21 research outputs found

    Data Support of Advanced Traveler Information System Considering Connected Vehicle Technology

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    Traveler information systems play a significant role in most travelers’ daily trips. These systems assist travelers in choosing the best routes to reach their destinations and possibly select suitable departure times and modes for their trips. Connected Vehicle (CV) technologies are now in the pilot program stage. Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communications will be an important source of data for traffic agencies. If this data is processed properly, then agencies will be able to better determine traffic conditions, allowing them to take proper countermeasures to remedy transportation system problems under different conditions. This research focuses on developing methods to assess the potential of utilizing CV data to support the traveler information system data collection process. The results from the assessment can be used to establish a timeline indicating when an agency can stop investing, at least partially, in traditional technologies, and instead rely on CV technologies for traveler information system support. This research utilizes real-world vehicle trajectory data collected under the Next Generation Simulation (NGSIM) program and simulation modeling to emulate the use of connected vehicle data to support the traveler information system. NGSIM datasets collected from an arterial segment and a freeway segment are used in this research. Microscopic simulation modeling is also used to generate required trajectory data, allowing further analysis, which is not possible using NGSIM data. The first step is to predict the market penetration of connected vehicles in future years. This estimated market penetration is then used for the evaluation of the effectiveness of CV-based data for travel time and volume estimation, which are two important inputs for the traveler information system. The travel times are estimated at different market penetrations of CV. The quality of the estimation is assessed by investigating the accuracy and reliability with different CV deployment scenarios. The quality of volume estimates is also assessed using the same data with different future scenarios of CV deployment and partial or no detector data. Such assessment supports the identification of a timeline indicating when CV data can be used to support the traveler information system

    A methodology (CUPRITE) for urban network travel time estimation by integrating multisource data

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    Travel time is an important network performance measure and it quantifies congestion in a manner easily understood by all transport users. In urban networks, travel time estimation is challenging due to number of reasons such as, fluctuations in traffic flow due to traffic signals, significant flow to/from mid-link sinks/sources, etc. In this research a methodology, named CUmulative plots and PRobe Integration for Travel timE estimation (CUPRITE), has been developed, tested and validated for average travel time estimation on signalized urban network. It provides exit movement specific link travel time and can be applied for route travel time estimation. The basis of CUPRITE lies in the classical analytical procedure of utilizing cumulative plots at upstream and downstream locations for estimating travel time between the two locations. The classical procedure is vulnerable to detector counting error and non conservation of flow between the two locations that induces relative deviation amongst the cumulative plots (RD). The originality of CUPRITE resides in integration of multi-source data: detector data and signal timings from different locations on the network, and probe vehicle data. First, cumulative plots are accurately estimated by integrating detector and signal timings. Thereafter, cumulative plots are integrated with probe vehicle data and RD issue is addressed. CUPRITE is tested rigorously using traffic simulation for different scenarios with different possible combinations of sink, source and detector error. The performance of the proposed methodology has been found insensitive to percentage of sink or source or detector error. For a link between two consecutive signalized intersections and during undersaturated traffic condition, the concept of virtual probe is introduced and travel time can be accurately estimated without any real probe. For oversaturated traffic condition, CUPRITE requires only few probes per estimation interval for accurate travel time estimation. CUPRITE is also validated with real data collected from number plate survey at Lucerne, Switzerland. Two tailed t-test (at 0.05 level of significance) results confirm that travel time estimates from CUPRITE are statistically equivalent to real estimates from number plate survey. The testing and validation of CUPRITE have demonstrated that it can be applied for accurate and reliable travel time estimation. The current market penetration of probe vehicle is quite low. In urban networks, availability of a large number of probes per estimation interval is rare. With limited number of probe vehicles in urban networks, CUPRITE can significantly enhance the accuracy of travel time estimation

    Methods for Utilizing Connected Vehicle Data in Support of Traffic Bottleneck Management

