460,251 research outputs found

    One approach for evaluating the Distributed Computing Design System (DCDS)

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    The Distributed Computer Design System (DCDS) provides an integrated environment to support the life cycle of developing real-time distributed computing systems. The primary focus of DCDS is to significantly increase system reliability and software development productivity, and to minimize schedule and cost risk. DCDS consists of integrated methodologies, languages, and tools to support the life cycle of developing distributed software and systems. Smooth and well-defined transistions from phase to phase, language to language, and tool to tool provide a unique and unified environment. An approach to evaluating DCDS highlights its benefits

    Evolutionary Neural Network Based Energy Consumption Forecast for Cloud Computing

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    The success of Hadoop, an open-source framework for massively parallel and distributed computing, is expected to drive energy consumption of cloud data centers to new highs as service providers continue to add new infrastructure, services and capabilities to meet the market demands. While current research on data center airflow management, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) system design, workload distribution and optimization, and energy efficient computing hardware and software are all contributing to improved energy efficiency, energy forecast in cloud computing remains a challenge. This paper reports an evolutionary computation based modeling and forecasting approach to this problem. In particular, an evolutionary neural network is developed and structurally optimized to forecast the energy load of a cloud data center. The results, both in terms of forecasting speed and accuracy, suggest that the evolutionary neural network approach to energy consumption forecasting for cloud computing is highly promising

    Planning and Resource Management in an Intelligent Automated Power Management System

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    Power system management is a process of guiding a power system towards the objective of continuous supply of electrical power to a set of loads. Spacecraft power system management requires planning and scheduling, since electrical power is a scarce resource in space. The automation of power system management for future spacecraft has been recognized as an important R&D goal. Several automation technologies have emerged including the use of expert systems for automating human problem solving capabilities such as rule based expert system for fault diagnosis and load scheduling. It is questionable whether current generation expert system technology is applicable for power system management in space. The objective of the ADEPTS (ADvanced Electrical Power management Techniques for Space systems) is to study new techniques for power management automation. These techniques involve integrating current expert system technology with that of parallel and distributed computing, as well as a distributed, object-oriented approach to software design. The focus of the current study is the integration of new procedures for automatically planning and scheduling loads with procedures for performing fault diagnosis and control. The objective is the concurrent execution of both sets of tasks on separate transputer processors, thus adding parallelism to the overall management process

    A decentralized code resource sharing model for grid computing.

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    Grid computing is concerned with developing a conceptual infrastructure for resource sharing among geographically distributed virtual organizations. One important type of resource for Grid application developers is code resource, typically accessed through code repositories that store reusable software components. Current code resource sharing mechanisms use the client/server model, which does not support distributed code repositories. In this thesis, we approach the problem of distributed code resource sharing in Grid environment by proposing a new model that provides a decentralized, dynamic, scalable and heterogeneous solution. In our model, we use Peer-to-Peer (P2P) technology to support code resource sharing in Grid context. Within our prototype software system, every computer is a Grid servent node, which acts as both server and client by providing and requesting for reusable software components. Thus, a distributed code resource sharing community is established indeed. In this thesis we report on the design and implementation of a prototype code resource sharing software system. This system provides an effective way to aid Grid software developers to obtain access to distributed code resources in a decentralized way, featuring good economy and high autonomy within Grid networks. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2004 .W35. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 43-01, page: 0246. Adviser: Robert Kent. Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2004

    Design and development of a hybrid control system for flexible manufacturing : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Technology in Manufacturing and Industrial Technology at Massey University

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    Irregular Pagination MisnumberedFlexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) appeared upon the manufacturing scene in the early 1970s, installations presently number in the thousands. However, many current installations in fact lack flexibility, do not operate in real-time and are prohibitively expensive. Therefore there are obvious benefits to be gained from making improvements to existing flexible manufacturing systems. Research conducted for this thesis focused on two major areas. The implementation of the FMS control system on a SCADA package and the development of an auction based scheduling system. This entailed the development of a hybrid control model composed of three distinct layers; factory, cell and intelligent entity. Key portions of both the factory and cell controllers were then implemented so as to create a minimal system. This has been completed to the point where the auction algorithm has been implemented and tested in an appropriate framework. In achieving the goals mentioned above a number of novel design concepts have been utilised. There are two which are most important, these are the use of low cost modules for the construction of a flexible co-operative manufacturing system, and the ability of this system to operate in a physically distributed area via a Local Area Network. Meaning it is inherently adaptable and resistant to failure. These novel design concepts were ingrained throughout the entire three layered control model. It is felt that this research has succeeded in demonstrating the possibility of implementing a FMS control system on a low cost SCADA package using low cost software and computing elements. The ability of the distributed, auction-based approach to operate successfully within this system, has also been demonstrated through simulation

