17,402 research outputs found

    A survey on test suite reduction frameworks and tools

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    Software testing is a widely accepted practice that ensures the quality of a System under Test (SUT). However, the gradual increase of the test suite size demands high portion of testing budget and time. Test Suite Reduction (TSR) is considered a potential approach to deal with the test suite size problem. Moreover, a complete automation support is highly recommended for software testing to adequately meet the challenges of a resource constrained testing environment. Several TSR frameworks and tools have been proposed to efficiently address the test-suite size problem. The main objective of the paper is to comprehensively review the state-of-the-art TSR frameworks to highlights their strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, the paper focuses on devising a detailed thematic taxonomy to classify existing literature that helps in understanding the underlying issues and proof of concept. Moreover, the paper investigates critical aspects and related features of TSR frameworks and tools based on a set of defined parameters. We also rigorously elaborated various testing domains and approaches followed by the extant TSR frameworks. The results reveal that majority of TSR frameworks focused on randomized unit testing, and a considerable number of frameworks lacks in supporting multi-objective optimization problems. Moreover, there is no generalized framework, effective for testing applications developed in any programming domain. Conversely, Integer Linear Programming (ILP) based TSR frameworks provide an optimal solution for multi-objective optimization problems and improve execution time by running multiple ILP in parallel. The study concludes with new insights and provides an unbiased view of the state-of-the-art TSR frameworks. Finally, we present potential research issues for further investigation to anticipate efficient TSR frameworks

    Leveraging user-session data to support Web application testing

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    Combinatorial-Based Prioritization for User-Session-Based Test Suites

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    Software defects caused by inadequate software testing can cost billions of dollars. Further, web application defects can be costly due to the fact that most web applications handle constant user interaction. However, software testing is often under time and budget constraints. By improving the time efficiency of software testing, many of the costs associated with defects can be saved. Current methods for web application testing can take too long to generate test suites. In addition, studies have shown that user-session-based test suites often find faults missed by other testing techniques. This project addresses this problem by utilizing existing user sessions for web application testing. The software testing method provided within this project utilizes previous knowledge about combinatorial coverage testing and improves time and computer memory efficiency by only considering test cases that exist in a user-session based test suite. The method takes the existing test suite and prioritizes the test cases based on a specific combinatorial criterion. In addition, this project presents an empirical study examining the application of the newly proposed combinatorial prioritization algorithm on an existing web application

    Test suite prioritization techniques applied to Web-based applications

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    Web applications have rapidly gained importance in many businesses. The increased usage of web applications has created a challenging need for efficient and effective web application testing strategies. This thesis examines one aspect of web testing, that of test suite prioritization. We examine new test suite prioritization strategies that may improve the rate of fault detection for user-session based test suites. These techniques consider test-lengths and systematic coverage of parameter-values and their interactions. Experimental results show that some of these prioritization strategies often improve the rate of fault detection of test suites when compared to random ordering of the test cases. In general the most effective prioritization strategies consider the systematic coverage of the combinations of parameter-values as early as possible

    A Mapping Study of scientific merit of papers, which subject are web applications test techniques, considering their validity threats

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    Progress in software engineering requires (1) more empirical studies of quality, (2) increased focus on synthesizing evidence, (3) more theories to be built and tested, and (4) the validity of the experiment is directly related with the level of confidence in the process of experimental investigation. This paper presents the results of a qualitative and quantitative classification of the threats to the validity of software engineering experiments comprising a total of 92 articles published in the period 2001-2015, dealing with software testing of Web applications. Our results show that 29.4% of the analyzed articles do not mention any threats to validity, 44.2% do it briefly, and 14% do it judiciously; that leaves a question: these studies have scientific value

    An Enhanced Web Data Learning Method for Integrating Item, Tag and Value for Mining Web Contents

