9 research outputs found

    Semantics-aware planning methodology for automatic web service composition

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    Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) has been a major research topic in the past years. It is based on the idea of composing distributed applications even in heterogeneous environments by discovering and invoking network-available Web Services to accomplish some complex tasks when no existing service can satisfy the user request. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a key design principle to facilitate building of these autonomous, platform-independent Web Services. However, in distributed environments, the use of services without considering their underlying semantics, either functional semantics or quality guarantees can negatively affect a composition process by raising intermittent failures or leading to slow performance. More recently, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Planning technologies have been exploited to facilitate the automated composition. But most of the AI planning based algorithms do not scale well when the number of Web Services increases, and there is no guarantee that a solution for a composition problem will be found even if it exists. AI Planning Graph tries to address various limitations in traditional AI planning by providing a unique search space in a directed layered graph. However, the existing AI Planning Graph algorithm only focuses on finding complete solutions without taking account of other services which are not achieving the goals. It will result in the failure of creating such a graph in the case that many services are available, despite most of them being irrelevant to the goals. This dissertation puts forward a concept of building a more intelligent planning mechanism which should be a combination of semantics-aware service selection and a goal-directed planning algorithm. Based on this concept, a new planning system so-called Semantics Enhanced web service Mining (SEwsMining) has been developed. Semantic-aware service selection is achieved by calculating on-demand multi-attributes semantics similarity based on semantic annotations (QWSMO-Lite). The planning algorithm is a substantial revision of the AI GraphPlan algorithm. To reduce the size of planning graph, a bi-directional planning strategy has been developed

    Composition of Web Services Using Markov Decision Processes and Dynamic Programming

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    We propose a Markov decision process model for solving the Web service composition (WSC) problem. Iterative policy evaluation, value iteration, and policy iteration algorithms are used to experimentally validate our approach, with artificial and real data. The experimental results show the reliability of the model and the methods employed, with policy iteration being the best one in terms of the minimum number of iterations needed to estimate an optimal policy, with the highest Quality of Service attributes. Our experimental work shows how the solution of a WSC problem involving a set of 100,000 individual Web services and where a valid composition requiring the selection of 1,000 services from the available set can be computed in the worst case in less than 200 seconds, using an Intel Core i5 computer with 6 GB RAM. Moreover, a real WSC problem involving only 7 individual Web services requires less than 0.08 seconds, using the same computational power. Finally, a comparison with two popular reinforcement learning algorithms, sarsa and Q-learning, shows that these algorithms require one or two orders of magnitude and more time than policy iteration, iterative policy evaluation, and value iteration to handle WSC problems of the same complexity

    Semantic search and composition in unstructured peer-to-peer networks

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    This dissertation focuses on several research questions in the area of semantic search and composition in unstructured peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. Going beyond the state of the art, the proposed semantic-based search strategy S2P2P offers a novel path-suggestion based query routing mechanism, providing a reasonable tradeoff between search performance and network traffic overhead. In addition, the first semantic-based data replication scheme DSDR is proposed. It enables peers to use semantic information to select replica numbers and target peers to address predicted future demands. With DSDR, k-random search can achieve better precision and recall than it can with a near-optimal non-semantic replication strategy. Further, this thesis introduces a functional automatic semantic service composition method, SPSC. Distinctively, it enables peers to jointly compose complex workflows with high cumulative recall but low network traffic overhead, using heuristic-based bidirectional haining and service memorization mechanisms. Its query branching method helps to handle dead-ends in a pruned search space. SPSC is proved to be sound and a lower bound of is completeness is given. Finally, this thesis presents iRep3D for semantic-index based 3D scene selection in P2P search. Its efficient retrieval scales to answer hybrid queries involving conceptual, functional and geometric aspects. iRep3D outperforms previous representative efforts in terms of search precision and efficiency.Diese Dissertation bearbeitet Forschungsfragen zur semantischen Suche und Komposition in unstrukturierten Peer-to-Peer Netzen(P2P). Die semantische Suchstrategie S2P2P verwendet eine neuartige Methode zur Anfrageweiterleitung basierend auf Pfadvorschlägen, welche den Stand der Wissenschaft übertrifft. Sie bietet angemessene Balance zwischen Suchleistung und Kommunikationsbelastung im Netzwerk. Außerdem wird das erste semantische System zur Datenreplikation genannt DSDR vorgestellt, welche semantische Informationen berücksichtigt vorhergesagten zukünftigen Bedarf optimal im P2P zu decken. Hierdurch erzielt k-random-Suche bessere Präzision und Ausbeute als mit nahezu optimaler nicht-semantischer Replikation. SPSC, ein automatisches Verfahren zur funktional korrekten Komposition semantischer Dienste, ermöglicht es Peers, gemeinsam komplexe Ablaufpläne zu komponieren. Mechanismen zur heuristischen bidirektionalen Verkettung und Rückstellung von Diensten ermöglichen hohe Ausbeute bei geringer Belastung des Netzes. Eine Methode zur Anfrageverzweigung vermeidet das Feststecken in Sackgassen im beschnittenen Suchraum. Beweise zur Korrektheit und unteren Schranke der Vollständigkeit von SPSC sind gegeben. iRep3D ist ein neuer semantischer Selektionsmechanismus für 3D-Modelle in P2P. iRep3D beantwortet effizient hybride Anfragen unter Berücksichtigung konzeptioneller, funktionaler und geometrischer Aspekte. Der Ansatz übertrifft vorherige Arbeiten bezüglich Präzision und Effizienz

