12 research outputs found

    Precise service level agreements

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    SLAng is an XML language for defining service level agreements, the part of a contract between the client and provider of an Internet service that describes the quality attributes that the service is required to possess. We define the semantics of SLAng precisely by modelling the syntax of the language in UML, then embedding the language model in an environmental model that describes the structure and behaviour of services. The presence of SLAng elements imposes behavioural constraints on service elements, and the precise definition of these constraints using OCL constitutes the semantic description of the language. We use the semantics to define a notion of SLA compatibility, and an extension to UML that enables the modelling of service situations as a precursor to analysis, implementation and provisioning activities

    Initial CONNECT Architecture

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    Interoperability remains a fundamental challenge when connecting heterogeneous systems which encounter and spontaneously communicate with one another in pervasive computing environments. This challenge is exasperated by the highly heterogeneous technologies employed by each of the interacting parties, i.e., in terms of hardware, operating system, middleware protocols, and application protocols. The key aim of the CONNECT project is to drop this heterogeneity barrier and achieve universal interoperability. Here we report on the development of the overall CONNECT architecture that will underpin this solution; in this respect, we present the following contributions: i) an elicitation of interoperability requirements from a set of pervasive computing scenarios, ii) a survey of existing solutions to interoperability, iii) an initial view of the CONNECT architecture, and iv) a series of experiments to provide initial validation of the architecture

    Dynamic Assembly for System Adaptability, Dependability, and Assurance

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    (DASASA) ProjectAuthor-contributed print ite

    Un environnement de spécification et de découverte pour la réutilisation des composants logiciels dans le développement des logiciels distribués

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    Notre travail vise à élaborer une solution efficace pour la découverte et la réutilisation des composants logiciels dans les environnements de développement existants et couramment utilisés. Nous proposons une ontologie pour décrire et découvrir des composants logiciels élémentaires. La description couvre à la fois les propriétés fonctionnelles et les propriétés non fonctionnelles des composants logiciels exprimées comme des paramètres de QoS. Notre processus de recherche est basé sur la fonction qui calcule la distance sémantique entre la signature d'un composant et la signature d'une requête donnée, réalisant ainsi une comparaison judicieuse. Nous employons également la notion de " subsumption " pour comparer l'entrée-sortie de la requête et des composants. Après sélection des composants adéquats, les propriétés non fonctionnelles sont employées comme un facteur distinctif pour raffiner le résultat de publication des composants résultats. Nous proposons une approche de découverte des composants composite si aucun composant élémentaire n'est trouvé, cette approche basée sur l'ontologie commune. Pour intégrer le composant résultat dans le projet en cours de développement, nous avons développé l'ontologie d'intégration et les deux services " input/output convertor " et " output Matching ".Our work aims to develop an effective solution for the discovery and the reuse of software components in existing and commonly used development environments. We propose an ontology for describing and discovering atomic software components. The description covers both the functional and non functional properties which are expressed as QoS parameters. Our search process is based on the function that calculates the semantic distance between the component interface signature and the signature of a given query, thus achieving an appropriate comparison. We also use the notion of "subsumption" to compare the input/output of the query and the components input/output. After selecting the appropriate components, the non-functional properties are used to refine the search result. We propose an approach for discovering composite components if any atomic component is found, this approach based on the shared ontology. To integrate the component results in the project under development, we developed the ontology integration and two services " input/output convertor " and " output Matching "

    NASA Tech Briefs, March 1995

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    This issue contains articles with a special focus on Computer-Aided design and engineering amd a research report on the Ames Research Center. Other subjects in this issue are: Electronic Components and Circuits, Electronic Systems, Physical Sciences, Materials, Computer Programs, Mechanics, Machinery, Manufacturing/Fabrication, Mathematics and Information Sciences and Life Science

