240 research outputs found

    Evolving HyperNetworks for Game-Playing Agents

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    Deep Neuroevolution of Recurrent and Discrete World Models

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    Neural architectures inspired by our own human cognitive system, such as the recently introduced world models, have been shown to outperform traditional deep reinforcement learning (RL) methods in a variety of different domains. Instead of the relatively simple architectures employed in most RL experiments, world models rely on multiple different neural components that are responsible for visual information processing, memory, and decision-making. However, so far the components of these models have to be trained separately and through a variety of specialized training methods. This paper demonstrates the surprising finding that models with the same precise parts can be instead efficiently trained end-to-end through a genetic algorithm (GA), reaching a comparable performance to the original world model by solving a challenging car racing task. An analysis of the evolved visual and memory system indicates that they include a similar effective representation to the system trained through gradient descent. Additionally, in contrast to gradient descent methods that struggle with discrete variables, GAs also work directly with such representations, opening up opportunities for classical planning in latent space. This paper adds additional evidence on the effectiveness of deep neuroevolution for tasks that require the intricate orchestration of multiple components in complex heterogeneous architectures


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    This research aimed to gain a profound understanding of virtual biocenoses intricate digital ecosystems, with the goal of elucidating and replicating the emergence and evolution of intelligence in artificial creatures – referred to as noogenesis. A comprehensive analysis of existing studies within virtual biocenoses was undertaken to glean valuable insights into the complexities of modeling dynamic ecosystems where artificial agents engaged in intricate interactions. The pivotal role of neural networks in shaping the adaptive behaviors of artificial creatures within these environments was underscored. A meticulous investigation into neural networks' evolution methodologies revealed the evolution of their architecture complexity over time, culminating in the facilitation of flexible and intelligent behaviors. However, a lack of study existed in the domain of nurturing evolutionary-based communication and cooperation capabilities within virtual biocenoses. In response to this gap, a model was introduced and substantiated through simulation experiments. The simulation results vividly illustrated the model's remarkable capacity to engender adaptive creatures endowed with the capability to efficiently respond to dynamic environmental changes. These adaptive entities displayed efficient optimization of energy consumption and resource acquisition. Moreover, they manifested both intellectual and physical transformations attributed to the evolution and encoding principles inspired by the NeuroEvolution of Augmented Topologies. Significantly, it became apparent that the evolutionary processes intrinsic to the model were inextricably linked to the environment itself, thus harmonizing seamlessly with the overarching goal of this research. Future research directions in this field were outlined. These pathways provided a foundation for further exploration into the evolution of artificial creatures in virtual biocenoses and the emergence of advanced communication and cooperation capabilities. These advancements hold the potential to move artificial life and artificial intelligence to new levels of understanding and capability

    The evolutionary origins of hierarchy

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    Hierarchical organization -- the recursive composition of sub-modules -- is ubiquitous in biological networks, including neural, metabolic, ecological, and genetic regulatory networks, and in human-made systems, such as large organizations and the Internet. To date, most research on hierarchy in networks has been limited to quantifying this property. However, an open, important question in evolutionary biology is why hierarchical organization evolves in the first place. It has recently been shown that modularity evolves because of the presence of a cost for network connections. Here we investigate whether such connection costs also tend to cause a hierarchical organization of such modules. In computational simulations, we find that networks without a connection cost do not evolve to be hierarchical, even when the task has a hierarchical structure. However, with a connection cost, networks evolve to be both modular and hierarchical, and these networks exhibit higher overall performance and evolvability (i.e. faster adaptation to new environments). Additional analyses confirm that hierarchy independently improves adaptability after controlling for modularity. Overall, our results suggest that the same force--the cost of connections--promotes the evolution of both hierarchy and modularity, and that these properties are important drivers of network performance and adaptability. In addition to shedding light on the emergence of hierarchy across the many domains in which it appears, these findings will also accelerate future research into evolving more complex, intelligent computational brains in the fields of artificial intelligence and robotics.Comment: 32 page

