792 research outputs found

    Low Voltage Regulator Modules and Single Stage Front-end Converters

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    Evolution in microprocessor technology poses new challenges for supplying power to these devices. To meet demands for faster and more efficient data processing, modem microprocessors are being designed with lower voltage implementations. More devices will be packed on a single processor chip and the processors will operate at higher frequencies, exceeding 1GHz. New high-performance microprocessors may require from 40 to 80 watts of power for the CPU alone. Load current must be supplied with up to 30A/µs slew rate while keeping the output voltage within tight regulation and response time tolerances. Therefore, special power supplies and Voltage Regulator Modules (VRMs) are needed to provide lower voltage with higher current and fast response. In the part one (chapter 2,3,4) of this dissertation, several low-voltage high-current VRM technologies are proposed for future generation microprocessors and ICs. The developed VRMs with these new technologies have advantages over conventional ones in terms of efficiency, transient response and cost. In most cases, the VRMs draw currents from DC bus for which front-end converters are used as a DC source. As the use of AC/DC frond-end converters continues to increase, more distorted mains current is drawn from the line, resulting in lower power factor and high total harmonic distortion. As a branch of active Power factor correction (PFC) techniques, the single-stage technique receives particular attention because of its low cost implementation. Moreover, with continuously demands for even higher power density, switching mode power supply operating at high-frequency is required because at high switching frequency, the size and weight of circuit components can be remarkably reduced. To boost the switching frequency, the soft-switching technique was introduced to alleviate the switching losses. The part two (chapter 5,6) of the dissertation presents several topologies for this front-end application. The design considerations, simulation results and experimental verification are discussed

    Survey on Photo-Voltaic Powered Interleaved Converter System

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    Renewable energy is the best solution to meet the growing demand for energy in the country. The solar energy is considered as the most promising energy by the researchers due to its abundant availability, eco-friendly nature, long lasting nature, wide range of application and above all it is a maintenance free system. The energy absorbed by the earth can satisfy 15000 times of today’s total energy demand and its hundred times more than that our conventional energy like coal and other fossil fuels. Though, there are overwhelming advantages in solar energy, It has few drawbacks as well such as its low conversion ratio, inconsistent supply of energy due to variation in the sun light, less efficiency due to ripples in the converter, time dependent and, above all, high capitation cost. These aforementioned flaws have been addressed by the researchers in order to extract maximum energy and attain hundred percentage benefits of this heavenly resource. So, this chapter presents a comprehensive investigation based on photo voltaic (PV) system requirements with the following constraints such as system efficiency, system gain, dynamic response, switching losses are investigated. The overview exhibits and identifies the requirements of a best PV power generation system