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    The Proposed System Analyses the scopes introduced by Web 2.0 and collaborative tagging systems, several challenges have to be addressed too, notably, the problem of information overload. Recommender systems are among the most successful approaches for increasing the level of relevant content over the 201C;noise.201D; Traditional recommender systems fail to address the requirements presented in collaborative tagging systems. This paper considers the problem of item recommendation in collaborative tagging systems. It is proposed to model data from collaborative tagging systems with three-mode tensors, in order to capture the three-way correlations between users, tags, and items. By applying multiway analysis, latent correlations are revealed, which help to improve the quality of recommendations. Moreover, a hybrid scheme is proposed that additionally considers content-based information that is extracted from items. We propose an advanced data mining method using SVD that combines both tag and value similarity, item and user preference. SVD automatically extracts data from query result pages by first identifying and segmenting the query result records in the query result pages and then aligning the segmented query result records into a table, in which the data values from the same attribute are put into the same column. Specifically, we propose new techniques to handle the case when the query result records based on user preferences, which may be due to the presence of auxiliary information, such as a comment, recommendation or advertisement, and for handling any nested-structure that may exist in the query result records

    Reverse Engineering and Testing of Rich Internet Applications

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    The World Wide Web experiences a continuous and constant evolution, where new initiatives, standards, approaches and technologies are continuously proposed for developing more effective and higher quality Web applications. To satisfy the growing request of the market for Web applications, new technologies, frameworks, tools and environments that allow to develop Web and mobile applications with the least effort and in very short time have been introduced in the last years. These new technologies have made possible the dawn of a new generation of Web applications, named Rich Internet Applications (RIAs), that offer greater usability and interactivity than traditional ones. This evolution has been accompanied by some drawbacks that are mostly due to the lack of applying well-known software engineering practices and approaches. As a consequence, new research questions and challenges have emerged in the field of web and mobile applications maintenance and testing. The research activity described in this thesis has addressed some of these topics with the specific aim of proposing new and effective solutions to the problems of modelling, reverse engineering, comprehending, re-documenting and testing existing RIAs. Due to the growing relevance of mobile applications in the renewed Web scenarios, the problem of testing mobile applications developed for the Android operating system has been addressed too, in an attempt of exploring and proposing new techniques of testing automation for these type of applications

    Test Quality Assurance for E2E Web Test Suites: Parallelization of Dependent Test Suites and Test Flakiness Prevention

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    Web applications support a wide range of activities today, from e-commerce to health management, and ensuring their quality is a fundamental task. Nevertheless, testing these systems is hard because of their dynamic and asynchronous nature and their heterogeneity. Quality assurance of Web applications is usually performed through testing, performed at different levels of abstraction. At the End-to-end (E2E) level, test scripts interact with the application through the web browser, as a human user would do. This kind of testing is usually time consuming, and its execution time can be reduced by running the test suite in parallel. However, the presence of dependen- cies in the test suite can make test parallelization difficult. Best practices prescribe that test scripts in a test suite should be independent (i.e. they should not assume that the system under test is already in an expected state), but this is not always done in practice: dependent tests are a serious problem that affects end-to-end web test suites. Moreover, test dependencies are a problem because they enforce an execution order for the test suite, preventing the use of techniques like test selection, test prioritization, and test parallelization. Another issue that affects E2E Web test suites is test flakiness: a test script is called flaky when it may non-deterministically pass or fail on the same version of the Ap- plication Under Test. Test flakiness is usually caused by multiple factors, that can be very hard to determine: most common causes of flakiness are improper waiting for async operations, not respected test order dependencies and concurrency problems (e.g. race conditions, deadlocks, atomicity violations). Test flakiness is a problem that affects E2E test execution in general, but it can have a greater impact in presence of dependencies, since 1) if a test script fails due to flakiness, other test scripts that depend on it will probably fail as well, 2) most dependency-detection approaches and tools rely on multiple executions of test schedules in different orders to detect dependencies. In order to do that, execution results must be deterministic: if test scripts can pass or fail non-deterministically, those dependency detection tools can not work. This thesis proposes to improve the quality assurance for E2E Web test suites in two different directions: 1. enabling the parallel execution of dependent E2E Web test suites in a opti- mized, efficient way 2. preventing flakiness by automated refactoring of E2E Web test suites, in order to adopt the proper waiting strategies for page elements For the first research direction we propose STILE (teST suIte paralLElizer), a tool- based approach that allows parallel execution of E2E Web test suites. Our approach generates a set of test schedules that respect two important constraints: 1) every schedule respects existing test dependencies, 2) all test scripts in the test suite are executed at least once, considering all the generated schedules. For the second research direction we propose SleepReplacer, a tool-based approach to automatically refactor E2E Web test suites in order to prevent flakiness. Both of the tool-based approaches has been fully implemented in two functioning and publicly available tools, and empirically validated on different test suites
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