    A Neurogenetic Algorithm Based on Rational Agents

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    Lately, a lot of research has been conducted on the automatic design of artificial neural networks (ADANNs) using evolutionary algorithms, in the so-called neuro-evolutive algorithms (NEAs). Many of the presented proposals are not biologically inspired and are not able to generate modular, hierarchical and recurrent neural structures, such as those often found in living beings capable of solving intricate survival problems. Bearing in mind the idea that a nervous system's design and organization is a constructive process carried out by genetic information encoded in DNA, this paper proposes a biologically inspired NEA that evolves ANNs using these ideas as computational design techniques. In order to do this, we propose a Lindenmayer System with memory that implements the principles of organization, modularity, repetition (multiple use of the same sub-structure), hierarchy (recursive composition of sub-structures), minimizing the scalability problem of other methods. In our method, the basic neural codification is integrated to a genetic algorithm (GA) that implements the constructive approach found in the evolutionary process, making it closest to biological processes. Thus, the proposed method is a decision-making (DM) process, the fitness function of the NEA rewards economical artificial neural networks (ANNs) that are easily implemented. In other words, the penalty approach implemented through the fitness function automatically rewards the economical ANNs with stronger generalization and extrapolation capacities. Our method was initially tested on a simple, but non-trivial, XOR problem. We also submit our method to two other problems of increasing complexity: time series prediction that represents consumer price index and prediction of the effect of a new drug on breast cancer. In most cases, our NEA outperformed the other methods, delivering the most accurate classification. These superior results are attributed to the improved effectiveness and efficiency of NEA in the decision-making process. The result is an optimized neural network architecture for solving classification problems

    An efficient automated parameter tuning framework for spiking neural networks

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    As the desire for biologically realistic spiking neural networks (SNNs) increases, tuning the enormous number of open parameters in these models becomes a difficult challenge. SNNs have been used to successfully model complex neural circuits that explore various neural phenomena such as neural plasticity, vision systems, auditory systems, neural oscillations, and many other important topics of neural function. Additionally, SNNs are particularly well-adapted to run on neuromorphic hardware that will support biological brain-scale architectures. Although the inclusion of realistic plasticity equations, neural dynamics, and recurrent topologies has increased the descriptive power of SNNs, it has also made the task of tuning these biologically realistic SNNs difficult. To meet this challenge, we present an automated parameter tuning framework capable of tuning SNNs quickly and efficiently using evolutionary algorithms (EA) and inexpensive, readily accessible graphics processing units (GPUs). A sample SNN with 4104 neurons was tuned to give V1 simple cell-like tuning curve responses and produce self-organizing receptive fields (SORFs) when presented with a random sequence of counterphase sinusoidal grating stimuli. A performance analysis comparing the GPU-accelerated implementation to a single-threaded central processing unit (CPU) implementation was carried out and showed a speedup of 65× of the GPU implementation over the CPU implementation, or 0.35 h per generation for GPU vs. 23.5 h per generation for CPU. Additionally, the parameter value solutions found in the tuned SNN were studied and found to be stable and repeatable. The automated parameter tuning framework presented here will be of use to both the computational neuroscience and neuromorphic engineering communities, making the process of constructing and tuning large-scale SNNs much quicker and easier

    Neuroevolution of Actively Controlled Virtual Characters

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    Master's thesis Information- and communication technology IKT590 - University of Agder 2017Physics-based character animation offer an attractive alternative to traditional animation techniques, however, physics-based approaches often struggle to incorporate active user control of these characters. This thesis suggests a different approach to the problem of actively controlled virtual characters. The proposed solution takes a neuroevolutionary approach, using HyperNEAT to evolve neural controllers for a simulated eight-legged character, a previously untested character morphology for this algorithm. Using these controllers this thesis aims to evaluate the robustness and responsiveness of a control strategy that changes between them based on simulated user input. The results show that HyperNEAT is quite capable of evolving long walking controllers for this character, but also suggests a need for further refinement when operated in tandem