31 research outputs found

    A Framework for MPLS in Transport Networks

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    Hybrid IP/SDN networking: open implementation and experiment management tools

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    The introduction of SDN in large-scale IP provider networks is still an open issue and different solutions have been suggested so far. In this paper we propose a hybrid approach that allows the coexistence of traditional IP routing with SDN based forwarding within the same provider domain. The solution is called OSHI - Open Source Hybrid IP/SDN networking as we have fully implemented it combining and extending Open Source software. We discuss the OSHI system architecture and the design and implementation of advanced services like Pseudo Wires and Virtual Switches. In addition, we describe a set of Open Source management tools for the emulation of the proposed solution using either the Mininet emulator or distributed physical testbeds. We refer to this suite of tools as Mantoo (Management tools). Mantoo includes an extensible web-based graphical topology designer, which provides different layered network "views" (e.g. from physical links to service relationships among nodes). The suite can validate an input topology, automatically deploy it over a Mininet emulator or a distributed SDN testbed and allows access to emulated nodes by opening consoles in the web GUI. Mantoo provides also tools to evaluate the performance of the deployed nodes.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transaction of Network and Service Management - December 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TNSM.2015.250762

    Транспортні мережі на основі технології MPLS, принципи, перспективи розвитку

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    Мета роботи – дослідження транспортних мереж на основі технології MPLS. Аналіз напрямків адаптації технології MPLS для досягнення відповідності вимогам транспортних мереж. У даній роботі розглядається транспортна мережа як невід’ємна частина телекомунікаційної системи, аналізуються технічні принципи функціювання мереж MPLS, проводиться огляд основних технічних принципів транспортних мереж MPLS TP та їх відмінностей від принципів MPLS, аналізується питання моніторингу і керування мережами MPLS TP та питання щодо напрямку подальшого розвитку мереж MPLS TP, зокрема, переходу до технології GMPLS.The purpose of the work is to study transport networks based on MPLS technology. Analysis of directions of MPLS technology adaptation to achieve compliance with the requirements of transport networks. This paper considers transport network as an integral part of telecommunication system, analyzes technical principles of MPLS networks operation, reviews main technical principles of MPLS TP transport networks and their differences from MPLS principles, analyzes the issue of monitoring and management of MPLS TP networks and the direction of further development of MPLS TP networks, in particular, the transition to GMPLS technology

    Análisis de viabilidad de la integración de los circuitos IRR, ADL y HOT en el Sistema de Defensa Aérea a través del terminal satélite TLB-50 IP.

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    El proyecto abarca una propuesta de mejora de los equipos en dotación que se encuentran actualmente en la Unidad de Transmisiones del Mando de Artillería Antiaérea (UTMAAA), así como las diferentes Baterías de Artillería Antiaérea a las que esta Unidad presta apoyo. La propuesta se centra principalmente en aumentar la operatividad de la Artillería Antiaérea en cuanto a capacidades de despliegue, dotando a la UTMAAA de terminales satélite TLB-IP y equipos que posibiliten su compatibilidad con los equipos multiplexores que se emplean en la Artillería Antiaérea. Las mejoras que se proponen permitirán desplegar tanto las Baterías como el Centro Director de Fuegos (FDC) en cualquier asentamiento sin depender de ningún punto de integración terrestre y sin comprometer su capacidad operativa gracias al uso de enlace satélite con el terminal TLB-IP. De esta manera, durante las misiones en el extranjero se podrá contar con enlace directo con la red estratégica española y acceder a la información aérea que pueda otorgar. Además, las Baterías no dependerán de tendido de cable o radioenlace con Línea de Visión Directa con el FDC para su emplazamiento, lo que les permitirá situarse en lugares tácticamente mejores, más ocultos y más seguros, sin comprometer el enlace ni su estabilidad. Para el desarrollo de este proyecto se ha tenido en cuenta la experiencia aportada por el personal de la 2ª Compañía de la UTMAAA en cuanto al uso de equipos y conocimientos técnicos, así como experiencia en maniobras y operaciones reales. Se ha contado, además, con diversa documentación técnica proporcionada por la propia Compañía y por las empresas de telecomunicaciones INDRA, RAD y SISTELEC.<br /

