299,731 research outputs found

    Designing Interfaces to Support Collaboration in Information Retrieval

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    Information retrieval systems should acknowledge the existence of collaboration in the search process. Collaboration can help users to be more effective in both learning systems and in using them. We consider some issues of viewing interfaces to information retrieval systems as collaborative notations and how to build systems that more actively support collaboration. We describe a system that embodies just one kind of explicit support; a graphical representation of the search process that can be manipulated and discussed by the users. By acknowledging the importance of other people in the search process, we can develop systems that not only improve help-giving by people but which can lead to a more robust search activity, more able to cope with, and indeed exploit, the failures of any intelligent agents used

    Medical WordNet: A new methodology for the construction and validation of information resources for consumer health

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    A consumer health information system must be able to comprehend both expert and non-expert medical vocabulary and to map between the two. We describe an ongoing project to create a new lexical database called Medical WordNet (MWN), consisting of medically relevant terms used by and intelligible to non-expert subjects and supplemented by a corpus of natural-language sentences that is designed to provide medically validated contexts for MWN terms. The corpus derives primarily from online health information sources targeted to consumers, and involves two sub-corpora, called Medical FactNet (MFN) and Medical BeliefNet (MBN), respectively. The former consists of statements accredited as true on the basis of a rigorous process of validation, the latter of statements which non-experts believe to be true. We summarize the MWN / MFN / MBN project, and describe some of its applications

    Exploration and mining evaluation system and price prediction of uranium resources

