159 research outputs found

    Robust Stability Analysis of Sparsely Interconnected Uncertain Systems

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    In this paper, we consider robust stability analysis of large-scale sparsely interconnected uncertain systems. By modeling the interconnections among the subsystems with integral quadratic constraints, we show that robust stability analysis of such systems can be performed by solving a set of sparse linear matrix inequalities. We also show that a sparse formulation of the analysis problem is equivalent to the classical formulation of the robustness analysis problem and hence does not introduce any additional conservativeness. The sparse formulation of the analysis problem allows us to apply methods that rely on efficient sparse factorization techniques, and our numerical results illustrate the effectiveness of this approach compared to methods that are based on the standard formulation of the analysis problem.Comment: Provisionally accepted to appear in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Contro

    A domain decomposing parallel sparse linear system solver

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    The solution of large sparse linear systems is often the most time-consuming part of many science and engineering applications. Computational fluid dynamics, circuit simulation, power network analysis, and material science are just a few examples of the application areas in which large sparse linear systems need to be solved effectively. In this paper we introduce a new parallel hybrid sparse linear system solver for distributed memory architectures that contains both direct and iterative components. We show that by using our solver one can alleviate the drawbacks of direct and iterative solvers, achieving better scalability than with direct solvers and more robustness than with classical preconditioned iterative solvers. Comparisons to well-known direct and iterative solvers on a parallel architecture are provided.Comment: To appear in Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematic

    High performance interior point methods for three-dimensional finite element limit analysis

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    The ability to obtain rigorous upper and lower bounds on collapse loads of various structures makes finite element limit analysis an attractive design tool. The increasingly high cost of computing those bounds, however, has limited its application on problems in three dimensions. This work reports on a high-performance homogeneous self-dual primal-dual interior point method developed for three-dimensional finite element limit analysis. This implementation achieves convergence times over 4.5× faster than the leading commercial solver across a set of three-dimensional finite element limit analysis test problems, making investigation of three dimensional limit loads viable. A comparison between a range of iterative linear solvers and direct methods used to determine the search direction is also provided, demonstrating the superiority of direct methods for this application. The components of the interior point solver considered include the elimination of and options for handling remaining free variables, multifrontal and supernodal Cholesky comparison for computing the search direction, differences between approximate minimum degree [1] and nested dissection [13] orderings, dealing with dense columns and fixed variables, and accelerating the linear system solver through parallelization. Each of these areas resulted in an improvement on at least one of the problems in the test set, with many achieving gains across the whole set. The serial implementation achieved runtime performance 1.7× faster than the commercial solver Mosek [5]. Compared with the parallel version of Mosek, the use of parallel BLAS routines in the supernodal solver saw a 1.9× speedup, and with a modified version of the GPU-enabled CHOLMOD [11] and a single NVIDIA Tesla K20c this speedup increased to 4.65×

    MOfinder: A Novel Algorithm for Detecting Overlapping Modules from Protein-Protein Interaction Network

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    Since organism development and many critical cell biology processes are organized in modular patterns, many algorithms have been proposed to detect modules. In this study, a new method, MOfinder, was developed to detect overlapping modules in a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network. We demonstrate that our method is more accurate than other 5 methods. Then, we applied MOfinder to yeast and human PPI network and explored the overlapping information. Using the overlapping modules of human PPI network, we constructed the module-module communication network. Functional annotation showed that the immune-related and cancer-related proteins were always together and present in the same modules, which offer some clues for immune therapy for cancer. Our study around overlapping modules suggests a new perspective on the analysis of PPI network and improves our understanding of disease