3,802 research outputs found

    Recursive mass matrix factorization and inversion: An operator approach to open- and closed-chain multibody dynamics

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    This report advances a linear operator approach for analyzing the dynamics of systems of joint-connected rigid bodies.It is established that the mass matrix M for such a system can be factored as M=(I+H phi L)D(I+H phi L) sup T. This yields an immediate inversion M sup -1=(I-H psi L) sup T D sup -1 (I-H psi L), where H and phi are given by known link geometric parameters, and L, psi and D are obtained recursively by a spatial discrete-step Kalman filter and by the corresponding Riccati equation associated with this filter. The factors (I+H phi L) and (I-H psi L) are lower triangular matrices which are inverses of each other, and D is a diagonal matrix. This factorization and inversion of the mass matrix leads to recursive algortihms for forward dynamics based on spatially recursive filtering and smoothing. The primary motivation for advancing the operator approach is to provide a better means to formulate, analyze and understand spatial recursions in multibody dynamics. This is achieved because the linear operator notation allows manipulation of the equations of motion using a very high-level analytical framework (a spatial operator algebra) that is easy to understand and use. Detailed lower-level recursive algorithms can readily be obtained for inspection from the expressions involving spatial operators. The report consists of two main sections. In Part 1, the problem of serial chain manipulators is analyzed and solved. Extensions to a closed-chain system formed by multiple manipulators moving a common task object are contained in Part 2. To retain ease of exposition in the report, only these two types of multibody systems are considered. However, the same methods can be easily applied to arbitrary multibody systems formed by a collection of joint-connected regid bodies

    Recursive Representations of Arbitrary Virasoro Conformal Blocks

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    We derive recursive representations in the internal weights of N-point Virasoro conformal blocks in the sphere linear channel and the torus necklace channel, and recursive representations in the central charge of arbitrary Virasoro conformal blocks on the sphere, the torus, and higher genus Riemann surfaces in the plumbing frame.Comment: 39 pages, 8 figures, v2: comments on references added, reference added, typos corrected, v3: comments on the relation between the plumbing and the Schottky parameters added, v4: typos correcte

    Automatic Differentiation of Rigid Body Dynamics for Optimal Control and Estimation

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    Many algorithms for control, optimization and estimation in robotics depend on derivatives of the underlying system dynamics, e.g. to compute linearizations, sensitivities or gradient directions. However, we show that when dealing with Rigid Body Dynamics, these derivatives are difficult to derive analytically and to implement efficiently. To overcome this issue, we extend the modelling tool `RobCoGen' to be compatible with Automatic Differentiation. Additionally, we propose how to automatically obtain the derivatives and generate highly efficient source code. We highlight the flexibility and performance of the approach in two application examples. First, we show a Trajectory Optimization example for the quadrupedal robot HyQ, which employs auto-differentiation on the dynamics including a contact model. Second, we present a hardware experiment in which a 6 DoF robotic arm avoids a randomly moving obstacle in a go-to task by fast, dynamic replanning

    Theory and implementation of H\mathcal{H}-matrix based iterative and direct solvers for Helmholtz and elastodynamic oscillatory kernels

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    In this work, we study the accuracy and efficiency of hierarchical matrix (H\mathcal{H}-matrix) based fast methods for solving dense linear systems arising from the discretization of the 3D elastodynamic Green's tensors. It is well known in the literature that standard H\mathcal{H}-matrix based methods, although very efficient tools for asymptotically smooth kernels, are not optimal for oscillatory kernels. H2\mathcal{H}^2-matrix and directional approaches have been proposed to overcome this problem. However the implementation of such methods is much more involved than the standard H\mathcal{H}-matrix representation. The central questions we address are twofold. (i) What is the frequency-range in which the H\mathcal{H}-matrix format is an efficient representation for 3D elastodynamic problems? (ii) What can be expected of such an approach to model problems in mechanical engineering? We show that even though the method is not optimal (in the sense that more involved representations can lead to faster algorithms) an efficient solver can be easily developed. The capabilities of the method are illustrated on numerical examples using the Boundary Element Method

    Scattering Theory and Correlation Functions in Statistical Models with a Line of Defect

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    The scattering theory of the integrable statistical models can be generalized to the case of systems with extended lines of defect. This is done by adding the reflection and transmission amplitudes for the interactions with the line of inhomegeneity to the scattering amplitudes in the bulk. The factorization condition for the new amplitudes gives rise to a set of Reflection-Transmission equations. The solutions of these equations in the case of diagonal SS-matrix in the bulk are only those with S=±1S =\pm 1. The choice S=−1S=-1 corresponds to the Ising model. We compute the exact expressions of the transmission and reflection amplitudes relative to the interaction of the Majorana fermion of the Ising model with the defect. These amplitudes present a weak-strong duality in the coupling constant, the self-dual points being the special values where the defect line acts as a reflecting surface. We also discuss the bosonic case S=1S=1 which presents instability properties and resonance states. Multi-defect systems which may give rise to a band structure are also considered. The exact expressions of correlation functions is obtained in terms of Form Factors of the bulk theory and matrix elements of the defect operator.Comment: 50 pages, LATEX file, ISAS/EP/94-12

    A distributed and iterative method for square root filtering in space-time estimation

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    Caption title.Includes bibliographical references.Supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. F49620-92-J-002 Supported by the Office of Naval Research. N00014-91-J-1120 N00014-91-J-1004 Supported by the Army Research Office. DAAL03-92-G-0115Toshio M. Chin, William C. Karl, Alan S. Willsky

    Exploiting Compositionality to Explore a Large Space of Model Structures

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    The recent proliferation of richly structured probabilistic models raises the question of how to automatically determine an appropriate model for a dataset. We investigate this question for a space of matrix decomposition models which can express a variety of widely used models from unsupervised learning. To enable model selection, we organize these models into a context-free grammar which generates a wide variety of structures through the compositional application of a few simple rules. We use our grammar to generically and efficiently infer latent components and estimate predictive likelihood for nearly 2500 structures using a small toolbox of reusable algorithms. Using a greedy search over our grammar, we automatically choose the decomposition structure from raw data by evaluating only a small fraction of all models. The proposed method typically finds the correct structure for synthetic data and backs off gracefully to simpler models under heavy noise. It learns sensible structures for datasets as diverse as image patches, motion capture, 20 Questions, and U.S. Senate votes, all using exactly the same code.United States. Army Research Office (ARO grant W911NF-08-1-0242)American Society for Engineering Education. National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowshi

    Proceedings of the Fifth NASA/NSF/DOD Workshop on Aerospace Computational Control

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    The Fifth Annual Workshop on Aerospace Computational Control was one in a series of workshops sponsored by NASA, NSF, and the DOD. The purpose of these workshops is to address computational issues in the analysis, design, and testing of flexible multibody control systems for aerospace applications. The intention in holding these workshops is to bring together users, researchers, and developers of computational tools in aerospace systems (spacecraft, space robotics, aerospace transportation vehicles, etc.) for the purpose of exchanging ideas on the state of the art in computational tools and techniques
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