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    Purpose. The paper introduces the development of the Uranium Resources Technical and Economic Evaluation Expert System (URTEEES) from the viewpoint of requirement analysis, system design, functional structure and application etc. Methods. The system is based on C/B/S mixed mode and applies ASP.NET technology with .Net Framework being selected as the development platform as well as the uranium resources database providing data support at the bottom layer. The paper also proves the efficiency of the system in the context of certain case studies. Findings. Since the system can performs the functions of scenario analysis, sensitivity analysis, shareholder’s returns analysis, horizontal comparison of different projects, it can improve the ability of project senior decision-makers for rapid response to the rivals and meet the demand of pricing negotiations. Moreover, the system demonstrates its efficiency in the context of case studies as the system incorporates a number of advanced methods, e.g. the Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization (QPSO) Back Propagation (BP) QPSO-BP model which can improve the generalization ability of BP network to predict the uranium price. Originality. Technical and economic evaluation model can be set up by users independently according to the current stage of a project (mainly, these are exploration stage, development stage and production stage) as well as according to the selected mining method (e.g. underground mining, surface mining, or in-situ leaching mining). Then, the technical and economic evaluation parameters can be generated. By means of inputting the value of each parameter in a simple and convenient way, the evaluation results can be calculated directly and shown in the form of diagrams; moreover, feasibility evaluation report can be generated automatically, making the process of technical and economic evaluation accurate and efficient. Practical implications. URTEEES performs the functions of decision-making analysis, metal resources database management, data management, comprehensive query etc. The system is a good basis for further development of other expert systems.Мета. Розробка експертно-аналітичної системи техніко-економічного оцінювання запасів урану з точки зору аналізу вимог, системи проектування, функціональної структури і напрямів застосування. Методика. Проектна система повинна включати два основні блоки. Перший – існуючі дані щодо оцінки ресурсів урану для отримання відповідних параметрів, які можуть бути використані для створення моделей оцінки й забезпечення основи для їх порівняння при оцінці нового проекту. Другий – допоміжна інформація, така як закони і правила, культурна інформація, яка насправді є накопиченням даних проекту і досвіду. Пропонована система заснована на використанні комбінованого режиму C/B/S; при цьому система використовує технологію ASP.NET с Nеt Framework, обрану в якості платформи розробки, а також базу даних по запасах урану, що забезпечує інформаційну підтримку на нижньому рівні. Результати. Розроблена нова система URTEEES виконує функції імовірнісного аналізу, аналізу чутливості, аналізу прибутковості для акціонерів, а також горизонтальне порівняння різних проектів, отже, може поліпшити результативність прийняття рішень керівниками проекту для швидкого реагування на дії конкурентів, крім того, дана система відповідає вимогам процесу ціноутворення. Реалізація проектної системи показує високу ефективність, оскільки включає в себе безліч методів з поліпшеними характеристиками, наприклад, модель QPSO-BP, яка удосконалила узагальнюючі можливості нейронної мережі ВР з метою оптимізації та ефективного прогнозування ціни на уран. Наукова новизна. В системі розроблена модель техніко-економічного оцінювання в залежності від стадійності реалізації проекту (в основному, це стадія геологорозвідувальних робіт, стадія розробки родовища і стадія промислового видобутку), а також способу ведення гірничих робіт (наприклад, підземні гірничі роботи, відкриті гірничі роботи або ж роботи, пов’язані з підземним вилуговуванням), а результати оцінювання можна безпосередньо підрахувати і представити наочно у вигляді діаграм. Крім того, представляється можливим автоматично сформувати техніко-економічне обґрунтування, що дозволяє зробити процес техніко-економічного оцінювання точним і ефективним. Практична значимість. Система URTEEES дозволяє виконувати функції аналізу процесу прийняття рішень, управління базою даних запасів металів, управління даними, універсальної пошукової системи в гірничодобувній промисловості.Цель. Разработка экспертно-аналитической системы технико-экономического оценивания запасов урана с точки зрения анализа требований, системы проектирования, функциональной структуры и применения. Методика. Проектная система должна включать два основных блока. Первый – существующие данные об оценке ресурсов урана для получения соответствующих параметров, которые могут быть использованы для создания моделей оценки и обеспечения основы для их сравнения при оценке нового проекта. Второй – вспомогательная информация, такая как законы и правила, культурная информация, которая на самом деле является накоплением данных проекта и опыта. Предлагаемая система основана на использовании комбинированного режима C/B/S; при этом система использует технологию ASP.NET с Net Framework, выбранную в качестве платформы разработки, а также базу данных по запасам урана, что обеспечивает информационную поддержку на нижнем уровне. Результаты. Разработанная система выполняет функции вероятностного анализа, анализа чувствительности, анализа доходности для акционеров, а также горизонтальное сравнение различных проектов, следовательно, может улучшить результативность принятия решений руководителями проекта для быстрого реагирования на действия конкурентов; кроме того, данная система соответствует требованиям процесса ценообразования. Реализация проектной системы показывает высокую эффективность, поскольку включает в себя множество методов с улучшенными характеристиками, например, модель QPSO-BP, которая усовершенствовала обобщающие возможности нейронной сети BP с целью оптимизации и эффективного прогнозирования цены на уран. Научная новизна. В системе разработана модель технико-экономического оценивания в зависимости от стадийности реализации проекта (в основном, это стадия геологоразведочных работ, стадия разработки месторождения и стадия промышленной добычи), а также способа ведения горных работ (например, подземные горные работы, открытые горные работы или же работы, связанные с подземным выщелачиванием), а результаты оценивания можно непосредственно подсчитать и представить наглядно в виде диаграмм. Кроме того, представляется возможным автоматически сформировать технико-экономическое обоснование, что позволяет сделать процесс технико-экономического оценивания точным и эффективным. Практическая значимость. Система URTEEES позволяет выполнять функции анализа процесса принятия решений, управления базой данных запасов металлов, управления данными, универсальной поисковой системы в горнодобывающей промышленности.This research project is made possible through the financial support from National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.51374242, No.51404305 and No.51504286)

    Expert systems for superalloy studies

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    There are many areas in science and engineering which require knowledge of an extremely complex foundation of experimental results in order to design methodologies for developing new materials or products. Superalloys are an area which fit well into this discussion in the sense that they are complex combinations of elements which exhibit certain characteristics. Obviously the use of superalloys in high performance, high temperature systems such as the Space Shuttle Main Engine is of interest to NASA. The superalloy manufacturing process is complex and the implementation of an expert system within the design process requires some thought as to how and where it should be implemented. A major motivation is to develop a methodology to assist metallurgists in the design of superalloy materials using current expert systems technology. Hydrogen embrittlement is disasterous to rocket engines and the heuristics can be very complex. Attacking this problem as one module in the overall design process represents a significant step forward. In order to describe the objectives of the first phase implementation, the expert system was designated Hydrogen Environment Embrittlement Expert System (HEEES)

