265 research outputs found

    Comparative study and performance evaluation of MC-CDMA and OFDM over AWGN and fading channels environment

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    Η απαίτηση για εφαρμογές υψηλής ταχύτητας μετάδοσης δεδομένων έχει αυξηθεί σημαντικά τα τελευταία χρόνια. Η πίεση των χρηστών σήμερα για ταχύτερες επικοινωνίες, ανεξαρτήτως κινητής ή σταθερής, χωρίς επιπλέον κόστος είναι μια πραγματικότητα. Για να πραγματοποιηθούν αυτές οι απαιτήσεις, προτάθηκε ένα νέο σχήμα που συνδυάζει ψηφιακή διαμόρφωση και πολλαπλές προσβάσεις, για την ακρίβεια η Πολλαπλή Πρόσβαση με διαίρεση Κώδικα Πολλαπλού Φέροντος (Multi-Carrier Code Division Multiple Access MC-CDMA). Η εφαρμογή του Γρήγορου Μετασχηματισμού Φουριέ (Fast Fourier Transform,FFT) που βασίζεται στο (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, OFDM) χρησιμοποιεί τις περίπλοκες λειτουργίες βάσεως και αντικαθίσταται από κυματομορφές για να μειώσει το επίπεδο της παρεμβολής. Έχει βρεθεί ότι οι μετασχηματισμένες κυματομορφές (Wavelet Transform,W.T.) που βασίζονται στον Haar είναι ικανές να μειώσουν το ISI και το ICI, που προκαλούνται από απώλειες στην ορθογωνιότητα μεταξύ των φερόντων, κάτι που τις καθιστά απλούστερες για την εφαρμογή από του FFT. Επιπλέον κέρδος στην απόδοση μπορεί να επιτευχθεί αναζητώντας μια εναλλακτική λειτουργία ορθογωνικής βάσης και βρίσκοντας ένα καλύτερο μετασχηματισμό από του Φουριέ (Fourier) και τον μετασχηματισμό κυματομορφής (Wavelet Transform). Στην παρούσα εργασία, υπάρχουν τρία προτεινόμενα μοντέλα. Το 1ο, ( A proposed Model ‘1’ of OFDM based In-Place Wavelet Transform), το 2ο, A proposed Model ‘2’ based In-Place Wavelet Transform Algorithm and Phase Matrix (P.M) και το 3ο, A proposed Model ‘3’ of MC-CDMA Based on Multiwavelet Transform. Οι αποδόσεις τους συγκρίθηκαν με τα παραδοσιακά μοντέλα μονού χρήστη κάτω από διαφορετικά κανάλια (Κανάλι AWGN, επίπεδη διάλειψη και επιλεκτική διάλειψη).The demand for high data rate wireless multi-media applications has increased significantly in the past few years. The wireless user’s pressure towards faster communications, no matter whether mobile, nomadic, or fixed positioned, without extra cost is nowadays a reality. To fulfill these demands, a new scheme which combines wireless digital modulation and multiple accesses was proposed in the recent years, namely, Multicarrier-Code Division Multiple Access (MC-CDMA). The Fourier based OFDM uses the complex exponential bases functions and it is replaced by wavelets in order to reduce the level of interference. It is found that the Haar-based wavelets are capable of reducing the ISI and ICI, which are caused by the loss in orthogonality between the carriers. Further performance gains can be made by looking at alternative orthogonal basis functions and finding a better transform rather than Fourier and wavelet transform. In this thesis, there are three proposed models [Model ‘1’ (OFDM based on In-Place Wavelet Transform, Model ‘2’ (MC-CDMA based on IP-WT and Phase Matrix) and Model ‘3’ (MC-CDMA based on Multiwavelet Transform)] were created and then comparison their performances with the traditional models for single user system were compared under different channel characteristics (AWGN channel, flat fading and selective fading). The conclusion of my study as follows, the models (1) was achieved much lower bit error rates than traditional models based FFT. Therefore these models can be considered as an alternative to the conventional MC-CDMA based FFT. The main advantage of using In-Place wavelet transform in the proposed models that it does not require an additional array at each sweep such as in ordered Fast Haar wavelet transform, which makes it simpler for implementation than FFT. The model (2) gave a new algorithm based on In-Place wavelet transform with first level processing multiple by PM was proposed. The model (3) gave much lower bit error than other two models in additional to traditional models