    How To Touch a Running System

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    The increasing importance of distributed and decentralized software architectures entails more and more attention for adaptive software. Obtaining adaptiveness, however, is a difficult task as the software design needs to foresee and cope with a variety of situations. Using reconfiguration of components facilitates this task, as the adaptivity is conducted on an architecture level instead of directly in the code. This results in a separation of concerns; the appropriate reconfiguration can be devised on a coarse level, while the implementation of the components can remain largely unaware of reconfiguration scenarios. We study reconfiguration in component frameworks based on formal theory. We first discuss programming with components, exemplified with the development of the cmc model checker. This highly efficient model checker is made of C++ components and serves as an example for component-based software development practice in general, and also provides insights into the principles of adaptivity. However, the component model focuses on high performance and is not geared towards using the structuring principle of components for controlled reconfiguration. We thus complement this highly optimized model by a message passing-based component model which takes reconfigurability to be its central principle. Supporting reconfiguration in a framework is about alleviating the programmer from caring about the peculiarities as much as possible. We utilize the formal description of the component model to provide an algorithm for reconfiguration that retains as much flexibility as possible, while avoiding most problems that arise due to concurrency. This algorithm is embedded in a general four-stage adaptivity model inspired by physical control loops. The reconfiguration is devised to work with stateful components, retaining their data and unprocessed messages. Reconfiguration plans, which are provided with a formal semantics, form the input of the reconfiguration algorithm. We show that the algorithm achieves perceived atomicity of the reconfiguration process for an important class of plans, i.e., the whole process of reconfiguration is perceived as one atomic step, while minimizing the use of blocking of components. We illustrate the applicability of our approach to reconfiguration by providing several examples like fault-tolerance and automated resource control

    An algorithmic approach to system architecting using shape grammar-cellular automata

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 404-417).This thesis expands upon the understanding of the fundamentals of system architecting in order to more effectively apply this process to engineering systems. The universal concern about the system architecting process is that the needs and wants of the stakeholders are not being fully satisfied, primarily because too few design alternatives are created and ambiguity exists in the information required. At the same time, it is noted that nature offers a superb example of system architecting and therefore should be considered as a guide for the engineering of systems. Key features of nature's architecting processes include self-generation, diversity, emergence, least action (balance of kinetic and potential energy), system-of-systems organization, and selection for stability. Currently, no human-friendly method appears to exist that addresses the problems in the field of system architecture while at the same time emulating nature's processes. By adapting nature's self-generative approach, a systematic means is offered to more rigorously conduct system architecting and better satisfy stakeholders. After reviewing generative design methods, an algorithmic methodology is developed to generate a space of architectural solutions satisfying a given specification, local constraints, and physical laws. This approach combines a visually oriented human design interface (shape grammar) that provides an intuitive design language with a machine (cellular automata) to execute the system architecture's production set (algorithm). The manual output of the flexible shape grammar, the set of design rules, is transcribed into cellular automata neighborhoods as a sequenced production set that may include other simple programs (such as combinatoric instructions).(cont.) The resulting catalog of system architectures can be unmanageably large, so selection criteria (e.g., stability, matching interfaces, least action) are defined by the architect to narrow the solution space for stakeholder review. The shape grammar-cellular automata algorithmic approach was demonstrated across several domains of study. This methodology improves on the design's clarification and the number of design alternatives produced, which should result in greater stakeholder satisfaction. Of additional significance, this approach has shown value both in the study of the system architecting process, leading to the proposal of normative principles for system architecture, and in the modeling of systems for better understanding.by Thomas H. Speller, Jr.Ph.D

    NASA Tech Briefs, December 1992

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    Topics include: Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery; Fabrication Technology; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Life Sciences

    An architecture for the uniframe resource discovery service

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    Frequently, the software development for large-scale distributed systems requires combining components that adhere to different object models. One solution for the integration of distributed and heterogeneous software components is the UniFrame approach. It provides a comprehensive framework unifying existing and emerging distributed component models under a common meta-model that enables the discovery, interoperability, and collaboration of components via generative software techniques. This paper presents the architecture for the resource discovery aspect of this framework, called the UniFrame Resource Discovery Service (URDS). The proposed architecture addresses the following issues: a) dynamic discovery of heterogeneous components, and b) selection