326 research outputs found

    Characterization and Emulation of Low-Voltage Power Line Channels for Narrowband and Broadband Communication

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    The demand for smart grid and smart home applications has raised the recent interest in power line communication (PLC) technologies, and has driven a broad set of deep surveys in low-voltage (LV) power line channels. This book proposes a set of novel approaches, to characterize and to emulate LV power line channels in the frequency range from0.15to 10 MHz, which closes gaps between the traditional narrowband (up to 500 kHz) and broadband (above1.8 MHz) ranges

    Characterization and Emulation of Low-Voltage Power Line Channels for Narrowband and Broadband Communication

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    The demand for smart grid and smart home applications has raised the recent interest in power line communication (PLC) technologies, and has driven a broad set of deep surveys in low-voltage (LV) power line channels. This book proposes a set of novel approaches, to characterize and to emulate LV power line channels in the frequency range from0.15to 10 MHz, which closes gaps between the traditional narrowband (up to 500 kHz) and broadband (above1.8 MHz) ranges

    Identification of Dynamic Systems Using Bayesian Networks

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    Cílem této práce je vytvoření spojení mezi Bayesovskými sítěmi a parametrickou identifikací dynamických systémů. Nejprvé byl zpracován průzkum dostupné literatury a byly zformulovány důležité teoretické základy. Poté jsou uvedeny modely dynamických systémů na bázi Bayesovských sítí. Těžištěm práce je návrh a ověření metodologie identifikace dynamických systémů pomocí Bayesovských sítí. Součástí metodologie je nový přístup k volbě řádu výsledného modelu. Na závěr, byla ověřena navržená metoda identifikace dynamických systémů pomocí Bayesovských sítí na fyzikálních modelech dynamických systémů.Obecně je možno konstatovat, že je disertační práce zaměřena na návrh nového přístupu k identifikaci dynamických systémů ovlivněných šumem. Uvedené modely dynamických systémů na bázi Bayesovských sítí mohou být také využité k estimaci stavu, sledování a řízení dynamických systémů.The aim of this thesis is to provide the bridging between Bayesian networks and system identification. Firstly, the literature review and necessary theoretical prerequisites are provided. Secondly, Bayesian network based models of dynamic systems are introduced. Next, the methodology of Bayesian network based system identification is proposed and explored on simulated datasets. In addition, a new approach to the order selection for a resulting model is proposed and verified. Finally, the proposed Bayesian network based system identification approach is verified on real dynamic systems.Overally, the thesis proposes a new approach to system identification of dynamic systems influenced by noisy signals. In addition, Bayesian network based models proposed in this thesis can be used for state estimation, monitoring and control of dynamic systems

    The Photonic Lantern

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    Photonic lanterns are made by adiabatically merging several single-mode cores into one multimode core. They provide low-loss interfaces between single-mode and multimode systems where the precise optical mapping between cores and individual modes is unimportant.Comment: 45 pages; article unchanged, accepted for publication in Advances in Optics and Photonic

    Sampled-data strategies for the control of a 3 DOF hover system

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    This thesis will investigate different sampled-data strategies that can be used for the digital implementation of a controller. To implement the controller several discretization techniques are considered and compared including implicit and explicit Euler methods, Tustin approximation and zero-order hold. The first sampled-data strategy to be investigated is classical periodic sampling, where the output signal is measured periodically, and the controller output is updated every fixed amount of time. The deterioration of performance as sampling times increase as well as the stability properties is investigated for the different discretized models. In a more advanced stage of this project, an event-triggered strategy is considered. In event-triggered control, sensor sampling and control updates are generated only when the system’s state deviate too much from the desired value, which offers a reactive approach to control.This thesis will investigate different sampled-data strategies that can be used for the digital implementation of a controller. To implement the controller several discretization techniques are considered and compared including implicit and explicit Euler methods, Tustin approximation and zero-order hold. The first sampled-data strategy to be investigated is classical periodic sampling, where the output signal is measured periodically, and the controller output is updated every fixed amount of time. The deterioration of performance as sampling times increase as well as the stability properties is investigated for the different discretized models. In a more advanced stage of this project, an event-triggered strategy is considered. In event-triggered control, sensor sampling and control updates are generated only when the system’s state deviate too much from the desired value, which offers a reactive approach to control

