567 research outputs found

    The Filament Sensor for Near Real-Time Detection of Cytoskeletal Fiber Structures

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    A reliable extraction of filament data from microscopic images is of high interest in the analysis of acto-myosin structures as early morphological markers in mechanically guided differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells and the understanding of the underlying fiber arrangement processes. In this paper, we propose the filament sensor (FS), a fast and robust processing sequence which detects and records location, orientation, length and width for each single filament of an image, and thus allows for the above described analysis. The extraction of these features has previously not been possible with existing methods. We evaluate the performance of the proposed FS in terms of accuracy and speed in comparison to three existing methods with respect to their limited output. Further, we provide a benchmark dataset of real cell images along with filaments manually marked by a human expert as well as simulated benchmark images. The FS clearly outperforms existing methods in terms of computational runtime and filament extraction accuracy. The implementation of the FS and the benchmark database are available as open source.Comment: 32 pages, 21 figure

    A study of holistic strategies for the recognition of characters in natural scene images

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    Recognition and understanding of text in scene images is an important and challenging task. The importance can be seen in the context of tasks such as assisted navigation for the blind, providing directions to driverless cars, e.g. Google car, etc. Other applications include automated document archival services, mining text from images, and so on. The challenge comes from a variety of factors, like variable typefaces, uncontrolled imaging conditions, and various sources of noise corrupting the captured images. In this work, we study and address the fundamental problem of recognition of characters extracted from natural scene images, and contribute three holistic strategies to deal with this challenging task. Scene text recognition (STR) has been a known problem in computer vision and pattern recognition community for over two decades, and is still an active area of research owing to the fact that the recognition performance has still got a lot of room for improvement. Recognition of characters lies at the heart of STR and is a crucial component for a reliable STR system. Most of the current methods heavily rely on discriminative power of local features, such as histograms of oriented gradient (HoG), scale invariant feature transform (SIFT), shape contexts (SC), geometric blur (GB), etc. One of the problems with such methods is that the local features are rasterized in an ad hoc manner to get a single vector for subsequent use in recognition. This rearrangement of features clearly perturbs the spatial correlations that may carry crucial information vis-á-vis recognition. Moreover, such approaches, in general, do not take into account the rotational invariance property that often leads to failed recognition in cases where characters in scene images do not occur in upright position. To eliminate this local feature dependency and the associated problems, we propose the following three holistic solutions: The first one is based on modelling character images of a class as a 3-mode tensor and then factoring it into a set of rank-1 matrices and the associated mixing coefficients. Each set of rank-1 matrices spans the solution subspace of a specific image class and enables us to capture the required holistic signature for each character class along with the mixing coefficients associated with each character image. During recognition, we project each test image onto the candidate subspaces to derive its mixing coefficients, which are eventually used for final classification. The second approach we study in this work lets us form a novel holistic feature for character recognition based on active contour model, also known as snakes. Our feature vector is based on two variables, direction and distance, cumulatively traversed by each point as the initial circular contour evolves under the force field induced by the character image. The initial contour design in conjunction with cross-correlation based similarity metric enables us to account for rotational variance in the character image. Our third approach is based on modelling a 3-mode tensor via rotation of a single image. This is different from our tensor based approach described above in that we form the tensor using a single image instead of collecting a specific number of samples of a particular class. In this case, to generate a 3D image cube, we rotate an image through a predefined range of angles. This enables us to explicitly capture rotational variance and leads to better performance than various local approaches. Finally, as an application, we use our holistic model to recognize word images extracted from natural scenes. Here we first use our novel word segmentation method based on image seam analysis to split a scene word into individual character images. We then apply our holistic model to recognize individual letters and use a spell-checker module to get the final word prediction. Throughout our work, we employ popular scene text datasets, like Chars74K-Font, Chars74K-Image, SVT, and ICDAR03, which include synthetic and natural image sets, to test the performance of our strategies. We compare results of our recognition models with several baseline methods and show comparable or better performance than several local feature-based methods justifying thus the importance of holistic strategies

    A brief survey of visual saliency detection

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    Recurrent Attentional Networks for Saliency Detection

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    Convolutional-deconvolution networks can be adopted to perform end-to-end saliency detection. But, they do not work well with objects of multiple scales. To overcome such a limitation, in this work, we propose a recurrent attentional convolutional-deconvolution network (RACDNN). Using spatial transformer and recurrent network units, RACDNN is able to iteratively attend to selected image sub-regions to perform saliency refinement progressively. Besides tackling the scale problem, RACDNN can also learn context-aware features from past iterations to enhance saliency refinement in future iterations. Experiments on several challenging saliency detection datasets validate the effectiveness of RACDNN, and show that RACDNN outperforms state-of-the-art saliency detection methods.Comment: CVPR 201

    Binarization Methods for Motor-Imagery Brain–Computer Interface Classification

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    Successful motor-imagery brain-computer interface (MI-BCI) algorithms either extract a large number of handcrafted features and train a classifier, or combine feature extraction and classification within deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Both approaches typically result in a set of real-valued weights, that pose challenges when targeting real-time execution on tightly resource-constrained devices. We propose methods for each of these approaches that allow transforming real-valued weights to binary numbers for efficient inference. Our first method, based on sparse bipolar random projection, projects a large number of real-valued Riemannian covariance features to a binary space, where a linear SVM classifier can be learned with binary weights too. By tuning the dimension of the binary embedding, we achieve almost the same accuracy in 4-class MI (<= 1.27% lower) compared to models with float16 weights, yet delivering a more compact model with simpler operations to execute. Second, we propose to use memory-augmented neural networks (MANNs) for MI-BCI such that the augmented memory is binarized. Our method replaces the fully connected layer of CNNs with a binary augmented memory using bipolar random projection, or learned projection. Our experimental results on EEGNet, an already compact CNN for MI-BCI, show that it can be compressed by 1.28x at iso-accuracy using the random projection. On the other hand, using the learned projection provides 3.89% higher accuracy but increases the memory size by 28.10x

    Adaptive Methods for Robust Document Image Understanding

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    A vast amount of digital document material is continuously being produced as part of major digitization efforts around the world. In this context, generic and efficient automatic solutions for document image understanding represent a stringent necessity. We propose a generic framework for document image understanding systems, usable for practically any document types available in digital form. Following the introduced workflow, we shift our attention to each of the following processing stages in turn: quality assurance, image enhancement, color reduction and binarization, skew and orientation detection, page segmentation and logical layout analysis. We review the state of the art in each area, identify current defficiencies, point out promising directions and give specific guidelines for future investigation. We address some of the identified issues by means of novel algorithmic solutions putting special focus on generality, computational efficiency and the exploitation of all available sources of information. More specifically, we introduce the following original methods: a fully automatic detection of color reference targets in digitized material, accurate foreground extraction from color historical documents, font enhancement for hot metal typesetted prints, a theoretically optimal solution for the document binarization problem from both computational complexity- and threshold selection point of view, a layout-independent skew and orientation detection, a robust and versatile page segmentation method, a semi-automatic front page detection algorithm and a complete framework for article segmentation in periodical publications. The proposed methods are experimentally evaluated on large datasets consisting of real-life heterogeneous document scans. The obtained results show that a document understanding system combining these modules is able to robustly process a wide variety of documents with good overall accuracy
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