    Transient Response Improvement For Multi-phase Voltage Regulators

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    Next generation microprocessor (Vcore) requirements for high current slew rates and fast transient response together with low output voltage have posed great challenges on voltage regulator (VR) design . Since the debut of Intel 80X86 series, CPUs have greatly improved in performance with a dramatic increase on power consumption. According to the latest Intel VR11 design guidelines , the operational current may ramp up to 140A with typical voltages in the 1.1V to 1.4V range, while the slew rate of the transient current can be as high as 1.9A/ns [1, 2]. Meanwhile, the transient-response requirements are becoming stringer and stringer. This dissertation presents several topics on how to improve transient response for multi-phase voltage regulators. The Adaptive Modulation Control (AMC) is a type of non-linear control method which has proven to be effective in achieving high bandwidth designs as well as stabilizing the control loop during large load transients. It adaptively adjusts control bandwidth by changing the modulation gain, depending on different load conditions. With the AMC, a multiphase voltage regulator can be designed with an aggressively high bandwidth. When in heavy load transients where the loop could be potentially unstable, the bandwidth is lowered. Therefore, the AMC provides an optimal means for robust high-bandwidth design with excellent transient performance. The Error Amplifier Voltage Positioning (EAVP) is proposed to improve transient response by removing undesired spikes and dips after initial transient response. The EAVP works only in a short period of time during transient events without modifying the power stage and changing the control loop gain. It facilitates the error amplifier voltage recovering during transient events, achieving a fast settling time without impact on the whole control loop. Coupled inductors are an emerging topology for computing power supplies as VRs with coupled inductors show dynamic and steady-state advantages over traditional VRs. This dissertation first covers the coupling mechanism in terms of both electrical and reluctance modeling. Since the magnetizing inductance plays an important role in the coupled-inductor operation, a unified State-Space Averaging model is then built for a two-phase coupled-inductor voltage regulator. The DC solutions of the phase currents are derived in order to show the impact of the magnetizing inductance on phase current balancing. A small signal model is obtained based on the state-space-averaging model. The effects of magnetizing inductance on dynamic performance are presented. The limitations of conventional DCR current-sensing for coupled inductors are addressed. Traditional inductor DCR current sensing topology and prior arts fail to extract phase currents for coupled inductors. Two new DCR current sensing topologies for coupled inductors are presented in this dissertation. By implementation of simple RC networks, the proposed topologies can preserve the coupling effect between phases. As a result, accurate phase inductor currents and total current can be sensed, resulting in excellent current and voltage regulation. While coupled-inductor topologies are showing advantages in transient response and are becoming industry practices, they are suffering from low steady-state operating efficiency. Motivated by the challenging transient and efficiency requirements, this dissertation proposes a Full Bridge Coupled Inductor (FBCI) scheme which is able to improve transient response as well as savor high efficiency at (a) steady state. The FBCI can change the circuit configuration under different operational conditions. Its flexible topology is able to optimize both transient response and steady-state efficiency. The flexible core configuration makes implementation easy and clear of IP issues. A novel design methodology for planar magnetics based on numerical analysis of electromagnetic fields is offered and successfully applied to the design of low-voltage high power density dc-dc converters. The design methodology features intense use of FEM simulation. The design issues of planar magnetics, including loss mechanism in copper and core, winding design on PCB, core selections, winding arrangements and so on are first reviewed. After that, FEM simulators are introduced to numerically compute the core loss and winding loss. Consequently, a software platform for magnetics design is established, and optimized magnetics can then be achieved. Dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) technology is a common industry practice in optimizing power consumption of microprocessors by dynamically altering the supply voltage under different operational modes, while maintaining the performance requirements. During DVS operation, it is desirable to position the output voltage to a new level commanded by the microprocessor (CPU) with minimum delay. However, voltage deviation and slow settling time usually exist due to large output capacitance and compensation delay in voltage regulators. Although optimal DVS can be achieved by modifying the output capacitance and compensation, this method is limited by constraints from stringent static and dynamic requirements. In this dissertation, the effects of output capacitance and compensation network on DVS operation are discussed in detail. An active compensator scheme is then proposed to ensure smooth transition of the output voltage without change of power stage and compensation during DVS. Simulation and experimental results are included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme

    Analysis of a PWM Resonant Buck Chopper for Use as a Ship Service Converter Module

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    The Navy's interest in implementing a DC Zonal Electric Distribution System (DC ZEDS) in the next generation of surface combatant has motivated considerable research work into dc-dc converters. The switching frequency of a hard-switched dc-dc converter is limited by the maximum admissible switching losses allowed by the switch, heat sink, and cooling process. Also, hard- switched converters contribute significant Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) concerns for the system. This study provides a background analysis into resonant converters which utilize zero-voltage-switching and zero-current-switching techniques to mitigate the aforementioned concerns and facilitate high-bandwidth control loops. In particular, one candidate circuit is identified which can be readily realized using existing hardware and a straightforward control. The report documents the modes of operation of the circuit, sets forth the governing differential equation and mode-transition conditions, examines an ACSL simulation representation of the circuit, formulates design criteria for component selection, identifies key fabrication nuances, and documents a PSpice simulation of the circuit. Both simulation models are used to explain the operating modes of the circuit, provide insight into parameter selection, and ultimately to design the proper control of the circuit.Prepared for: Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Annapolis Det.N00167-98-WR-80279Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Pem fuel cell modeling and converters design for a 48 v dc power bus