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    The decision to select the best Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) technologies from available options has always been a challenging task. The availability of connected vehicle/automated vehicle (CV/AV) technologies in the near future is expected to add to the complexity of the ITS investment decision-making process. The goal of this research is to develop a multi-criteria decision-making analysis (MCDA) framework to support traffic agencies’ decision-making process with consideration of CV/AV technologies. The decision to select between technology alternatives is based on identified performance measures and criteria, and constraints associated with each technology. Methods inspired by the literature were developed for incident/bottleneck detection and back-of-queue (BOQ) estimation and warning based on connected vehicle (CV) technologies. The mobility benefits of incident/bottleneck detection with different technologies were assessed using microscopic simulation. The performance of technology alternatives was assessed using simulated CV and traffic detector data in a microscopic simulation environment to be used in the proposed MCDA method for the purpose of alternative selection. In addition to assessing performance measures, there are a number of constraints and risks that need to be assessed in the alternative selection process. Traditional alternative analyses based on deterministic return on investment analysis are unable to capture the risks and uncertainties associated with the investment problem. This research utilizes a combination of a stochastic return on investment and a multi-criteria decision analysis method referred to as the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to select between ITS deployment alternatives considering emerging technologies. The approach is applied to an ITS investment case study to support freeway bottleneck management. The results of this dissertation indicate that utilizing CV data for freeway segments is significantly more cost-effective than using point detectors in detecting incidents and providing travel time estimates one year after CV technology becomes mandatory for all new vehicles and for corridors with moderate to heavy traffic. However, for corridors with light, there is a probability of CV deployment not being effective in the first few years due to low measurement reliability of travel times and high latency of incident detection, associated with smaller sample sizes of the collected data

    Multi-Criteria Evaluation in Support of the Decision-Making Process in Highway Construction Projects

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    The decision-making process in highway construction projects identifies and selects the optimal alternative based on the user requirements and evaluation criteria. The current practice of the decision-making process does not consider all construction impacts in an integrated decision-making process. This dissertation developed a multi-criteria evaluation framework to support the decision-making process in highway construction projects. In addition to the construction cost and mobility impacts, reliability, safety, and emission impacts are assessed at different evaluation levels and used as inputs to the decision-making process. Two levels of analysis, referred to as the planning level and operation level, are proposed in this research to provide input to a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) process that considers user prioritization of the assessed criteria. The planning level analysis provides faster and less detailed assessments of the inputs to the MCDM utilizing analytical tools, mainly in a spreadsheet format. The second level of analysis produces more detailed inputs to the MCDM and utilizes a combination of mesoscopic simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment tool, and microscopic simulation tool, combined with other utilities. The outputs generated from the two levels of analysis are used as inputs to a decision-making process based on present worth analysis and the Fuzzy TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Situation) MCDM method and the results are compared

    A Comprehensive Study on the Estimation of Freeway Travel Time Index and the Effect of Traffic Data Quality

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    Travel time reliability aims to quantify the variation of travel time by using the entire range of travel times for a given trip, for a selected time period over a selected horizon. A trip can occur over a segment, facility or any subset of the transportation network, for the purpose of calculating travel time reliability. As one of the most important performance measures, travel time reliability reports the number of trips that fail or succeed according to a predetermined standard. Unreliability is usually caused by the interaction of factors that influence travel times, such as fluctuations in demand due to daily or seasonal variation, or special events, traffic control devices, traffic incidents, inclement weather, work zones, and physical capacity. These factors collectively produce travel times that can be better presented by a probability distribution. A well-accepted measure of travel time reliability is the Travel Time Index (TTI) formulated as the ratio of travel time in the peak period to the travel time at free-flow conditions. In this thesis, the Travel Time Index values were calculated and compared from two different kinds of data sources: probe vehicles and fixed location detectors. Speed from vehicle probe data can be retrieved from the National Performance Management Research Dataset (NPMRDS) and the freeway segment speed can be calculated by dividing the segment length by the total travel time. Spot speed from fixed location detectors can be retrieved from the Wisconsin’s Archived Data Management Systems (ADMS), V-SPOC (Volume, Speed and Occupancy) which measures the speed at certain locations of a segment. The free flow speed also varies by data source. In the V-SPOC data, the posted speed limit is considered to be the free flow speed and in the NPMRDS data, the reference speed which is the 85th percentile speed of all observed sample speeds is considered to be the free flow speed. The effect of data quality on the TTI values is also examined in the thesis. Inductive loop detectors are a major source of traffic information, but they are often criticized for generating missing and faulty data which compromise real-time traffic control, operations, and management. There is no doubt that the quality of data will affect the accuracy of the calculation of Travel Time Index and its influence needs to be quantified. This study area was chosen to be the one that contains all different kinds road segments like basic, weaving, on ramp and off ramp segments. The result shows that the removal of invalid data improves the TTI index in the congested traffic conditions. Lastly, a traffic simulation application, FREEVAL-RL tool, was applied to calculate the Travel Time Index. The sensitivity analysis of some important parameters used in the FREEVAL-RL Tool was performed. Calibration procedure was designed and carried out for the tool to reflect the real-world scenarios such as are Capacity Adjustment Factor, jam density and capacity drop. The outcome of the calibrated model was consistently matched to the travel time distribution in terms of mean, 50th percentile, 80th percentile, 95th percentile Travel Time Index (TTI) reported in the NPMRDS data