    Computer-Aided System for Wind Turbine Data Analysis

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    Context: The current work on wind turbine failure detection focuses on researching suitable signal processing algorithms and developing efficient diagnosis algorithms. The laboratory research would involve large and complex data, and it can be a daunting task. Aims: To develop a Computer-Aided system for assisting experts to conduct an efficient laboratory research on wind turbine data analysis. System is expected to provide data visualization, data manipulation, massive data processing and wind turbine failure detection. Method: 50G off-line SCADA data and 4 confident diagnosis algorithms were used in this project. Apart from the instructions from supervisor, this project also gained help from two experts from Engineering Department. Java and Microsoft SQL database were used to develop the system. Results: Data visualization provided 6 different charting solutions and together with robust user interactions. 4 failure diagnosis solutions and data manipulations were provided in the system. In addition, dedicated database server and Matlab API with Java RMI were used to resolve the massive data processing problem. Conclusions: Almost all of the deliverables were completed. Friendly GUI and useful functionalities make user feel more comfortable. The final product does enable experts to conduct an efficient laboratory research. The end of this project also gave some potential extensions of the system

    An evaluation of scaffolding for virtual interactive tutorials

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    Scaffolding refers to a temporary support framework used during construction. Applied to teaching and learning it describes measures to support a learner to become confident and self-reliant in a subject. In a Web environment scaffolding features need to replace the instructor. We discuss our approach to Web-based scaffolding based on the cognitive apprenticeship and activity theories. We suggest a set of four scaffold types that have made our scaffolding-supported virtual interactive tutorial successful. We present a novel evaluation approach for virtual tutorials that is embedded into an iterative, evolutionary instructional design

    DFM synthesis approach based on product-process interface modelling. Application to the peen forming process.

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    Engineering design approach are curently CAD-centred design process. Manufacturing information is selected and assessed very late in the design process and above all as a reactive task instead of being proactive to lead the design choices. DFM appraoches are therefore assesment methods that compare several design alternatives and not real design approaches at all. Main added value of this research work concerns the use of a product-process interface model to jointly manage both the product and the manufacturing data in a proactive DFM way. The DFM synthesis approach and the interface model are presented via the description of the DFM software platform

    An Analysis of Using Expert Systems and Intelligent Agents for the Virtual Library Project at the Naval Surface Warfare Center-Carderock Division

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    The Virtual Library Project1 at the Naval Surface Warfare Center/Carderock Division (NSWC/CD) is being developed to facilitate the incorporation and use of library documents via the Internet. These documents typically relate to the design and manufacture of ships for the U.S. Navy Fleet. As such, the libraries will store documents that contain not only text but also images, graphs and design configurations. Because of the dynamic nature of digital documents, particularly those related to design, rapid and effective cataloging of these documents becomes challenging. We conducted a research study to analyze the use of expert systems and intelligent agents to support the function of cataloging digital documents. This chapter provides an overview of past research in the use of expert systems and intelligent agents for cataloging digital documents and discusses our recommendations based on NSWC/CD’s requirements

    Integration of knowledge-based system, artificial neural networks and multimedia for gear design

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    Design is a complicated area consisting of a combination of rules, technical information and personal judgement. The quality of design depends highly on the designer's knowledge and experience. This system attempts to simulate the design process and to capture design expertise by combining artificial neural networks (ANNs) and knowledge based system (KBS) together with multi-media (MM). It has been applied to the design of gears. Within the system the knowledge based system handles clearly defined design knowledge, the artificial neural networks capture knowledge which is difficult to quantify and multi-media provides a user-friendly interface prompting the user to input information and to retrieve results during design process. The finished system illustrates how features of different Artificial Intelligence techniques, KBS, ANNs and MM, are combined in a hybrid manner to conduct complicated design tasks

    Tools for modelling support and construction of optimization applications

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    We argue the case for an open systems approach towards modelling and application support. We discuss how the 'usability' and 'skills' analysis naturally leads to a viable strategy for integrating application construction with modelling tools and optimizers. The role of the implementation environment is also seen to be critical in that it is retained as a building block within the resulting system