    Soft-decision equalization techniques for frequency selective MIMO channels

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    Multi-input multi-output (MIMO) technology is an emerging solution for high data rate wireless communications. We develop soft-decision based equalization techniques for frequency selective MIMO channels in the quest for low-complexity equalizers with BER performance competitive to that of ML sequence detection. We first propose soft decision equalization (SDE), and demonstrate that decision feedback equalization (DFE) based on soft-decisions, expressed via the posterior probabilities associated with feedback symbols, is able to outperform hard-decision DFE, with a low computational cost that is polynomial in the number of symbols to be recovered, and linear in the signal constellation size. Building upon the probabilistic data association (PDA) multiuser detector, we present two new MIMO equalization solutions to handle the distinctive channel memory. With their low complexity, simple implementations, and impressive near-optimum performance offered by iterative soft-decision processing, the proposed SDE methods are attractive candidates to deliver efficient reception solutions to practical high-capacity MIMO systems. Motivated by the need for low-complexity receiver processing, we further present an alternative low-complexity soft-decision equalization approach for frequency selective MIMO communication systems. With the help of iterative processing, two detection and estimation schemes based on second-order statistics are harmoniously put together to yield a two-part receiver structure: local multiuser detection (MUD) using soft-decision Probabilistic Data Association (PDA) detection, and dynamic noise-interference tracking using Kalman filtering. The proposed Kalman-PDA detector performs local MUD within a sub-block of the received data instead of over the entire data set, to reduce the computational load. At the same time, all the inter-ference affecting the local sub-block, including both multiple access and inter-symbol interference, is properly modeled as the state vector of a linear system, and dynamically tracked by Kalman filtering. Two types of Kalman filters are designed, both of which are able to track an finite impulse response (FIR) MIMO channel of any memory length. The overall algorithms enjoy low complexity that is only polynomial in the number of information-bearing bits to be detected, regardless of the data block size. Furthermore, we introduce two optional performance-enhancing techniques: cross- layer automatic repeat request (ARQ) for uncoded systems and code-aided method for coded systems. We take Kalman-PDA as an example, and show via simulations that both techniques can render error performance that is better than Kalman-PDA alone and competitive to sphere decoding. At last, we consider the case that channel state information (CSI) is not perfectly known to the receiver, and present an iterative channel estimation algorithm. Simulations show that the performance of SDE with channel estimation approaches that of SDE with perfect CSI

    Design of sequences with good correlation properties

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    This thesis is dedicated to exploring sequences with good correlation properties. Periodic sequences with desirable correlation properties have numerous applications in communications. Ideally, one would like to have a set of sequences whose out-of-phase auto-correlation magnitudes and cross-correlation magnitudes are very small, preferably zero. However, theoretical bounds show that the maximum magnitudes of auto-correlation and cross-correlation of a sequence set are mutually constrained, i.e., if a set of sequences possesses good auto-correlation properties, then the cross-correlation properties are not good and vice versa. The design of sequence sets that achieve those theoretical bounds is therefore of great interest. In addition, instead of pursuing the least possible correlation values within an entire period, it is also interesting to investigate families of sequences with ideal correlation in a smaller zone around the origin. Such sequences are referred to as sequences with zero correlation zone or ZCZ sequences, which have been extensively studied due to their applications in 4G LTE and 5G NR systems, as well as quasi-synchronous code-division multiple-access communication systems. Paper I and a part of Paper II aim to construct sequence sets with low correlation within a whole period. Paper I presents a construction of sequence sets that meets the Sarwate bound. The construction builds a connection between generalised Frank sequences and combinatorial objects, circular Florentine arrays. The size of the sequence sets is determined by the existence of circular Florentine arrays of some order. Paper II further connects circular Florentine arrays to a unified construction of perfect polyphase sequences, which include generalised Frank sequences as a special case. The size of a sequence set that meets the Sarwate bound, depends on a divisor of the period of the employed sequences, as well as the existence of circular Florentine arrays. Paper III-VI and a part of Paper II are devoted to ZCZ sequences. Papers II and III propose infinite families of optimal ZCZ sequence sets with respect to some bound, which are used to eliminate interference within a single cell in a cellular network. Papers V, VI and a part of Paper II focus on constructions of multiple optimal ZCZ sequence sets with favorable inter-set cross-correlation, which can be used in multi-user communication environments to minimize inter-cell interference. In particular, Paper~II employs circular Florentine arrays and improves the number of the optimal ZCZ sequence sets with optimal inter-set cross-correlation property in some cases.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    A General Framework for Analyzing, Characterizing, and Implementing Spectrally Modulated, Spectrally Encoded Signals

