687 research outputs found

    The PREVIEW Global Risk Data Platform: a geoportal to serve and share global data on risk to natural hazards

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    With growing world population and concentration in urban and coastal areas, the exposure to natural hazards is increasing and results in higher risk of human and economic losses. Improving the identification of areas, population and assets potentially exposed to natural hazards is essential to reduce the consequences of such events. Disaster risk is a function of hazard, exposure and vulnerability. Modelling risk at the global level requires accessing and processing a large number of data, from numerous collaborating centres. <br><br> These data need to be easily updated, and there is a need for centralizing access to this information as well as simplifying its use for non GIS specialists. The Hyogo Framework for Action provides the mandate for data sharing, so that governments and international development agencies can take appropriate decision for disaster risk reduction. <br><br> Timely access and easy integration of geospatial data are essential to support efforts in Disaster Risk Reduction. However various issues in data availability, accessibility and integration limit the use of such data. In consequence, a framework that facilitate sharing and exchange of geospatial data on natural hazards should improve decision-making process. The PREVIEW Global Risk Data Platform is a highly interactive web-based GIS portal supported by a Spatial Data Infrastructure that offers free and interoperable access to more than 60 global data sets on nine types of natural hazards (tropical cyclones and related storm surges, drought, earthquakes, biomass fires, floods, landslides, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions) and related exposure and risk. This application portrays an easy-to-use online interactive mapping interface so that users can easily work with it and seamlessly integrate data in their own data flow using fully compliant OGC Web Services (OWS)

    DRIVER Technology Watch Report

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    This report is part of the Discovery Workpackage (WP4) and is the third report out of four deliverables. The objective of this report is to give an overview of the latest technical developments in the world of digital repositories, digital libraries and beyond, in order to serve as theoretical and practical input for the technical DRIVER developments, especially those focused on enhanced publications. This report consists of two main parts, one part focuses on interoperability standards for enhanced publications, the other part consists of three subchapters, which give a landscape picture of current and surfacing technologies and communities crucial to DRIVER. These three subchapters contain the GRID, CRIS and LTP communities and technologies. Every chapter contains a theoretical explanation, followed by case studies and the outcomes and opportunities for DRIVER in this field

    The evolution of public safety communications in Europe: the results from the FP7 HELP project

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    This paper describes the results from the FP7 HELP project, which investigated the potential of emerging wireless communication technologies and potential synergies between mobile public safety and commercial networks to enhance the communication capabilities of public safety users. The paper identifies the current trends and challenges for wireless communications in the public safety domain, the potential solution frameworks identified in the HELP project and an economic analysis to show the benefits in terms of cost saving. The paper also describes the related research activities of the European Commission in this area.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Assessing and Improving Interoperability of Distributed Systems