    Characterization and Emulation of Low-Voltage Power Line Channels for Narrowband and Broadband Communication

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    This thesis proposes a set of novel approaches to characterize and to emulate LV power line channels in the frequency range from 0.15 to 10MHz, which close gaps between the traditional narrowband (up to 500 kHz) and broadband (above 1.8MHz) ranges

    On Resilient Control for Secure Connected Vehicles: A Hybrid Systems Approach

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    According to the Internet of Things Forecast conducted by Ericsson, connected devices will be around 29 billion by 2022. This technological revolution enables the concept of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) that will transform many applications, including power-grid, transportation, smart buildings, and manufacturing. Manufacturers and institutions are relying on technologies related to CPSs to improve the efficiency and performances of their products and services. However, the higher the number of connected devices, the higher the exposure to cybersecurity threats. In the case of CPSs, successful cyber-attacks can potentially hamper the economy and endanger human lives. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to develop and adopt resilient technologies that can complement the existing security tools to make CPSs more resilient to cyber-attacks. By exploiting the intrinsically present physical characteristics of CPSs, this dissertation employs dynamical and control systems theory to improve the CPS resiliency to cyber-attacks. In particular, we consider CPSs as Networked Control Systems (NCSs), which are control systems where plant and controller share sensing and actuating information through networks. This dissertation proposes novel design procedures that maximize the resiliency of NCSs to network imperfections (i.e., sampling, packet dropping, and network delays) and denial of service (DoS) attacks. We model CPSs from a general point of view to generate design procedures that have a vast spectrum of applicability while creating computationally affordable algorithms capable of real-time performances. Indeed, the findings of this research aspire to be easily applied to several CPSs applications, e.g., power grid, transportation systems, and remote surgery. However, this dissertation focuses on applying its theoretical outcomes to connected and automated vehicle (CAV) systems where vehicles are capable of sharing information via a wireless communication network. In the first part of the dissertation, we propose a set of LMI-based constructive Lyapunov-based tools for the analysis of the resiliency of NCSs, and we propose a design approach that maximizes the resiliency. In the second part of the thesis, we deal with the design of DOS-resilient control systems for connected vehicle applications. In particular, we focus on the Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC), which is one of the most popular and promising applications involving CAVs

    Event-Based Control and Estimation with Stochastic Disturbances

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    This thesis deals with event-based control and estimation strategies, motivated by certain bottlenecks in the control loop. Two kinds of implementation constraints are considered: closing one or several control loops over a data network, and sensors that report measurements only as intervals (e.g. with quantization). The proposed strategies depend critically on _events_, when a data packet is sent or when a change in the measurement signal is received. The value of events is that they communicate new information about stochastic process disturbances. A data network in the control loop imposes constraints on the event timing, modelled as a minimum time between packets. A thresholdbased control strategy is suggested and shown to be optimal for firstorder systems with impulse control. Different ways to find the optimal threshold are investigated for single and multiple control loops sharing one network. The major gain compared to linear time invariant (LTI) control is with a single loop a greatly reduced communication rate, which with multiple loops can be traded for a similarly reduced regulation error. With the bottleneck that sensors report only intervals, both the theoretical and practical control problems become more complex. We focus on the estimation problem, where the optimal solution is known but untractable. Two simplifications are explored to find a realistic state estimator: reformulation to a mixed stochastic/worst case scenario and joint maximum a posteriori estimation. The latter approach is simplified and evaluated experimentally on a moving cart with quantized position measurements controlled by a low-end microcontroller. The examples considered demonstrate that event-based control considerably outperforms LTI control, when the bottleneck addressed is a genuine performance constraint on the latter