481 research outputs found

    Approximation Limits of Linear Programs (Beyond Hierarchies)

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    We develop a framework for approximation limits of polynomial-size linear programs from lower bounds on the nonnegative ranks of suitably defined matrices. This framework yields unconditional impossibility results that are applicable to any linear program as opposed to only programs generated by hierarchies. Using our framework, we prove that O(n^{1/2-eps})-approximations for CLIQUE require linear programs of size 2^{n^\Omega(eps)}. (This lower bound applies to linear programs using a certain encoding of CLIQUE as a linear optimization problem.) Moreover, we establish a similar result for approximations of semidefinite programs by linear programs. Our main ingredient is a quantitative improvement of Razborov's rectangle corruption lemma for the high error regime, which gives strong lower bounds on the nonnegative rank of certain perturbations of the unique disjointness matrix.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure

    Hardness of submodular cost allocation : lattice matching and a simplex coloring conjecture

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    We consider the Minimum Submodular Cost Allocation (MSCA) problem. In this problem, we are given k submodular cost functions f1, ... , fk: 2V -> R+ and the goal is to partition V into k sets A1, ..., Ak so as to minimize the total cost sumi = 1,k fi(Ai). We show that MSCA is inapproximable within any multiplicative factor even in very restricted settings; prior to our work, only Set Cover hardness was known. In light of this negative result, we turn our attention to special cases of the problem. We consider the setting in which each function fi satisfies fi = gi + h, where each gi is monotone submodular and h is (possibly non-monotone) submodular. We give an O(k log |V|) approximation for this problem. We provide some evidence that a factor of k may be necessary, even in the special case of HyperLabel. In particular, we formulate a simplex-coloring conjecture that implies a Unique-Games-hardness of (k - 1 - epsilon) for k-uniform HyperLabel and label set [k]. We provide a proof of the simplex-coloring conjecture for k=3

    Proof Complexity Meets Algebra

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    We analyse how the standard reductions between constraint satisfaction problems affect their proof complexity. We show that, for the most studied propositional and semi-algebraic proof systems, the classical constructions of pp-interpretability, homomorphic equivalence and addition of constants to a core preserve the proof complexity of the CSP. As a result, for those proof systems, the classes of constraint languages for which small unsatisfiability certificates exist can be characterised algebraically. We illustrate our results by a gap theorem saying that a constraint language either has resolution refutations of bounded width, or does not have bounded-depth Frege refutations of subexponential size. The former holds exactly for the widely studied class of constraint languages of bounded width. This class is also known to coincide with the class of languages with Sums-of-Squares refutations of sublinear degree, a fact for which we provide an alternative proof. We hence ask for the existence of a natural proof system with good behaviour with respect to reductions and simultaneously small size refutations beyond bounded width. We give an example of such a proof system by showing that bounded-degree Lovasz-Schrijver satisfies both requirements

    Semidefinite optimization in discrepancy theory

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    Recently, there have been several new developments in discrepancy theory based on connections to semidefinite programming. This connection has been useful in several ways. It gives efficient polynomial time algorithms for several problems for which only non-constructive results were previously known. It also leads to several new structural results in discrepancy itself, such as tightness of the so-called determinant lower bound, improved bounds on the discrepancy of the union of set systems and so on. We will give a brief survey of these results, focussing on the main ideas and the techniques involved

    The Strong Perfect Graph Conjecture: 40 years of Attempts, and its Resolution

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    International audienceThe Strong Perfect Graph Conjecture (SPGC) was certainly one of the most challenging conjectures in graph theory. During more than four decades, numerous attempts were made to solve it, by combinatorial methods, by linear algebraic methods, or by polyhedral methods. The first of these three approaches yielded the first (and to date only) proof of the SPGC; the other two remain promising to consider in attempting an alternative proof. This paper is an unbalanced survey of the attempts to solve the SPGC; unbalanced, because (1) we devote a signicant part of it to the 'primitive graphs and structural faults' paradigm which led to the Strong Perfect Graph Theorem (SPGT); (2) we briefly present the other "direct" attempts, that is, the ones for which results exist showing one (possible) way to the proof; (3) we ignore entirely the "indirect" approaches whose aim was to get more information about the properties and structure of perfect graphs, without a direct impact on the SPGC. Our aim in this paper is to trace the path that led to the proof of the SPGT as completely as possible. Of course, this implies large overlaps with the recent book on perfect graphs [J.L. Ramirez-Alfonsin and B.A. Reed, eds., Perfect Graphs (Wiley & Sons, 2001).], but it also implies a deeper analysis (with additional results) and another viewpoint on the topic

    Parametric Integer Programming in Fixed Dimension

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    We consider the following problem: Given a rational matrix A \in \setQ^{m \times n} and a rational polyhedron Q \subseteq\setR^{m+p}, decide if for all vectors b \in \setR^m, for which there exists an integral z \in \setZ^p such that (b,z)Q(b, z) \in Q, the system of linear inequalities AxbA x \leq b has an integral solution. We show that there exists an algorithm that solves this problem in polynomial time if pp and nn are fixed. This extends a result of Kannan (1990) who established such an algorithm for the case when, in addition to pp and nn, the affine dimension of QQ is fixed. As an application of this result, we describe an algorithm to find the maximum difference between the optimum values of an integer program \max \{c x : A x \leq b, x \in \setZ^n \} and its linear programming relaxation over all right-hand sides bb, for which the integer program is feasible. The algorithm is polynomial if nn is fixed. This is an extension of a recent result of Ho\c{s}ten and Sturmfels (2003) who presented such an algorithm for integer programs in standard form.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figure