24 research outputs found

    Standards for Information Handling

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    Briefly surveys the standards in information and documentation field at national and international levels. Describes the information technology standards and its importance in librarianship. Features of the standards, their use, different types of standards and standards are also discussed

    Análisis y comparación de metadatos para la descripción de recursos electrónicos en línea

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    This work consists of a comparative study of metadata for the description of documents accessible on the Internet. The particularities and difficulties of online electronic resources in terms of their cataloging are analyzed. The metadata are defined and characterized, the different schemes are described and analyzed. The comparison is made taking into account characteristics such as origin and purpose, structure and content of the description, complexity, syntax, contribution to international standardization, interoperability, extensibility, flexibility, maintenance, existing documentation, updating, and results obtained to date

    Volume 21, Number 2/3, June/September 2001 OLAC Newsletter

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    Digitized June/September 2001 issue of the OLAC Newsletter

    Sept. 1999

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    Case studies on digitization and metadata creation and management

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    This thesis’ initial aim is to study the life-cycle of metadata from its creation, its development and management and the role they play during digitization processes. Three memory institutions and their respective digitization projects are studied in order to know how they carry out the digital object production process, what is the life-cycle of metadata, by who, how and when are generated and to know what is the best way to generate and implement metadata in digitization projects. The research method is based on a qualitative approach and the research strategy is based in case studies. Data were collected with different techniques: documentation, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. These questionnaires were sent to 3 key informants (one person for each institution) and subsequently interviews to the same informants were made in order to get deeper and more concrete information. The collected data suggest that most institutions do not have explicit guidelines but follow leading organizations’ standards. Because of the use of standards no institution had to cope with interoperability problems. Also in the opinion of respondents digitizing and creating metadata is not a remarkable challenge, they perceive it as another process among others. Considering the problems or challenges the informants stated to have, the emphasis can be put on budget. That is probably the aspect that most influences on the result, the institution with no budget limitations is the one that best and more complete metadata generates. Also budget has appeared to be a problem for preservation, and the institution with lower budget availability had to delegate the custody and management of its preservation copies to another institution.Joint Master Degree in Digital Library Learning (DILL

    La biblioteca virtual: función y planteamiento

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    This raises the theoretical underpinnings of the work and indicates that the same happened with the Bibliographic Heritage Union Catalogue not only just a good approach, but it is essential to sustained effort over the years. The study examines the virtual library from the user viewpoint and the reader and shows how their interests are always aiming to achieve the primary document; therefore the objective of the librarian must always save time for the reader (to get the book you want). It shows how a virtual library can be accessed from the same OPAC to multiple sources of digital information and how as a general purpose search engines can access virtual libraries. He insists that the creation of metadata allows digital objects are available, accessible and visible data sets ever greater thanks to the collection of metadata used by aggregators. It makes reference to digital imaging as a first step to establish virtual libraries and how to move beyond using optical character recognition. Particular emphasis is placed on new mobile devices and how reading is necessary to address the problems of copyright from a technical standpoint as well as legal and the need to uniquely identify each digital object. It also refers to the new rules of resource description and access to them, absolutely essential to the digital environment and how it is necessary that the metadata can be transmitted using other metadata in turn containing all information about the digital object and the digital object itself. It stresses the need to preserve digital resources and to develop digital preservation policies unlike as was done with printed books and, finally, is the next goal of virtual libraries in elaborating ontologies for semantic Web using entities and relationships designed specifically for that purpose

    Standardization metadata schema for securing interoperability : a case study at FORDA Digital Libraries-Indonesia

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    Metadata schema is very important and should be considered in a digital library. Metadata schema makes possible metadata interoperability in digital libraries. Standard metadata schema is needed for consistency and ensuring interoperability. We should also consider the requirements of partner library institutions for creating and developing the standard metadata schema. Without consider the requirements of those institutions, metadata interoperability is not going well. The aims of this study are to find out the issues of metadata interoperability for FORDA digital libraries and to give recommendation to secure the interoperability among them. This research uses a qualitative study approach and use case study as the research strategy. The case study of this research is FORDA digital libraries-Indonesia. Data collections techniques in this study are interview and documentation. The finding of this study shows that there are several issues which create interoperability problems in the current FORDA metadata schema, such as: complexity of the current FORDA metadata schema, different metadata format files and unavailability metadata import facility different metadata schema, extensibility the current FORDA metadata schema, lack of expertise, language problem, limited number of metadata element, and technological problem. Those issues are the important issues that must be consider when we create and develop the new standard metadata schema for secure interoperability among digital libraries. The findings also show that there are three recommendations for this study, such as: firstly, we recommend determining a standard metadata schema (INDOMARC) for securing interoperability among FORDA digital libraries. Secondly, we suggest using aggregation approach for securing interoperability among digital libraries which have multiple metadata schema and different requirements without determined a standard metadata schema. Thirdly, we propose the authority of FORDA digital libraries should take some initiative for securing interoperability among them. The recommendations are reasonable to develop and be able to implement so it makes interoperability among FORDA digital libraries is going well.Joint Master Degree in Digital Library Learning (DILL

