting, Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF). The Hybrid Pulse Power Characterization (HPPC) test data obtained at 40°C, 25°C, 10°C, 0°C, and -10°C are used to calculate the OCV 3-dimensional curve as a function of SOC and T (Temperature). A comparison of the three methods is shown, indicating that the UKF method of battery SOC evaluation is more accurate than the Coulomb Counting method and EKF

    Rapid Computation of Thermodynamic Properties Over Multidimensional Nonbonded Parameter Spaces using Adaptive Multistate Reweighting

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    We show how thermodynamic properties of molecular models can be computed over a large, multidimensional parameter space by combining multistate reweighting analysis with a linear basis function approach. This approach reduces the computational cost to estimate thermodynamic properties from molecular simulations for over 130,000 tested parameter combinations from over a thousand CPU years to tens of CPU days. This speed increase is achieved primarily by computing the potential energy as a linear combination of basis functions, computed from either modified simulation code or as the difference of energy between two reference states, which can be done without any simulation code modification. The thermodynamic properties are then estimated with the Multistate Bennett Acceptance Ratio (MBAR) as a function of multiple model parameters without the need to define a priori how the states are connected by a pathway. Instead, we adaptively sample a set of points in parameter space to create mutual configuration space overlap. The existence of regions of poor configuration space overlap are detected by analyzing the eigenvalues of the sampled states' overlap matrix. The configuration space overlap to sampled states is monitored alongside the mean and maximum uncertainty to determine convergence, as neither the uncertainty or the configuration space overlap alone is a sufficient metric of convergence. This adaptive sampling scheme is demonstrated by estimating with high precision the solvation free energies of charged particles of Lennard-Jones plus Coulomb functional form. We also compute entropy, enthalpy, and radial distribution functions of unsampled parameter combinations using only the data from these sampled states and use the free energies estimates to examine the deviation of simulations from the Born approximation to the solvation free energy

    From evaluating the performance of approximations in Density Functional Theory to a Machine Learning design

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    Density-functional theory (DFT) has gained popularity because of its ability to predict the properties of a large group of materials a priori. Even though DFT is exact, there are inaccuracies introduced into the theory due to the approximations in the exchange-correlation (XC) functionals. Over the 50 years of its existence, scientists have tried to improve the design of the XC functionals. The errors introduced by these functionals are not consistent across all types of solid-state materials. In this project, a high throughput framework was utilized to compare the theoretical DFT predictions with the experimental results available in the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD). We analyzed the accuracy of over 1500 structures with different XC functionals, ranging from the most basic (local density approximation) to the recently designed meta-GGA functionals. Afterward, we focus on strongly correlated systems, where the triumphant ability of DFT stops short and the non-universality of the XC functionals becomes substantial. One solution to this problem is to introduce a Hubbard correction (+U) for the treatment of the strongly correlated electronic states, used in the so-called DFT+U approaches. Unfortunately, this correction turns the theory into a semi-empirical method as the exact values of the correction parameters are unknown and their parameterization can vary considerably from one material to another composed of the same strongly correlated atoms. In this work, we select a group of iron-based compounds to explore the space of the correction parameters that simultaneously improve the prediction for all the studied materials. We perform this exploration using a Bayesian calibration assisted by Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling to determine the distribution of the correction parameters for three widely used XC functionals. Finally, we use the insight gained from the previous studies to design a machine learning approach to the problematic XC functional approximations. We propose a streamlined route to generating data needed for a learner to produce personalized XC functionals (material specific) for any DFT calculation. This approach capitalizes on the unwanted non-universality of XC functionals. Further, we demonstrate a machine-driven unbiased approach to finding the global reaction coordinate. As an example, we use the azobenzene molecule to thoroughly describe a reaction mechanism for its photoisomerization. Our global reaction coordinate includes all of the internal coordinates of azobenzene contributing to the photoisomerization reaction coordinate. This method quantifies the contribution of each internal coordinate of the system to the overall reaction mechanism. Finally, we provide a detailed mapping on how each significantly contributing internal coordinate changes throughout the energy profile (in our example from trans to transition state and subsequently to cis)