    Path computation in multi-layer networks: Complexity and algorithms

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    Carrier-grade networks comprise several layers where different protocols coexist. Nowadays, most of these networks have different control planes to manage routing on different layers, leading to a suboptimal use of the network resources and additional operational costs. However, some routers are able to encapsulate, decapsulate and convert protocols and act as a liaison between these layers. A unified control plane would be useful to optimize the use of the network resources and automate the routing configurations. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) based architectures, such as OpenFlow, offer a chance to design such a control plane. One of the most important problems to deal with in this design is the path computation process. Classical path computation algorithms cannot resolve the problem as they do not take into account encapsulations and conversions of protocols. In this paper, we propose algorithms to solve this problem and study several cases: Path computation without bandwidth constraint, under bandwidth constraint and under other Quality of Service constraints. We study the complexity and the scalability of our algorithms and evaluate their performances on real topologies. The results show that they outperform the previous ones proposed in the literature.Comment: IEEE INFOCOM 2016, Apr 2016, San Francisco, United States. To be published in IEEE INFOCOM 2016, \&lt;http://infocom2016.ieee-infocom.org/\&g

    Comparing Interconnecting Methods for Multiprotocol Label Switched Virtual Private Networks

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    Operaattorit tarjoavat leimakytkentää hyödyntäviä virtuaaliverkkopalveluita asiakkailleen. Lisäksi operaattorit hyödyntävät niitä omien palveluidensa tuottamisessa. Sekä leimakytkentä että sitä hyödyntävät virtuaaliverkkopalvelut on määritelty toimiviksi yhden autonomisen alueen sisällä. Tässä työssä vertaillaan neljää erilaista tapaa liittää virtuaaliverkot toimimaan yli AS-rajojen. Vertailu tehdään tietoturvallisuuden näkökulmasta. Työssä paneudutaan kolmeen eri virtuaaliverkkopalveluun ja siihen, miten näiden toteutustekniikat vaikuttavat yhteenliittämiseen. Vertailu on pyritty tekemään niin, että se on sovellettavissa kaikille palveluille. Kaikilta osilta näin ei ole, sillä palveluiden toteutustavat poikkeavat liikaa toisistaan. Vertailu paljasti, että yhteenliittämistavoilla on erilaisia vahvuuksia tietoturvan suhteen. Yhteenliittämistapaa valitessa operaattorin tulee määritellä, mitä tietoturvauhkia painottaa. Osa tietoturvauhista johtuu laitevalmistajien toteutuksien heikkouksista, mutta osa on standardeille ominaisia. Tietoturvariskit tiedostaen, ja ottamalla huomioon yhteenliittämisen aiheuttamat lisäriskit tietoturvalle, operaattorin on mahdollista tarjota tietoturvallisia leimakytkentäisiä virtuaaliverkkopalveluita, jotka kattavat useamman autonomisen alueen.Telecommunication operators offer Multiprotocol Label Switched Virtual Private Networks to their customers. Also, MPLS VPN technologies can be used for operators' internal purposes, to enable them to offer wider range of services in single infrastructure. Both MPLS and MPLS based VPNs are defined to be used inside single autonomous system, AS. The aim of this thesis is to compare four different interconnection methods for MPLS VPNs in different AS's. The focus is on security. Three different MPLS VPN services are looked into closely. Each service's technology's effect on interconnection is of interest. The comparison tries to incorporate all three services. But, since the services differ from each other, not all criteria concern all services. The comparison revealed that the interconnection methods have different strengths concerning security. When choosing the interconnection method, an operator needs to define what areas of security it finds relevant. A portion of security issues are implementation specific, but some come directly from the standards. When operator is aware of the security issues related to chosen interconnection method, it is safe to offer MPLS VPNs that cover multiple autonomous systems

    Overview of UMTS network evolution through radio and transmission feature validation