    Evolution of network computing paradigms: applications of mobile agents in wired and wireless networks

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    The World Wide Web (or Web for short) is the largest client-server computing system commonly available, which is used through its widely accepted universal client (the Web browser) that uses a standard communication protocol known as the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to display information described in the HyperText Markup Language (HTML). The current Web computing model allows the execution of server-side applications such as Servlets and client-side applications such as Applets. However, it offers limited support for another model of network computing where users would be able to use remote, and perhaps more powerful, machines for their computing needs. The client-server model enables anyone with a Web-enabled device ranging from desktop computers to cellular telephones, to retrieve information from the Web. In today's information society, however, users are overwhelmed by the information with which they are confronted on a daily basis. For subscribers of mobile wireless data services, this may present a problem. Wireless handheld devices, such as cellular telephones are connected via wireless networks that suffer from low bandwidth and have a greater tendency for network errors. In addition, wireless connections can be lost or degraded by mobility. Therefore, there a need for entities that act on behalf of users to simplify the tasks of discovering and managing network computing resources. It has been said that software agents are a solution in search of a problem. Mobile agents, however, are inherently distributed in nature, and therefore they represent a natural view of a distributed system. They provide an ideal mechanism for implementing complex systems, and they are well suited for applications that are communicationscentric such as Web-based network computing. Another attractive area of mobile agents is processing data over unreliable networks (such as wireless networks). In such an environment, the low reliability network can be used to transfer agents rather than a chunk. of data. The agent can travel to the nodes of the network, collect or process information without the risk of network disconnection, then return home. The publications of this doctorate by published works report on research undertaken in the area of distributed systems with emphasis on network computing paradigms, Web-based distributed computing, and the applications of mobile agents in Web-based distributed computing and wireless computing. The contributions of this collection of related papers can be summarized in four points. First, I have shown how to extend the Web to include computing resources; to illustrate the feasibility of my approach I have constructed a proof of concept implementation. Second, a mobile agent-based approach to Web-based distributed computing, that harness the power of the Web as a computing resource, has been proposed and a system has been prototyped. This, however, means that users will be able to use remote machines to execute their code, but this introduces a security risk. I need to make sure that malicious users cannot harm the remote system. For this, a security policy design pattern for mobile Java code has been developed. Third, a mediator-based approach to wireless client/server computing has been proposed and guidelines for implementing it have been published. This approach allows access to Internet services and distributed object systems from resource-constraint handheld wireless devices such as cellular telephones. Fourth and finally, a mobile agent-based approach to the Wireless Internet has been designed and implemented. In this approach, remote mobile agents can be accessed and used from wireless handheld devices. Handheld wireless devices will benefit greatly from this approach since it overcomes wireless network limitations such as low bandwidth and disconnection, and enhances the functionality of services by being able to operate without constant user input

    Co-simulated digital twin on the network edge: A vehicle platoon

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    This paper presents an approach to create high-fidelity models suited for digital twin application of distributed multi-agent cyber–physical systems (CPSs) exploiting the combination of simulation units through co-simulation. This approach allows for managing the complexity of cyber–physical systems by decomposing them into multiple intertwined components tailored to specific domains. The native modular design simplifies the building, testing, prototyping, and extending CPSs compared to monolithic simulator approaches. A system of platoon of vehicles is used as a case study to show the advantages achieved with the proposed approach. Multiple components model the physical dynamics, the communication network and protocol, as well as different control software and external environmental situations. The model of the platooning system is used to compare the performance of Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication against a centralized multi-access edge computing paradigm. Moreover, exploiting the detailed model of vehicle dynamics, different road surface conditions are considered to evaluate the performance of the platooning system. Finally, taking advantage of the co-simulation approach, a solution to drive a platoon in critical road conditions has been proposed. The paper shows how co-simulation and design space exploration can be used for parameter calibration and the design of countermeasures to unsafe situations
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