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    Fourth generation (4G) communications will support many capabilities while providing universal, high speed access. One potential enabler for these capabilities is software defined radio (SDR). When controlled by cognitive radio (CR) principles, the required waveform diversity is achieved via a synergistic union called CR-based SDR. Research is rapidly progressing in SDR hardware and software venues, but current CR-based SDR research lacks the theoretical foundation and analytic framework to permit efficient implementation. This limitation is addressed here by introducing a general framework for analyzing, characterizing, and implementing spectrally modulated, spectrally encoded (SMSE) signals within CR-based SDR architectures. Given orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a 4G candidate signal, OFDM-based signals are collectively classified as SMSE since modulation and encoding are spectrally applied. The proposed framework provides analytic commonality and unification of SMSE signals. Applicability is first shown for candidate 4G signals, and resultant analytic expressions agree with published results. Implementability is then demonstrated in multiple coexistence scenarios via modeling and simulation to reinforce practical utility

    Cognitive Radio Dynamic Access Techniques

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    Mobile and Wireless Communications

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    Mobile and Wireless Communications have been one of the major revolutions of the late twentieth century. We are witnessing a very fast growth in these technologies where mobile and wireless communications have become so ubiquitous in our society and indispensable for our daily lives. The relentless demand for higher data rates with better quality of services to comply with state-of-the art applications has revolutionized the wireless communication field and led to the emergence of new technologies such as Bluetooth, WiFi, Wimax, Ultra wideband, OFDMA. Moreover, the market tendency confirms that this revolution is not ready to stop in the foreseen future. Mobile and wireless communications applications cover diverse areas including entertainment, industrialist, biomedical, medicine, safety and security, and others, which definitely are improving our daily life. Wireless communication network is a multidisciplinary field addressing different aspects raging from theoretical analysis, system architecture design, and hardware and software implementations. While different new applications are requiring higher data rates and better quality of service and prolonging the mobile battery life, new development and advanced research studies and systems and circuits designs are necessary to keep pace with the market requirements. This book covers the most advanced research and development topics in mobile and wireless communication networks. It is divided into two parts with a total of thirty-four stand-alone chapters covering various areas of wireless communications of special topics including: physical layer and network layer, access methods and scheduling, techniques and technologies, antenna and amplifier design, integrated circuit design, applications and systems. These chapters present advanced novel and cutting-edge results and development related to wireless communication offering the readers the opportunity to enrich their knowledge in specific topics as well as to explore the whole field of rapidly emerging mobile and wireless networks. We hope that this book will be useful for students, researchers and practitioners in their research studies

    Quantum search algorithms, quantum wireless, and a low-complexity maximum likelihood iterative quantum multi-user detector design

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    The high complexity of numerous optimal classic communication schemes, such as the maximum likelihood (ML) multiuser detector (MUD), often prevents their practical implementation. In this paper, we present an extensive review and tutorial on quantum search algorithms (QSA) and their potential applications, and we employ a QSA that finds the minimum of a function in order to perform optimal hard MUD with a quadratic reduction in the computational complexity when compared to that of the ML MUD. Furthermore, we follow a quantum approach to achieve the same performance as the optimal soft-input soft-output classic detectors by replacing them with a quantum algorithm, which estimates the weighted sum of a function’s evaluations. We propose a soft-input soft-output quantum-assisted MUD (QMUD) scheme, which is the quantum-domain equivalent of the ML MUD. We then demonstrate its application using the design example of a direct-sequence code division multiple access system employing bit-interleaved coded modulation relying on iterative decoding, and compare it with the optimal ML MUD in terms of its performance and complexity. Both our extrinsic information transfer charts and bit error ratio curves show that the performance of the proposed QMUD and that of the optimal classic MUD are equivalent, but the QMUD’s computational complexity is significantly lower