106 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of Underwater Routing Protocols DHRP, LASR and DFR for Underwater Wireless Sensor Network using MATLAB

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    Communication issues in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) are the main problem. In this research paper and we proposed “Dolphin Heterogeneous Routing Protocol” (DHRP) and it determine the most efficient path to destination, it balance the energy and it increase the lifetime of nodes. Due to the lack of growth in underwater wireless communications, Communication cables are still used for underwater communication. The use of wires to ensure the communication of sensor nodes at the ocean's depths is extremely costly. In underwater wireless sensor networks, determining the optimum route to convey sensed data to the destination in the shortest amount of time has become a major difficulty (UWSN). Because of the challenging communication medium, UWSN routing protocols are incompatible with those used in traditional sensor networks. Existing routing protocols have the problem of requiring more energy to send data packets, as well as experiencing higher delays due to the selection of ineffective routes. This research introduces the Dolphin Heterogeneous Routing Protocol (DHRP) to tackle the routing issues faced by UWSN. The swarming behavior of dolphins in search of food is the inspiration for DHRP. In order to find the best route in UWSN, DHRP goes through six essential processes are initialization, searching, calling, reception, predation and termination

    The Secure and Energy Efficient Data Routing in the IoT based Network

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    The business applications such as weather forecasting, traffic management, weather forecasting, traffic management, etc., are enormously adopting Internet of Things(IoT). While scaling of these applications are fast, the device/sensor capabilities, particularly in terms of battery life and energy efficiency is limited. Despite of intensive research conducted to address these shortcomings, Wireless IoT Sensor Network(WIoTSN) still cannot assure 100\% efficient network life. Therefore, the core objective of the thesis is to provide an overview of energy efficiency of proactive(OLSR) and reactive(DSR and AODV) data routing protocols by scaling the size of network, i.e. number of sensor nodes, data packet size, data transmission rate and speed of mobile sink node. It also reviews the importance of security in WIoTSN. The two approaches, such as literature review and simulation testing, are used to achieve the objective of the thesis. The literature review provides information about reactive and proactive protocols and their mechanism for route discovery. Similarly, the network simulator tool NS3 is used for running simulation to evaluate the performance of selected routing protocols for energy efficiency. The thesis results showed the effect of scaling the parameters selected for experimental purpose on the energy efficiency of proactive and reactive data routing protocols. The simulation results prove that the reactive protocol DSR outperforms another reactive protocol AODV and proactive protocol OLSR in energy efficiency. From the security perspective, the thesis also emphasizes its need in IoT and suggest to minimize wasteful resources in WIoTSN and use them by restructuring the network for secure energy-efficient data routing protocols

    Ad Hoc Network Scenarios and Different Types of Attacks

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    V tejto semestrálnej práci venovanej sieťam MANET a ich bezpečnostným hrozbám sa v prvej časti preberajú a porovnávajú smerovacie protokoly AODV vs OLSR vs ZRP. Ďalej je spomínaný broadcast storm a podrobnejšie rozobrané základné typy útokov v sieťach MANET s návrhmi na potlačenie vplyvu na fungovanie siete. V nasledujúcej kapitole je ukazané a popisané prostredie NS-3 simulátora s uvedeným jednoduchým programom a spôsobmi, ako získať údaje. Posledná kapitola ukazuje vplyv black-hole útoku na sieť a návrh na jej elimináciu.In this semester thesis dedicated to MANET networks and security threats are compared the routing protocols AODV vs OLSR vs ZRP. Next chapter is dealing with a broadcast storm and discussed in more detail basic types of attacks in MANET networks with proposals to suppress the impact on the functioning of the network. In the next chapter, it is shown and described an environment of NS-3 simulator with that program and simple way how to reach the information. The last chapter shows the influence of black-hole attack on the network, and a proposal for its elimination.

    Mobile ad hoc networks in transportation data collection and dissemination

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    The field of transportation is rapidly changing with new opportunities for systems solutions and emerging technologies. The global economic impact of congestion and accidents are significant. Improved means are needed to solve them. Combined with the increasing numbers of vehicles on the road, the net economic impact is measured in the many billions of dollars. Promising methodologies explored in this thesis include the use of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET). Interconnecting vehicles using Dedicated Short Range Communication technology (DSRC) brings many benefits. Integrating DSRC into roadway vehicles offers the promise of reducing the problems of congestion and accidents; however, it comes with risks such as loss of connectivity due to power outages as well as controlling and managing loading in such networks. Energy consumption of vehicle communication equipment is a crucial factor in high availability sensor networks. Sending critical emergency messaged through linked vehicles requires that there always be energy and communication reserves. Two algorithms are described. The first controls energy consumption to guarantee an energy reserve for sending alert signals. The second exploits Long Term Evolution (LTE) to guarantee a reliable communication path

    Energy-aware routing protocols in wireless sensor networks

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    Saving energy and increasing network lifetime are significant challenges in the field of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Energy-aware routing protocols have been introduced for WSNs to overcome limitations of WSN including limited power resources and difficulties renewing or recharging sensor nodes batteries. Furthermore, the potentially inhospitable environments of sensor locations, in some applications, such as the bottom of the ocean, or inside tornados also have to be considered. ZigBee is one of the latest communication standards designed for WSNs based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The ZigBee standard supports two routing protocols, the Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV), and the cluster-tree routing protocols. These protocols are implemented to establish the network, form clusters, and transfer data between the nodes. The AODV and the cluster-tree routing protocols are two of the most efficient routing protocols in terms of reducing the control message overhead, reducing the bandwidth usage in the network, and reducing the power consumption of wireless sensor nodes compared to other routing protocols. However, neither of these protocols considers the energy level or the energy consumption rate of the wireless sensor nodes during the establishment or routing processes. (Continues...)

