381,470 research outputs found

    A Framework for Designing of Optimization Software Tools by Commercial API Implementation

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    The customized software development aims to release a software product tailored to the specific user needs. The goal of such software is to best fit the business requirements in an efficient system. This is especially true when business should perform optimization of the used resources. The existence of application programming interfaces in many commercial mathematical programming systems makes it possible to develop custom tailored tools using proven over the years effective methods and algorithms for optimization. In the current paper, a framework for designing of customized software based on the implementation of LINDO API is described. A developed prototype is used for numerical testing of real life optimization problem. The testing results show the applicability of the proposed framework for designing of effective customized optimization tools

    Strategic reporting methodology and its reliability audit

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    The paper reveals the significance of business entities’ forecasting and strategic reporting. The reporting appears to be an essential source of information for highly efficient strategic management and profits receivable for internal users. Financial activity of Rostov and Kras-nodar region’s business entities of different incorporations and industries was taken as an object of current research. Authors developed specific classification of forecasting reporting forms and key performance indicators’ framework depending on aims and objectives Authors proved strong need in de-velopment of strategic reporting methodology. Reporting drawn up according to the method-ology allows generating informational support of analysis and control of business entities core strategies’ implementing, including internal and external factors & risks’ to increase the capital and firm value. The paper highlights strategy audit features as well, considered as related services according to the Federal Law on Auditing. Authors provide the term and stages of strategy audit. The research resulted in development of special strategic reporting software “Strategic, cap-ital-value oriented reporting framework”, special auditing software “Strategic business entities activity audit” coupled with detailed algorithm description.peer-reviewe

    Investigating Agile Adaptation for Project Development

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    Agile methodologies adaptation in software companies is an accepted norm.Rapid application development and efficient deliverables being the premise. The changing business needs, cost effectiveness and timely delivery are catered to by agile methods. Different software development models are in the literature and also are being used by the industry. Few companies have adopted agile, few are gearing up for and few are in transition. We investigated agile presence in a software company.Project management is an evolving art with innovative methods being added up.The aim of this paper is to tease about project management challenges, agile, agile transition in companies and a comparison of conventional software engineering practices with agile process model.This paper takes stock of the current status of quality in software projects and to add on quality process improvement strategies. The results presented here are after a qualitative interview study with one cross function team using streamline development framework in agile development

    The Impact of an Agile Methodology on Software Development Costs

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    With the emergence of the Internet, software development has become an integral part of almost every facet of business today. Because consumers have a surmounting demand for immediacy and convenience, companies are pressured to add web-based services to their product offerings. Therefore, an increasing number of resources are being allocated to the development of profitable software to meet customer needs. Because companies desire to maximize their profits, an efficient allocation of these resources is necessary to minimize costs. This can be achieved by implementing a process model that best converts their resources to quality products. Agile software development is a relatively new framework aimed at reducing risk and production costs. It is based on iterative development and continuous feedback from all stakeholders throughout the development cycle. The switch to an agile process model from a traditional waterfall process model can reduce the risk associated with producing a large-scale software application by decreasing lead times and increasing team morale and productivity. My literature review and initial findings suggest that firms across industries can benefit from incorporating some degree of agility in their development process

    An interactive metaheuristic search framework for software serviceidentification from business process models

