1,275 research outputs found

    LTLf and LDLf Monitoring: A Technical Report

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    Runtime monitoring is one of the central tasks to provide operational decision support to running business processes, and check on-the-fly whether they comply with constraints and rules. We study runtime monitoring of properties expressed in LTL on finite traces (LTLf) and in its extension LDLf. LDLf is a powerful logic that captures all monadic second order logic on finite traces, which is obtained by combining regular expressions and LTLf, adopting the syntax of propositional dynamic logic (PDL). Interestingly, in spite of its greater expressivity, LDLf has exactly the same computational complexity of LTLf. We show that LDLf is able to capture, in the logic itself, not only the constraints to be monitored, but also the de-facto standard RV-LTL monitors. This makes it possible to declaratively capture monitoring metaconstraints, and check them by relying on usual logical services instead of ad-hoc algorithms. This, in turn, enables to flexibly monitor constraints depending on the monitoring state of other constraints, e.g., "compensation" constraints that are only checked when others are detected to be violated. In addition, we devise a direct translation of LDLf formulas into nondeterministic automata, avoiding to detour to Buechi automata or alternating automata, and we use it to implement a monitoring plug-in for the PROM suite

    Constraint LTL Satisfiability Checking without Automata

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    This paper introduces a novel technique to decide the satisfiability of formulae written in the language of Linear Temporal Logic with Both future and past operators and atomic formulae belonging to constraint system D (CLTLB(D) for short). The technique is based on the concept of bounded satisfiability, and hinges on an encoding of CLTLB(D) formulae into QF-EUD, the theory of quantifier-free equality and uninterpreted functions combined with D. Similarly to standard LTL, where bounded model-checking and SAT-solvers can be used as an alternative to automata-theoretic approaches to model-checking, our approach allows users to solve the satisfiability problem for CLTLB(D) formulae through SMT-solving techniques, rather than by checking the emptiness of the language of a suitable automaton A_{\phi}. The technique is effective, and it has been implemented in our Zot formal verification tool.Comment: 39 page

    Improving HyLTL model checking of hybrid systems

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    The problem of model-checking hybrid systems is a long-time challenge in the scientific community. Most of the existing approaches and tools are either limited on the properties that they can verify, or restricted to simplified classes of systems. To overcome those limitations, a temporal logic called HyLTL has been recently proposed. The model checking problem for this logic has been solved by translating the formula into an equivalent hybrid automaton, that can be analized using existing tools. The original construction employs a declarative procedure that generates exponentially many states upfront, and can be very inefficient when complex formulas are involved. In this paper we solve a technical issue in the construction that was not considered in previous works, and propose a new algorithm to translate HyLTL into hybrid automata, that exploits optimized techniques coming from the discrete LTL community to build smaller automata.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2013, arXiv:1307.416

    Transformational Verification of Linear Temporal Logic

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    We present a new method for verifying Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) properties of finite state reactive systems based on logic programming and program transformation. We encode a finite state system and an LTL property which we want to verify as a logic program on infinite lists. Then we apply a verification method consisting of two steps. In the first step we transform the logic program that encodes the given system and the given property into a new program belonging to the class of the so-called linear monadic !-programs (which are stratified, linear recursive programs defining nullary predicates or unary predicates on infinite lists). This transformation is performed by applying rules that preserve correctness. In the second step we verify the property of interest by using suitable proof rules for linear monadic !-programs. These proof rules can be encoded as a logic program which always terminates, if evaluated by using tabled resolution. Although our method uses standard program transformation techniques, the computational complexity of the derived verification algorithm is essentially the same as the one of the Lichtenstein-Pnueli algorithm [9], which uses sophisticated ad-hoc techniques

    Linear Encodings of Bounded LTL Model Checking

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    We consider the problem of bounded model checking (BMC) for linear temporal logic (LTL). We present several efficient encodings that have size linear in the bound. Furthermore, we show how the encodings can be extended to LTL with past operators (PLTL). The generalised encoding is still of linear size, but cannot detect minimal length counterexamples. By using the virtual unrolling technique minimal length counterexamples can be captured, however, the size of the encoding is quadratic in the specification. We also extend virtual unrolling to Buchi automata, enabling them to accept minimal length counterexamples. Our BMC encodings can be made incremental in order to benefit from incremental SAT technology. With fairly small modifications the incremental encoding can be further enhanced with a termination check, allowing us to prove properties with BMC. Experiments clearly show that our new encodings improve performance of BMC considerably, particularly in the case of the incremental encoding, and that they are very competitive for finding bugs. An analysis of the liveness-to-safety transformation reveals many similarities to the BMC encodings in this paper. Using the liveness-to-safety translation with BDD-based invariant checking results in an efficient method to find shortest counterexamples that complements the BMC-based approach.Comment: Final version for Logical Methods in Computer Science CAV 2005 special issu

    A Component-oriented Framework for Autonomous Agents

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    The design of a complex system warrants a compositional methodology, i.e., composing simple components to obtain a larger system that exhibits their collective behavior in a meaningful way. We propose an automaton-based paradigm for compositional design of such systems where an action is accompanied by one or more preferences. At run-time, these preferences provide a natural fallback mechanism for the component, while at design-time they can be used to reason about the behavior of the component in an uncertain physical world. Using structures that tell us how to compose preferences and actions, we can compose formal representations of individual components or agents to obtain a representation of the composed system. We extend Linear Temporal Logic with two unary connectives that reflect the compositional structure of the actions, and show how it can be used to diagnose undesired behavior by tracing the falsification of a specification back to one or more culpable components

    On the Complexity of ATL and ATL* Module Checking

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    Module checking has been introduced in late 1990s to verify open systems, i.e., systems whose behavior depends on the continuous interaction with the environment. Classically, module checking has been investigated with respect to specifications given as CTL and CTL* formulas. Recently, it has been shown that CTL (resp., CTL*) module checking offers a distinctly different perspective from the better-known problem of ATL (resp., ATL*) model checking. In particular, ATL (resp., ATL*) module checking strictly enhances the expressiveness of both CTL (resp., CTL*) module checking and ATL (resp. ATL*) model checking. In this paper, we provide asymptotically optimal bounds on the computational cost of module checking against ATL and ATL*, whose upper bounds are based on an automata-theoretic approach. We show that module-checking for ATL is EXPTIME-complete, which is the same complexity of module checking against CTL. On the other hand, ATL* module checking turns out to be 3EXPTIME-complete, hence exponentially harder than CTL* module checking.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2017, arXiv:1709.0176