    Software system for MARC 21 cataloguing

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    Извршено је моделирање и имплементација софтверског система за каталогизацију по MARC 21 формату. За реализацију система коришћен је обједињени процес за развој софтвера, развој заснован на моделу и развој заснован на софтверским компонентама. Моделирање је извршено у CASE алату 235 MagicDraw верзија 16.0 који подржава UML 2.0. Имплементација је реализована коришћењем Eclipse plug-in технологије и програмског језика Јава. У софтверском алату Xtext специфицирана је граматика за опис модела МАRC 21 записа. На основу ове граматике генерисан је основни едитор и EMF модел. Основни едитор је проширен додатним спецификацијама над EMF моделом. То су следеће спецификације: ограничења на структуру и садржај библиографских записа коришћењем језика Check; темплејти за трансформацију записа у форму каталошког листића коришћењем језика Xpand; понуда предефинисаног скупа података за унос у језику Xtend.  Извршено је проширење основног едитора додатним функционалностима система за каталогизацију: приказ података о библиографском формату, унос локацијских података, експорт и импорт записа, приказ каталошких листића и библиотечко окружење.  Коришћењем RCP технологије генерисана је софтверска компонента за каталогизацију која се може користити у различитим библиотечким информационим системима.Izvršeno je modeliranje i implementacija softverskog sistema za katalogizaciju po MARC 21 formatu. Za realizaciju sistema korišćen je objedinjeni proces za razvoj softvera, razvoj zasnovan na modelu i razvoj zasnovan na softverskim komponentama. Modeliranje je izvršeno u CASE alatu 235 MagicDraw verzija 16.0 koji podržava UML 2.0. Implementacija je realizovana korišćenjem Eclipse plug-in tehnologije i programskog jezika Java. U softverskom alatu Xtext specificirana je gramatika za opis modela MARC 21 zapisa. Na osnovu ove gramatike generisan je osnovni editor i EMF model. Osnovni editor je proširen dodatnim specifikacijama nad EMF modelom. To su sledeće specifikacije: ograničenja na strukturu i sadržaj bibliografskih zapisa korišćenjem jezika Check; templejti za transformaciju zapisa u formu kataloškog listića korišćenjem jezika Xpand; ponuda predefinisanog skupa podataka za unos u jeziku Xtend.  Izvršeno je proširenje osnovnog editora dodatnim funkcionalnostima sistema za katalogizaciju: prikaz podataka o bibliografskom formatu, unos lokacijskih podataka, eksport i import zapisa, prikaz kataloških listića i bibliotečko okruženje.  Korišćenjem RCP tehnologije generisana je softverska komponenta za katalogizaciju koja se može koristiti u različitim bibliotečkim informacionim sistemima.Modelling and implementation of software system for MARC 21 cataloguing have been done. Unified software development process is used as well as model-driven software development and component-based software development. System modelling is done in CASE tool MagicDraw (version 16.0) which supports UML 2.0. System implementation is realised using Eclipse plug-in technology and Java programming languages. Software tool Xtext is used for specification of MARC 21 record grammar. On the basis of this grammar the basic editor and its EMF model have been generated. The basic editor is extended with additional specifications on generated EMF model. Those specifications are: constraints on structure and content of bibliographic record written in Check language; Xpand templates for transforming records into cataloguing cards; content assist extensions written in Xtend. Addition functionalities of cataloguing system are also added to basic editor, and those are: showing data about MARC 21 format, entering holdings data, export and import of records, showing cataloguing cards and librarian environment. At the end, RCP technology is used for generating software component for cataloguing that can be used in different library information systems

