19 research outputs found

    Determination of the Optimal Threshold Value and Number of Keypoints in Scale Invariant Feature Transform-based Copy-Move Forgery Detection

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    The copy-move forgery detection (CMFD) begins with the preprocessing until the image is ready to process. Then, the image features are extracted using a feature-transform-based extraction called the scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT). The last step is features matching using Generalized 2 Nearest-Neighbor (G2NN) method with threshold values variation. The problem is what is the optimal threshold value and number of keypoints so that copy-move detection has the highest accuracy. The optimal threshold value and number of keypoints had determined so that the detection has the highest accuracy. The research was carried out on images without noise and with Gaussian noise

    Comparative Analysis of Techniques Used to Detect Copy-Move Tampering for Real-World Electronic Images

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    Evolution of high computational powerful computers, easy availability of several innovative editing software package and high-definition quality-based image capturing tools follows to effortless result in producing image forgery. Though, threats for security and misinterpretation of digital images and scenes have been observed to be happened since a long period and also a lot of research has been established in developing diverse techniques to authenticate the digital images. On the contrary, the research in this region is not limited to checking the validity of digital photos but also to exploring the specific signs of distortion or forgery. This analysis would not require additional prior information of intrinsic content of corresponding digital image or prior embedding of watermarks. In this paper, recent growth in the area of digital image tampering identification have been discussed along with benchmarking study has been shown with qualitative and quantitative results. With variety of methodologies and concepts, different applications of forgery detection have been discussed with corresponding outcomes especially using machine and deep learning methods in order to develop efficient automated forgery detection system. The future applications and development of advanced soft-computing based techniques in digital image forgery tampering has been discussed

    Determination of the Optimal Threshold Value and Number of Keypoints in Scale Invariant Feature Transform-based Copy-Move Forgery Detection

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    The copy-move forgery detection (CMFD) begins with the preprocessing until the image is ready to process. Then, the image features are extracted using a feature-transform-based extraction called the scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT). The last step is features matching using Generalized 2 Nearest-Neighbor (G2NN) method with threshold values variation. The problem is what is the optimal threshold value and number of keypoints so that copy-move detection has the highest accuracy. The optimal threshold value and number of keypoints had determined so that the detection has the highest accuracy. The research was carried out on images without noise and with Gaussian noise

    Comparative Analysis of Techniques Used to Detect Copy-Move Tampering for Real-World Electronic Images

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    Evolution of high computational powerful computers, easy availability of several innovative editing software package and high-definition quality-based image capturing tools follows to effortless result in producing image forgery. Though, threats for security and misinterpretation of digital images and scenes have been observed to be happened since a long period and also a lot of research has been established in developing diverse techniques to authenticate the digital images. On the contrary, the research in this region is not limited to checking the validity of digital photos but also to exploring the specific signs of distortion or forgery. This analysis would not require additional prior information of intrinsic content of corresponding digital image or prior embedding of watermarks. In this paper, recent growth in the area of digital image tampering identification have been discussed along with benchmarking study has been shown with qualitative and quantitative results. With variety of methodologies and concepts, different applications of forgery detection have been discussed with corresponding outcomes especially using machine and deep learning methods in order to develop efficient automated forgery detection system. The future applications and development of advanced soft-computing based techniques in digital image forgery tampering has been discussed

    A review on copy-move image forgery detection techniques

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    With billions of digital images flooding the internet which are widely used and regards as the major information source in many fields in recent years. With the high advance of technology, it may seem easy to fraud the image. In digital images, copy-move forgery is the most common image tampering, where some object(s) or region(s) duplicate in the digital image. The important research has attracted more attention in digital forensic is forgery detection and localization. Many techniques have been proposed and many papers have been published to detect image forgery. This paper introduced a review of research papers on copy-move image forgery published in reputed journals from 2017 to 2020 and focused on discussing various strategies related with fraud images to highlight on the latest tools used in the detection. This article will help the researchers to understand the current algorithms and techniques in this field and ultimately develop new and more efficient algorithms of detection copy-move image