    Semantic search and composition in unstructured peer-to-peer networks

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    This dissertation focuses on several research questions in the area of semantic search and composition in unstructured peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. Going beyond the state of the art, the proposed semantic-based search strategy S2P2P offers a novel path-suggestion based query routing mechanism, providing a reasonable tradeoff between search performance and network traffic overhead. In addition, the first semantic-based data replication scheme DSDR is proposed. It enables peers to use semantic information to select replica numbers and target peers to address predicted future demands. With DSDR, k-random search can achieve better precision and recall than it can with a near-optimal non-semantic replication strategy. Further, this thesis introduces a functional automatic semantic service composition method, SPSC. Distinctively, it enables peers to jointly compose complex workflows with high cumulative recall but low network traffic overhead, using heuristic-based bidirectional haining and service memorization mechanisms. Its query branching method helps to handle dead-ends in a pruned search space. SPSC is proved to be sound and a lower bound of is completeness is given. Finally, this thesis presents iRep3D for semantic-index based 3D scene selection in P2P search. Its efficient retrieval scales to answer hybrid queries involving conceptual, functional and geometric aspects. iRep3D outperforms previous representative efforts in terms of search precision and efficiency.Diese Dissertation bearbeitet Forschungsfragen zur semantischen Suche und Komposition in unstrukturierten Peer-to-Peer Netzen(P2P). Die semantische Suchstrategie S2P2P verwendet eine neuartige Methode zur Anfrageweiterleitung basierend auf Pfadvorschlägen, welche den Stand der Wissenschaft übertrifft. Sie bietet angemessene Balance zwischen Suchleistung und Kommunikationsbelastung im Netzwerk. Außerdem wird das erste semantische System zur Datenreplikation genannt DSDR vorgestellt, welche semantische Informationen berücksichtigt vorhergesagten zukünftigen Bedarf optimal im P2P zu decken. Hierdurch erzielt k-random-Suche bessere Präzision und Ausbeute als mit nahezu optimaler nicht-semantischer Replikation. SPSC, ein automatisches Verfahren zur funktional korrekten Komposition semantischer Dienste, ermöglicht es Peers, gemeinsam komplexe Ablaufpläne zu komponieren. Mechanismen zur heuristischen bidirektionalen Verkettung und Rückstellung von Diensten ermöglichen hohe Ausbeute bei geringer Belastung des Netzes. Eine Methode zur Anfrageverzweigung vermeidet das Feststecken in Sackgassen im beschnittenen Suchraum. Beweise zur Korrektheit und unteren Schranke der Vollständigkeit von SPSC sind gegeben. iRep3D ist ein neuer semantischer Selektionsmechanismus für 3D-Modelle in P2P. iRep3D beantwortet effizient hybride Anfragen unter Berücksichtigung konzeptioneller, funktionaler und geometrischer Aspekte. Der Ansatz übertrifft vorherige Arbeiten bezüglich Präzision und Effizienz

    A graph-based framework for optimal semantic web service composition

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    Web services are self-described, loosely coupled software components that are network-accessible through standardized web protocols, whose characteristics are described in XML. One of the key promises of Web services is to provide better interoperability and to enable a faster integration between systems. In order to generate robust service oriented architectures, automatic composition algorithms are required in order to combine the functionality of many single services into composite services that are able to respond to demanding user requests, even when there is no single service capable of performing such task. Service composition consists of a combination of single services into composite services that are executed in sequence or in a different order, imposed by a set of control constructions that can be specified using standard languages such as OWL-s or BPEL4WS. In the last years several papers have dealt with composition of web services. Some approaches treat the service composition as a planning problem, where a sequence of actions lead from a initial state to a goal state. However, most of these proposals have some drawbacks: high complexity, high computational cost and inability to maximize the parallel execution of web services. Other approaches consider the problem as a graph search problem, where search algorithms are applied over a web service dependency graph in order to find a solution for a particular request. These proposals are simpler than their counterparts and also many can exploit the parallel execution of web services. However, most of these approaches rely on very complex dependency graphs that have not been optimized to remove data redundancy, which may negatively affect the overall performance and scalability of these techniques in large service registries. Therefore, it is necessary to identify, characterize and optimize the different tasks involved in the automatic service composition process in order to develop better strategies to efficiently obtain optimal solutions. The main goal of this dissertation is to develop a graph-based framework for automatic service composition that generate optimal input-output based compositions not only in terms of complexity of the solutions, but also in terms of overall quality of service solutions. More specifically, the objectives of this thesis are: (1) Analysis of the characteristics of services and compositions. The aim of this objective is to characterize and identify the main steps that are part for the service composition process. (2) Framework for automatic graph-based composition. This objective will focus on developing a framework that enables the efficient input-output based service composition, exploring the integration with other tasks that are part of the composition process, such as service discovery. (3) Development of optimal algorithms for automatic service composition. This objective focuses on the development of a set of algorithms and optimization techniques for the generation of optimal compositions, optimizing the complexity of the solutions and the overall Quality-of- Service. (4) Validation of the algorithms with standard datasets so they can be compared with other proposals

