15 research outputs found

    Exploratory Visualization of Astronomical Data on Ultra-high-resolution Wall Displays

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    International audienceUltra-high-resolution wall displays feature a very high pixel density over a large physical surface, which makes them well-suited to the collaborative, exploratory visualization of large datasets. We introduce FITS-OW, an application designed for such wall displays, that enables astronomers to navigate in large collections of FITS images, query astronomical databases, and display detailed, complementary data and documents about multiple sources simultaneously. We describe how astronomers interact with their data using both the wall's touch-sensitive surface and handheld devices. We also report on the technical challenges we addressed in terms of distributed graphics rendering and data sharing over the computer clusters that drive wall displays

    Designing Multi-Scale Maps: Lessons Learned from Existing Practices

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    International audienceMapping applications display multi-scale maps where zooming in and out triggers the display of different maps at different scales. Multi-scale maps strongly augmented the potential uses of maps, compared to the traditional single-scaled paper maps. But the exploration of the multi-scale maps can be cognitively difficult for users because the content of the maps can be very different at different scales. This paper seeks to identify the factors in the design of map content and style that increase or decrease the exploration cognitive load, in order to improve multi-scales map design. We studied sixteen existing examples of multi-scale maps to identify these factors that influence a fluid zooming interaction. Several different analyses were conducted on these sixteen multiscale maps. We first conducted a guided visual exploration of the maps, and a detailed study of the scales of the maps, to identify general trends of good practices (e.g. the WMTS standard that defines zoom levels is widely used) and potential ways of improvement (e.g. a same map is often used at multiple successive zoom levels). Then, we focused on the visual complexity of the multi-scale maps by analyzing how it varies, continuously or not, across scales, using clutter measures, which showed a peak of complexity at zoom level 12 of the WMTS standard. Finally, we studied how buildings and roads are subject to abstraction changes across scales (e.g. at what zoom level individual buildings turn into built-up areas), which can be one of the causes of exploration difficulties. We identified some good practices to reduce the impact of abstraction changes, for instance by mixing different levels of abstraction in the same map.Les applications cartographiques actuelles affichent des cartes multi-échelles, dans lesquelles une interaction de zoom avant ou arrière déclenche l'affichage d'une nouvelle carte à plus grande ou plus petite échelle. Ces cartes multi-échelles permettent des utilisations beaucoup plus vastes et diverses que les traditionnelles cartes topographiques imprimées sur papier. Mais l'exploration interactive de ces cartes peut entrainer une charge cognitive assez lourde car le contenu des cartes peut varier très fortement entre les différentes échelles, et il devient difficile de se repérer. Cet article cherche à identifier les facteurs du design cartographique qui influent sur cette charge cognitive lors d'un changement d'échelle, avec pour objectif à long terme d'améliorer les pratiques de conception de cartes multi-échelles. Nous avons ainsi étudié seize exemples de cartes multi-échelles pour identifier les facteurs permettant d'influer sur la fluidité du zoom. Plusieurs analyses différentes ont été menées sur ces seize cartes. Nous avons d'abord réalisé une analyse visuelle de ces cartes selon divers critères, et une étude détaillée des différentes échelles utilisées, afin d'identifier des tendances (comme l'utilisation massive du standard WMTS), ou des pistes d'amélioration (par exemple, l'utilisation d'une même carte à plusieurs échelles parait sous-optimale). Nous avons ensuite mesuré la variation de complexité visuelle des cartes quand les échelles varient à l'aide de mesures de l'effet de ≪ clutter ≫ ce qui a notamment montré un pic de complexité pour les cartes présentées au niveau de zoom n∘12 du standard WMTS. Enfin, nous avons étudié les changements de niveau d'abstraction spécifiquement sur les thèmes ≪ bâti ≫ et ≪ routes ≫ (par exemple à quelle échelle la représentation des bâtiments individuels est remplacée par une représentation de l'aire urbaine), ce qui a permis de mettre en valeur une cause possible de ces difficultés d'exploration. Des bonnes pratiques ont été identifiées pour une meilleure transition entre les niveaux d'abstraction, notamment en les combinant dans une même carte à une échelle de transition

    Faceted Search of Heterogeneous Geographic Information for Dynamic Map Projection

