6,783 research outputs found

    Deep Learning Based Thermal Image Processing Approach for Detection of Buried Objects and Mines

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    Thermal imaging based mine detection technique is widely adopted due it suitability of detecting buried metallic and also non-metallic land mines in battle fields. Accurate mine detection using thermal images depends on thermal contrast between the soil and mine and it is affected by various factors such as the depth of burial; soil properties and attributes, water content in the soil, mine properties; as well as the time of day of image acquisition. With temporal temperature variations of the soil, it is difficult to distinguish and discriminate between the buried object and the background in the thermal image using the conventionally followed binary thresholding approach in gray scale. This paper presents deep learning region convolution based neural network approach to identify the buried objects in thermal images. A region interest selection using a bound box is followed for identifying the buried object in the thermal image.  From the experimental results, it is found that there is temperature variation in the thermal images of the buried objects due to the change in heat carrying capacity of the surround soil. Proposed neural network method showed 90% accuracy in predicting the target locations of buried objects in the thermal images and it can be extended for land mine detection using thermal image processing approach

    Next-gen traffic surveillance: AI-assisted mobile traffic violation detection system

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    Road traffic accidents pose a significant global public health concern, leading to injuries, fatalities, and vehicle damage. Approximately 1,3 million people lose their lives daily due to traffic accidents [World Health Organization, 2022]. Addressing this issue requires accurate traffic law violation detection systems to ensure adherence to regulations. The integration of Artificial Intelligence algorithms, leveraging machine learning and computer vision, has facilitated the development of precise traffic rule enforcement. This paper illustrates how computer vision and machine learning enable the creation of robust algorithms for detecting various traffic violations. Our model, capable of identifying six common traffic infractions, detects red light violations, illegal use of breakdown lanes, violations of vehicle following distance, breaches of marked crosswalk laws, illegal parking, and parking on marked crosswalks. Utilizing online traffic footage and a self-mounted on-dash camera, we apply the YOLOv5 algorithm's detection module to identify traffic agents such as cars, pedestrians, and traffic signs, and the strongSORT algorithm for continuous interframe tracking. Six discrete algorithms analyze agents' behavior and trajectory to detect violations. Subsequently, an Identification Module extracts vehicle ID information, such as the license plate, to generate violation notices sent to relevant authorities

    Understanding Mobility and Transport Modal Disparities Using Emerging Data Sources: Modelling Potentials and Limitations

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    Transportation presents a major challenge to curb climate change due in part to its ever-increasing travel demand. Better informed policy-making requires up-to-date empirical mobility data to model viable mitigation options for reducing emissions from the transport sector. On the one hand, the prevalence of digital technologies enables a large-scale collection of human mobility traces, providing big potentials for improving the understanding of mobility patterns and transport modal disparities. On the other hand, the advancement in data science has allowed us to continue pushing the boundary of the potentials and limitations, for new uses of big data in transport.This thesis uses emerging data sources, including Twitter data, traffic data, OpenStreetMap (OSM), and trip data from new transport modes, to enhance the understanding of mobility and transport modal disparities, e.g., how car and public transit support mobility differently. Specifically, this thesis aims to answer two research questions: (1) What are the potentials and limitations of using these emerging data sources for modelling mobility? (2) How can these new data sources be properly modelled for characterising transport modal disparities? Papers I-III model mobility mainly using geotagged social media data, and reveal the potentials and limitations of this data source by validating against established sources (Q1). Papers IV-V combine multiple data sources to characterise transport modal disparities (Q2) which further demonstrate the modelling potentials of the emerging data sources (Q1).Despite a biased population representation and low and irregular sampling of the actual mobility, the geolocations of Twitter data can be used in models to produce good agreements with the other data sources on the fundamental characteristics of individual and population mobility. However, its feasibility for estimating travel demand depends on spatial scale, sparsity, sampling method, and sample size. To extend the use of social media data, this thesis develops two novel approaches to address the sparsity issue: (1) An individual-based mobility model that fills the gaps in the sparse mobility traces for synthetic travel demand; (2) A population-based model that uses Twitter geolocations as attractions instead of trips for estimating the flows of people between regions. This thesis also presents two reproducible data fusion frameworks for characterising transport modal disparities. They demonstrate the power of combining different data sources to gain new insights into the spatiotemporal patterns of travel time disparities between car and public transit, and the competition between ride-sourcing and public transport