    Collaboration Enforcement In Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs) have attracted great research interest in recent years. Among many issues, lack of motivation for participating nodes to collaborate forms a major obstacle to the adoption of MANETs. Many contemporary collaboration enforcement techniques employ reputation mechanisms for nodes to avoid and penalize malicious participants. Reputation information is propagated among participants and updated based on complicated trust relationships to thwart false accusation of benign nodes. The aforementioned strategy suffers from low scalability and is likely to be exploited by adversaries. To address these problems, we first propose a finite state model. With this technique, no reputation information is propagated in the network and malicious nodes cannot cause false penalty to benign hosts. Misbehaving node detection is performed on-demand; and malicious node punishment and avoidance are accomplished by only maintaining reputation information within neighboring nodes. This scheme, however, requires that each node equip with a tamper-proof hardware. In the second technique, no such restriction applies. Participating nodes classify their one-hop neighbors through direct observation and misbehaving nodes are penalized within their localities. Data packets are dynamically rerouted to circumvent selfish nodes. In both schemes, overall network performance is greatly enhanced. Our approach significantly simplifies the collaboration enforcement process, incurs low overhead, and is robust against various malicious behaviors. Simulation results based on different system configurations indicate that the proposed technique can significantly improve network performance with very low communication cost

    A Novel Cooperative Intrusion Detection System for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) have experienced rapid growth in their use for various military, medical, and commercial scenarios. This is due to their dynamic nature that enables the deployment of such networks, in any target environment, without the need for a pre-existing infrastructure. On the other hand, the unique characteristics of MANETs, such as the lack of central networking points, limited wireless range, and constrained resources, have made the quest for securing such networks a challenging task. A large number of studies have focused on intrusion detection systems (IDSs) as a solid line of defense against various attacks targeting the vulnerable nature of MANETs. Since cooperation between nodes is mandatory to detect complex attacks in real time, various solutions have been proposed to provide cooperative IDSs (CIDSs) in efforts to improve detection efficiency. However, all of these solutions suffer from high rates of false alarms, and they violate the constrained-bandwidth nature of MANETs. To overcome these two problems, this research presented a novel CIDS utilizing the concept of social communities and the Dempster-Shafer theory (DST) of evidence. The concept of social communities was intended to establish reliable cooperative detection reporting while consuming minimal bandwidth. On the other hand, DST targeted decreasing false accusations through honoring partial/lack of evidence obtained solely from reliable sources. Experimental evaluation of the proposed CIDS resulted in consistently high detection rates, low false alarms rates, and low bandwidth consumption. The results of this research demonstrated the viability of applying the social communities concept combined with DST in achieving high detection accuracy and minimized bandwidth consumption throughout the detection process