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    This paper proposes a faceted information exploration model that supports coarse-grained and fine-grained focusing of geographic maps by offering a graphical representation of data attributes within interactive widgets. The proposed approach enables (i) a multi-category projection of long-lasting geographic maps, based on the proposal of efficient facets for data exploration in sparse and noisy datasets, and (ii) an interactive representation of the search context based on widgets that support data visualization, faceted exploration, category-based information hiding and transparency of results at the same time. The integration of our model with a semantic representation of geographical knowledge supports the exploration of information retrieved from heterogeneous data sources, such as Public Open Data and OpenStreetMap. We evaluated our model with users in the OnToMap collaborative Web GIS. The experimental results show that, when working on geographic maps populated with multiple data categories, it outperforms simple category-based map projection and traditional faceted search tools, such as checkboxes, in both user performance and experience

    Agregação de rotas cicláveis para geração de dados analíticos de mobilidade urbana

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoNos dias de hoje a mobilidade ciclável é vista como um meio de transporte cada vez mais procurado em vários contextos como de lazer, desporto, trabalho, entre outros, isto porque serve como meio de deslocação alternativo aos automóveis que são usados de uma forma desmesurada e contribuem para o aumento dos níveis de poluição urbana, entre outros fatores que diminuem a qualidade da saúde das populações em geral. Em conformidade com este crescimento, e no sentido de melhorar a mobilidade ciclável, têm surgido serviços de partilha de rotas que têm como objetivo oferecer informações de rotas já circuladas por outros ciclistas. Essas informações podem ser facilmente acedidas por outras pessoas, porém existe uma vasta gama de informação dispersa e que seria bastante útil se conseguíssemos agregá-la de forma a criar outro tipo de informação complementar bastante mais completa. Neste sentido esta dissertação tem como objetivo estudar o processo de agregação de rotas, e que como um conjunto de dados proveniente de diferentes fontes, promove um objetivo comum, que é melhorar a mobilidade urbana ciclável. Para isso foram estudados diferentes serviços de partilha de rotas e feita a agregação das rotas resultantes desse estudo, onde a informação obtida deste processo foi igualmente estudada no sentido de verificar a sua viabilidade e como pode contribuir para uma melhor experiência ciclável através de informação mais rica e não tão individualizada por uma só rota, mas sim como um conjunto de rotas agregadas.Nowadays, cycling mobility is seen as an increasingly popular means of transport in various contexts such as leisure, sports, work, among others, because it serves as an alternative means of displacement to cars that are used in a disproportionate manner, this contributes to the increase of urban pollution levels, among other factors that decrease the health quality of the population in general. In line with this growth, and in order to improve cycling mobility, route sharing services have emerged to provide information about routes previously fallowed by other cyclists. This information can be easily accessed by others, but there is a wide range of scattered information that would be very useful if we could aggregate it in order to create another kind of far more complete complementary information. In this sense this dissertation aims to study the process of route aggregation, and with data set from different sources, promotes a common goal, which is to improve urban cycling mobility. For this, different route sharing services were studied, and the resulting routes were aggregated, where the information obtained from this process was also studied in order to verify its viability and how it can contribute to a better cycling experience through richer information. and not so individualized by route, but as a set of aggregated routes

    Assessing the level of economic sustainability of rural settlements in the county of Langroud

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    Since villages are the main cells of Iran's economic life, so the stability of the rural economy is a vital corridor to achieve the stability of the national economy. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of recognizing the level of economic sustainability of the villages of Langroud county; The data collection tools in the present study include documentary methods in the form of libraries and field methods in the form of questionnaires. The statistical population of this study includes the Rural managers with 20 households and more in the county of Langroud and a total of 110 people in 7 rural areas of this city, which has been studied in a total number. In this study, in order to investigate the level of economic sustainability of villages, the sustainability barometer method was used. Binomial test was also used to compare the research components. The results showed that the level of economic stability in rural settlements of the city in the three components of justice, stability and welfare and finally, overall economic stability, were significantly different. The results of the level of sustainability of the studied components showed that economic justice, economic stability, economic welfare, and finally the economic sustainability of the villages in the region are at a weak level. In terms of the level of economic stability, the highest level has the villages of Klidbar, Sigarud, and the lowest level of economic stability have the villages of Fetideh and Koholboon

    User-centred design of multidisciplinary spatial data platforms for human-history research