    Capturing time in space : Dynamic analysis of accessibility and mobility to support spatial planning with open data and tools

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    Understanding the spatial patterns of accessibility and mobility are a key (factor) to comprehend the functioning of our societies. Hence, their analysis has become increasingly important for both scientific research and spatial planning. Spatial accessibility and mobility are closely related concepts, as accessibility describes the potential to move by modeling, whereas spatial mobility describes the realized movements of individuals. While both spatial accessibility and mobility have been widely studied, the understanding of how time and temporal change affects accessibility and mobility has been rather limited this far. In the era of ‘big data’, the wealth of temporally sensitive spatial data has made it possible, better than ever, to capture and understand the temporal realities of spatial accessibility and mobility, and hence start to understand better the dynamics of our societies and complex living environment. In this thesis, I aim to develop novel approaches and methods to study the spatio-temporal realities of our living environments via concepts of accessibility and mobility: How people can access places, how they actually move, and how they use space. I inspect these dynamics on several temporal granularities, covering hourly, daily, monthly, and yearly observations and analyses. With novel big data sources, the methodological development and careful assessment of the information extracted from them is extremely important as they are increasingly used to guide decision-making. Hence, I investigate the opportunities and pitfalls of different data sources and methodological approaches in this work. Contextually, I aim to reveal the role of time and the mode of transportation in relation to spatial accessibility and mobility, in both urban and rural environments, and discuss their role in spatial planning. I base my findings on five scientific articles on studies carried out in: Peruvian Amazonia; national parks of South Africa and Finland; Tallinn, Estonia; and Helsinki metropolitan area, Finland. I use and combine data from various sources to extract knowledge from them, including GPS devices; transportation schedules; mobile phones; social media; statistics; land-use data; and surveys. My results demonstrate that spatial accessibility and mobility are highly dependent on time, having clear diurnal and seasonal changes. Hence, it is important to consider temporality when analyzing accessibility, as people, transport and activities all fluctuate as a function of time that affects e.g. the spatial equality of reaching services. In addition, different transport modes should be considered as there are clear differences between them. Furthermore, I show that, in addition to the observed spatial population dynamics, also nature’s own dynamism affects accessibility and mobility on a regional level due to the seasonal variation in river-levels. Also, the visitation patterns in national parks vary significantly over time, as can be observed from social media. Methodologically, this work demonstrates that with a sophisticated fusion of methods and data, it is possible to assess; enrich; harmonize; and increase the spatial and temporal accuracy of data that can be used to better inform spatial planning and decision-making. Finally, I wish to emphasize the importance of bringing scientific knowledge and tools into practice. Hence, all the tools, analytical workflows, and data are openly available for everyone whenever possible. This approach has helped to bring the knowledge and tools into practice with relevant stakeholders in relation to spatial planning

    Fuzzy Logic

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    The capability of Fuzzy Logic in the development of emerging technologies is introduced in this book. The book consists of sixteen chapters showing various applications in the field of Bioinformatics, Health, Security, Communications, Transportations, Financial Management, Energy and Environment Systems. This book is a major reference source for all those concerned with applied intelligent systems. The intended readers are researchers, engineers, medical practitioners, and graduate students interested in fuzzy logic systems

