173 research outputs found

    A new integrable two parameter model of strongly correlated electrons in one dimension

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    A new one-dimensional fermion model depending on two independent interaction parameters is formulated and solved exactly by the Bethe ansatz method. The Hamiltonian of the model contains the Hubbard interaction and correlated hopping as well as pair hopping terms. The density-density and pair correlations are calculated which manifest superconducting properties in certain regimes of the phase diagram.Comment: 8 pages, latex, 2 postscript figure

    Integrable model of interacting XX and Fateev-Zamolodchikov chains

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    We consider the exact solution of a model of correlated particles, which is presented as a system of interacting XX and Fateev-Zamolodchikov chains. This model can also be considered as a generalization of the multiband anisotropic tJt-J model in the case we restrict the site occupations to at most two electrons. The exact solution is obtained for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors using the Bethe-ansatz method.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Exact Solution of a Vertex Model with Unlimited Number of States Per Bond

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    The exact solution is obtained for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the row-to-row transfer matrix of a two-dimensional vertex model with unlimited number of states per bond. This model is a classical counterpart of a quantum spin chain with an unlimited value of spin. This quantum chain is studied using general predictions of conformal field theory. The long-distance behaviour of some ground-state correlation functions is derived from a finite-size analysis of the gapless excitations.Comment: 11pages, 6 figure

    Interpolation between Hubbard and supersymmetric t-J models. Two-parameter integrable models of correlated electrons

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    Two new one-dimensional fermionic models depending on two independent parameters are formulated and solved exactly by the Bethe-ansatz method. These models connect continuously the integrable Hubbard and supersymmetric t-J models.Comment: 11pages and no figure

    Multiscaling in Ising quantum chains with random Hilhorst-van Leeuwen perturbations

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    We consider the influence on the surface critical behaviour of a quantum Ising chain of quenched random surface perturbations decaying as a power of the distance from the surface (random Hilhorst-van Leeuwen models). We study, analytically and numerically, the multiscaling behaviour of the surface magnetization and the surface energy density in the case of marginal perturbations.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX2e, epsf, elsar

    Phase separation in fermionic systems with particle-hole asymmetry

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    We determine the ground-state phase-diagram of a Hubbard Hamiltonian with correlated hopping, which is asymmetric under particle-hole transform. By lowering the repulsive Coulomb interaction U at appropriate filling and interaction parameters, the ground state separates into a hole and an electron conducting phases: two different wave vectors characterize the system and charge-charge correlations become incommensurate. By further decreasing U another transition occurs at which the hole conducting region becomes insulating, and conventional phase separation takes place. Finally, for negative U the whole system eventually becomes a paired insulator. It is speculated that such behavior could be at the origin of the incommensurate superconducting phase recently discovered in the 1D Hirsch model. The exact phase boundaries are calculated in one dimension.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Pair correlation functions in one-dimensional correlated-hopping models

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    We investigate ground-state properties of two correlated-hopping electron models, the Hirsch and the Bariev model. Both models are of recent interest in the context of hole superconductivity. Applying the Lanczos technique to small clusters, we numerically determine the binding energy, the spin gaps, correlation functions, and other properties for various values of the bond-charge interaction parameter. Our results for small systems indicate that pairing is favoured in a certain parameter range. However, in contrast to the Bariev model, superconducting correlations are suppressed in the Hirsch model, for a bond-charge repulsion larger than a critical value.Comment: 7 pages (LaTeX) + 6 postcript figures in a separate uuencoded fil

    Differential equation for local magnetization in the boundary Ising model

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    We show that the local magnetization in the massive boundary Ising model on the half-plane with boundary magnetic field satisfies second order linear differential equation whose coefficients are expressed through Painleve function of the III kind.Comment: 11 page