37 research outputs found

    Air Navigation: Automation Method for Controlling the Process of Detecting Aircraft by a Radar Complex

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    Modern air traffic control systems equipped with phased antenna arrays radar have increased performance in comparison with radars of previous generations. The radar tracking of objects starts with the detection of such objects. The earlier the object is detected, the more time is available for the selection of modes. The article solves the problem and offers a method of automated management of modern radar complexes with phased antenna arrays, which will significantly reduce the search time for objects in the view field of such complexes. The solution is based on the discretization of the object detection process by time and position. Space, where the detected objects move, is divided into cells, and each of the cells is identified with a particular position. Each object can be in each cell for a long interval of time and then move to other cells. As a result, a dynamic process with a fixed number of positions and discrete time is obtained. For optimal calculations, we chose a minimum average time for searching and detecting an object. The optimal speed problem deals with the elements of the phase space as extrapolated probabilities of the present object in the cell of the viewing area. The optimization problem is solved using a discrete analogue of the maximum principle. Its application offers sufficient conditions for optimality. For the numerical solution of the problem, the author employs a modified method of successive approximations. Based on the proposed method, the author develops an algorithm for automated management of the detection of moving objects by a radar complex, as well as an operational simulation model after objects are detected. The suggested method of automatic control significantly reduces the average search time for objects. This article is the second in a series of articles devoted to the problems of information support of the processes of navigation of aircraft and air traffic control

    Air pollution forecasts: An overview

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    © 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Air pollution is defined as a phenomenon harmful to the ecological system and the normal conditions of human existence and development when some substances in the atmosphere exceed a certain concentration. In the face of increasingly serious environmental pollution problems, scholars have conducted a significant quantity of related research, and in those studies, the forecasting of air pollution has been of paramount importance. As a precaution, the air pollution forecast is the basis for taking effective pollution control measures, and accurate forecasting of air pollution has become an important task. Extensive research indicates that the methods of air pollution forecasting can be broadly divided into three classical categories: statistical forecasting methods, artificial intelligence methods, and numerical forecasting methods. More recently, some hybrid models have been proposed, which can improve the forecast accuracy. To provide a clear perspective on air pollution forecasting, this study reviews the theory and application of those forecasting models. In addition, based on a comparison of different forecasting methods, the advantages and disadvantages of some methods of forecasting are also provided. This study aims to provide an overview of air pollution forecasting methods for easy access and reference by researchers, which will be helpful in further studies

    Improving Demand Forecasting: The Challenge of Forecasting Studies Comparability and a Novel Approach to Hierarchical Time Series Forecasting

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    Bedarfsprognosen sind in der Wirtschaft unerlĂ€sslich. Anhand des erwarteten Kundenbe-darfs bestimmen Firmen beispielsweise welche Produkte sie entwickeln, wie viele Fabri-ken sie bauen, wie viel Personal eingestellt wird oder wie viel Rohmaterial geordert wer-den muss. FehleinschĂ€tzungen bei Bedarfsprognosen können schwerwiegende Auswir-kungen haben, zu Fehlentscheidungen fĂŒhren, und im schlimmsten Fall den Bankrott einer Firma herbeifĂŒhren. Doch in vielen FĂ€llen ist es komplex, den tatsĂ€chlichen Bedarf in der Zukunft zu antizipie-ren. Die Einflussfaktoren können vielfĂ€ltig sein, beispielsweise makroökonomische Ent-wicklung, das Verhalten von Wettbewerbern oder technologische Entwicklungen. Selbst wenn alle Einflussfaktoren bekannt sind, sind die ZusammenhĂ€nge und Wechselwirkun-gen hĂ€ufig nur schwer zu quantifizieren. Diese Dissertation trĂ€gt dazu bei, die Genauigkeit von Bedarfsprognosen zu verbessern. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird im Rahmen einer ĂŒberfassenden Übersicht ĂŒber das gesamte Spektrum der Anwendungsfelder von Bedarfsprognosen ein neuartiger Ansatz eingefĂŒhrt, wie Studien zu Bedarfsprognosen systematisch verglichen werden können und am Bei-spiel von 116 aktuellen Studien angewandt. Die Vergleichbarkeit von Studien zu verbes-sern ist ein wesentlicher Beitrag zur aktuellen Forschung. Denn anders als bspw. in der Medizinforschung, gibt es fĂŒr Bedarfsprognosen keine wesentlichen vergleichenden quan-titativen Meta-Studien. Der Grund dafĂŒr ist, dass empirische Studien fĂŒr Bedarfsprognosen keine vereinheitlichte Beschreibung nutzen, um ihre Daten, Verfahren und Ergebnisse zu beschreiben. Wenn Studien hingegen durch systematische Beschreibung direkt miteinan-der verglichen werden können, ermöglicht das anderen Forschern besser zu analysieren, wie sich Variationen in AnsĂ€tzen auf die PrognosegĂŒte auswirken – ohne die aufwĂ€ndige Notwendigkeit, empirische Experimente erneut durchzufĂŒhren, die bereits in Studien beschrieben wurden. Diese Arbeit fĂŒhrt erstmals eine solche Systematik zur Beschreibung ein. Der weitere Teil dieser Arbeit behandelt Prognoseverfahren fĂŒr intermittierende Zeitreihen, also Zeitreihen mit wesentlichem Anteil von Bedarfen gleich Null. Diese Art der Zeitreihen erfĂŒllen die Anforderungen an Stetigkeit der meisten Prognoseverfahren nicht, weshalb gĂ€ngige Verfahren hĂ€ufig ungenĂŒgende PrognosegĂŒte erreichen. Gleichwohl ist die Rele-vanz intermittierender Zeitreihen hoch – insbesondere Ersatzteile weisen dieses Bedarfs-muster typischerweise auf. ZunĂ€chst zeigt diese Arbeit in drei Studien auf, dass auch die getesteten Stand-der-Technik Machine Learning AnsĂ€tze bei einigen bekannten DatensĂ€t-zen keine generelle Verbesserung herbeifĂŒhren. Als wesentlichen Beitrag zur Forschung zeigt diese Arbeit im Weiteren ein neuartiges Verfahren auf: Der Similarity-based Time Series Forecasting (STSF) Ansatz nutzt ein Aggregation-Disaggregationsverfahren basie-rend auf einer selbst erzeugten Hierarchie statistischer Eigenschaften der Zeitreihen. In Zusammenhang mit dem STSF Ansatz können alle verfĂŒgbaren Prognosealgorithmen eingesetzt werden – durch die Aggregation wird die Stetigkeitsbedingung erfĂŒllt. In Expe-rimenten an insgesamt sieben öffentlich bekannten DatensĂ€tzen und einem proprietĂ€ren Datensatz zeigt die Arbeit auf, dass die PrognosegĂŒte (gemessen anhand des Root Mean Square Error RMSE) statistisch signifikant um 1-5% im Schnitt gegenĂŒber dem gleichen Verfahren ohne Einsatz von STSF verbessert werden kann. Somit fĂŒhrt das Verfahren eine wesentliche Verbesserung der PrognosegĂŒte herbei. Zusammengefasst trĂ€gt diese Dissertation zum aktuellen Stand der Forschung durch die zuvor genannten Verfahren wesentlich bei. Das vorgeschlagene Verfahren zur Standardi-sierung empirischer Studien beschleunigt den Fortschritt der Forschung, da sie verglei-chende Studien ermöglicht. Und mit dem STSF Verfahren steht ein Ansatz bereit, der zuverlĂ€ssig die PrognosegĂŒte verbessert, und dabei flexibel mit verschiedenen Arten von Prognosealgorithmen einsetzbar ist. Nach dem Erkenntnisstand der umfassenden Literatur-recherche sind keine vergleichbaren AnsĂ€tze bislang beschrieben worden