    Mapping neighborhood scale survey responses with uncertainty metrics

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    This paper presents a methodology of mapping population-centric social, infrastructural, and environmental metrics at neighborhood scale. This methodology extends traditional survey analysis methods to create cartographic products useful in agent-based modeling and geographic information analysis. It utilizes and synthesizes survey microdata, sub-upazila attributes, land use information, and ground truth locations of attributes to create neighborhood scale multi-attribute maps. Monte Carlo methods are employed to combine any number of survey responses to stochastically weight survey cases and to simulate survey cases\u27 locations in a study area. Through such Monte Carlo methods, known errors from each of the input sources can be retained. By keeping individual survey cases as the atomic unit of data representation, this methodology ensures that important covariates are retained and that ecological inference fallacy is eliminated. These techniques are demonstrated with a case study from the Chittagong Division in Bangladesh. The results provide a population-centric understanding of many social, infrastructural, and environmental metrics desired in humanitarian aid and disaster relief planning and operations wherever long term familiarity is lacking. Of critical importance is that the resulting products have easy to use explicit representation of the errors and uncertainties of each of the input sources via the automatically generated summary statistics created at the application\u27s geographic scale

    Understanding Human Mobility with Emerging Data Sources: Validation, spatiotemporal patterns, and transport modal disparity

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    Human mobility refers to the geographic displacement of human beings, seen as individuals or groups, in space and time. The understanding of mobility has broad relevance, e.g., how fast epidemics spread globally. After 2030, transport is likely to become the sector with the highest emissions in the 2\ub0C\ua0scenario. Better informed policy-making requires up-to-date empirical mobility data with good quality. However, the conventional methods are limited when dealing with new challenges. The prevalence of digital technologies enables a large-scale collection of human mobility traces, through social media data and GPS-enabled devices etc, which contribute significantly to the understanding of human mobility. However, their potentials for the further application are not fully exploited.This thesis uses emerging data sources, particularly Twitter data, to enhance the understanding of mobility and apply the obtained knowledge in the field of transport. The thesis answers three questions: Is Twitter a feasible data source to represent individual and population mobility? How are Twitter data used to reveal the spatiotemporal dynamics of mobility? How do Twitter data contribute to depicting the modal disparity of travel time by car vs public transit? In answering these questions, the methodological contribution of this thesis lies in the applied side of data science.Using geotagged Twitter data, mobility is firstly described by abstract metrics and physical models; in Paper A to reveal the population heterogeneity of mobility patterns using data mining techniques; and in Paper B to estimate travel demand with a novel approach to address the sparsity issue of Twitter data. In Paper C, GIS techniques are applied to combine the travel demand as revealed by Twitter data and the transportation network to give a more realistic picture of the modal disparity in travel time between car and public transit in four cities in different countries at a high spatial and temporal granularity. The validation of using Twitter data in mobility study contributes to better utilisation of this low-cost mobility data source. Compared with a static picture obtained by conventional data sources, the dynamics introduced by social media data among others contribute to better-informed policymaking and transport planning

    A robust facemask forgery detection system in video

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    An in-depth fake video uses an Artificial Intelligent (AI), AI programming, and a Personal computer (PC) mix to create a deep fake video of the action. Deep-faking can also be used to represent images and sounds. We provide insights into our reviews in this document. We're showing our dataset to start. At this point, we present the subtleties and reproductively of exploratory settings to evaluate the discovered effects finally. It is no surprise to find deep fake videos, which only monitor a tiny section of the video (e.g., the target face appears quickly on the video; hence the time is limited). We remove our system's fixed duration's persistent effects as each video contributes to the preparation, approval, and testing sections to reflect this. The edge groups are isolated from each video successively (without outline skips). The entire pipeline is ready to be finished when the approval stage is ten years old. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) was the best and most reliable of the classification systems. Fake videos typically use low-quality pictures to mask faults or insist that the general public regard camera defects as unexplainable phenomena. 'This is a common trope with Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) videos: ghostly orbs are lenses; snakes are compression artifacts on one's face. In this study, we have implemented a sophisticated, knowledgeable method to recognize false images. Our test results using various monitored videos have shown that we can reliably predict whether videos are monitored through with simple co-evolutionary Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) structure