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    Interoperabilität von verteilten Systemen ist eine Grundlage für die Entwicklung von neuen und innovativen Geschäftslösungen. Sie erlaubt es existierende Dienste, die auf verschiedenen Systemen angeboten werden, so miteinander zu verknüpfen, dass neue oder erweiterte Dienste zur Verfügung gestellt werden können. Außerdem kann durch diese Integration die Zuverlässigkeit von Diensten erhöht werden. Das Erreichen und Bewerten von Interoperabilität stellt jedoch eine finanzielle und zeitliche Herausforderung dar. Zur Sicherstellung und Bewertung von Interoperabilität werden systematische Methoden benötigt. Um systematisch Interoperabilität von Systemen erreichen und bewerten zu können, wurde im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit ein Prozess zur Verbesserung und Beurteilung von Interoperabilität (IAI) entwickelt. Der IAI-Prozess beinhaltet drei Phasen und kann die Interoperabilität von verteilten, homogenen und auch heterogenen Systemen bewerten und verbessern. Die Bewertung erfolgt dabei durch Interoperabilitätstests, die manuell oder automatisiert ausgeführt werden können. Für die Automatisierung von Interoperabilitätstests wird eine neue Methodik vorgestellt, die einen Entwicklungsprozess für automatisierte Interoperabilitätstestsysteme beinhaltet. Die vorgestellte Methodik erleichtert die formale und systematische Bewertung der Interoperabilität von verteilten Systemen. Im Vergleich zur manuellen Prüfung von Interoperabilität gewährleistet die hier vorgestellte Methodik eine höhere Testabdeckung, eine konsistente Testdurchführung und wiederholbare Interoperabilitätstests. Die praktische Anwendbarkeit des IAI-Prozesses und der Methodik für automatisierte Interoperabilitätstests wird durch drei Fallstudien belegt. In der ersten Fallstudie werden Prozess und Methodik für Internet Protocol Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Netzwerke instanziiert. Die Interoperabilität von IMS-Netzwerken wurde bisher nur manuell getestet. In der zweiten und dritten Fallstudie wird der IAI-Prozess zur Beurteilung und Verbesserung der Interoperabilität von Grid- und Cloud-Systemen angewendet. Die Bewertung und Verbesserung dieser Interoperabilität ist eine Herausforderung, da Grid- und Cloud-Systeme im Gegensatz zu IMS-Netzwerken heterogen sind. Im Rahmen der Fallstudien werden Möglichkeiten für Integrations- und Interoperabilitätslösungen von Grid- und Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Cloud-Systemen sowie von Grid- und Platform as a Service (PaaS) Cloud-Systemen aufgezeigt. Die vorgestellten Lösungen sind in der Literatur bisher nicht dokumentiert worden. Sie ermöglichen die komplementäre Nutzung von Grid- und Cloud-Systemen, eine vereinfachte Migration von Grid-Anwendungen in ein Cloud-System sowie eine effiziente Ressourcennutzung. Die Interoperabilitätslösungen werden mit Hilfe des IAI-Prozesses bewertet. Die Durchführung der Tests für Grid-IaaS-Cloud-Systeme erfolgte manuell. Die Interoperabilität von Grid-PaaS-Cloud-Systemen wird mit Hilfe der Methodik für automatisierte Interoperabilitätstests bewertet. Interoperabilitätstests und deren Beurteilung wurden bisher in der Grid- und Cloud-Community nicht diskutiert, obwohl sie eine Basis für die Entwicklung von standardisierten Schnittstellen zum Erreichen von Interoperabilität zwischen Grid- und Cloud-Systemen bieten.Achieving interoperability of distributed systems offers means for the development of new and innovative business solutions. Interoperability allows the combination of existing services provided on different systems, into new or extended services. Such an integration can also increase the reliability of the provided service. However, achieving and assessing interoperability is a technical challenge that requires high effort regarding time and costs. The reasons are manifold and include differing implementations of standards as well as the provision of proprietary interfaces. The implementations need to be engineered to be interoperable. Techniques that assess and improve interoperability systematically are required. For the assurance of reliable interoperation between systems, interoperability needs to be assessed and improved in a systematic manner. To this aim, we present the Interoperability Assessment and Improvement (IAI) process, which describes in three phases how interoperability of distributed homogeneous and heterogeneous systems can be improved and assessed systematically. The interoperability assessment is achieved by means of interoperability testing, which is typically performed manually. For the automation of interoperability test execution, we present a new methodology including a generic development process for a complete and automated interoperability test system. This methodology provides means for a formalized and systematic assessment of systems' interoperability in an automated manner. Compared to manual interoperability testing, the application of our methodology has the following benefits: wider test coverage, consistent test execution, and test repeatability. We evaluate the IAI process and the methodology for automated interoperability testing in three case studies. Within the first case study, we instantiate the IAI process and the methodology for Internet Protocol Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) networks, which were previously assessed for interoperability only in a manual manner. Within the second and third case study, we apply the IAI process to assess and improve the interoperability of grid and cloud computing systems. Their interoperability assessment and improvement is challenging, since cloud and grid systems are, in contrast to IMS networks, heterogeneous. We develop integration and interoperability solutions for grids and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) clouds as well as for grids and Platform as a Service (PaaS) clouds. These solutions are unique and foster complementary usage of grids and clouds, simplified migration of grid applications into the cloud, as well as efficient resource utilization. In addition, we assess the interoperability of the grid-cloud interoperability solutions. While the tests for grid-IaaS clouds are performed manually, we applied our methodology for automated interoperability testing for the assessment of interoperability to grid-PaaS cloud interoperability successfully. These interoperability assessments are unique in the grid-cloud community and provide a basis for the development of standardized interfaces improving the interoperability between grids and clouds

