8 research outputs found

    An Architecture for Blockchain over Edge-enabled IoT for Smart Circular Cities

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    Circular Economy is a novel economic model, where every ‘asset’ is not wasted but reused and upscaled. The Internet of Things-IoT paradigm can underpin the transition to a Circular Economy by enabling fine-grained and continuous asset tracking. However, there are issues related to security and privacy of IoT devices that generate and handle sensitive and personal data. The use of Blockchain technology provides an answer to this issue, however, its application raises issues related to the highly-constrained nature of these networks. In this paper, Edge Computing is presented as a solution to this issue, providing a way in which Blockchain and Edge Computing can be used together to address the constrained nature of IoT. Furthermore, we present the challenges that this combination poses and the opportunities that it brings. We propose an architecture that decreases the IoT devices requirements for memory capacity and increases the overall performance. We also discuss the architecture design and the challenges that it has, comparing it to the traditional Blockchain architecture as well as an Edge Computing architecture for Mobile Blockchain. The paper closes with a discussion and future extensions of our work are presented, as well

    Secured Framework for Smart Farming in Hydroponics with Intelligent and Precise Management based on IoT with Blockchain Technology

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    Hydroponics is a type of soil-free farming that uses less water and other resources than conventional soil-based farming methods. However, due to the simultaneous supervision of multiple factors, nutrition advice, and plant diagnosis system, monitoring hydroponics farming is a difficult task. Hydroponic techniques utilizing the IoT show to deliver the finest outcomes, despite the usage of various artificial culture methods. Though, the usage of smart communication technologies and IoT exposes environments for smart farming to a wide range of cybersecurity risks and weaknesses. However, the adoption of intelligence-based controlling algorithms in the agricultural industry is a good use of current technical advancements to address these issues. This paper presented a secured framework for smart farming in hydroponics system. The proposed architecture is characterized into four-layer IoT based framework, sensor, communication, fog and cloud layer. Data analytics is performed using supervised machine learning techniques with intelligent and precise management and is applied at the fog layer for efficient computation over the cloud layer. The data security over channel is protected by using Blockchain Technology. The experimental results are evaluated and analyzed for several statistical parameters in order to improve the system efficacy

    Barriers to transitioning towards smart circular economy: A systematic literature review

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    This paper defines smart circular economy as an industrial system that uses digital technologies to implement circular strategies such as reduce, reuse, remanufacturing and recycling. The smart circular economy has been regarded as a promising approach to enhance sustainability. However, barriers exist in various stages of the transition towards smart circular economy. This paper employs a systematic literature review to identify the main barriers that prevent companies from this transition. We adopt a change management perspective to study this transition and propose that it follows a classical three-step process of organizational change: unfreeze, move, and refreeze. We identified 24 barriers in five categories: finance, management, infrastructure, network, and technology. Then, we placed the barriers into the three steps to further investigate how they affect each stage of the transition. Our analysis suggests that: (a) stakeholders play a central role in the process; (b) companies often have financial issues in the early steps of change; (c) technological challenges emerge in the advanced steps. The findings can help diagnose companies’ current status, identify solutions to tackle the barriers and predict future challenges

    Applications of Industry 4.0 Digital Technologies Towards A Construction Circular Economy: Thematic, Gap Analysis and Conceptual Framework

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    Purpose This paper aims to explore the emerging relationship between Industry 4.0 (I4.0) digital technologies (e.g. blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI)) and the construction industry’s gradual transition into a circular economy (CE) system to foster the adoption of circular economy in the construction industry. Design/methodology/approach A critical and thematic analysis conducted on 115 scientific papers reveals a noticeable growth in adopting digital technologies to leverage a CE system. Moreover, a conceptual framework is developed to show the interrelationship between different I4.0 technologies to foster the implantation of CE in the construction industry. Findings Most of the existing bodies of research provide conceptual solutions rather than developing workable applications and the future of smart cities. Moreover, the coalescence of different technologies is highly recommended to enable tracking of building assets’ and components’ (e.g. fixtures and fittings and structural components) performance, which enables users to optimize the salvage value of components reusing or recycling them just in time and extending assets’ operating lifetime. Finally, circular supply chain management must be adopted for both new and existing buildings to realise the industry's CE ambitions. Hence, further applied research is required to foster CE adoption for existing cities and infrastructure that connects them. Originality/value This paper investigates the interrelationships between most emerging digital technologies and circular economy and concludes with the development of a conceptual digital ecosystem to integrate IoT, blockchain and AI into the operation of assets to direct future practical research application

    Linking circular economy and digitalisation technologies : A systematic literature review of past achievements and future promises

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    The circular economy (CE) has the potential to capitalise upon emerging digital technologies, such as big data, artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain and the Internet of things (IoT), amongst others. These digital technologies combined with business model innovation are deemed to provide solutions to myriad problems in the world, including those related to circular economy transformation. Given the societal and practical importance of CE and digitalisation, last decade has witnessed a significant increase in academic publication on these topics. Therefore, this study aims to capture the essence of the scholarly work at the intersection of the CE and digital technologies. A detailed analysis of the literature based on emerging themes was conducted with a focus on illuminating the path of CE implementation. The results reveal that IoT and AI play a key role in the transition towards the CE. A multitude of studies focus on barriers to digitalisation-led CE transition and highlight policy-related issues, the lack of predictability, psychological issues and information vulnerability as some important barriers. In addition, product-service system (PSS) has been acknowledged as an important business model innovation for achieving the digitalisation enabled CE. Through a detailed assessment of the existing literature, a viable systems-based framework for digitalisation enabled CE has been developed which show the literature linkages amongst the emerging research streams and provide novel insights regarding the realisation of CE benefits.© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Orchestrating a smart circular economy: Guiding principles for digital product passports

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    In order for firms to implement the Circular Economy, and close all material and energy cycles, connections are needed not only within but also between multiple Industrial Ecosystems. To enable such complex interconnections, the European Union is preparing legislation to enforce the use of digital product passports (DPPs). These are verifiable collections of data about products’ composition, environmental footprint and opportunities for preventing waste. The notion of the DPP relies heavily on a suitable digital infrastructure, and it opens the possibility of using the power of artificial intelligence (AI), to optimize circular production within and between Industrial Ecosystems. The benefits of DPPs will only be attained if their design, knowledge engineering, and implementation is well-orchestrated. The purpose of this paper is to develop a set of guiding principles for the orchestration of DPPs, based upon a trans-disciplinary analysis, that form a theoretical basis upon which future research can build