4,578 research outputs found

    A machine learning-based framework for preventing video freezes in HTTP adaptive streaming

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    HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) represents the dominant technology to deliver videos over the Internet, due to its ability to adapt the video quality to the available bandwidth. Despite that, HAS clients can still suffer from freezes in the video playout, the main factor influencing users' Quality of Experience (QoE). To reduce video freezes, we propose a network-based framework, where a network controller prioritizes the delivery of particular video segments to prevent freezes at the clients. This framework is based on OpenFlow, a widely adopted protocol to implement the software-defined networking principle. The main element of the controller is a Machine Learning (ML) engine based on the random undersampling boosting algorithm and fuzzy logic, which can detect when a client is close to a freeze and drive the network prioritization to avoid it. This decision is based on measurements collected from the network nodes only, without any knowledge on the streamed videos or on the clients' characteristics. In this paper, we detail the design of the proposed ML-based framework and compare its performance with other benchmarking HAS solutions, under various video streaming scenarios. Particularly, we show through extensive experimentation that the proposed approach can reduce video freezes and freeze time with about 65% and 45% respectively, when compared to benchmarking algorithms. These results represent a major improvement for the QoE of the users watching multimedia content online

    Modified EPPXGBOOST for Effective Data Stream Mining in Cloud

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    In today’s technology-driven landscape, the perva- sive use of online services across  diverse  domains  has  led  to the generation of vast datasets, necessitating advanced data mining techniques for meaningful insights. The advent of data streams, characterized by continuous and dynamic data flows, presents a significant challenge, prompting  the  evolution  of data stream mining. This field addresses issues such as rapid changes in streaming data and the need for quick algorithms. To tackle these challenges, an innovative approach named (Effective Privacy Preserving eXtreme Gradient Boosting) EPPXGBOOST is proposed, combining Adaptive XGBOOST for continuous learning from evolving data streams with PPXGBOOST for privacy preservation

    A Survey on Concept Drift Adaptation

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    Concept drift primarily refers to an online supervised learning scenario when the relation between the in- put data and the target variable changes over time. Assuming a general knowledge of supervised learning in this paper we characterize adaptive learning process, categorize existing strategies for handling concept drift, discuss the most representative, distinct and popular techniques and algorithms, discuss evaluation methodology of adaptive algorithms, and present a set of illustrative applications. This introduction to the concept drift adaptation presents the state of the art techniques and a collection of benchmarks for re- searchers, industry analysts and practitioners. The survey aims at covering the different facets of concept drift in an integrated way to reflect on the existing scattered state-of-the-art

    Stream Learning in Energy IoT Systems: A Case Study in Combined Cycle Power Plants

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    The prediction of electrical power produced in combined cycle power plants is a key challenge in the electrical power and energy systems field. This power production can vary depending on environmental variables, such as temperature, pressure, and humidity. Thus, the business problem is how to predict the power production as a function of these environmental conditions, in order to maximize the profit. The research community has solved this problem by applying Machine Learning techniques, and has managed to reduce the computational and time costs in comparison with the traditional thermodynamical analysis. Until now, this challenge has been tackled from a batch learning perspective, in which data is assumed to be at rest, and where models do not continuously integrate new information into already constructed models. We present an approach closer to the Big Data and Internet of Things paradigms, in which data are continuously arriving and where models learn incrementally, achieving significant enhancements in terms of data processing (time, memory and computational costs), and obtaining competitive performances. This work compares and examines the hourly electrical power prediction of several streaming regressors, and discusses about the best technique in terms of time processing and predictive performance to be applied on this streaming scenario.This work has been partially supported by the EU project iDev40. This project has received funding from the ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 783163. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Austria, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Romania. It has also been supported by the Basque Government (Spain) through the project VIRTUAL (KK-2018/00096), and by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (Grant Ref. TIN2017-85887-C2-2-P)

    Performance Envelopes of Adaptive Ensemble Data Stream Classifiers

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    This dissertation documents a study of the performance characteristics of algorithms designed to mitigate the effects of concept drift on online machine learning. Several supervised binary classifiers were evaluated on their performance when applied to an input data stream with a non-stationary class distribution. The selected classifiers included ensembles that combine the contributions of their member algorithms to improve overall performance. These ensembles adapt to changing class definitions, known as “concept drift,” often present in real-world situations, by adjusting the relative contributions of their members. Three stream classification algorithms and three adaptive ensemble algorithms were compared to determine the capabilities of each in terms of accuracy and throughput. For each\u3c run of the experiment, the percentage of correct classifications was measured using prequential analysis, a well-established methodology in the evaluation of streaming classifiers. Throughput was measured in classifications performed per second as timed by the CPU clock. Two main experimental variables were manipulated to investigate and compare the range of accuracy and throughput exhibited by each algorithm under various conditions. The number of attributes in the instances to be classified and the speed at which the definitions of labeled data drifted were varied across six total combinations of drift-speed and dimensionality. The implications of results are used to recommend improved methods for working with stream-based data sources. The typical approach to counteract concept drift is to update the classification models with new data. In the stream paradigm, classifiers are continuously exposed to new data that may serve as representative examples of the current situation. However, updating the ensemble classifier in order to maintain or improve accuracy can be computationally costly and will negatively impact throughput. In a real-time system, this could lead to an unacceptable slow-down. The results of this research showed that,among several algorithms for reducing the effect of concept drift, adaptive decision trees maintained the highest accuracy without slowing down with respect to the no-drift condition. Adaptive ensemble techniques were also able to maintain reasonable accuracy in the presence of drift without much change in the throughput. However, the overall throughput of the adaptive methods is low and may be unacceptable for extremely time-sensitive applications. The performance visualization methodology utilized in this study gives a clear and intuitive visual summary that allows system designers to evaluate candidate algorithms with respect to their performance needs