218,115 research outputs found

    An Intercomparison of Microphysical Retrieval Algorithms for Upper Tropospheric Ice Clouds

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    The large horizontal extent, location in the cold upper troposphere, and ice composition make cirrus clouds important modulators of the earth's radiation budget and climate. Cirrus cloud microphysical properties are difficult to measure and model because they are inhomogeneous in nature and their ice crystal size distribution and habit are not well characterized. Accurate retrievals of cloud properties are crucial for improving the representation of cloud scale processes in large-scale models and for accurately predicting the earth's future climate. A number of passive and active remote sensing retrieval algorithms exist for estimating the microphysical properties of upper tropospheric clouds. We believe significant progress has been made in the evolution of these retrieval algorithms in the last decade, however, there is room for improvement. Members of the Atmospheric Radiation measurement program (ARM) Cloud properties Working Group are involved in an intercomparison of optical depth(tau), ice water path, and characteristic particle size in clouds retrieved using ground-based instruments. The goals of this intercomparison are to evaluate the accuracy of state-of-the-art algorithms, quantify the uncertainties, and make recommendations for improvement

    Organizational Citizenship and Teacher Evaluation: Using the T-TESS to Promote OCB and Improve Student Outcomes

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    Within the reach of institutional climate, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) has received much attention in the business and psychological literature as a constructive mechanism designed to enhance group efficiency (Bateman & Organ, 1983; Organ, 1988; Podsakoff, Ahearn, & McKenzie, 1997). The essential definition indicates that organizational citizenship behavior refers to going beyond the requirements of one’s job with the understanding that taking such actions benefits the greater good (i.e., the company or school), with no expectation of reward or recognition for the action(s). Subsequent studies investigated OCB and its possible application in educational environs as a tool for improving school efficiency, climate, and student outcomes. The literature revealed that in schools where collectively high levels of faculty and administrator OCB existed, there have been improvements to school climate, school effectiveness, and student outcomes. In this paper, the researchers argue that the newly implemented teacher evaluation system used in the Texas public school system, the Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS), may be leveraged as an effective planning and professional development tool to strategically and positively impact levels of OCB among the faculty, and by extension, to improve pedagogical practice, school climate, and increase student achievement

    Stakeholder perceptions on sustainable livestock – report of a desk audit

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