    Sentiment analysis as a service

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    This research focuses on the design and development of a service composition based framework that enables the execution of services for social media based sentiment analysis. Our research develops novel analytical models, composition techniques and algorithms which use services as a mean for sentiment abstraction, processing and analysis from large scale social media data. Current sentiment analysis techniques require specialized skill of data science and machine learning. Moreover, traditional approaches rely on laborious and time-consuming activities such as manual dataset labelling, data model training and validation. This makes overall sentiment analysis process a challenging task. In comparison, services are `ready-made' software solutions that can be composed on-demand for developing complex applications without indulging in the domain specific details. This thesis investigates a novel approach that transforms traditional social media based sentiment analysis process into a service composition driven solution. In this thesis, we begin by developing a novel service framework that replaces the traditional sentiment analysis tasks with online services. Our framework includes a new service model to present services required for sentiment analysis. We develop a semantic service composition model and algorithm that dynamically composes various services for data collection, noise filtering and sentiment extraction. In particular, we focus on abstracting sentiment based on location and time. We then focus on enhancing the flexibility of our proposed service framework to compose appropriate sentiment analysis services for highly dynamic and changing features of social media platforms. In addition, we aim to efficiently process and analyze large scale social media data. In order to enhance our service composition framework, we propose a novel approach to formalize social media platforms as cloud enabled services. We develop a functional and quality of service (QoS) model that captures various dynamic features of social media platforms. In addition, we devise a cloud based service model to access social media platforms as services by using the Ontology Web Language for Service (OWL-S). Secondly, we integrate the QoS model into our existing composition framework. It enables our framework to dynamically assess the QoS of multiple social media platforms, and simultaneously compose appropriate services to extract, process, analyze and integrate the sentiment results from large scale data. Finally, we concentrate on efficient utilization of the sentiment analysis extracted from large scale data. We formulate a meta-information composition model that transforms and stores sentiment obtained from large streams of data into re-usable information. Later, the re-usable information is on-demand integrated and delivered to end users. To demonstrate the performance and test the effectiveness of our proposed models, we develop prototypes to evaluate our composition framework. We design several scenarios and conduct a series of experiments using real-world social media datasets. We present the results and discuss the outcomes which validate the performance of our research

    EXPRESS: Resource-oriented and RESTful Semantic Web services

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    This thesis investigates an approach that simplifies the development of Semantic Web services (SWS) by removing the need for additional semantic descriptions.The most actively researched approaches to Semantic Web services introduce explicit semantic descriptions of services that are in addition to the existing semantic descriptions of the service domains. This increases their complexity and design overhead. The need for semantically describing the services in such approaches stems from their foundations in service-oriented computing, i.e. the extension of already existing service descriptions. This thesis demonstrates that adopting a resource-oriented approach based on REST will, in contrast to service-oriented approaches, eliminate the need for explicit semantic service descriptions and service vocabularies. This reduces the development efforts while retaining the significant functional capabilities.The approach proposed in this thesis, called EXPRESS (Expressing RESTful Semantic Services), utilises the similarities between REST and the Semantic Web, such as resource realisation, self-describing representations, and uniform interfaces. The semantics of a service is elicited from a resource’s semantic description in the domain ontology and the semantics of the uniform interface, hence eliminating the need for additional semantic descriptions. Moreover, stub-generation is a by-product of the mapping between entities in the domain ontology and resources.EXPRESS was developed to test the feasibility of eliminating explicit service descriptions and service vocabularies or ontologies, to explore the restrictions placed on domain ontologies as a result, to investigate the impact on the semantic quality of the description, and explore the benefits and costs to developers. To achieve this, an online demonstrator that allows users to generate stubs has been developed. In addition, a matchmaking experiment was conducted to show that the descriptions of the services are comparable to OWL-S in terms of their ability to be discovered, while improving the efficiency of discovery. Finally, an expert review was undertaken which provided evidence of EXPRESS’s simplicity and practicality when developing SWS from scratch

    Seventh Biennial Report : June 2003 - March 2005

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