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    The role of open spatial data is growing in human-history research. Spatiality can be utilized to bring together and seamlessly examine data describing multiple aspects of human beings and their environment. Web-based spatial data platforms can create equal opportunities to view and access these data. In this paper, we aim at advancing the development of user-friendly spatial data platforms for multidisciplinary research. We conceptualize the building process of such a platform by systematically reviewing a diverse sample of historical spatial data platforms and by piloting a user-centered design process of a multidisciplinary spatial data platform. We outline (1) the expertise needed in organizing multidisciplinary spatial data sharing, (2) data types that platforms should be able to handle, (3) the most useful platform functionalities, and (4) the design process itself. We recommend that the initiative and subject expertise should come from the end-users, i.e., scholars of human history, and all key end-user types should be involved in the design process. We also highlight the importance of geographic expertise in the process, an important link between subject, spatial and technical viewpoints, for reaching a common understanding and common terminology. Based on the analyses, we identify key development goals for spatial data platforms, including full layer management functionalities. Moreover, we identify the main roles in the user-centered design process, main user types and suggest good practices including a multimodal design workshop.</p

    Provision of sustainable sanitation services in an informal settlement in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropole

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    The aim of the study is to investigate the underlying issues informing the provision of sustainable sanitation within an informal settlement within the NMBM. The analysis in this research is based on the premise that the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (NMBM), alongside other municipalities, might face the challenge of having to ensure that sustainable sanitation is provided in its own informal settlements. The research followed the assumption that municipalities of this country could deliver proper sanitation to informal settlements without difficulty if most informal settlements were not built on undesirable and unsuitable land for housing development. The study also assumed that proper sanitation could be delivered by municipalities if the budget allocation to implement, operate and maintain basic sanitation facilities was sufficient, and there were effective public participation processes and socio-economic and environmental assessments in place. The research demanded a concise literature analysis of the sustainable sanitation service required for informal settlements under the current local authority growth mandate. The quantitative survey and analysis approach that was applied in the research process with an explanation of the distribution and administering of the research questionnaire and observations used to collect field information, are presented. The results of the evidential study are statistically analysed, assessed, and reported. Most of the results on the reasons for the lack of sanitation reflect, among other things, a lack of public participation and meaningful relations between the community and municipal officials, unfamiliarity with the required standard of services, not being educated about the services and how to use the rolled-out services, and not being able to afford basic services. Recommendations include strengthening public participation procedures, creating awareness and training initiatives for the residents on the proper utilisation of public services, being visible to the community, and implementing infrastructure projects that will create job opportunities.Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Engineering, the Built Environment, and Technology, 202

    Strategic management in entrepreneurship as a factor in company development

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    Strategija, kao planska odluka, definiše načine za realizaciju postavljenih ciljeva preduzeća, kako bi se na najbolji način iskoristili potencijali preduzeća. Strategijom se vrši izbor pravaca, metoda i instrumenata, kojima se realizuju zadati ciljevi preduzeća i kao takva, služi kao osnova za tekuća planiranja preduzeća. Strategijsko planiranje omogućava da se ocene mogućnosti preduzeća, a time i ciljna tržišta i da se na taj način odrede izvori na strategijski pravac aktivnosti. Strategijsko planiranje uvek polazi od definisanja širih ciljeva, odnosno poželjne strategijske pozicije, koja određuje mesto preduzeća u poslovnoj sredini i mora biti orijentisano na rast i razvoj preduzeća. Menadžment se oslanja na kontigentno planiranje i upravljanje strategijskim pitanjima. Za dobro funkcionisanje strategijskog menadžmenta, važno je uspostaviti odgovarajući upravljački sistem. U tom pogledu, istraživanje je značajno iz ugla konkurentnosti i uspešnosti preduzeća, sa posebnim osvrtom na mala i srednja preduzeća, koja su u turbulentnim vremenima, sklona propadanju, usled raznih faktora. Poseban značaj istraživanja usmeren je na opis trenutne situacije u preduzećima i privredi, kao i način na koji se uspeh i rast i razvoj preduzeća mogu poboljšati.Strategy, as a planning decision, defines ways to realize the set goals of the company, in order to use the company's potential in the best way. The strategy is a selection of directions, methods and instruments, which realize the set goals of the company and, as such, serves as a basis for the ongoing planning of the company. Strategic planning makes it possible to assess the possibilities of the company, and thus the target markets, and thus determine the resources for the strategic direction of activities. Strategic planning always starts from the definition of broader goals, that is, the desired strategic position, which determines the company's place in the business environment and must be oriented towards the growth and development of the company. Management relies on contingent planning and management of strategic issues. For the good functioning of strategic management, it is important to establish an appropriate management system. In this regard, the research is significant from the point of view of competitiveness and success of companies, with special reference to small and medium-sized companies, which in turbulent times are prone to collapse due to various factors. The special importance of the research is focused on the description of the current situation in companies and the economy, as well as the 7 way in which the success and growth and development of the company can be improved