    UMA (Unlicensed Mobile Access): A New Approach towards Mobility

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    The purpose of this document is to describe the fixed-mobile convergence solution using Unlicensed Mobile Access (UMA) technology. This document describes elements for UMA access and convergence solution and the evolution towards the IP based network. UMA technology offers an alternative to the cellular radio access network (RAN), which uses the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) and General Packet Radio Service/Enhanced Data rates for Global Evolution (GPRS/EDGE) core circuit, data, and IMS services through IP-based broadband connections. To deliver a seamless user experience throughout these various access networks, the UMA specifications define a new network element, the UMA Network Controller (UNC), together with associated protocols for the secure transport of GSM and GPRS/EDGE, signalling, and bearer traffic over I

    Towards a maintenance semantic architecture.

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    International audienceTechnological and software progress with the evolution of processes within company have highlighted the need to evolve systems of maintenance process from autonomous systems to cooperative and sharing information system based on software platform. However, this need gives rise to various maintenance platforms. The first part of this study investigates the different types of existing industrial platforms and characterizes them compared to two criteria namely : information exchange and relationship intensity. This allowed identifying the e-maintenance architecture as the current most efficient architecture. despite its effectiveness, this latter can only guarantee technical interoperability between various components. Therefore, the second part of this study proposes a semantic-knowledge based architecture, thereby ensuring a higher level of semantic interoperability. To this end, specific maintenance ontology has been developed