    Copy-move forgery detection using combined features and transitive matching

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    Recently, the research of Internet of Things (IoT) and Multimedia Big Data (MBD) has been growing tremendously. Both IoT and MBD have a lot of multimedia data, which can be tampered easily. Therefore, the research of multimedia forensics is necessary. Copy-move is an important branch of multimedia forensics. In this paper, a novel copy-move forgery detection scheme using combined features and transitive matching is proposed. First, SIFT and LIOP are extracted as combined features from the input image. Second, transitive matching is used to improve the matching relationship. Third, a filtering approach using image segmentation is proposed to filter out false matches. Fourth, affine transformations are estimated between these image patches. Finally, duplicated regions are located based on those affine transformations. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can achieve much better detection results on the public database under various attacks

    Copy Move Image Forgery Detection using Multi-Level Local Binary Pattern Algorithm

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    Digital image manipulation has become increasingly prevalent due to the widespread availability of sophisticated image editing tools. In copy-move forgery, a portion of an image is copied and pasted into another area within the same image. The proposed methodology begins with extracting the image's Local Binary Pattern (LBP) algorithm features. Two main statistical functions, Stander Deviation (STD) and Angler Second Moment (ASM), are computed for each LBP feature, capturing additional statistical information about the local textures. Next, a multi-level LBP feature selection is applied to select the most relevant features. This process involves performing LBP computation at multiple scales or levels, capturing textures at different resolutions. By considering features from multiple levels, the detection algorithm can better capture both global and local characteristics of the manipulated regions, enhancing the accuracy of forgery detection. To achieve a high accuracy rate, this paper presents a variety of scenarios based on a machine-learning approach. In Copy-Move detection, artifacts and their properties are used as image features and support Vector Machine (SVM) to determine whether an image is tampered with. The dataset is manipulated to train and test each classifier; the target is to learn the discriminative patterns that detect instances of copy-move forgery. Media Integration and Call Center Forgery (MICC-F2000) were utilized in this paper. Experimental evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology in detecting copy-move. The implementation phases in the proposed work have produced encouraging outcomes. In the case of the best-implemented scenario involving multiple trials, the detection stage achieved a copy-move accuracy of 97.8 %.

    Shrinking the Semantic Gap: Spatial Pooling of Local Moment Invariants for Copy-Move Forgery Detection

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    Copy-move forgery is a manipulation of copying and pasting specific patches from and to an image, with potentially illegal or unethical uses. Recent advances in the forensic methods for copy-move forgery have shown increasing success in detection accuracy and robustness. However, for images with high self-similarity or strong signal corruption, the existing algorithms often exhibit inefficient processes and unreliable results. This is mainly due to the inherent semantic gap between low-level visual representation and high-level semantic concept. In this paper, we present a very first study of trying to mitigate the semantic gap problem in copy-move forgery detection, with spatial pooling of local moment invariants for midlevel image representation. Our detection method expands the traditional works on two aspects: 1) we introduce the bag-of-visual-words model into this field for the first time, may meaning a new perspective of forensic study; 2) we propose a word-to-phrase feature description and matching pipeline, covering the spatial structure and visual saliency information of digital images. Extensive experimental results show the superior performance of our framework over state-of-the-art algorithms in overcoming the related problems caused by the semantic gap.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Detection of intentionally made changes in image content

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    Digital images and video signals represent the most frequently transmitted contents. Namely, with the development of modern digital cameras and smartphones, the use of multimedia content increases every day. They are used in everyday life, for getting information and also as authenticated proofs or corroboratory evidence in different areas like: forensic studies, law enforcement, journalism and others...Multifraktalna analiza se pokazala kao dobar alat za analizu postojećih slika, kao i segmentaciju određenih regiona, izdvajanje ivica, uglova slike i slično. Kako kopirani i nalepljeni delovi imaju sličnu strukturu, može se primeniti multifraktalna analiza, koja u osnovi analizira samosličnost. Multifraktalni spektar daje globalni opis slike (ili, opštije, fenomena koji se ispituje). Vrednost Hölder-ovog eksponenta zavisi od položaja u strukturi i opisuje lokalnu regularnost signala. Naime, različiti objekti na slici imaju različite spektre, različite pozicije maksimuma, minimuma, prve nule itd, što se pokazalo kao interesantan skup različitih parametara pomoću kojih se mogu detektovati namerne promene na slikama..