    Review on Battery State Estimation and Management Solutions for Next-Generation Connected Vehicles

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    The transport sector is tackling the challenge of reducing vehicle pollutant emissions and carbon footprints by means of a shift to electrified powertrains, i.e., battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). However, electrified vehicles pose new issues associated with the design and energy management for the efficient use of onboard energy storage systems (ESSs). Thus, strong attention should be devoted to ensuring the safety and efficient operation of the ESSs. In this framework, a dedicated battery management system (BMS) is required to contemporaneously optimize the battery’s state of charge (SoC) and to increase the battery’s lifespan through tight control of its state of health (SoH). Despite the advancements in the modern onboard BMS, more detailed data-driven algorithms for SoC, SoH, and fault diagnosis cannot be implemented due to limited computing capabilities. To overcome such limitations, the conceptualization and/or implementation of BMS in-cloud applications are under investigation. The present study hence aims to produce a new and comprehensive review of the advancements in battery management solutions in terms of functionality, usability, and drawbacks, with specific attention to cloud-based BMS solutions as well as SoC and SoH prediction and estimation. Current gaps and challenges are addressed considering V2X connectivity to fully exploit the latest cloud-based solutions


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    Failures of engineered systems can lead to significant economic and societal losses. Despite tremendous efforts (e.g., $200 billion annually) denoted to reliability and maintenance, unexpected catastrophic failures still occurs. To minimize the losses, reliability of engineered systems must be ensured throughout their life-cycle amidst uncertain operational condition and manufacturing variability. In most engineered systems, the required system reliability level under adverse events is achieved by adding system redundancies and/or conducting system reliability-based design optimization (RBDO). However, a high level of system redundancy increases a system's life-cycle cost (LCC) and system RBDO cannot ensure the system reliability when unexpected loading/environmental conditions are applied and unexpected system failures are developed. In contrast, a new design paradigm, referred to as resilience-driven system design, can ensure highly reliable system designs under any loading/environmental conditions and system failures while considerably reducing systems' LCC. In order to facilitate the development of formal methodologies for this design paradigm, this research aims at advancing two essential and co-related research areas: Research Thrust 1 - system RBDO and Research Thrust 2 - system prognostics and health management (PHM). In Research Thrust 1, reliability analyses under uncertainty will be carried out in both component and system levels against critical failure mechanisms. In Research Thrust 2, highly accurate and robust PHM systems will be designed for engineered systems with a single or multiple time-scale(s). To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system RBDO and PHM techniques, multiple engineering case studies will be presented and discussed. Following the development of Research Thrusts 1 and 2, Research Thrust 3 - resilience-driven system design will establish a theoretical basis and design framework of engineering resilience in a mathematical and statistical context, where engineering resilience will be formulated in terms of system reliability and restoration and the proposed design framework will be demonstrated with a simplified aircraft control actuator design problem

    A novel adaptive state of charge estimation method of full life cycling lithium-ion batteries based on the multiple parameter optimization.

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    The state of charge (SoC) estimation is the safety management basis of the packing lithium-ion batteries (LIB), and there is no effective solution yet. An improved splice equivalent modeling method is proposed to describe its working characteristics by using the state-space description, in which the optimization strategy of the circuit structure is studied by using the aspects of equivalent mode, analog calculation, and component distribution adjustment, revealing the mathematical expression mechanism of different structural characteristics. A novel particle adaptive unscented Kalman filtering algorithm is introduced for the iterative calculation to explore the working state characterization mechanism of the packing LIB, in which the incorporate multiple information is considered and applied. The adaptive regulation is obtained by exploring the feature extraction and optimal representation, according to which the accurate SoC estimation model is constructed. The state of balance evaluation theory is explored, and the multiparameter correction strategy is carried out along with the experimental working characteristic analysis under complex conditions, according to which the optimization method is obtained for the SoC estimation model structure. When the remaining energy varies from 10% to 100%, the tracking voltage error is less than 0.035 V and the SoC estimation accuracy is 98.56%. The adaptive working state estimation is realized accurately, which lays a key breakthrough foundation for the safety management of the LIB packs