    The 8th International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting

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    The aim of ITISE 2022 is to create a friendly environment that could lead to the establishment or strengthening of scientific collaborations and exchanges among attendees. Therefore, ITISE 2022 is soliciting high-quality original research papers (including significant works-in-progress) on any aspect time series analysis and forecasting, in order to motivating the generation and use of new knowledge, computational techniques and methods on forecasting in a wide range of fields

    Hybrid Advanced Optimization Methods with Evolutionary Computation Techniques in Energy Forecasting

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    More accurate and precise energy demand forecasts are required when energy decisions are made in a competitive environment. Particularly in the Big Data era, forecasting models are always based on a complex function combination, and energy data are always complicated. Examples include seasonality, cyclicity, fluctuation, dynamic nonlinearity, and so on. These forecasting models have resulted in an over-reliance on the use of informal judgment and higher expenses when lacking the ability to determine data characteristics and patterns. The hybridization of optimization methods and superior evolutionary algorithms can provide important improvements via good parameter determinations in the optimization process, which is of great assistance to actions taken by energy decision-makers. This book aimed to attract researchers with an interest in the research areas described above. Specifically, it sought contributions to the development of any hybrid optimization methods (e.g., quadratic programming techniques, chaotic mapping, fuzzy inference theory, quantum computing, etc.) with advanced algorithms (e.g., genetic algorithms, ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization algorithm, etc.) that have superior capabilities over the traditional optimization approaches to overcome some embedded drawbacks, and the application of these advanced hybrid approaches to significantly improve forecasting accuracy

    The impact of macroeconomic leading indicators on inventory management

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    Forecasting tactical sales is important for long term decisions such as procurement and informing lower level inventory management decisions. Macroeconomic indicators have been shown to improve the forecast accuracy at tactical level, as these indicators can provide early warnings of changing markets while at the same time tactical sales are sufficiently aggregated to facilitate the identification of useful leading indicators. Past research has shown that we can achieve significant gains by incorporating such information. However, at lower levels, that inventory decisions are taken, this is often not feasible due to the level of noise in the data. To take advantage of macroeconomic leading indicators at this level we need to translate the tactical forecasts into operational level ones. In this research we investigate how to best assimilate top level forecasts that incorporate such exogenous information with bottom level (at Stock Keeping Unit level) extrapolative forecasts. The aim is to demonstrate whether incorporating these variables has a positive impact on bottom level planning and eventually inventory levels. We construct appropriate hierarchies of sales and use that structure to reconcile the forecasts, and in turn the different available information, across levels. We are interested both at the point forecast and the prediction intervals, as the latter inform safety stock decisions. Therefore the contribution of this research is twofold. We investigate the usefulness of macroeconomic leading indicators for SKU level forecasts and alternative ways to estimate the variance of hierarchically reconciled forecasts. We provide evidence using a real case study