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    This project is based on several UMTS network feature validation with the aim to provide an end-to-end in-depth knowledge overview gained in parallel in the areas of radio network mobility processes (cell camping and inter-system handover), Quality of Service improvement for HSPA data users and transport network evolution towards the All-IP era.Hardware and software validation is a key step in the relationship between the mobile network operator and the vendor. Through this verification process, while executing that functionality or testing a specific hardware, the difference between the actual result and expected result can be better understood and, in turn, this in-depth knowledge acquisition is translated into a tailored usage of the product in the operator’s live network. As a result, validation helps in building a better product as per the customer’s requirement and helps satisfying their needs, which positively impacts in the future evolution of the vendor product roadmap implementation process for a specific customer. This project is based on several Universal Mobile Telecommunication Services (UMTS) network feature validation with the aim to provide an end-to-end in-depth knowledge overview gained in parallel in the areas of radio network mobility processes (cell camping and inter-system handover), Quality of Service improvement for High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSPA) data users and transport network evolution towards the All-IP era.Las campañas de validación hardware y software son un paso clave en las relaciones comerciales establecidas entre un operador de telecomunicaciones y su proveedor de equipos de red. Durante los procesos de certificación, mientras se ejecuta una funcionalidad software o se valida un determinado hardware, se obtiene un conocimiento profundo de la diferencia entre el resultado obtenido y el esperado, repercutiendo directamente en un uso a medida de dicha funcionalidad o hardware en la propia red del cliente. Como consecuencia de lo anterior, podemos aseverar que los procesos de validación permiten en gran medida al proveedor adaptarse mejor a los requerimientos del cliente, ayudando a satisfacer realmente sus necesidades. Esto implica directamente un impacto positivo en la futura evolución del portfolio que el fabricante ofrece a un determinado cliente. Este proyecto está basado en la validación de diferentes funcionalidades de red UMTS, cuyo objetivo es proporcionar un conocimiento global de distintos aspectos que conforman el funcionamiento de una red de telecomunicaciones 3G, como son los procesos de movilidad de acceso radio (acampado de red y handover inter-sistema), las mejoras en la calidad de servicio para usuarios de datos HSPA y la convergencia de la red de transporte hacia la era IP.Els processos de validació hardware i software són un punt clau en les relacions comercials establertes entre un operador de telecomunicaciones i el proveïdor d'equipament de la xarxa. En el transcurs dels processos de certificació, a la mateixa vegada que s'executa una funcionalitat software o es valida un determinat hardware, s'obtenen grans coneixements respecte la diferència entre el resultat obtingut i l'esperat, que són d'aplicació directa a l'hora d'establir un ús adpatat a la xarxa del client. En conseqüència, podem asseverar que les campanyes de validació permeten en gran mesura al proveïdor adaptar-se millor als requeriments del client, ajudant a satisfer realment les seves necessitats. Això implica directament un impacte positiu en la futura evol.lució del portfoli que el fabricant ofereix a un determinat client. Aquest projecte es basa en la presentació d'un procès de validació de diferents funcionalitats relacionades amb la xarxa UMTS, amb l'objectiu de proporcionar un coneixement global de la varietat d'aspectes que conformen el funcionament d'una xarxa de telecomunicacions 3G, com són els processos de mobilitat en accès radio (acampat de l'usuari i handover inter-sistema), millores en la qualitat de servei per a usuaris de dades HSPA i la convergència de la xarxa de transport cap a l'era IP


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    Real-time and multimedia applications have grown enormously during the last few years. Such applications require guaranteed bandwidth in a packet switched networks. Moreover, these applications require that the guaranteed bandwidth remains available when a node or a link in the network fails. Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) networks cater to these requirements without compromising scalability. Guaranteed service and protection against failures in an MPLS network requires backup paths to be present in the network. Such backup paths are computed and installed at the same time a primary is provisioned. This thesis explains the single-layer restoration routing by placing primary as well as backup paths in MPLS networks. Our focus will be on computing and establishing backup paths, and bandwidth sharing along such backup paths. We will start by providing a quick overview of MPLS routing. We will identify the elements and quantities that are significant to the understanding of MPLS restoration routing. To this end, we will introduce the information locally stored at MPLS nodes and information propagated through routing protocols, in order to assist in efficient restoration routing. L2VPNs and VPLS will also be covered in the end of this thesis. In the end SDN (software defined networks) will be introduced

    Next generation control of transport networks

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    It is widely understood by telecom operators and industry analysts that bandwidth demand is increasing dramatically, year on year, with typical growth figures of 50% for Internet-based traffic [5]. This trend means that the consumers will have both a wide variety of devices attaching to their networks and a range of high bandwidth service requirements. The corresponding impact is the effect on the traffic engineered network (often referred to as the “transport network”) to ensure that the current rate of growth of network traffic is supported and meets predicted future demands. As traffic demands increase and newer services continuously arise, novel network elements are needed to provide more flexibility, scalability, resilience, and adaptability to today’s transport network. The transport network provides transparent traffic engineered communication of user, application, and device traffic between attached clients (software and hardware) and establishing and maintaining point-to-point or point-to-multipoint connections. The research documented in this thesis was based on three initial research questions posed while performing research at British Telecom research labs and investigating control of transport networks of future transport networks: 1. How can we meet Internet bandwidth growth yet minimise network costs? 2. Which enabling network technologies might be leveraged to control network layers and functions cooperatively, instead of separated network layer and technology control? 3. Is it possible to utilise both centralised and distributed control mechanisms for automation and traffic optimisation? This thesis aims to provide the classification, motivation, invention, and evolution of a next generation control framework for transport networks, and special consideration of delivering broadcast video traffic to UK subscribers. The document outlines pertinent telecoms technology and current art, how requirements I gathered, and research I conducted, and by which the transport control framework functional components are identified and selected, and by which method the architecture was implemented and applied to key research projects requiring next generation control capabilities, both at British Telecom and the wider research community. Finally, in the closing chapters, the thesis outlines the next steps for ongoing research and development of the transport network framework and key areas for further study