    A Comprehensive Study on the Estimation of Freeway Travel Time Index and the Effect of Traffic Data Quality

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    Travel time reliability aims to quantify the variation of travel time by using the entire range of travel times for a given trip, for a selected time period over a selected horizon. A trip can occur over a segment, facility or any subset of the transportation network, for the purpose of calculating travel time reliability. As one of the most important performance measures, travel time reliability reports the number of trips that fail or succeed according to a predetermined standard. Unreliability is usually caused by the interaction of factors that influence travel times, such as fluctuations in demand due to daily or seasonal variation, or special events, traffic control devices, traffic incidents, inclement weather, work zones, and physical capacity. These factors collectively produce travel times that can be better presented by a probability distribution. A well-accepted measure of travel time reliability is the Travel Time Index (TTI) formulated as the ratio of travel time in the peak period to the travel time at free-flow conditions. In this thesis, the Travel Time Index values were calculated and compared from two different kinds of data sources: probe vehicles and fixed location detectors. Speed from vehicle probe data can be retrieved from the National Performance Management Research Dataset (NPMRDS) and the freeway segment speed can be calculated by dividing the segment length by the total travel time. Spot speed from fixed location detectors can be retrieved from the Wisconsin’s Archived Data Management Systems (ADMS), V-SPOC (Volume, Speed and Occupancy) which measures the speed at certain locations of a segment. The free flow speed also varies by data source. In the V-SPOC data, the posted speed limit is considered to be the free flow speed and in the NPMRDS data, the reference speed which is the 85th percentile speed of all observed sample speeds is considered to be the free flow speed. The effect of data quality on the TTI values is also examined in the thesis. Inductive loop detectors are a major source of traffic information, but they are often criticized for generating missing and faulty data which compromise real-time traffic control, operations, and management. There is no doubt that the quality of data will affect the accuracy of the calculation of Travel Time Index and its influence needs to be quantified. This study area was chosen to be the one that contains all different kinds road segments like basic, weaving, on ramp and off ramp segments. The result shows that the removal of invalid data improves the TTI index in the congested traffic conditions. Lastly, a traffic simulation application, FREEVAL-RL tool, was applied to calculate the Travel Time Index. The sensitivity analysis of some important parameters used in the FREEVAL-RL Tool was performed. Calibration procedure was designed and carried out for the tool to reflect the real-world scenarios such as are Capacity Adjustment Factor, jam density and capacity drop. The outcome of the calibrated model was consistently matched to the travel time distribution in terms of mean, 50th percentile, 80th percentile, 95th percentile Travel Time Index (TTI) reported in the NPMRDS data

    Proceedings, MSVSCC 2011

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    Proceedings of the 5th Annual Modeling, Simulation & Visualization Student Capstone Conference held on April 14, 2011 at VMASC in Suffolk, Virginia. 186 pp

    Understanding Factors Affecting Arterial Reliability Performance Metrics

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    In recent years, the importance of travel time reliability has become equally important as average travel time. However, the majority focus of travel time research is average travel time or travel time reliability on freeways. In addition, the identification of specific factors (i.e., peak hours, nighttime hours, etc.) and their effects on average travel time and travel time variability are often unknown. The current study addresses these two issues through a travel time-based study on urban arterials. Using travel times collected via Bluetooth data, a series of analyses are conducted to understand factors affecting reliability metrics on urban arterials. Analyses include outlier detection, a detailed descriptive analysis of select corridors, median travel time analysis, assessment of travel time reliability metrics recommended by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and a bivariate Tobit model. Results show that day of the week, time of day, and holidays have varying effects on average travel time, travel time reliability, and travel time variability. Results also show that evening peak hours have the greatest effects in regards to increasing travel time, nighttime hours have the greatest effects in regards to decreasing travel time, and directionality plays a vital role in all travel time-related metrics