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    Fuel cells (FC) are electrochemical devices that directly convert the chemical energy of a fuel into electricity. Power systems based on proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) technology have been the object of increasing attention in recent years as they appear very promising in both stationary and mobile applications due to their high efficiency, low operating temperature allowing fast startup, high power density, solid electrolyte, long cell and stack life, low corrosion, excellent dynamic response with respect to the other FCs, and nonpolluting emissions to the environment if the hydrogen is obtained from renewable sources. The output-voltage characteristic in a PEMFC is limited by the mechanical devices which are used for regulating the air flow in its cathode, the hydrogen flow in its anode, its inner temperature, and the humidity of the air supplied to it. Usually, the FC time constants are dominated by the fuel delivery system, in particular by the slow dynamics of the compressor responsible for supplying the oxygen. As a consequence, a fast load transient demand could cause a high voltage drop in a short time known as oxygen starvation phenomenon that is harmful for the FC. Thus, FCs are considered as a slow dynamic response equipment with respect to the load transient requirements. Therefore, batteries, ultracapacitors or other auxiliary power sources are needed to support the operation of the FC in order to ensure a fast response to any load power transient. The resulting systems, known as FC hybrid systems, can limit the slope of the current or the power generated by the FC with the use of current-controlled dc-dc converters. In this way, the reactant gas starvation phenomena can be avoided and the system can operate with higher efficiency. The purpose of this thesis is the design of a DC-DC converter suitable to interconnect all the different elements in a PEMFC-hybrid 48-V DC bus. Since the converter could be placed between elements with very different voltage levels, a buck-boost structure has been selected. Especially to fulfill the low ripple requirements of the PEMFCs, but also those of the auxiliary storage elements and loads, our structure has inductors in series at both its input and its output. Magnetically coupling these inductors and adding a damping network to its intermediate capacitor we have designed an easily controllable converter with second-order-buck-like dominant dynamics. This new proposed topology has high efficiency and wide bandwidth acting either as a voltage or as a current regulator. The magnetic coupling allows to control with similar performances the input or the output inductor currents. This characteristic is very useful because the designed current-controlled converter is able to withstand shortcircuits at its output and, when connected to the FC, it facilitates to regulate the current extracted from the FC to avoid the oxygen starvation phenomenon. Testing in a safe way the converter connected to the FC required to build an FC simulator that was subsequently improved by developing an emulator that offered real-time processing and oxygen-starvation indication. To study the developed converters and emulators with different brands of PEMFCs it was necessary to reactivate long-time inactive Palcan FCs. Since the results provided by the manual reactivation procedure were unsatisfactory, an automatic reactivation system has been developed as a complementary study of the thesis.En esta tesis se avanzo en el diseño de un bus DC de 48 V que utiliza como elemento principal de generación de energía eléctrica una pila de combustible. Debido a que la dinámica de las pilas de combustible están limitadas por sus elementos mecánicos auxiliares de control una variación rápida de una carga conectada a ella puede ocasionar daños. Es por esto que es necesario utilizar elementos almacenadores de energía que puedan suministrar estas rápidas variaciones de carga y convertidores para que gestionen de una forma controlada la potencia del bus DC. Durante la realización de pruebas de los convertidores es de gran importancia utilizar emuladores o simuladores de pilas de combustibles, esto nos permite de una forma económica y segura realizar pruebas criticas antes de conectar los convertidores a la pila. Adicionalmente una nueva topologia de convertidor fue presentada y ésta gestionará la potencia en el bu

    Modeling and analysis of power processing systems: Feasibility investigation and formulation of a methodology

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    A review is given of future power processing systems planned for the next 20 years, and the state-of-the-art of power processing design modeling and analysis techniques used to optimize power processing systems. A methodology of modeling and analysis of power processing equipment and systems has been formulated to fulfill future tradeoff studies and optimization requirements. Computer techniques were applied to simulate power processor performance and to optimize the design of power processing equipment. A program plan to systematically develop and apply the tools for power processing systems modeling and analysis is presented so that meaningful results can be obtained each year to aid the power processing system engineer and power processing equipment circuit designers in their conceptual and detail design and analysis tasks

    Microprocessor based signal processing techniques for system identification and adaptive control of DC-DC converters

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    PhD ThesisMany industrial and consumer devices rely on switch mode power converters (SMPCs) to provide a reliable, well regulated, DC power supply. A poorly performing power supply can potentially compromise the characteristic behaviour, efficiency, and operating range of the device. To ensure accurate regulation of the SMPC, optimal control of the power converter output is required. However, SMPC uncertainties such as component variations and load changes will affect the performance of the controller. To compensate for these time varying problems, there is increasing interest in employing real-time adaptive control techniques in SMPC applications. It is important to note that many adaptive controllers constantly tune and adjust their parameters based upon on-line system identification. In the area of system identification and adaptive control, Recursive Least Square (RLS) method provide promising results in terms of fast convergence rate, small prediction error, accurate parametric estimation, and simple adaptive structure. Despite being popular, RLS methods often have limited application in low cost systems, such as SMPCs, due to the computationally heavy calculations demanding significant hardware resources which, in turn, may require a high specification microprocessor to successfully implement. For this reason, this thesis presents research into lower complexity adaptive signal processing and filtering techniques for on-line system identification and control of SMPCs systems. The thesis presents the novel application of a Dichotomous Coordinate Descent (DCD) algorithm for the system identification of a dc-dc buck converter. Two unique applications of the DCD algorithm are proposed; system identification and self-compensation of a dc-dc SMPC. Firstly, specific attention is given to the parameter estimation of dc-dc buck SMPC. It is computationally efficient, and uses an infinite impulse response (IIR) adaptive filter as a plant model. Importantly, the proposed method is able to identify the parameters quickly and accurately; thus offering an efficient hardware solution which is well suited to real-time applications. Secondly, new alternative adaptive schemes that do not depend entirely on estimating the plant parameters is embedded with DCD algorithm. The proposed technique is based on a simple adaptive filter method and uses a one-tap finite impulse response (FIR) prediction error filter (PEF). Experimental and simulation results clearly show the DCD technique can be optimised to achieve comparable performance to classic RLS algorithms. However, it is computationally superior; thus making it an ideal candidate technique for low cost microprocessor based applications.Iraq Ministry of Higher Educatio