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    In recent years, the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) model of computing has become widely used and has provided efficient and agile business solutions in response to inevitable and rapid changes in business requirements. Software service identification is a crucial component in the production of a service-oriented architecture and subsequent successful software development, yet current service identification methods have limitations. For example, service identification methods are either not sufficiently comprehensive to handle the totality of service identification activities, or they lack computational support, or they pay insufficient attention to quality checks of resulting services. To address these limitations, comprehensive computationally intelligent support for software engineers when deriving software services from an organisation’s business process models shows great potential, especially when the impact of human preference on the quality of the resulting solutions can be incorporated. Accordingly, this research attempts to apply interactive metaheuristic search to effectively bridge the gap between business and SOA technology and so increase business agility.A novel, comprehensive framework is introduced that is driven by domain independent role-based business process models, and uses an interactive metaheuristic search-based service identification approach based on a genetic algorithm, while adhering to SOA principles. Termed BPMiSearch, the framework is composed of three main layers. The first layer is concerned with processing inputs from business process models into search space elements by modelling input data and presenting them at an appropriate level of granularity. The second layer focuses on identifying software services from the specified search space. The third layer refines the resulting services to map the business elements in the resulting candidate services to the corresponding service components. The proposed BPMiSearch framework has been evaluated by applying it to a healthcare domain case study, specifically, Cancer Care and Registration (CCR) business processes at the King Hussein Cancer Centre, Amman, Jordan.Experiments show that the impact of software engineer interaction on the quality of the outcomes in terms of search effectiveness, efficiency, and level of user satisfaction, is assessed. Results show that BPMiSearch has rapid search performance to positively support software engineers in the identification of services from role-based business process models while adhering to SOA principles. High-quality services are identified that might not have been arrived at manually by software engineers. Furthermore, it is found that BPMiSearch is sensitive and responsive to software engineer interaction resulting in a positive level of user trust, acceptance, and satisfaction with the candidate services

    BI (XML) Publisher Conversion from Third Party Software in E-Business Suite: An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Reporting Framework Conversion Model

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    Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BI Publisher) is an enterprise reporting framework to develop, manage, and deliver all types of highly formatted documents. It eliminates the need for costly point solutions. End users can easily design report layouts directly in a Web browser or using familiar desktop tools, dramatically reducing the time and cost needed to develop and maintain reports. In addition, it is extremely efficient and highly scalable because it can generate tens of thousands of documents per hour with minimal impact to transactional systems. Furthermore, it is “a template-based publishing solution delivered with the Oracle E-Business Suite, PeopleSoft, Enterprise and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne” (“Business Intelligence Publisher Core Components Guide,” 2008). Today, many companies who are using third-party ERP reports framework want to convert their reporting framework to Oracle BI Publisher framework because they want to reduce the overall cost of development, customization, and ongoing maintenance of their ERP reports. However, converting third party software to BI Publisher is not easy. It is technically challenging, can be costly, and can even fail if the project is lacking a thorough plan and careful implementation. This paper exhibits a case study and constructs a step-by-step conversion model for others to follow. The intended audiences are those companies who are planning on converting their reporting framework to BI Publisher in the Oracle EBS (E-Business Suite) environment

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi (TI) Berbasis Framework COBIT 5 menggunakan metode prototype Dengan Studi Kasus Universitas ABC Surabaya

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    In today's digital era, the use of information technology (IT) is becoming increasingly important for various organizations, including those in the education sector. However, the use of IT that is not managed properly can cause various risks and negative impacts, such as vulnerabilities to information security and poor IT performance. Therefore, IT governance is becoming increasingly important as an effort to ensure the effective and efficient use of IT. IT based on the COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology) framework uses the prototype method in a case study at ABC University Surabaya. The COBIT framework is used as a guide in managing IT resources with a focus on business objectives and risk management. The prototype method is used as a software development method that allows users to test and provide input on prototypes before the final product is made

    Evaluating Federal Information Technology Program Success Based on Earned Value Management

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    Despite the use of earned value management (EVM) techniques to track development progress, federal information (IT) software programs continue to fail by not meeting identified business requirements. The purpose of this logistic regression study was to examine, using IT software data from federal agencies from 2011 to 2014, whether a relationship between schedule variance (SV), cost variance (CV), and actual cost (AC) could predict the success of IT software program, as operationalized by meeting the identified business requirements. The population of interest was 132 IT software programs developed between 2011 and 2014 for federal agencies. The sample source was an archival database located at ITdashboard.gov. The theoretical framework for the study was earned value (EV) project management theory. The EV project management theory is a project performance measurement system that involves integrating cost, schedule, and performance elements for planning and control. EVM contributes to project success by providing early warnings when programs deviate from cost and schedule plans. This study found that only SV was significant (SV days, p = .002). The null hypothesis was rejected, suggesting that a relationship exists between IT program success and the SV, CV, and AC. This study may contribute to social change by increasing the program managers\u27 understanding of EV in federal project management and by decreasing federal spending through successful programs and more cost-efficient use of taxpayers\u27 money
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