    Diseño de una ciudad inteligente para redes vehiculares

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    English: road safety has become a main issue for governments and car manufacturers in the last twenty years. The development of new vehicular technologies has favored companies, researchers and institutions to focus their efforts on improving road safety. During the last decades, the evolution of wireless technologies has allowed researchers to design communication systems where vehicles participate in the communication networks. Thus, the concept of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) appeared. This concept is used when talking about communication technologies between vehicles and infrastructure that improve transport safety, its management, environmental performance, etc. Due to the high economic cost of real-life tests and experimentation, the use of simulators becomes really useful when developing ITS. Nonetheless, simulators not always include all the capabilities needed to simulate these kinds of networks. Thus, in this project the NCTUns simulator is modified in order to add new capabilities that allow users simulate ITS. Furthermore, smart city scenarios are simulated in order to evaluate how the use of these networks allows real-time statistic collection and calculation, and how modifications made in NCTUns work.Castellano: la seguridad en la carretera se ha convertido en un problema principal para gobiernos y fabricantes de automóviles en los últimos años. El desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías vehiculares ha permitido a compañías, investigadores e instituciones a centrar sus esfuerzos para mejorar la seguridad vial. Durante las últimas décadas, la evolución de la tecnología de comunicación inalámbrica ha permitido a investigadores el diseño de sistemas de comunicación en los cuales los vehículos forman parte de la red de comunicación. De esta forma, se creó el concepto de Sistema de Transporte Inteligente (STI), concepto utilizado al hablar sobre las tecnologías de comunicación entre vehículos e infraestructura, que mejoran la seguridad vial en el transporte, su mejor gestión, eficiencia medioambiental, etc. Debido al alto coste económico de probar STI en situaciones reales, el uso de simuladores es realmente útil a la hora de desarrollar este tipo de sistemas. Así, en este proyecto el simulador NCTUns ha sido modificado con el objetivo de añadir nuevas posibilidades al simulador que ayuden a diseñar STI. Además, un escenario de una ciudad inteligente ha sido simulado con el objetivo de evaluar como el uso de estas redes permite la recolección y el cálculo de estadísticas en tiempo real, además de comprobar cómo funcionan los cambios realizados en el simulador.Català: la seguretat a la carretera ha esdevingut un problema principal pels governs i pels fabricants d'automòbils en els últims anys. El desenvolupament de noves tecnologies de vehicles ha afavorit a les empreses, els investigadors i les institucions que centrin els seus esforços a millorar la seguretat viària. Durant les últimes dècades, l'evolució de les tecnologies sense fils ha permès als investigadors a dissenyar sistemes de comunicació on els vehicles poden participar en les xarxes de comunicació. D'aquesta manera, es crea el concepte de Sistema de Transport Intel·ligent (STI), concepte utilitzat en parlar sobre les tecnologies de comunicació entre vehicles i infraestructura que milloren la seguretat vial en el transport, la seva millor gestió, l'eficiència mediambiental, etc. A causa de l'alt cost econòmic de provar STI en situacions reals, l'ús de simuladors és realment útil a l'hora de desenvolupar STI. Així, en aquest projecte el simulador NCTUns ha estat modificat amb l'objectiu d'afegir noves possibilitats al simulador que ajudin a dissenyar STI a futurs usuaris. A més, un escenari d'una ciutat intel·ligent ha estat simulat amb l'objectiu d'avaluar com l'ús de la xarxa permet la recol·lecció i el càlcul d'estadístiques en temps real, a més de comprovar com funcionen els canvis realitzats en el simulador

    Self-organizing Network Optimization via Placement of Additional Nodes

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    Das Hauptforschungsgebiet des Graduiertenkollegs "International Graduate School on Mobile Communication" (GS Mobicom) der Technischen Universität Ilmenau ist die Kommunikation in Katastrophenszenarien. Wegen eines Desasters oder einer Katastrophe können die terrestrischen Elementen der Infrastruktur eines Kommunikationsnetzwerks beschädigt oder komplett zerstört werden. Dennoch spielen verfügbare Kommunikationsnetze eine sehr wichtige Rolle während der Rettungsmaßnahmen, besonders für die Koordinierung der Rettungstruppen und für die Kommunikation zwischen ihren Mitgliedern. Ein solcher Service kann durch ein mobiles Ad-Hoc-Netzwerk (MANET) zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Ein typisches Problem der MANETs ist Netzwerkpartitionierung, welche zur Isolation von verschiedenen Knotengruppen führt. Eine mögliche Lösung dieses Problems ist die Positionierung von zusätzlichen Knoten, welche die Verbindung zwischen den isolierten Partitionen wiederherstellen können. Hauptziele dieser Arbeit sind die Recherche und die Entwicklung von Algorithmen und Methoden zur Positionierung der zusätzlichen Knoten. Der Fokus der Recherche liegt auf Untersuchung der verteilten Algorithmen zur Bestimmung der Positionen für die zusätzlichen Knoten. Die verteilten Algorithmen benutzen nur die Information, welche in einer lokalen Umgebung eines Knotens verfügbar ist, und dadurch entsteht ein selbstorganisierendes System. Jedoch wird das gesamte Netzwerk hier vor allem innerhalb eines ganz speziellen Szenarios - Katastrophenszenario - betrachtet. In einer solchen Situation kann die Information über die Topologie des zu reparierenden Netzwerks im Voraus erfasst werden und soll, natürlich, für die Wiederherstellung mitbenutzt werden. Dank der eventuell verfügbaren zusätzlichen Information können die Positionen für die zusätzlichen Knoten genauer ermittelt werden. Die Arbeit umfasst eine Beschreibung, Implementierungsdetails und eine Evaluierung eines selbstorganisierendes Systems, welche die Netzwerkwiederherstellung in beiden Szenarien ermöglicht.The main research area of the International Graduate School on Mobile Communication (GS Mobicom) at Ilmenau University of Technology is communication in disaster scenarios. Due to a disaster or an accident, the network infrastructure can be damaged or even completely destroyed. However, available communication networks play a vital role during the rescue activities especially for the coordination of the rescue teams and for the communication between their members. Such a communication service can be provided by a Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET). One of the typical problems of a MANET is network partitioning, when separate groups of nodes become isolated from each other. One possible solution for this problem is the placement of additional nodes in order to reconstruct the communication links between isolated network partitions. The primary goal of this work is the research and development of algorithms and methods for the placement of additional nodes. The focus of this research lies on the investigation of distributed algorithms for the placement of additional nodes, which use only the information from the nodes’ local environment and thus form a self-organizing system. However, during the usage specifics of the system in a disaster scenario, global information about the topology of the network to be recovered can be known or collected in advance. In this case, it is of course reasonable to use this information in order to calculate the placement positions more precisely. The work provides the description, the implementation details and the evaluation of a self-organizing system which is able to recover from network partitioning in both situations