    Data Center Power System Emulation and GaN-Based High-Efficiency Rectifier with Reactive Power Regulation

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    Data centers are indispensable for today\u27s computing and networking society, which has a considerable power consumption and significant impact on power system. Meanwhile, the average energy usage efficiency of data centers is still not high, leading to significant power loss and system cost. In this dissertation, effective methods are proposed to investigate the data center load characteristics, improve data center power usage efficiency, and reduce the system cost. First, a dynamic power model of a typical data center ac power system is proposed, which is complete and able to predict the data center\u27s dynamic performance. Also, a converter-based data center power emulator serving as an all-in-one load is developed. The power emulator has been verified experimentally in a regional network in the HTB. Dynamic performances during voltage sag events and server load variations are emulated and discussed. Then, a gallium nitride (GaN) based critical conduction mode (CRM) totem-pole power factor correction (PFC) rectifier is designed as the single-phase front-end rectifier to improve the data center power distribution efficiency. Zero voltage switching (ZVS) modulation with ZVS time margin is developed, and a digital variable ON-time control is employed. A hardware prototype of the PFC rectifier is built and demonstrated with high efficiency. To achieve low input current total harmonic distortion (iTHD), current distortion mechanisms are analyzed, and effective solutions for mitigating current distortion are proposed and validated with experiments. The idea of providing reactive power compensation with the rack-level GaN-based front-end rectifiers is proposed for data centers to reduce data center\u27s power loss and system cost. Full-range ZVS modulation is extended into non-unity PF condition and a GaN-based T-type totem-pole rectifier with reactive power control is proposed. A hardware prototype of the proposed rectifier is built and demonstrated experimentally with high power efficiency and flexible reactive power regulation. Experimental emulation of the whole data center system also validates the capability of reactive power compensation by the front-end rectifiers, which can also generate or consume more reactive power to achieve flexible PF regulation and help support the power system

    Digital Control of Power Converters and Drives for Hybrid Traction and Wireless Charging

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    In the last years environmental issues and constant increase of fuel and energy cost have been incentivizing the development of low emission and high efficiency systems, either in traction field or in distributed generation systems from renewable energy sources. In the automotive industry, alternative solutions to the standard internal combustion engine (ICE) adopted in the conventional vehicles have been developed, i.e. fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) or pure electric vehicles (EVs), also referred as battery powered electric vehicles (BEV). Both academic and industry researchers all over the world are still facing several technical development areas concerning HEV components, system topologies, power converters and control strategies. Efficiency, lifetime, stability and volume issues have moved the attention on a number of bidirectional conversion solutions, both for the energy transfer to/from the storage element and to/from the electric machine side. Moreover, along with the fast growing interest in EVs and PHEVs, wireless charging, as a new way of charging batteries, has drawn the attention of researchers, car manufacturers, and customers recently. Compared to conductive power transfer (usually plug-in), wireless power transfer (WPT) is more convenient, weather proof, and electric shock protected. However, there is still more research work needs to be done to optimize efficiency, cost, increase misalignment tolerance, and reduce size of the WPT chargers. The proposed dissertation describes the work from 2012 to 2014, during the PhD course at the Electric Drives Laboratory of the University of Udine and during my six months visiting scholarship at the University of Michigan in Dearborn. The topics studied are related to power conversion and digital control of converters and drives suitable for hybrid/electric traction, generation from renewable energy sources and wireless charging applications. From the theoretical point of view, multilevel and multiphase DC/AC and DC/DC converters are discussed here, focusing on design issues, optimization (especially from the efficiency point-of-view) and advantages. Some novel modulation algorithms for the neutral-point clamped three-level inverter are presented here as well as a new multiphase proposal for a three-level buck converter. In addition, a new active torque damping technique in order to reduce torque oscillations in internal combustion engines is proposed here. Mainly, two practical implementations are considered in this dissertation, i.e. an original two-stage bi-directional converter for mild hybrid traction and a wireless charger for electric vehicles fast charge
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