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    Time-dependent Origin-Destination (OD) demand information is a fundamental input for Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) models to describe and predict time-varying traffic network flow patterns, as well as to generate anticipatory and coordinated control and information supply strategies for intelligent traffic network management. This dissertation addresses a series of critical and challenging issues in estimating and predicting dynamic OD demand for off-line and on-line DTA operation in a large-scale traffic network with various information sources. Based on an iterative bi-level estimation framework, this dissertation aims to enhance the quality of OD demand estimates by combining available historical static demand information and time-varying traffic measurements into a multi-objective optimization framework that minimizes the overall sum of squared deviations. The multi-day link traffic counts are also utilized to estimate the variation in traffic demand over multiple days. To circumvent the difficulties of obtaining sampling rates in a demand population, this research proposes a novel OD demand estimation formulation to effectively exploit OD demand distribution information provided by emerging Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) sensor data, and presents several robust formulations to accommodate possible deviations from idealized conditions in the demand estimation process. A structural real-time OD demand estimation and prediction model and a polynomial trend filter are developed to systematically model regular demand pattern information, structural deviations and random fluctuations, so as to provide reliable prediction and capture the structural changes in time-varying demand. Based on a Kalman filtering framework, an optimal adaptive updating procedure is further presented to use the real-time demand estimates to obtain a priori estimates of the mean and variance of regular demand patterns. To maintain a representation of the network states which consistent with that of the real-world traffic system in a real-time operational environment, this research proposes a dynamic OD demand optimal adjustment model and efficient sub-optimal feedback controllers to regulate the demand input for the real-time DTA simulator while reducing the adjustment magnitude

    Traffic modeling, estimation and control for large-scale congested urban networks

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    Part I of the thesis investigates novel urban traffic state estimation methods utilizing probe vehicle data. Chapter 2 proposes a method to integrate the collective effect of dispersed probe data with traffic kinematic wave theory and data mining techniques to model the spatial and temporal dynamics of queue formation and dissipation in arterials. The queue estimation method captures interdependencies in queue evolutions of successive intersections, and moreover, the method is applicable in oversaturated conditions and includes a queue spillover statistical inference procedure. Chapter 3 develops a travel time reliability model to estimate arterial route travel times distribution (TTD) considering spatial and temporal correlations between traffic states in consecutive links. The model uses link-level travel time data and a heuristic grid clustering method to estimate the state structure and transition probabilities of a Markov chain. By applying the Markov chain procedure, the correlation between states of successive links is integrated and the route-level TTD is estimated. The methods in Part I are tested with various probe vehicle penetration rates on case studies with field measurements and simulated data. The methods are straightforward in implementation and have demonstrated promising performance and accuracy through numerous experiments. Part II studies network-level modeling and control of large-scale urban networks. Chapter 4 is the pioneer that introduces the urban perimeter control for two-region urban cities as an elegant control strategy to decrease delays in urban networks. Perimeter controllers operate on the border between the two regions, and manipulate the percentages of transfer flows between the two regions, such that the number of trips reaching their destinations is maximized. The optimal perimeter control problem is solved by the model predictive control (MPC) scheme, where the prediction model and the plant (reality) are formulated by macroscopic fundamental diagrams (MFD). Chapter 5 extends the perimeter control strategy and MFD modeling to mixed urban-freeway networks to provide a holistic approach for large-scale integrated corridor management (ICM). The network consists of two urban regions, each one with a well-defined MFD, and a freeway, modeled by the asymmetric cell transmission model, that is an alternative commuting route which has one on-ramp and one off-ramp within each urban region. The optimal traffic control problem is solved by the MPC approach to minimize total delay in the entire network considering several control policies with different levels of urban-freeway control coordination. Chapter 6 integrates traffic heterogeneity dynamics in large-scale urban modeling and control to develop a hierarchical control strategy for heterogeneously congested cities. Two aggregated models, region- and subregion-based MFDs, are introduced to study the effect of link density heterogeneity on the scatter and hysteresis of MFD. A hierarchical perimeter flow control problem is proposed to minimize the network delay and to homogenize the distribution of congestion. The first level of the hierarchical control problem is solved by the MPC approach, where the prediction model is the aggregated parsimonious region-based MFD and the plant is the subregion-based MFD, which is a more detailed model. At the lower level, a feedback controller tries to maximize the network outflow, by increasing regional homogeneity