    Software system for MARC 21 cataloguing

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    Извршено је моделирање и имплементација софтверског система за каталогизацију по MARC 21 формату. За реализацију система коришћен је обједињени процес за развој софтвера, развој заснован на моделу и развој заснован на софтверским компонентама. Моделирање је извршено у CASE алату 235 MagicDraw верзија 16.0 који подржава UML 2.0. Имплементација је реализована коришћењем Eclipse plug-in технологије и програмског језика Јава. У софтверском алату Xtext специфицирана је граматика за опис модела МАRC 21 записа. На основу ове граматике генерисан је основни едитор и EMF модел. Основни едитор је проширен додатним спецификацијама над EMF моделом. То су следеће спецификације: ограничења на структуру и садржај библиографских записа коришћењем језика Check; темплејти за трансформацију записа у форму каталошког листића коришћењем језика Xpand; понуда предефинисаног скупа података за унос у језику Xtend.  Извршено је проширење основног едитора додатним функционалностима система за каталогизацију: приказ података о библиографском формату, унос локацијских података, експорт и импорт записа, приказ каталошких листића и библиотечко окружење.  Коришћењем RCP технологије генерисана је софтверска компонента за каталогизацију која се може користити у различитим библиотечким информационим системима.Izvršeno je modeliranje i implementacija softverskog sistema za katalogizaciju po MARC 21 formatu. Za realizaciju sistema korišćen je objedinjeni proces za razvoj softvera, razvoj zasnovan na modelu i razvoj zasnovan na softverskim komponentama. Modeliranje je izvršeno u CASE alatu 235 MagicDraw verzija 16.0 koji podržava UML 2.0. Implementacija je realizovana korišćenjem Eclipse plug-in tehnologije i programskog jezika Java. U softverskom alatu Xtext specificirana je gramatika za opis modela MARC 21 zapisa. Na osnovu ove gramatike generisan je osnovni editor i EMF model. Osnovni editor je proširen dodatnim specifikacijama nad EMF modelom. To su sledeće specifikacije: ograničenja na strukturu i sadržaj bibliografskih zapisa korišćenjem jezika Check; templejti za transformaciju zapisa u formu kataloškog listića korišćenjem jezika Xpand; ponuda predefinisanog skupa podataka za unos u jeziku Xtend.  Izvršeno je proširenje osnovnog editora dodatnim funkcionalnostima sistema za katalogizaciju: prikaz podataka o bibliografskom formatu, unos lokacijskih podataka, eksport i import zapisa, prikaz kataloških listića i bibliotečko okruženje.  Korišćenjem RCP tehnologije generisana je softverska komponenta za katalogizaciju koja se može koristiti u različitim bibliotečkim informacionim sistemima.Modelling and implementation of software system for MARC 21 cataloguing have been done. Unified software development process is used as well as model-driven software development and component-based software development. System modelling is done in CASE tool MagicDraw (version 16.0) which supports UML 2.0. System implementation is realised using Eclipse plug-in technology and Java programming languages. Software tool Xtext is used for specification of MARC 21 record grammar. On the basis of this grammar the basic editor and its EMF model have been generated. The basic editor is extended with additional specifications on generated EMF model. Those specifications are: constraints on structure and content of bibliographic record written in Check language; Xpand templates for transforming records into cataloguing cards; content assist extensions written in Xtend. Addition functionalities of cataloguing system are also added to basic editor, and those are: showing data about MARC 21 format, entering holdings data, export and import of records, showing cataloguing cards and librarian environment. At the end, RCP technology is used for generating software component for cataloguing that can be used in different library information systems

    Designing and developing a prototype indigenous knowledge database and devising a knowledge management framework

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    Thesis (M. Tech.) - Central University of Technology, Free State, 2009The purpose of the study was to design and develop a prototype Indigenous Knowledge (IK) database that will be productive within a Knowledge Management (KM) framework specifically focused on IK. The need to develop a prototype IK database that can help standardise the work being done in the field of IK within South Africa has been established in the Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) policy, which stated that “common standards would enable the integration of widely scattered and distributed references on IKS in a retrievable form. This would act as a bridge between indigenous and other knowledge systems” (IKS policy, 2004:33). In particular within the indigenous people’s organizations, holders of IK, whether individually or collectively, have a claim that their knowledge should not be exploited for elitist purposes without direct benefit to their empowerment and the improvement of their livelihoods. Establishing guidelines and a modus operandi (KM framework) are important, especially when working with communities. Researchers go into communities to gather their knowledge and never return to the communities with their results. The communities feel enraged and wronged. Creating an IK network can curb such behaviour or at least inform researchers/organisations that this behaviour is damaging. The importance of IK is that IK provides the basis for problem-solving strategies for local communities, especially the poor, which can help reduce poverty. IK is a key element of the “social capital” of the poor; their main asset to invest in the struggle for survival, to produce food, to provide shelter, or to achieve control of their own lives. It is closely intertwined with their livelihoods. Many aspects of KM and IK were discussed and a feasibility study for a KM framework was conducted to determine if any existing KM frameworks can work in an organisation that works with IK. Other factors that can influence IK are: guidelines for implementing a KM framework, information management, quality management, human factors/capital movement, leading role players in the field of IK, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), ethics, guidelines for doing fieldwork, and a best plan for implementation. At this point, the focus changes from KM and IK to the prototype IK database and the technical design thereof. The focus is shifted to a more hands-on development by looking at the different data models and their underlying models. A well-designed database facilitates data management and becomes a valuable generator of information. A poorly designed database is likely to become a breeding ground for redundant data. The conceptual design stage used data modelling to create an abstract database structure that represents real-world objects in the most authentic way possible. The tools used to design the database are platform independent software; therefore the design can be implemented on many different platforms. An elementary prototype graphical user interface was designed in order to illustrate the database’s three main functions: adding new members, adding new IK records, and searching the IK database. The IK database design took cognisance of what is currently prevailing in South Africa and the rest of the world with respect to IK and database development. The development of the database was done in such a way as to establish a standard database design for IK systems in South Africa. The goal was to design and develop a database that can be disseminated to researchers/organisations working in the field of IK so that the use of a template database can assist work in the field. Consequently the work in the field will be collected in the same way and based on the same model. At a later stage, the databases could be interlinked and South Africa can have one large knowledge repository for IK