    Prospects of peer-to-peer SIP for mobile operators

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    Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena on esitellä kehitteillä oleva Peer-to-Peer Session Initiation Protocol (P2PSIP), jonka avulla käyttäjät voivat itsenäisesti ja helposti luoda keskenään puhe- ja muita multimediayhteyksiä vertaisverkko-tekniikan avulla. Lisäksi tarkoituksena on arvioida P2PSIP protokollan vaikutuksia ja mahdollisuuksia mobiilioperaattoreille, joille sitä voidaan pitää uhkana. Tästä huolimatta, P2PSIP:n ei ole kuitenkaan tarkoitus korvata nykyisiä puhelinverkkoja. Työn alussa esittelemme SIP:n ja vertaisverkkojen (Peer-to-Peer) periaatteet, joihin P2PSIP-protokollan on suunniteltu perustuvan. SIP mahdollistaa multimedia-istuntojen luomisen, sulkemisen ja muokkaamisen verkossa, mutta sen monipuolinen käyttö vaatii keskitettyjen palvelimien käyttöä. Vertaisverkon avulla käyttäjät voivat suorittaa keskitettyjen palvelimien tehtävät keskenään hajautetusti. Tällöin voidaan ylläpitää laajojakin verkkoja tehokkaasti ilman palvelimista aiheutuvia ylläpito-kustannuksia. Mobiilioperaattorit ovat haasteellisen tilanteen edessä, koska teleliikennemaailma on muuttumassa yhä avoimemmaksi. Tällöin operaattoreiden asiakkaille aukeaa mahdollisuuksia käyttää kilpailevia Internet-palveluja (kuten Skype) helpommin ja tulevaisuudessa myös itse muodostamaan kommunikointiverkkoja P2PSIP:n avulla. Tutkimukset osoittavat, että näistä uhista huolimatta myös operaattorit pystyvät näkemään P2PSIP:n mahdollisuutena mukautumisessa nopeasti muuttuvan teleliikennemaailman haasteisiin. Nämä mahdollisuudet sisältävät operaattorin oman verkon optimoinnin lisäksi vaihtoehtoisten ja monipuolisempien palveluiden tarjoamisen asiakkailleen edullisesti. Täytyy kuitenkin muistaa, että näiden mahdollisuuksien toteuttamisten vaikutusten ei tulisi olla ristiriidassa operaattorin muiden palveluiden kanssa. Lisäksi tulisi muistaa, että tällä hetkellä keskeneräisen P2PSIP-standardin lopullinen luonne ja ominaisuudet voivat muuttaa sen vaikutuksia.The purpose of this thesis is to present the Peer-to-Peer Session Initiation Protocol (P2PSIP) being developed. In addition, the purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the impacts and prospects of P2PSIP to mobile operators, to whom it can be regarded as a threat. In P2PSIP, users can independently and easily establish voice and other multimedia connections using peer-to-peer (P2P) networking. However, P2PSIP is not meant to replace the existing telephony networks of the operators. We start by introducing the principles of SIP and P2P networking that the P2PSIP is intended to use. SIP enables to establish, terminate and modify multimedia sessions, but its versatile exploitation requires using centralized servers. By using P2P networking, users can decentralize the functions of centralized servers by performing them among themselves. This enables to maintain large and robust networks without maintenance costs resulted of running such centralized servers. Telecommunications market is transforming to a more open environment, where mobile operators and other service providers are challenged to adapt to the upcoming changes. Subscribers have easier access to rivalling Internet-services (such as Skype) and in future they can form their own communication communities by using P2PSIP. The results show that despite of these threats, telecom operators can find potential from P2PSIP in concurrence in adaptation to the challenges of the rapidly changing telecom environment. These potential roles include optimization of the network of the operator, but as well roles to provide alternative and more versatile services to their subscribers at low cost. However, the usage of P2PSIP should not conflict with the other services of the operator. Also, as P2PSIP is still under development, its final nature and features may change its impacts and prospects

    Hydrographic open data for society

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    Nunes, P., Vicente, J., Veiga, A. L., Monteiro, C., Dias, T., Palma, C., & Neto, M. (2023). Hydrographic open data for society. Mapping, 32(211), 34-48. https://doi.org/10.59192/mapping.393Hydrography is defined as: “The branch of applied sciences which deals with the measurement and description of the physical features of oceans, seas, coastal areas, lakes and rivers, as well as with the prediction of their change over time, for the primary purpose of safety of navigation and in support of all other marine activities, including economic development, security and defence, scientific research, and environmental protection” (Publication S-32). Due to their broad concept hydrographic data and information provide the foundational bases for marine space management, fisheries, coastal environment, policy decisions, shipping, energy and oil industry, etc. Portuguese Hydrographic Institute (IH) manages geospatial datasets from several scientific and technical domains. Data management has been on daily agenda and always has an internal priority. Facing the digital transformation tsunami and rapid evolution of society data requirements is the main driven for developing an internal sustainable open data strategy aligned with findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) principles and as open as possible. The European Open Data and Open Science strategies combined with the need to fill the ocean knowledge gaps are changing the way how data producers deal with geospatial information. This article presents several IH projects to increase sharing and reuse of hydrographic data by society.publishersversionpublishe

    An architecture for the future business of things

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    A brave new world made of interconnected smart devices will soon revolutionize the world. The application of the Internet of Things vision will foster the creation of new businesses across different industrial sectors. Communication Service Providers need to set the pace of this change if they want to lead this transformation. They need to both leverage and evolve their architectures in order to support a flexible creation of innovative services over distributed networks, linking heterogeneous sensors and actuators. This paper presents the roles of the telecoms on the upcoming machine-to-machine markets and devises an advanced architecture able to withstand the demands of a new plethora of evermore clever and useful services